What game are you currently playing?

Medal of Honor (PSX) unbelievable how great this series once was.....
last mission in Medal of Honor (PSX) then on to Super Robot Taisen J (GBA)
Just done with Starcraft II: HoTS. Should I replay to finish some achievements, or go play the Artificial Academy 2 append disc instead?
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For some reason the birthday suit seems to worth much more than the blazer to me...

...and I re-started Final Fantasy VIII after the old PS3 had gone and I have to start from zero...
*laughing hard because of the conversation above"

Mario Kart 8. Can't wait for the new Add-on. Ohgawd, Nintendo does DLC! Again! Fire Emblem Awakening was a sad event for the inner life of my wallet and now they do it again. Nintendo stahp!
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*laughing hard because of the conversation above"

Mario Kart 8. Can't wait for the new Add-on. Ohgawd, Nintendo does DLC! Again! Fire Emblem Awakening was a sad event for the inner life of my wallet and now they do it again. Nintendo stahp!

I bought every DLC map for FE: Awakening
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