World of Warships Admirals Lounge!

Re: World of Warships Admirals Lounge


So much better having a decent team knowing what they're doing.

Ah the flamethrower cruiser, they pose a greater threat to BBs than a Izumo
Re: World of Warships Admirals Lounge

Such is what happen when *Closed* beta is accessible by forking over some $...
Re: World of Warships Admirals Lounge

Here's my atlanta game

Re: World of Warships Admirals Lounge



Not quite as much shot fired but I did manage to sink 2 battleships, 1 Cruiser and 2 destroyer in another Atlanta game afterward xD
Re: World of Warships Admirals Lounge

[MENTION=26]KingArturia[/MENTION]; Fine for causing damages to allies. :D Your allies must hate your gut to get paid that much compare to what you did to them.
[MENTION=3]Checkmate[/MENTION]; Looking at your scoreboard, I'd say you're too OP. Anyone chicken out when they saw your name before?

Question, what's the average time to complete a single game?
Re: World of Warships Admirals Lounge

Ah the flamethrower cruiser, they pose a greater threat to BBs than a Izumo

hm, Atlanta is ok, but from what I can read Izumo is probably the worse BB out of IJN line. Somehow the posts I read people just don't like the ship at all.

[MENTION=26]KingArturia[/MENTION]; Fine for causing damages to allies. :D Your allies must hate your gut to get paid that much compare to what you did to them.

Question, what's the average time to complete a single game?

Probably 10 minutes, because the maximum limit is 15 but it depends on how much enemy can sink your ships...I say 7-10 is average on what I see. And I'm not sure, I tried to turn away from a BB who's just sailing straight into his allies, and I think he accidentally shot me with his Main armament xD Good job him!

Such is what happen when *Closed* beta is accessible by forking over some $...

?? What do you mean by that?
Re: World of Warships Admirals Lounge

hm, Atlanta is ok, but from what I can read Izumo is probably the worse BB out of IJN line. Somehow the posts I read people just don't like the ship at all.

There was some confusion based on the listed armor stat but she is quite a capable ship. I have yet to try her but her all foward gun setup allows for great angling and with her yamato armor and huge hull points she is in my eyes a tad bit tankier than actual yamato (Say goodbye to citadels, you just can't)

Overall i believe mastering the all foward gun setup is key, i remember my Battlestations days using the Tone-class cruiser which uses the same setup. Going from Mogami to Tone was certainly difficult but it was quite good at chasing ships and being smaller target since you can face them head on. Of course since angling was not a factor in that game, in WoWs it would be a far more effective strategy.

Probably 10 minutes, because the maximum limit is 15 but it depends on how much enemy can sink your ships...I say 7-10 is average on what I see.

Max time limit is 20 minutes and average is 15-18 since there are a lot of stray CVs and BBs at the sides of maps trying to escape.

I'm finding playing high tier BBs impossible right now thanks to the broken cruisers and Hotspot spam. Not only are you forced to be surrounded at close range but a single Des Moines can take out whole BBs lines. I'm losing credits like crazy
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Re: World of Warships Admirals Lounge

?? What do you mean by that?

People have access to what is supposed to be a Closed beta provided they have the money to buy their way in...

...and that get many players is inevitable in such a number that bad players will exist in a significant amount. At least they keep the matchmaker going...
Re: World of Warships Admirals Lounge

There was some confusion based on the listed armor stat but she is quite a capable ship. I have yet to try her but her all foward gun setup allows for great angling and with her yamato armor and huge hull points she is in my eyes a tad bit tankier than actual yamato (Say goodbye to citadels, you just can't)

Max time limit is 20 minutes and average is 15-18 since there are a lot of stray CVs and BBs at the sides of maps trying to escape.

Wait 3 at the front won't that mean if you just focus fire in the front you can probably just trigger magazine explosion? And why can't you citadel the Izumo? Explain?

Not sure why I think its 15, probably because I kept thinking of co-op which is shorter I think. Then yea it would scale up to 12-15 minutes, unless you go round hunting CV which is the other side of the map, but I rarely see much CV recently for some odd reason.

People have access to what is supposed to be a Closed beta provided they have the money to buy their way in...

Well its not really news that "Close Beta Test" you can end up buying your way in, I've seen more and more taking this "CBT but buy your way in approach", its just a simple marketing strategy. As to "large amount of inexperienced player, well everyone have to start somewhere, I mean when the game go into OBT there will be even more inexperienced player...
Re: World of Warships Admirals Lounge

Wait 3 at the front won't that mean if you just focus fire in the front you can probably just trigger magazine explosion? And why can't you citadel the Izumo? Explain?

Magazine hits are quite rare.. in fact i have never witnessed one (They of course exist). You know the basic of angling on BBs right? Flat broadsides are quite easy to penetrate and thus yield more citadels when aim is on target, the more angle you have the more chances of shells simply boucing off. The problem with Izumo is that those shells wouldn't really bounce off but they would either pen your superstructure or pen your deck armor which is not exactly sturdy. But the shells going on your belt would certainly almost never penetrate.
Re: World of Warships Admirals Lounge

@Checkmate; Looking at your scoreboard, I'd say you're too OP. Anyone chicken out when they saw your name before?
Some does. I didn't make that many friends.

Magazine hits are quite rare.. in fact i have never witnessed one (They of course exist).
I'm the guy who usually hit and blow up the enemy magazine. In all ships:
- BBs (citadel him like what? 3 times a salvo, instant blow up lol, in the first 2-3 minutes of the game, at 20km range). Also, I'm most fearful when I'm in my BB, I sink an average of 4-5 ships while command a BB, especially, high tier one. But of course I'm good with any kind of ships. Happens more than a dozen time in 700 battles.

- CA (Atlanta/Cleveland/Des Moines) when I HE a BB to third degree burn, the flame caught his magazine and blows up 30K HP or so, which is his remaining HP. This is rarer but it happens a few times. out of 700 battles

- DD when I torp, and by sheer luck, when he try to dodge, it hits his front magaize and blow up 60K HP lol. Happens only once in my Fletcher. I don't play DD a lot but that doesn't mean I don't murder the enemy team when I play DD:

Here's when I command a Fubuki:

Here's a Minekaze (even though it's a lost, because, fuck_team.jpg kills only 8 ships, and I kill 4 myself for the team - all 4 BBs, and they still lose.)

Here's Fletcher:

Been a long time I haven't played BB, so I took the Iowa out this morning and:

LOL.... should be 6 ships, too bad, the Montana is saved by the smoke from one of our DD (and the DD torp him and kill him, otherwise, I'd open fire, and he would be dead for sure)

In short, I'm one of the best player and you can pray you never see me in the as the opposing team lol. Especially, when I sit in the BB.... well, not that I'm less dangerous when I'm in any other ships either.
Re: World of Warships Admirals Lounge

I'm your god and i can and will destroy you. All hail the unic**

Scuuurry, you sound like a Tedster59 tier of BB destruction. Hope you play on my side honestly

PD: I played with Tedster once, let's just say it didn't end well for me
Re: World of Warships Admirals Lounge

Those who try to kill me... find themselves in the bottom of the ocean. All 7 of them. Just saying: never go after Checkmate's ships, if you want to live. (7 ships learn the lesson - the hard way)

Here's my beloved Yamato (6 citadels the enemy BBs)

Of course, when I duel with the enemy capital ships, I always win. Here's the screenshot of the cool, last moment of the enemy Yamato:

The key of winning in battling with enemy Capital ships is to shoot at its Citadel: Boilers and Magazines. And I always deliver a harsh punishment for those who show me his full broad side.
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Re: World of Warships Admirals Lounge

The key of winning in battling with enemy Capital ships is to shoot at its Citadel: Boilers and Magazines. And I always deliver a harsh punishment for those who show me his full broad side.
Well that much is obvious, it's about the skill to pull it off. I find it incredibly difficult to get citadels on cruisers, just normal penetrations. Same but to a lesser degree with BBs, but i can say i generally win BB engagements. It's those pesky DDs that always ruin my days since they force me to turn and expose my broadside (and now cruisers with their annoying flamethrowers)
Re: World of Warships Admirals Lounge

(and now cruisers with their annoying flamethrowers)
Agree, especially US CA, I'm one myself.

I added you in the game.
Re: World of Warships Admirals Lounge

Check-sama, what's the key to situational awareness on BBs?

(And what's the mumble server)
Re: World of Warships Admirals Lounge

Mumble server:
Port: 44444

Watch where are you going: if the team all come in one side, don't be a heroes, just let the game to lose, go with the team, remember in this game when I'm mostly play by myself, winning is not everything to me, EARNING THE MOST EXPERIENCE, CREDITS, and MAKE THEM SINK is my objective. Not winning.
Watch for the enemy aircraft
Watch for your position against the enemy BBs (fullbroad side? you're as well as hit the rock)
Watch if there is sign of DD around you, especially, choke point (american DD) or full open water (IJN DD)
and most importantly: ONLY SHOOT at those you can hit (I only shoot at ship that show me full broadside). 30s reload is shit, make every shot count.
Re: World of Warships Admirals Lounge

Mumble server:
Port: 44444

Watch where are you going: if the team all come in one side, don't be a heroes, just let the game to lose, go with the team, remember in this game when I'm mostly play by myself, winning is not everything to me, EARNING THE MOST EXPERIENCE, CREDITS, and MAKE THEM SINK is my objective. Not winning.
Watch for the enemy aircraft
Watch for your position against the enemy BBs (fullbroad side? you're as well as hit the rock)
Watch if there is sign of DD around you, especially, choke point (american DD) or full open water (IJN DD)
and most importantly: ONLY SHOOT at those you can hit (I only shoot at ship that show me full broadside). 30s reload is shit, make every shot count.

If i see a DD i generally just turn away
What about capable BB captains that angle? You won't get a clear broadside but you still need to damage him or you die
Re: World of Warships Admirals Lounge

I find it incredibly difficult to get citadels on cruisers, just normal penetrations
16 citadels with my Atlanta:

10 citadels with my Cleveland:

What about capable BB captains that angle? You won't get a clear broadside but you still need to damage him or you die

Switch to HE. OR, perform a sacrifice move. I usually perform a sacrifice move when I'm 100% sure that I can instant kill him in one salvo, usually, at 15km range or less, and that the enemy ships are very important and may win you the game:

When he's angle against you and you are heading your ship at him, full stop your ship. His ship will still move up, giving you his full broad side. HOWEVER, this is also put you in extreme danger. So, only consider this option if no enemy BB are aiming at you and that, you can kill him in one salvo, two max. If you don't, you're good as dead because he won't miss your magazine.
Re: World of Warships Admirals Lounge

I meant giving citadels with a BB, cruiser vs cruiser citadels are rather easy

Only 203mm gun can penetrate a BB, at short range (10km range). But you're more likely die in that situation as well.
Re: World of Warships Admirals Lounge

Only 203mm gun can penetrate a BB, at short range (10km range). But you're more likely die in that situation as well.

Again, i meant me driving a BB and trying to get citadels while shooting a cruiser.

PD: It's not like they try to shoot AP at BBs lel
Re: World of Warships Admirals Lounge

Again, i meant me driving a BB and trying to get citadels while shooting a cruiser.

Nah, it's easy, I've done that more than plenty of time. If not always...
Re: World of Warships Admirals Lounge

Nah, it's easy, I've done that more than plenty of time. If not always...

Well dispersion doesn't help so i get normal penetrations, it's pretty annoying getting those 2k salvos

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