I should review someone's piece every time so I learn more things. Thanks for the review of a review.
Glad to have helped. I'd rather not mouth off and criticise someone else's work when not asked to, but I agree that it can help in various ways (even if you just keep your criticisms to yourself). If nothing else, I'd say it makes you more thorough.
Also, I am up for a no theme just for a test run. I feel a bit worried since I don't have the hosts...Ignis' hand to help me with a theme.
If you feel like teaching an English class in Anime-Sharing, I would be the first one to come in since I ignored all my english classes in high school. I do regret it
It's not like I won't help if we do have a free theme! If anyone needs my suggestions on anything, I'll only be too happy to oblige. If you'd like to enter but don't know what to write about, I can suggest themes, settings, and maybe even character designs.
I don't think I can teach an English "class" here, but I'll take that as a compliment. :) Of course, if you've got any questions, feel free to ask and I'll see if I can answer in (hopefully) simple enough terms. I'll warn, however, that I'm not a native English speaker. But I'll do what I can.
[MENTION=2]Ignis[/MENTION]; I'll definitely participate in any future WOWs that I can, since I quite like the idea of writing competitions and the challenge it presents regarding the theme. However, if KK would prefer to stop WOW until she comes back I have no objections. Whatever decision is made, I'll support it :)
Not the most helpful post since it's just a big 'I don't mind' from me, sorry.
[MENTION=2]Ignis[/MENTION]; KK's hiatus will be a loss, but personally I think that WOW is a good idea and other members are joining it too. It's definitely a nice thing to be able to write for fun and improve my writing skills too. I feel that it's better for WOW to continue going, but if KK feels otherwise, I'll also respect her wishes.
Hey, don't mind it, Vel. When I said I welcome all input, I did mean it, and yours isn't less valuable than others'. :)
I'm sorry if the way I said it was confusing, but it's not that KK wants me to actually stop the contest. She said "we can just" stop it. Being the kind person she is, I took that to mean she'd rather not burden me with it since she's supposed to be in charge and all. I, however, don't mind. It's something I like and would sure love to see grow. I was just worried about the rate of interest, but looks like I don't need to worry about that any more!
As for the themes thing, I'd like to suggest something like writing a story by continuing a given sentence (though it'll be hard to apply this for poems and other forms of poetry so it may not be necessarily a good idea now that I think about it).
I've been pretty much offline here due to Anime-sharing being blocked in my country
and also me having writer's block and being lazy 
but I'm still hoping to join WOW in the future ^^
That's a neat idea, methinks. I've been to various forums and seen games like "three-word story" or variations thereof, where members write three words in each post and try to make a story (of course, it tends to end up funny and quirky instead, but that's also its charm). Not sure if I've seen such a thread here, though. Some help, [MENTION=8332]samyeung46[/MENTION]; since you're the indisputable spam veteran?
Also... blocks suck, in both contexts of the use of the word, and I can relate. I hope things will get better soon.
[MENTION=2]Ignis[/MENTION]; thanks for your comments about my penned short letter piece. I've actually resubmitted a short story instead.
Wait, did you change the entry and then withdraw altogether? That's such a waste...
I would hope that when I have more time, I would recommend AS hold a drawing, doujin, animation competition. Members can vote and showcase there skills and talent. Who knows we all might work together in the future to make a Visual Novel or what not.
And to add perhaps more custom awards and maybe we can have a winners blog to accompany the winner's piece. Whereby the the winner writes a little memo or something about their piece and how others should interpret it?
There's been an
attempt to create a visual novel in the past, though I didn't follow it very closely. I think it eventually became inactive, which sadly isn't unexpected. Having more contests is possible if there's enough interest. A drawing contest sure sounds nice, though I'm not sure how many potential participants we'd have. It may cater to even fewer people than writing does.
I'd love to have better awards too, yes. But, as I'm sure our long-time members have heard multiple times, it's something we've been planning for years now to have alongside a new, better award system. We just haven't been able to work on it (and we keep having less free time as more years go by). It's not something I'm proud to say over and over again, but it's the sad state of affairs. Maybe not a blog, though. We avoided integrating a blog with the forum when we could because it'd put considerable, unnecessary burden on the servers.
It's not like such games and contests are limited to staff-managed ones either! Our beloved liaison, renano (who sadly is inactive nowadays), has made a bunch of fun games in the past (check out some of them among
her threads) and has never failed to rouse the interest of others.