What's your very first Otome game?

The villain is still one of my very favorite characters and I even did a fanart in... 2011? IS IT REALLY ALREADY THAT LONG AGO?!

I do still like this artwork...

I'm sorry that so intermeddle. I'm sure I saw this wonderful art somewhere else (just not on deviantart). You drew it for a contest in 2011, maybe? If not, I'm sorry.
I do remember that I saw him drawing process? Mentioned something about the sphere in his hand? It was difficult to do? I don't remember exactly. I'm sorry if I'm wrong.
In my case, my first game was not Otomo, but something close? The protagonist of the game was a boy who lived in the women's dormitory of the school. Rather, he lived in their closet. He is dressed in women's clothes to get to school, where the school toilet dressed in his school uniform. Female form more suited to him.
The game was a mistake or I made ​​a mistake when installing the game, it did not have the votes and sound. This is better, because it was r18. Title game I don't remember. This game belonged to my friend, I was curious what it is. The game has been translated into my native language.
Later I learned that there is a game where the main character a girl and you can catch the guys. My first otome game is Tsuki no Hikari Taiyou no Kage. I didn't understand anything. I gave up and decided that it was not mine.
After a while I found a Heart no Kuni no Alice ~ Wonderful Wonder World. Therefore, this particular game, I think the first otome game I've played. Because it put me way in otome games. I remember how I suffered with this game. As I had to count every meeting with a character. After I played the games just for the CG. How long has it been.
Now that I understand Japanese, I again played Tsuki no Hikari Taiyou no Kage. I realized that all the speculation, which appeared in the first walkthrough were incorrect... hehe.
My first Otome Games were Starry Sky in Spring, Bloody Call, Garnet Cradle not sure which one was my very first, but it should be one of these. :P
xD Man I will never forget Yoh kun. Man I was such a brat back than... xD Memories~
Wow I'm glad I'm not the only one.
Starry Sky in Spring, which is funny because after I tried it I learned there was an English patch but I actually never finished it and moved onto Black Wolves Saga, closely followed by Bloody Call.

Back then I barely understood Japanese and used AGTH with a ton of dictionaries and support from various sites. I remember not understanding what the hell was happening and being surprised when the CGI showed nothing I expected (because frankly the auto translations are sometimes so terrible XD)
Starry sky in spring :korokke_thanks: and until now starry sky series is still my favorite otome game :)
For me, my first otome games is Starry Sky~in Spring~
and I think for all otome games that I've played, this Starry Sky series is the best otome game I've played so far.
I still can't move on for this sweets stories on Starry Sky series although it is already many years ago :) and still used my bad Japanese to played this game and also my first boy in Starry Sky series is Tomoe Yoh :)
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I left AS for a bit (...maybe more than a bit ^^; ) but so much to catch up...... especially here |D

Wow! A Rejet game as the first game! :puniko_shocked: And the most guro one! :puniko_shocked: And your psychology is still okay! :puniko_shocked: I respect you!

StaSka isn't one of the best otome games out there but since it doesn't have a complicated plot or a story(ふわふわラブラブeverywhere) and it's rather easy to understand for a non-Japanese person it's one of the best games for a starter. After playing a few more games and replaying StaSka I also got that lacking feeling.
Yeah I have cheated on Suzuya with 120+ husbandos so far but not the other characters of in Spring! lol I love the other two as well, though. My second husbando was Iori from TYB @w@
The plot and story of TYB is too deep and too much feels(&guro) for a starter. As for Love Revo, the system is too complicated that I couldn't get an ending for 15 times. And then years later I played the game using a kouryaku and got the ending smoothly! It was a real trauma for me fhsdjkl

IKR ww We ought to call her The Great staryna because of this; Heck, reading my friend's review of the routes was enough to put me in such anguish mood for a week......... Even now, I'm still not sure I have the courage to have a try at BWS no matter how much I love cats and wolf D;

That's what I've been hearing from everyone |D Oh boy; I should have start my journey with that instead of Last Escort, followed by QR's School Wars........ StaSky (in Spring), in consequence, became too much sunshine-and-poppies for me whatafailure;;; But recently I did try to pick it up again. Either I'm in the mood for more fluffs or I haven't been playing anything with too much angst, StaSky in Summer seems to have piqued my interest |D

Oh so Iori is your second husbando? ww At first I was aiming for him too but Yuuto, Lucy and Jesus led me astray 8D ohespeciallyjesusgawdhisvoiceandtsuntsunblushjkhkjdsa *ahemm* Yeah, I've heard about that too hence I searched for a guide first before attempting that game, but 15 times!? ww Who's your bias there btw?

Lol you can tell? It was surprisingly good and horrifying that i still remember the game clearly. Even now, my love for wolf and rath never cease

Fear me and my love for otome since i serously have a hard time playing another otome game after BWS:nekopara_innocent:

ChihiroAoki: haha you think? I remember of trembling when first play (dunno how did i survive)

Yes, we shall bow down to THE GREAT STARYNA wwwwwww but yeah, how did you recover and managed to do the other harmless otome games after BWS?

Tokimeki Memorial 1st Girl's Side ^0^ and I'm still liking this series, will be forever in my heart lol
Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side!!
A favorite Hazuki&Kijyo (*´ω`*)
Tokimeki Memorial Girls Side 3rd story on DS and even now Shitara Seiji has a special place in my heart :nyanmusu_sparkle:
My first otome game was Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side 2nd... I forgot XDD But yeah, I had lots of fun with it and I still do when I feel like playing it.

... I kinda wished I had something more interesting as the first otome game, but I really don't... T_T I remember that I used to avoid games without an English Patch but that quickly went away so I played games in Japanese anyway despite my small knowledge of Japanese back then. Welp, at least I still replay them today with my kind of improved Japanese skills ^^'

Ahh those days of TokiMemo *startstoreminisce* It seems that there's a quite a number of you who did start from TMGS w I'd have thought more would play Heart no Kuni no Alice |D Speaking of which, I still have no idea how that game ended up in my DS even after all this time w

@rubenz: Who's your bias in TMGS1? ww Could it be Hazuki and Kijyo too, like momoyama?
@momoyama326: HAZUKI YEAH 8D (and himuro and Tendou and Kazuma and Himuro) I've never tried going for Kijyo, I think; But I will go for him too soon w
@Lenpika: Ooooooh ww You must have like his tsuntsun-ness too? 8D
@Aines: Who's your bias in TMGS2? w I enjoyed rap, I mean poking at Shiba wwww

I started playing otome games much later than most.
So, my first was Hakuouki and Amnesia which then I started down the rabbit hole with Diabolik Lovers.

Oh? You started out late too? AH NAKAMAAAA :gokiko_cry: How was Hakuouki and Amnesia for you? I have yet to try those...... *sheepish*

I believe it was Starry Sky in spring a couple of years ago. I already liked visual novels, but I had no idea that they had a market aimed at girls. I was really happy to find out =p. This game was what pushed me to finally start learning Japanese ^^

I know that feeling ww It's the same for me years later after I have played TMGS ^^; Somehow playing it in Japanese has its own charm to it, even if you have no idea what they are actually saying
at times ^^; But yeah, otome games pulled me back to learning Japanese (whichIhavebeenneglectingoflatethenboo)

My first otome game was X-Note by Zeiva. That's a otome game, right? If it's not, then awkward...haha....:reallyconfused:
Oooooh!? You started out with X-Note!? X-Note indeed is an otome game, don't you worry, that awkwardness will not descend upon you w So, tell me, how was X-Note? There's not much review of it ;w;
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Starry Sky in Spring.
But it wasn't the first visual novel I played, but still this brings back memories.
I'm so grateful to the translation team that started the Otome t/l revolution.
Starry sky in spring :korokke_thanks: and until now starry sky series is still my favorite otome game :)
Wow I'm glad I'm not the only one.
Starry Sky in Spring, which is funny because after I tried it I learned there was an English patch but I actually never finished it and moved onto Black Wolves Saga, closely followed by Bloody Call.

Back then I barely understood Japanese and used AGTH with a ton of dictionaries and support from various sites. I remember not understanding what the hell was happening and being surprised when the CGI showed nothing I expected (because frankly the auto translations are sometimes so terrible XD)
My first Otome Games were Starry Sky in Spring, Bloody Call, Garnet Cradle not sure which one was my very first, but it should be one of these. :P
xD Man I will never forget Yoh kun. Man I was such a brat back than... xD Memories~
For me, my first otome games is Starry Sky~in Spring~
and I think for all otome games that I've played, this Starry Sky series is the best otome game I've played so far.
I still can't move on for this sweets stories on Starry Sky series although it is already many years ago :) and still used my bad Japanese to played this game and also my first boy in Starry Sky series is Tomoe Yoh :)

Whoaaa It seems StaSky in Spring is also one of the games most people have a go at too, other than TMGS :3c Perhaps I ought to rename the thread to "A Trip Down The Otome Memory Lane"? ww

@Sakimichi: Indeed those behind the translation ought to be the saviour of all the otome newbies :3

@Mika Sakura: Did you have a go at the other StaSky? Who is (or are, if you cant decide more than one w) your bias?

@SilverAliisza: LMAO I did the same for TMGS too wwww played halfway and went back to Ace Attorney; only now did I manage to finish it but with the Japanese version lol BUT WHOA NOT YOU TOO!? YOU DROPPED STASKY, ONLY TO PICK BWS!? aghsdkbhjffk from one extreme end to the other wew I commend your bravery girl!

AGTH huh? Is it like google translate? or is it slightly better than that? ww
@asukamasamu: Ah you're still sweet on fluffy types like StaSky? Please stay that way, we need more of you here wwww Yoh is so adorable :3c

Fantasia: Realm of Thanos for PC otoge :)

And for console games it's Hakuouki Demon of the Fleeting Blossoms; the USA version xD

Oh and how was Hakuouki US version for you?

The first one I ever tried was Hiiro no Kakera 1 in 2009. I was really slow back then (after 2 years of learning Japanese) and was totally exhausted after one route and gave up. The reason I took a look at this was because the art of Hiiro no Kakera 2 caught my eye the year before (during my first Japan trip). I even found and bought the game for the PS2 but never played it. I have almost every game from the series now on my shelf but to imagine that I still didn't finish any of them... I also bought Hakuoki together with HnK1 but only finished it in 2012, hehe...

But the first game I actually finished was S.Y.K - Gensou Saiyuki Gaiden in 2010.

The villain is still one of my very favorite characters and I even did a fanart in... 2011? IS IT REALLY ALREADY THAT LONG AGO?!

I do still like this artwork...

And I love the fandisk of this game to death. 50h game finished in 5 days.

PS: I'll never learn how to attach images properly, lol.

OMO SYK and HnK are both titles I have yet to play but is still unsure bcs of their length w but who knows, I might pick them up one day? But I do agree the art is wonderful *^* AND YOU DID HIM SO WELL I LOVE IT //////

In my case, my first game was not Otomo, but something close? The protagonist of the game was a boy who lived in the women's dormitory of the school. Rather, he lived in their closet. He is dressed in women's clothes to get to school, where the school toilet dressed in his school uniform. Female form more suited to him.
The game was a mistake or I made ​​a mistake when installing the game, it did not have the votes and sound. This is better, because it was r18. Title game I don't remember. This game belonged to my friend, I was curious what it is. The game has been translated into my native language.
Later I learned that there is a game where the main character a girl and you can catch the guys. My first otome game is Tsuki no Hikari Taiyou no Kage. I didn't understand anything. I gave up and decided that it was not mine.
After a while I found a Heart no Kuni no Alice ~ Wonderful Wonder World. Therefore, this particular game, I think the first otome game I've played. Because it put me way in otome games. I remember how I suffered with this game. As I had to count every meeting with a character. After I played the games just for the CG. How long has it been.
Now that I understand Japanese, I again played Tsuki no Hikari Taiyou no Kage. I realized that all the speculation, which appeared in the first walkthrough were incorrect... hehe.

Ah the genre of the game you just described is called Galge :3 I think I did start with a BxG game at first before knowing any GxB exist or not w (which I should have known ww)
I wanted to try Heart no Kuni no Alice but after hearing the hellish game experience of my friend, I gave up wanting to play wwwwww

my first is otometeki koi kakumei. it was good!
and then uta no prince sama, I'm into shotas:nyanmusu_yousee:

Oh another LoveRevo :D I see you survived the regime ww Who is your bias there? I see Kurusu and Ai has you in their grasp? ww
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Oh another LoveRevo :D I see you survived the regime ww Who is your bias there? I see Kurusu and Ai has you in their grasp? ww

@pchlaxxx I like Souta Fukami of course~~ XD
he's sweet and caring! and have such kind heart too.
and also toru XD
as for utapri.... yes youre right.. its shou kurusu and ai XD
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[MENTION=67071]pchlaxxx[/MENTION] After all of the rollercoaster ride, I need some sweet and comedy romance to heal my heart so there you go, HatsuKare and Brocon :nekopara_tehee:
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@pchlaxxx I like Souta Fukami of course~~ XD
he's sweet and caring! and have such kind heart too.
and also toru XD
as for utapri.... yes youre right.. its shou kurusu and ai XD
Oh Souta? You really do like shota-types eh? ww In my case it was the pervy sensei..... for obvious reasons ww
Ai will always be one of the favourite charas eh? All the more reasons to have a go at the Senpais ww

[MENTION=67071]pchlaxxx[/MENTION] After all of the rollercoaster ride, I need some sweet and comedy romance to heal my heart so there you go, HatsuKare and Brocon :nekopara_tehee:
Phew at least your brokoro could recover with Hatsukare and Brocon (fuuto kyaaaaa ////) w and how are you? imy *glomps*
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X-Note was amazing! I strongly recommend you to play it! It got mystery and romance in it. I could never resist that, haha :megane_happy:
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Ah the genre of the game you just described is called Galge :3 I think I did start with a BxG game at first before knowing any GxB exist or not w (which I should have known ww)
I wanted to try Heart no Kuni no Alice but after hearing the hellish game experience of my friend, I gave up wanting to play wwwwww

Oh, Thank you now I'll know what it is. I got a lot of experience from passing Heart no Kuni no Alice. I liked it.

I would say don't give up, try to play Alice, but I will not. After all, I myself don't want to re-play it, remembering all painfully long walkthrough.
Just in case, I left the save games, if I suddenly want to play again in Alice. Clever me, hehe.
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LMAO;;; So who's your bias? Could it Rath, like staryna? or perhaps Auger? ww

X-Note was amazing! I strongly recommend you to play it! It got mystery and romance in it. I could never resist that, haha :megane_happy:

Ah a little bit more review or spoiler to entice me please? *^* Which of the characters would you recommend? www
Oh, Thank you now I'll know what it is. I got a lot of experience from passing Heart no Kuni no Alice. I liked it.

I would say don't give up, try to play Alice, but I will not. After all, I myself don't want to re-play it, remembering all painfully long walkthrough.
Just in case, I left the save games, if I suddenly want to play again in Alice. Clever me, hehe.

Glad to be of help :3c Who's your bias there? ww yeah I heard it was awfully long and all my friend could remember was counting and counting ;3; One small err on counting and goodbye wwww that and perhaps there's so many sequels (?) and edition of the game, I've lost my will where to start;

I take it Shu is your new beau.... or not so new anymore? |D
LMAO;;; So who's your bias? Could it Rath, like staryna? or perhaps Auger? ww

Actually it would be Arles (Aruru :D ) - being in late 20ties makes me favour 'ossans' - followed closely by Mejojo (because of his story and excellent voice acting). I feel like the game overall was much more story and much less the typical otome - and I LOVED IT. I have actually played through all the endings to unlock all the art and the like.

I do like Auger, I quite liked Rath (in both games).
I actually adore Auger's ear animation when they twitch, ITS A SILLY THING BUT WHO CARES I love it.

The only character I disliked was Nesso because of the ending.
The one where 'something pierced deeply' I was like 'Siscon I can somewhat ignore but this just got way too personal.

(From the PSP BWS (Last hope it was subtitled I think?) I enjoyed Elza, but that game overall was way weaker than the Bloody Nightmare.)
My very first otome would be Second Reproduction.
It was what drive me to look over otome VN all around the internet till now. :D
I love Jin so much, and hasn't found someone dear like him to me. :gokiko_blush:
Sometimes, i read it again and again. Ah.. good times~ :gokiko_tea:
Glad to be of help :3c Who's your bias there? ww yeah I heard it was awfully long and all my friend could remember was counting and counting ;3; One small err on counting and goodbye wwww that and perhaps there's so many sequels (?) and edition of the game, I've lost my will where to start;

I take it Shu is your new beau.... or not so new anymore? |D

X-Note. I would recommend Anon. You will not regret the time for this game. Totally worth it!

As I remember it was a Blood Dupre.
You're right. Once you've lost count, make a mistake and goodbye, start anew. I saved each time before each new account. ahh.
I only played in Clover no Kuni no Alice and Joker no kuni no Alice. They are much easier than the first game. In other games of this series, I didn't even try to play. I lost my desire to play, it decreases with each new Alice.

Shu ... no, probably? All wines on Toriumi Kousuke. I didn't change the avatar from the date of registration here.
In each game, that I like, I have my favorite. My harem ♪ How about you?
My very first otome would be Second Reproduction.
It was what drive me to look over otome VN all around the internet till now. :D
I love Jin so much, and hasn't found someone dear like him to me. :gokiko_blush:
Sometimes, i read it again and again. Ah.. good times~ :gokiko_tea:

SECOND REPRODUCTION! That's another in my next-to-play list although it might take a while until I could actually play it; laptop's almost died on me and I shall have to wait for a new one to enjoy SR ; 3 ;

Jin is the sweetheart of the game eh ww

Actually it would be Arles (Aruru :D ) - being in late 20ties makes me favour 'ossans' - followed closely by Mejojo (because of his story and excellent voice acting). I feel like the game overall was much more story and much less the typical otome - and I LOVED IT. I have actually played through all the endings to unlock all the art and the like.

I do like Auger, I quite liked Rath (in both games).
I actually adore Auger's ear animation when they twitch, ITS A SILLY THING
The only character I disliked was Nesso because of the ending.
The one where 'something pierced deeply' I was like 'Siscon I can somewhat ignore but this just got way too personal.

(From the PSP BWS (Last hope it was subtitled I think?) I enjoyed Elza, but that game overall was way weaker than the Bloody Nightmare.)
BUT WHO CARES I love it.
I kind of have that inkling it might have been Arles but still, I got the wolf right w BUT YES OSSAN BANZAI WWWW and yes sakupyon is indeed mighty wwww

Nothing is silly in this fandom ww rest assured 8D

That "deep" thing, is that what I think it is? :O Is it not similar like Rejet's other work, namely GRR?

X-Note. I would recommend Anon. You will not regret the time for this game. Totally worth it!

As I remember it was a Blood Dupre.
You're right. Once you've lost count, make a mistake and goodbye, start anew. I saved each time before each new account. ahh.
I only played in Clover no Kuni no Alice and Joker no kuni no Alice. They are much easier than the first game. In other games of this series, I didn't even try to play. I lost my desire to play, it decreases with each new Alice.

Shu ... no, probably? All wines on Toriumi Kousuke. I didn't change the avatar from the date of registration here.
In each game, that I like, I have my favorite. My harem ♪ How about you?
Anon? Is that supposed to be the hidden character? Hidden character tend to have delicious routes ww
Eh Blood? niiiiiiiiiice ww but yeah until I asked my friend the difference between all of the games I didn't know QR is a sadist too, inflicting such pain to the newbies ww but although with each new game the level of difficulty decreases, I was told the first game was the best despite the sufferings |D

Ah I see ww So any charas voiced by Toriumi is it? I believe most of us would have our own harem wwwww how to decide only one on so many different bias on each games w w
X-Note. I would recommend Anon. You will not regret the time for this game. Totally worth it!

As I remember it was a Blood Dupre.
You're right. Once you've lost count, make a mistake and goodbye, start anew. I saved each time before each new account. ahh.
I only played in Clover no Kuni no Alice and Joker no kuni no Alice. They are much easier than the first game. In other games of this series, I didn't even try to play. I lost my desire to play, it decreases with each new Alice.

Shu ... no, probably? All wines on Toriumi Kousuke. I didn't change the avatar from the date of registration here.
In each game, that I like, I have my favorite. My harem ♪ How about you?

A nakama spotted!!!!!!! Torium-san fan here :nekopara_cheer: he's one of my fav seiyuu as well

X-note, it's a good English otome game. Have you try Dandelion? the plot is Korean like that all i can say :nekopara_tehee:
A nakama spotted!!!!!!! Torium-san fan here :nekopara_cheer: he's one of my fav seiyuu as well

X-note, it's a good English otome game. Have you try Dandelion? the plot is Korean like that all i can say :nekopara_tehee:

Starynaaaa what have you done to your Kenn? Are you two-timing your hubby already wwwwww
@pchlaxxx : For TMGS 1 my bias is Hazuki, 2: Waka-sensei and 3: Ruka kun xD

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