Who Will Post Next?

perhaps its like this.. ~ raining while the sun is shinning ~ huehuehue. . .

the first line of the song ~ ~ song is played then ~ . . .

yeah ~ FD is immortal ~..

iankay ~ . . .?
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Nooo schizz0 stop with the spoilers~~~ i've been away for a few weeks and you tell me they kissed~

ooops sorry... i really thought you've watched it... C ~ . .

looking for those monologues on the site and damn.. i want the mobile game as well as the card.. ~

too bad no more tutturu ~ . . . hope that nyan nyan will serve next episode of S;G

iankay ~ . .
BTW i really need to catch up~ am too far behind but am trying to rest a BIT that darn project almost did me in~~

yeah ~ school is here ~ for now.. i m not busy.. i m indulging myself with pleasures of animu . . .

iankay ~ ...
Nein, it's me storming in with a Panzer.

Thanks to my connection, I wouldn't be able to catch up with all the latest anime.

iankay next?
hmm... feels sleepy . . . ~ will sleep, probably last round of posts

iankay ~ . . .
Nah *yawning* it's me.

Feeling sleepy too. Going to bed after all these.

Schizo again?
Nope, me again.

I just woke up, and the 1st thing I do was checking the forum.

Aaron again?
Nah, me again. Looks like it just us 2 here for the moment.

Schizo, you again.

Work resume tomorrow, 'til Friday. There's not gonna be any public holiday 'til the end of August(Malaysia's Independence Day).

Schizo next?
yeah ~ .. no classes ~ school vicinity is flooded ~ extended weekend . hopefully by tomorrow there would be classes ~ devastated by typhoon days ago ~ will be off to take a nap~ noon when i post this..

alex ~?
ore da~ .. did some post before heading off to school

Aaronny ~ .. you're up?

This is what the translation said:
"Hiryu" We are looking for a fansub group is now Capper. "Capper" says Dearimasu and how to record a cartoon show.
The fans pay the installments in Liuyang subgroup. Details are written here (in English).

Schizo next?

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