What game are you currently playing?

Guild Wars 2 leveling up to 80 by tonight only 9 more levels to go
I've heard the story about the Kinder Eggs, it's just freaking strange! And are you kidding me, no Schnitzel in the US? ...the bread and cakes are something I also missed a lot when I went to Russia for a few years, it was horrible. Russia has a lot of tasty stuff as well but the bread is far worse then the german.

Limited release, huh... sounds not really fair. Devil Survivor 2 was also a limited release and I somehow forgot about it XD Now we have to wait for a (im)possible release of the 3DS version in the far future... but the 3DS sells well, so maybe...

And here's my code 0259 0390 2613 (Lulom). More Friend Safaries!

btw, Ace attourney 5 is just as good as the older games. The humor, oh the humor, perfect! And a bunch of crazy attourney. I'm happy they didn't forget anyone.
Cosmic Break....my waifu says hi
Probably about to play Dragon's Crown on my PSVita and play some multiplayer
[MENTION=41234]T-ELOS[/MENTION] We can do it now if you would like lol
Ok will do bud and have a good one at your dad's place.

Thanks man, BTW are you Hispanic I see that you are in the Spanish Speaking Group? I am Puerto Rican, but my Spanish isn't that good.
Thanks man, BTW are you Hispanic I see that you are in the Spanish Speaking Group? I am Puerto Rican, but my Spanish isn't that good.

Im Puerto Rican and Cuban (I know mind blowing 0,0). My spanish is meh I understand it a lot but speaking isn't my specialty.
Im Puerto Rican and Cuban (I know mind blowing 0,0). My spanish is meh I understand it a lot but speaking isn't my specialty.

LOL :shocked: , I understand a lot of Spanish also, but not that great in speaking it. What level are you in Dragons Crown I have a Elf that I believe is level 41
LOL :shocked: , I understand a lot of Spanish also, but not that great in speaking it. What level are you in Dragons Crown I have a Elf that I believe is level 41

I'm an Amazon about lvl 12 XD I got it about a week ago and plus I've been playing many other games inbetween as well.
I'm an Amazon about lvl 12 XD I got it about a week ago and plus I've been playing many other games inbetween as well.

Did you unlock online play already? You have to make it to a certain point in the game before you can play online.

BTW how is Unit 13, and CoD: Declassified on the Vita? I never played those before. I also have DOA5+ on my VIta.

[MENTION=73007]Langesha[/MENTION]; Yeah U.S. Customs banned kinder eggs in the U.S. because they said little kids can choke on the toys, even though they have toys like legos here that can do the same thing, makes no sense. Are you from Russia? I had a few friends from Russia when I lived in Germany. I really miss the bread and cakes as well.

Yeah we only had a limited release of Xenoblade, and it was only released in 1 store, GameStop, so if you wanted it you had to buy it there, no other store had it. Really sucks that they did that.

Here is my 3DS Friend Code, 3609 - 2432 - 5393, I already added you on my 3DS. If you want even more Friend Safari's you can post your friend code here http://www.anime-sharing.com/forum/game-talk-11/nintendo-friend-code-153485/

I'm thinking of getting Ace Attorney 5, it looks really good! BTW, what games do you have on your Vita? Do you have Dragons Crown? That game is awesome, I'm not sure if it is released in Europe yet though.
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Did you unlock online play already? You have to make it to a certain point in the game before you can play online.

BTW how is Unit 13, and CoD: Declassified on the Vita? I never played those before. I also have DOA5+ on my VIta.

I have DOA5+ as well I have to unlock online play? :reallyconfused:

CoD: Declassified is pretty good I like it I have a positive K/D on it lol.
So bored I'm playing old Lego Bionicle games... anyone remember those? :(
Gnomoria again. Just finished Kurohime, a VN I got yesterday which I had been searching for ages, in one night. Probably another VN once I'm done with tutorial tomorrow.
WOW Finishing a VN in one night is just... hardcore. :thumbup: I could never do that. Respect.
lol. ive only ever been able to finish a single (maybe 2) routes in a night... but NEVER an entire vn. thats dedication.
I just don't have the patience to sit through for hours on end just clicking away reading... either that or I just haven't been playing the good VNs that you just cannot stop reading

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ProfProcPlot wrote on Lebedev's profile.
Could you please re-upload;

[2001][e-Erekiteru] Suiso ~1/2 no Kiseki~(水素~1/2の奇蹟~) [Soundtrack OP+ ED + Update]


ShowMeYourMoves wrote on Ryzen111's profile.
Hi, could you reupload this one? Thank you.
Sk0rlupka wrote on Shine's profile.
Hello, I would be very grateful if you could share this: