What game are you currently playing?

Left hand yanking the circle button on PSP/Vagrant Story while reading MeltyMoment with eyes, and right hand on PC's mouse...

...and Pokebank is out, so I'll be playing a bit more Pokemon...
half through the Cat Lady.....and started to play some snes games again on zsnes.
Still 狙われた女神天使エンゼルティアー ~守った人間達に裏切られて~; when things go bad it goes bad really fast, and boy does it take forever to finish once it starts. Haven't checked VNDB but I'm getting an "only bad endings' vibe so far.
finally....Okami again ! after all those years.....the one and only game to give zelda a run for its money
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After a month of Hiatus Updates. I have come back to post my updated log in a short summary.


Game Log: What can I say, a month without updates is a good chunk of time I was missing in leaving my log of what I was playing in the past month. To be honest, I was swamped with stuff in real life plus the weather had me stay away from all forms of electronics for a period of time. Anyway... in short, Elsword: DW at level 65, EM at level 59, SD at level 52, LD at level 2x. That's pretty much it for Elsword and had some random characters leveled up too. For visual novels, I didn't get much time to play them and will be waiting till March to get back into it. Oh I did almost complete one route recently that has been underlined in the visual novel section.

Now playing the following with others as testing (which is not currently not listed):
- OjyoNana (お嬢様はご機嫌ナナメ) [1.5 Route to go]
- Motesugi (モテすぎて修羅場なオレ) [1 Route, 1.5 Memories to go]
- [August] 大図書館の羊飼い [Completed 1 Route, now on Tamano Sakuraba]
- [WendyBell] エッチから恋を引いても、友達にさえなれない [Functioning]
- [Circus] Da Capo III X-Rated [Rika Route, now at the 3rd Arc of her route]
- [Yuzusoft] Dracu-Riot! [Miu Route, 1/5 in her Arc]
- [ま~まれぇど] 恋色マリアージュ [Finishing of Rinastasia Route Extra. 3 More routes to go.]
- [Navel] 月に寄りそう乙女の作法 [Complete Luna, Mizuho and Ursule=Fluer=Jeanmire Route. Now on Minato Route.]
- [Moonstone] Princess Evangile [Probably going to finish up Ristuko Route first.]
- [Yuzusoft] Noble Works [Completing 灯里 (Akari) route. 2/5 to 3/5 to full completion of her route.]
- [Chuablesoft] ノブレスオブルージュ - Noblesse of Rouge [On Porthos Route.]
- [Willplus] 桜舞う乙女のロンド [Almost completed her extra Ryoko Route for Valentines Day.]

Online and Offline Games Include the following:
- Elsword [Dimension Witch: 65, Elemental Master: 59, Void Princess: 30, Grand Archer: 35, Night Watcher: 40, Wind Sneaker: 20, Code Nemesis: 40, Code Battle Seraph: 20. Sakra Devanam: 52, Little Devil: 20. And I got a basic 5/5 set for my little sister.]
- League of Legends [Postponed till March 2014. Internet will not be stable until then.]
- Shogun 2 [Testing a new expansion pack I got recently. Will post how it went later.]
- Tales of Abyss [Onwards to the deaths of thousands in that mine. Luke baka!!!]
- Touhou 06 ~ The Embodiment of Scarlet Devil [Got past 3rd Stage Boss. It was a one sided slaughter... Stage 4 with no life. Good job.]
- Rune Factory 3 [Completed. Married Sofia. I might do another run for fun or go replay Rune Factory 2]
- The Last Remnant [Almost at the Battle of Eagles]
カルマルカ*サークル - The last thing I need to go after is True route and I can set this one aside.

Note to self: next time, steer clear from Saga Planets...I'm no good with heavy reading, as much as artwork and music are some top of the line stuff...

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