I left AS for a bit (...maybe more than a bit ^^; ) but so much to catch up...... especially here |D
Wow! A Rejet game as the first game!

And the most guro one!

And your psychology is still okay!

I respect you!
StaSka isn't one of the best otome games out there but since it doesn't have a complicated plot or a story(ふわふわラブラブeverywhere) and it's rather easy to understand for a non-Japanese person it's one of the best games for a starter. After playing a few more games and replaying StaSka I also got that lacking feeling.
Yeah I have cheated on Suzuya with 120+ husbandos so far but not the other characters of in Spring! lol I love the other two as well, though. My second husbando was Iori from TYB @w@
The plot and story of TYB is too deep and too much feels(&guro) for a starter. As for Love Revo, the system is too complicated that I couldn't get an ending for 15 times. And then years later I played the game using a kouryaku and got the ending smoothly! It was a real trauma for me fhsdjkl
IKR ww We ought to call her
The Great staryna because of this; Heck, reading my friend's review of the routes was enough to put me in such anguish mood for a week......... Even now, I'm still not sure I have the courage to have a try at BWS no matter how much I love cats and wolf D;
That's what I've been hearing from everyone |D Oh boy; I should have start my journey with that instead of Last Escort, followed by QR's School Wars........ StaSky (in Spring), in consequence, became too much sunshine-and-poppies for me whatafailure;;; But recently I did try to pick it up again. Either I'm in the mood for more fluffs or I haven't been playing anything with too much angst, StaSky in Summer seems to have piqued my interest |D
Oh so Iori is your second husbando? ww At first I was aiming for him too but Yuuto, Lucy and Jesus led me astray 8D ohespeciallyjesusgawdhisvoiceandtsuntsunblushjkhkjdsa *ahemm* Yeah, I've heard about that too hence I searched for a guide first before attempting that game, but 15 times!? ww Who's your bias there btw?
Lol you can tell? It was surprisingly good and horrifying that i still remember the game clearly. Even now, my love for wolf and rath never cease
Fear me and my love for otome since i serously have a hard time playing another otome game after BWS
ChihiroAoki: haha you think? I remember of trembling when first play (dunno how did i survive)
Yes, we shall bow down to THE GREAT STARYNA wwwwwww but yeah, how did you recover and managed to do the other harmless otome games after BWS?
Tokimeki Memorial 1st Girl's Side ^0^ and I'm still liking this series, will be forever in my heart lol
Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side!!
A favorite Hazuki&Kijyo (*´ω`*)
Tokimeki Memorial Girls Side 3rd story on DS and even now Shitara Seiji has a special place in my heart
My first otome game was Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side 2nd... I forgot XDD But yeah, I had lots of fun with it and I still do when I feel like playing it.
... I kinda wished I had something more interesting as the first otome game, but I really don't... T_T I remember that I used to avoid games without an English Patch but that quickly went away so I played games in Japanese anyway despite my small knowledge of Japanese back then. Welp, at least I still replay them today with my kind of improved Japanese skills ^^'
Ahh those days of TokiMemo *startstoreminisce* It seems that there's a quite a number of you who did start from TMGS w I'd have thought more would play Heart no Kuni no Alice |D Speaking of which, I still have no idea how that game ended up in my DS even after all this time w
@rubenz: Who's your bias in TMGS1? ww Could it be Hazuki and Kijyo too, like momoyama?
@momoyama326: HAZUKI YEAH 8D (and himuro and Tendou and Kazuma and Himuro) I've never tried going for Kijyo, I think; But I will go for him too soon w
@Lenpika: Ooooooh ww You must have like his tsuntsun-ness too? 8D
@Aines: Who's your bias in TMGS2? w I enjoyed rap, I mean poking at Shiba wwww
I started playing otome games much later than most.
So, my first was Hakuouki and Amnesia which then I started down the rabbit hole with Diabolik Lovers.
Oh? You started out late too? AH NAKAMAAAA

How was Hakuouki and Amnesia for you? I have yet to try those...... *sheepish*
I believe it was Starry Sky in spring a couple of years ago. I already liked visual novels, but I had no idea that they had a market aimed at girls. I was really happy to find out =p. This game was what pushed me to finally start learning Japanese ^^
I know that feeling ww It's the same for me years later after I have played TMGS ^^; Somehow playing it in Japanese has its own charm to it, even if you have no idea what they are actually saying
at times ^^; But yeah, otome games pulled me back to learning Japanese (whichIhavebeenneglectingoflatethenboo)
My first otome game was X-Note by Zeiva. That's a otome game, right? If it's not, then awkward...haha....
Oooooh!? You started out with X-Note!? X-Note indeed is an otome game, don't you worry, that awkwardness will not descend upon you w So, tell me, how was X-Note? There's not much review of it ;w;