What game are you currently playing?

ShenMue...such an awesome game ! playing on a friends dreamcast but definetely have to think about buying my own cube with Shenmue 1+2
A VN about a guy and his two younger sisters. You can imagine what happens next.
Shenmue and finally trying to finish Fire Emblem on GBA (last 2 chapters)
Super Robot Taisen OG on GBA (last 5 chapers) then on to Super Robot Taisen - Alpha Gaiden on PSX
You know what the game boy cart's weakness is? Slightest impact and bam, save's gone.

Happened to my almost decade-old Fire Emblem 8 cart...I'm sticking to the one on my PSP now.
Gnomoria, after several updates. Not too much has changed and my usual strategies are still valid. Next update isn't adding all that much.

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