Who Will Post Next?

~ good luck ~ . . . having hard time on my lessons ~ .. still have a less than a week to figure out ~ . .

chinese language ~ . . . though were only in the introductory part. ~ . . confused with intonation/sounds

hopefully i could passed this one and make it on top ~ .. though i really want to learn japanese but my prof said. it's an advantage to learn more chinese than japanese (economic wise since the economy of japan isn't that good due to the recent event)

hopefully but damn.. i want to learn japanese so bad..`~ . .

oh last post..

neko nyan nyan?
Bu! Hai ngo.

I learned Mandarin before, but the problem was that I tend to mix in Cantonese and Japanese in it.
Like when I count; "Yi, Er, San, Shi", when I reach 9, I said, "Kyu, Jyu".
Or when I wanna said; "It's me", suppose to be "Shi Wo", I said, "Hai Wo".

Schizo next?
hai ~ . . . stuck at house, bed weather, no classes, water everywhere.

inject a bit of chinese mandarin everyday ~ .since i aim for the high grade..

alex~ ?

I'm thinking of retaking Mandarin class, when I have time and money again.

Schizo again?
noope.... its me~

been kinda busy finishing up my project then finally presented yesterday and as of now am free......(oh i have a job interview on Monday).

Alexsdu ~
Yup, it's me.

Good luck on your interview. What interview is it, btw?

Iankay again?
Yep its me~

Interview for Networks Admin at an ISP~ fingers crossed~ ..

Aaronny perhaps
oops ...wrong.. ore da.

rewatching C ~ . . . looking for the insert song there . .

hahaha Got me there~ well

Have they released the OP yet~ cause i badly need that in my collection

Schizzo this time?
~ they already released one though in an album not as a single ~ . .

i'm addicted to the ending theme as well as song present there, transition period ~
looking for the insert song when they part ways ~ . . . when i was young i dreamed about sunny day ~


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