What's your very first Otome game?

haha Starry Sky disappointed me too, but mostly because Tsukiko is a doormat MC. Plus the lack of eyes on CGs kinda creeped me out.

To be completely honest, at first I didn't notice these two details (was too overwhelmed with amount of impact we had on a game world).
After all, artist could simply forget to draw the eyes :D But I don't know how to excuse her dullness :confused:
To be completely honest, at first I didn't notice these two details (was too overwhelmed with amount of impact we had on a game world).
After all, artist could simply forget to draw the eyes :D But I don't know how to excuse her dullness :confused:

because its a self insert game - the less personality the girl has the easier to self insert. It's the same reason for drawing no eyes. The less features the character has the easier it is to self insert.
because its a self insert game - the less personality the girl has the easier to self insert. It's the same reason for drawing no eyes. The less features the character has the easier it is to self insert.

Hmm, I've read some books for game writers and the authors suggested that characters' personalities or stories should resemble with an audience.
Since we're dealing with Japanese games and Japan is prominent for encouraging people to be group-oriented, obedient to authoritative figures and not to be standouts, then perhaps we've bumped into another cultural difference?
I mean, maybe an obedient, average, colourless heroine is also a role model? :puniko_think:
Hmm, I've read some books for game writers and the authors suggested that characters' personalities or stories should resemble with an audience.
Since we're dealing with Japanese games and Japan is prominent for encouraging people to be group-oriented, obedient to authoritative figures and not to be standouts, then perhaps we've bumped into another cultural difference?
I mean, maybe an obedient, average, colourless heroine is also a role model? :puniko_think:

I kind of appreciate this because the game writers try to make sure that you would feel 'plain', 'not special', and 'normal'. Visual novels are mostly relationship simulations and I believe most people who pick up VN's are introverts and socially awkward people in real life.

It makes sense that the heroine is bland because your (as 'the heroine') objective to to know your 2D husbando's background/personality/etc in the game. They tend not to get too much detail with 'the heroines' personal background because they don't want to make an entirely different person, they want you (as the heroine) to self-insert your story in the game. But the story doesn't revolve on you, but rather revolve on the 2D husbando of your choice. You are playing to be a part of his life and not the other way around. The game teaches you that interaction plays a key role and this is what most fans lack.

What non-JP fans wants is to have a heroine with positive traits, most of which are strong personality and outspoken but they tend to forget that the self insert heroine of the game is the player itself and not an entirely different person.

And this is why DiaLove and Amnesia is a favorite over there.
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Hmm, I've read some books for game writers and the authors suggested that characters' personalities or stories should resemble with an audience.
Since we're dealing with Japanese games and Japan is prominent for encouraging people to be group-oriented, obedient to authoritative figures and not to be standouts, then perhaps we've bumped into another cultural difference?
I mean, maybe an obedient, average, colourless heroine is also a role model? :puniko_think:

That actually scares me.

It's weird, though, because so many games have characters of total opposite kind (even Japanese ones. Like Drakengard 3 to use an example), and let's be honest villains in Japanese games have a larger following than the good guys. Of course, one counterexample sometimes proves a theory - it can actually be a cultural difference, but one that luckily isn't all that present in most other otome I tried (Ken ga Kimi will forever be an example for me of a heroine that can be kind and a bit innocent but also strong, stubborn and badass where it counts).

Thinking back on it, I think Starry Sky really is just going all the way for self insert - additional proof? the kiss cgs. Namely the 'white screen face kiss'. :megane_sigh:

I kind of appreciate this because the game writers try to make sure that you would feel 'plain', 'not special', and 'normal'. Visual novels are mostly relationship simulations and I believe most people who pick up visual novels are introverts and socially awkward people in real life.

It makes sense they the heroine is bland because your (as 'the heroine') objective to to know your 2D husbando's background/personality/etc in the game. They tend not to get too much detail with 'the heroines' personal background because they don't want to make an entirely different person, they want you (as the heroine) to self-insert your story in the game.

What non-JP fans wants is to have a heroine with positive traits, most of which are strong personality and outspoken but they tend to forget that the main heroine of the game is the player itself and not an entirely different person.

That's exactly what I have a big problem with. I want the heorine of the game to be the main character, because I treat VNs not as 'relationship simulators' but as short stories which I expect plot from.
Of course some otome will be more the former than the latter, but seeing how there are plenty of examples where the story is the main shine, I don't think VNs being 'relationship simulators' really even is a thing.

(omg the post posted edit before I finished, y u do dis, now I forgot what I wanted to write)

I think DiaLove is more popular because of the dummy head mic and being the first in the LONG avalanche of sadist trend games that cropped up after it.
I'm not so sure about Amnesia though - once the heroine starts talking she's actually pretty cool.
It's weird, though, because so many games have characters of total opposite kind (even Japanese ones. Like Drakengard 3 to use an example)
We should think of the demograhpic of each game type differently.
How RPGS are catered are different from VN. The RPG hero/heroine has a pre-defined personality and story. You're not self inserting in a game, but you play as the character itself and unravel his/her story/adventure. A loser hero would only make the game lame, game producers be like ; "She should be cool and bad-ass and shows a bit of boob"

That's exactly what I have a big problem with. I want the heorine of the game to be the main character, because I treat VNs not as 'relationship simulators' but as short stories which I expect plot from.
You can never expect rich plot on VN's anyway because like I've said, they revolve on the guy that you persue and it focuses on that. Only occasionally do great plot VNs come out like ...Norn9, Black Wolves saga and Ken ga Kami.

I don't think VNs being 'relationship simulators' really even is a thing.
Well they are. Generally thats what most VN's are, relationship simulators.
If you choose not to get all romancy with a character then you'll never get the good ends. Aside from that, Romance genre is abundant in most VN genres.

Though VNs with no relationship or whatsoever exists, it's not as common as relationship simulation VN's. I'd recommend Phenomeno for you to try.

I think DiaLove is more popular because of the dummy head mic and being the first in the LONG avalanche of sadist trend games that cropped up after it.
Thats an added factor as well. if you check out the roots of VN, eroges for example main characters are mostly..plain and don't have that much personality. The male protagonist are faceless as well and like I've explained earlier, the JP fans prefer to indulge in that rather than characters with too much positive traits. This is why you are always called as 'omae', 'anata'. You're the self-insert normal plain character of the story.

There are many factors that made them felt that way, aside from culture there's depression and etc. Which I will rather not touch that subject because it's too long.
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That actually scares me.

It's weird, though, because so many games have characters of total opposite kind (even Japanese ones. Like Drakengard 3 to use an example), and let's be honest villains in Japanese games have a larger following than the good guys. Of course, one counterexample sometimes proves a theory - it can actually be a cultural difference, but one that luckily isn't all that present in most other otome I tried (Ken ga Kimi will forever be an example for me of a heroine that can be kind and a bit innocent but also strong, stubborn and badass where it counts).

Thinking back on it, I think Starry Sky really is just going all the way for self insert - additional proof? the kiss cgs. Namely the 'white screen face kiss'. :megane_sigh:

Any chances that 'Drakengard 3' was made to appeal to male audience? And are we playing as a heroine?
Just in case, I'm not insisting on a cultural difference argument :) Probably I should check Japanese literature and see how females are represented in it.

Ooh, I remember now. Yeah, then it's the self-insert indeed (still going to check literature :P).

I kind of appreciate this because the game writers try to make sure that you would feel 'plain', 'not special', and 'normal'. Visual novels are mostly relationship simulations and I believe most people who pick up VN's are introverts and socially awkward people in real life.

Ahem, I'd rather not to argue about your personal preferences, because as they say, 'To each their own.' As long as you write that you appreciate or like something, it would count as a personal preference and I wouldn't able to join a discussion. :nyanmusu_sorry:
Any chances that 'Drakengard 3' was made to appeal to male audience? And are we playing as a heroine?
Just in case, I'm not insisting on a cultural difference argument :) Probably I should check Japanese literature and see how females are represented in it.

I used drakengard 3 as an example because I was playing it today, I'm not sure who it is targeted towards, but it's an action game with the main character and storyline centred around sisters. Sisters who murder each other, sure, but that's just the fun part of it. hehe. It was a random disjoint example but it popped into my head because it was as cut-away from being socially acceptable as possible

We should think of the demograhpic of each game type differently.
How RPGS are catered are different from VN. The RPG hero/heroine has a pre-defined personality and story. You're not self inserting in a game, but you play as the character itself and unravel his/her story/adventure.

You can never expect rich plot on VN's anyway because like I've said, they revolve on the guy that you persue and it focuses on that. Only occasionally do great plot VNs come out like ...Norn9, Black Wolves saga and Ken ga Kami.

Well they are, if you check on tags most of VNs are ROMANCE in genre. 1 girl hitting on multiple guys. Generally thats what most VN's are, relationship simulators. Though VNs with no relationship or whatsoever exists, it's not as common as relationship simulation VN's. I'd recommend Phenomeno for you to try.

(O.O actually I think RPGs are more self insert/self story than many VNs because you make and pick choices for your character and you have - well most of the time - an effect on the world. The genre you were thinking about was more 'action' etc I think?)

There's plenty of VNs with good/great plot if you ask me. BWS, all Karin games (Zettai Meikyuu Grimm being probably one of my favvies), even the old Princess Nightmare. I would never reduce them to just being a simulator of relationships because it's really not what it does. It tells a story. TBH I'd rather we treat otome VNs as it's own 'visual novel' genre than shoehorn it into something different.

I think my opinion is heavily coloured with the fact all the otome games I played so far had a heavy focus on stories, because I avoid the plain life simulators (especially the ones that have stat rising - I dread the things) In fact I'm kinda stunned to hear someone say that otome games are 'relationship sims'. I'm not sure if 'romance' being tag means they are relationship simulators either, because it's a bit like calling every movie romance subplot a romance/slice of life movie.

(by the way as much as I do enjoy this conversation I hope we're not straying and swerving into offtopic ;_; if we are, then I'm sorrryyyy:chuuni_slump:)
(by the way as much as I do enjoy this conversation I hope we're not straying and swerving into offtopic ;_; if we are, then I'm sorrryyyy:chuuni_slump:)
Oh glob you're quoting my unedited post... anyway
I'm not sure if 'romance' being tag means they are relationship simulators either, because it's a bit like calling every movie romance subplot a romance/slice of life movie.
Sakimichi said:
Generally thats what most VN's are, relationship simulators.
If you choose not to get all romancy with a character then you'll never get the good ends.

SilverAliisza said:
(O.O actually I think RPGs are more self insert/self story than many VNs because you make and pick choices for your character and you have - well most of the time - an effect on the world. The genre you were thinking about was more 'action' etc I think?)
They have stronger personalities mashed on them they were never 'normal' nor 'plain', even if you do change their name you can never feel like 'it's you' because they have strong pre-defined personalities and very outspoken in nature. Aside from the wavelength, they focus more on the story rather than goey rabu relationships, plus i believe relationship gigs are not so common in rpgs, it's not like having a boyfriend can save the world. Romance relationship in RPGS doesn't affect much of the ending, except a few jrpgs i know of like Persona.
So comparing it to VN's ...is...ahh..hmmm...no

SilverAliisza said:
There's plenty of VNs with good/great plot if you ask me. BWS, all Karin games (Zettai Meikyuu Grimm being probably one of my favvies), even the old Princess Nightmare. I would never reduce them to just being a simulator of relationships because it's really not what it does. It tells a story. TBH I'd rather we treat otome VNs as it's own 'visual novel' genre than shoehorn it into something different.
Compared to the entire library of otome games...not that much.
Let's say:
Karin games -5 titles
Norn 9
Ken ga Kami
--9 games with rich plot
while there are 752+ Otome games in the database.
But no matter how thick the story is it won't change the fact that you need a man to complete the story..lol.
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:D we are all quoting things and then we go back to edit, I give up ;_;
Thats what a forum is all about~ no need to be hasty for serious discussion, anyway I added a bit of information regarding to thick plot VNs over the entirety of the otome library. And yes we're getting a bit off-topic but at least we had a great discussion about it and not mindless spamming just to get a point in a post.
Thats what a forum is all about~ no need to be hasty for serious discussion, anyway I added a bit of information regarding to thick plot VNs over the entirety of the otome library. And yes we're getting a bit off-topic but at least we had a great discussion about it and not mindless spamming just to get a point in a post.
haha ye we did get a bit off topic, I guess ;3;

(I think the difference in my view of things is that I only play otome games that sound interesting (and they turn out to be the ones with plot) so the ones I know are all the "good" stuff - or rather the ones that I consider story games rather than anything else.)
Oh the rambo Kanata. xD yeah he is kind of cute, but QQ luckily he got is heart operation.
Oh, dann spielst du ja auch schon eine ganze Weile! Cool! Ich hab versucht noch andere dazu zu bringen, otoge zu lesen, aber japanisch kann ja keiner und mit agth hatten auch viele keinen bock, besonders wenn dadurch die Übersetzungen crappy werden. Hm naja.

Das 2te war HnK4 - Shirahana no Ori. Das wurde ja übersetzt. Ich finde es nur schade, dass die Synchro komplett weg ist aus der mobile version. So schade. Sollte mal das Original ausgraben und endlich lesen.

Ich wünschte, man könnte irgendwo eine schöne Liste mit Cover Art usw. machen, damit man seine Games anderen zeigen kann. Gibts zwar, aber nicht wirklich für otome games...

Oh, Gott, ich bin ein Senpai?! Uaaah! *geblendet von den Sparkle Eyes*
Ah ja. Fand das auch blöd das HnK 4 keine synchro hat. . . aber Alice no Kuni ist mit synchro, find das total supi, hab mir das sofort in eine wisch geladen.
Otome fans werden immer mehr so das sich nun sogar übersetzungs gruppen gebildet haben die spiele übersetzen klasse oder. :D sollten ruhig ma mehr spiele in den Westen birngen, könnten ja patches machen die was kosten oder son crap.
Naja wird schon!!!
Ja bist mein senpai xD weil Senior member, ich bin wohl eher so der gammler ungefähr so
und du bist das
My first otome game I played was "Yo-Jin-Bo". At the time I did not know Yo-Jin-Bo was an otome game and I thought it was another fun interactive book during my youth. Nonetheless, I really liked the pictures and ost.

My fandom for otome games did not begin yet until I watch the first episode of "Uta Prince no sama". I became curious about the anime and researched. Then I found the visual novel of "uta prince no sama" and download the game and played, crazily! @A@ Ever since I went on an entire otome visual novel downloads crazy.

The voice actors were interesting from many otome games but, my favorite voice actors are from "Miyako". The vocal matches each of the characters and I felt like I was part of their world. I will go to sleep next to my psp having a chapter being played auto-text. Their voices are so sweet and charming. *A* I liked the ost too and I liked the character personal story than the main story. =w= I don't understand the main story nor the character story since it's raw japanese. The game graphic is super appealing to me, at least.
My first otome game was Stary Sky ~ in spring ~. I wanted to play it because at that time I was super in love with Sebastian and I was becoming Daisuke Ono's stalker >///<, so I came across with StaSka eventually. I remember I was always talking with the 2D guys on the screem while playing and "kyaah-kyaah", so my mom was always telling me to go out, find a boyfriend and I used to say "I don't need one! I have Sebastian's voice telling me he loves me!" Hahahahahaha How silly.

But sadly, StaSka isn't one of the best so I don't remember really well, unlike my first eroge Hehe~
The second reproduction :D I really liked that game, otome games fan ever since.
My first introduction to the genre was through free games, but the first official game I bought was Tokimemo GS 3.
I wasn't an avid otome gamer until I ran into the Neoromance franchise. La Corda d'Oro 1 is arguably one of the hardest and most complex otome games out there. That game sparks so much feels.... XD
Tokimemo GS 1! That cast was just so drool-worthy! (even if Koei was cheap back then with voices) And then I think it was Harutoki~
As for me , my first is (P)lanet by teacup . And I love it ! XD
It's quite dissapointing as (P)lanet 2 had been cancelled because she is under heavy revision .
I'm really looking forward for it but oh well , I think I can understand teacup situation ^~^
My very first VN ever was Long Live the Queen, but it doesn't count as otome right?
Anyway I really loved it and went looking for another stats raising vn, and that's when I decided to play RE: Alistair because it was free and short.
and OMG did I love it. It was a lot of fun playing that game :) even though it was so short. <3
(The reason why I loved it so much was probably cause I could identify with the protag since she's a gamer :D )
Heart no Kuni no Alice. I first read the manga in 2010 and was super unsatisfied with the ending and learned of the game and had absolute no clue what this genre was and went through a long process of getting the AGTH stuff hooked up and i guess that helped but learned how stupid the 200 times to visit function was. So I never finished that .
But a better experience was Amnesia which helped me start up my reading of Hirigana 2 years later. Loved the art and my favorite boy was Kent cause he was just a dork and I'm slightly biased with Ishida Akira. uwu
Plus it's quite an easy game for beginners since it was all voiced.

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