What makes you come back to a forum?

Lol Onion Samurai. I like that.

Or maybe Onion Knight from Dissidia. xD
hmm....to see if mr. garlic would revive mr. onion.....i guess not>.<
hmm...nawi-san used to be mr. onion:)...

to see my friends in AS.
to counter other member poking..../me counterpoking Slayn312:evillaugh:
That reminds me. I irritated my friend after making a spelling mistake, and then nothing was said that night on the Skype chat until the following day....


To be able to have these conversations with the people online.
Ouch, that sounds kinda harsh. What did you misspell for them to react that way, if you don't mind me asking?

To be Nazi Grammar.
[MENTION=33148]Kasumi[/MENTION] It went something like this:

Friend: I'll play later

watching speed runes

Me: How does one watch 'speed runes'?

Friend: Quay

no point trolling

on basic grammar crap

Me: I'm not.

Friend: this aint English lesson

Me: I just like correcting.

Friend: Don't need to.

Otherwise I would type like this.

And then we didn't say anything to each other that night~ :goodtea:

To help others.
To sing the alphabet...

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z~ That's the alphabet~
[MENTION=27362]AhGwee[/MENTION] Ouch... I'll get you the burn medicine. xD

To crack bad jokes.

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