What game are you currently playing?

Vagrant Story (on Vita)

After realizing that some stuff do not exist in Japanese version, I got English version and successfully transferred the latter's save (from my PSP days) with two ultimate weapons...
Multiboxed HoTS. Nothing beats controlling your whole team at once! :laughpanda:
Outlast 2 again cause I want to have sudden heart racing moments :ı
Injustice 2 (Android)
Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu Death of Kiss (PS4)
Sword Art Online: Memory Defrag (Android)
Popful Mail for Sega CD.

I've been wanting to play this for a looooooong time and just forgot about it until recently, so found a Sega CD emulator and now playing. And wow.....90's English dub....
Xbox Live was free this week end so I played the first TitanFall. One of the best multiplayer games, nervous, epic, and with mecha !
Prey, even jumpscares don't effect me lately, I feel like a wall or something lol :/
Popful Mail
Damn this game is actually kinda hard. That or I'm just too out of touch with 2D side scrollers.

Bought DQH2, then remembered I haven't beat this one yet. So off I go!
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Neko Para vol.3

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Playing Forza Horizon 3 and getting fucked in my ass by the stupid AI in the HotWheels DLC... and NFS No Limits on my Android phone just for the lulz :v
Gal Gun: Double Peace. Now for the Sisters' Route! :menft:

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