What game are you currently playing?

King's Bounty: The Legend. Fallen Enchantress: LH was nice in some aspects, but I still felt a little wanting.
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Falcon 4.0...after all these years,modded to the death from Vanilla to BMS 4.2 and what is now THE state of the art Flight Simulator on the market :happytears:
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Agarest at last. Couldn't play it for long due to other duties, but Ellis is just...cute! :lovestruck:
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currently it´s EECH with Allmods 1.15 a combat helicopter flightsim with a amazing dynamic campaign.....the original game is from 2000,in all these years heavily modded by the community (hail to the guys at SimHQ !)now with 9 flyable helis (2 in vanilla) ! updated graphics,stats and tons of other stuff....simply amazing what the community has done to keep that one alive.maybe there are not many flight sim afficionados in here but if your interested into those stuff....highly recommended ! two thumbs up ;)
A few smaller VNs to save time, though I plan to tackle that huge [140131] [SYRUP -many milk-] 狙われた女神天使エンゼルティアー ~守った人間達に裏切られて~ soon...for 8.5GB there must be something interesting...
It's either hi-res graphics or voice that is weighting down VN the most...

Right now...MeltyMoment (scaled down 16:9)+World of Warplanes at the same time, and Onimusha Dawn of Dreams on PS2.
still the Cat Lady...this game´s atmosphere is so dark and hopeless,the music matches that so perfectly,the artworks are fantastic.On the other hand i never felt myself so connected to a
game´s main character like in that one.
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[SYRUP -many milk-] 狙われた女神天使エンゼルティアー ~守った人間達に裏切られて~. Do hope it'll meet my expectations. :goodtea:
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Reactions: lcordelwayne

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