Wrought a Slave, Out of Mom [mF,coer,cons,reluc,inc,mother,son,D/S,Mdom,slow]


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Mar 2, 2021
Wrought a Slave, Out of Mom
by DiscipleN

[A neighbor's tales about her hot infidelities, first sparks and then heats up a domination relationship between a languishing wife and her curious son.]

Chapter 1

On Tuesdays, the neighbor from two houses down the block would visit Mom. Janice was older than Mom by a couple years, and more advanced in other things.

"Little pitchers have big ears." Mom cautioned her friend one day. Janice had started the conversation with a mention of cheating on her husband. Only she had called it, "A little cock on the side."

"Mom, I'm fourteen." That I metaphorically, still clung to my mother's skirt wasn't due to introversion. I was drawn to Mom out of sexual confusion. Puberty had hit me hard, hard up and hard in the pants. Kids are programmed to find their parents and siblings a total turn-off, but puberty must have skipped over my instinct to avoid incest.

Mom was doing her best to ignore me, but Janice gave me a big grin after being cautioned. "Only it wasn't at all little, Eddie. This guy's was long enough to connect your ears!"

Puzzled, I tilted my head.

"Janice, please!" Mom frowned, her cheeks burning. "Eddie is at a delicate stage, closing on adulthood but off-balance from his changing body. Ralph and I don't force information on him but answer whatever question he asks. He hasn't asked many. I doubt he knows what you're talking about. I'll send him to his room if you keep using that kind of language. You're confusing him."

"No, Momma!" I liked Janice, exciting and daring. Mom was shy. I loved to be present when she shrank from Janice's sexy stories. Not that Mom would ever kick out her friend for saying bad words. Janice was one of her few friends outside of my dad's circle. To prove my interest, I asked, "What's a cock?"

Janice's grin wrinkled from a chortle. "He asked an honest question, Sue."

Mom grimaced in frustration. Janice was usually sweet as sweet potato pie, but our guest's tales had an edge which my mother accepted, regardless of how they embarrassed her. Mom's grimace slacked. She turned a controlled, neutral expression at me. It made me think I was in trouble.

I waited, hoping I could stay. Then she sighed. "It's another word for penis, Eddie. But a lot of people don't like to hear that word." Her face pouted as it turned to Janice. "I don't like to hear it."

I frowned at Janice. Solidarity with Mom.

"Then you probably don't want to hear how good it felt where the guy put it."

Mom rolled her eyes, but she didn't rebuke her friend further.

Janice left her tale dangling and began talking about how her husband, Dan, wanted to dig up the grass in their backyard and smother the ground in cedar bark.

I yawned and walked out of the kitchen.


The following Tuesday, Janice brought over a batch of home-made, butter cookies. Mom thanked her and let me eat one. Mom was pretty strict about junk food, but I noticed her absentmindedly nibbling one after another, listening to Janice's update about her 'boyfriend.'

"It was great at first, the sex." Janice nattered. Mom's cheeks tinged light pink. "But then the guy got clingy, and Dan started sniffing around - literally. He told me I smelled funny." Janice's exciting grin returned. "So I clapped his ears and told him he had rug duty that night, to punish him."

I didn't like picking up my stuff from floors or rugs. I nodded and grunted approval.

Janice beamed at me. "What Dan didn't know was, he ended up licking adulterous cum!"

"Janice, please!" Mom didn't want to hash out each and every one of Janice's verbal transgressions in my presence. That many rebukes would have drained all the fun. She flashed a sad face at me and shook her head. "Eddie, save your questions for later. Better yet, go watch TV."

Janice told Mom, "I could have said, sperm, but I doubt you taught him that word either." Janice softened her voice. "But I'll bet ten dollars that he's already encountered what he can't label."

My parents had told me the word, sperm, and I knew it referred to what came out of my penis when I played with it. But I abruptly fell in love with the word, cum.

Janice switched to less exciting news. "Fresh cedar bark, now that has a nice smell..."


Janice seemed to know Mom's limits, and her ribald tales pushed just enough to bend them. Each Tuesday afternoon, Mom's blush got a little darker. I was too absorbed in the older woman's amazing stories to notice. Each week, Mom would listen a little longer before challenging her friend about naughty things spoken in front of me.

"Is this the same boyfriend?" Mother sounded confused when the guy's hair had changed from blonde to black curls.

"Nah. I dumped that guy two weeks ago. He started out plenty cocky but steadily melted into a clingy lump nearly as wimpy as Dan." Her husband. "If this new, 'side order' of man starts begging for it, I'll kick him to the curb too."

Janice got excited again. "I doubt he will, though. I didn't even know Chaz's name before he made me suck his cock." Janice's eyes narrowed. "Sue, you won't believe how hot it feels to have a hard cock forced into your mouth."

"Janice!" Mom waved at me behind her back. It was her signal for me to leave the room.

Her friend saw and instantly figured it out. "Oh, let the boy stay. He's just curious. He's surprisingly innocent and sweet for his age."

Mom mumbled, "Less innocent after hearing about Chaz."

"Sue, you worry too much. Eddie adores you! That's why he's always by your side."

Don't get the wrong idea. I wasn't a mommy's boy. Her meek presence invigorated me instead of making me feel safe. I had friends that I played with most days outside of Tuesdays, younger boys and girls. I even hung out with adults when Dad's friends visited, but I didn't really care for them. They were boring compared to Janice.

Mom relented by staring at her coffee. "I guess I have been remiss to teach him common street language. But don't you think a child should enjoy a few innocent years?"

"Of course. That's why I'll save what happened after Chaz came down my throat." Janice winked at me. She switched to describing how Dan had planted a couple fruit trees in their backyard, mango and kiwi.

"What happened with Chaz, Janice?" I asked, not wanting to listen to more of her husband's gardening efforts. "After he went down your throat?" I was imagining something important, like a thermometer.

Our adulterous friend tightened her smile and looked at Mom. Mom bit her lip and examined her hands on the kitchen table. "Oh, go on. Just don't elaborate."

Mom was as curious as I.

Janice complied. "After I had, um, pleasured Chaz, he told me to take down my pants and underwear. Then he spanked me!"

"Oh, my!" I blurted. I was pretty sure that having a boyfriend when you already had a husband was bad. But it shocked me to hear that the boyfriend would punish her. I was learning so much!

A soft moan drew my attention to Mom. She looked redder than ever. I worried about it. "Don't hold your breath so long, Mom."

"She'll be fine, Billy." Janice patted my shoulder. Her hand was really warm! "I shouldn't tease your mother so much."

"What did you do wrong to get spanked?" I had to ask.

"Well-" Janice looked to Mom, confident of more capitulation. Mom's nod was brief, but her eyes darted away. "Chaz guessed that it would turn me on, Donny, because when he forced me to go down on him a second time, I responded eagerly."

I didn't understand, but I put up a tough facade. "Oh."

"Sue," Janice confronted Mom. "I have never been more wet before some guy fucked my brains out." It was as if Mom's friend was daring her. "You wouldn't believe how incredible it feels when a guy is giving it to you with everything he's got."

Mom's body jiggled suddenly, as if there'd been an earthquake right under her chair. She gasped. "That's quite enough."

The conversation shifted into dullness after Mother's shudder. I wandered out of the kitchen, worrying about Janice's brains, confident that she had exaggerated about losing them.

In the night, I overheard Dad rebuking Mom in their bedroom. "Why tonight? You asked last Tuesday when I got home from bowling. And we just did it on Friday. Maybe tomorrow night. I'm tired and a little drunk."

*** Another Tuesday ***

"Chaz was just a fling. You know, to test my limits. He's kind of a jerk, actually. Now Stephen, he knows how to use a belt!" Janice had met Stephan right after dumping Chaz.

"I thought I was going to die when Stephan swatted my nipples, but then he was hugging me and licking them. He used a gentle but firm voice, encouraging me to find my inner slut." Janice paused, evaluating Mom's pink face.

Mom suddenly appeared very self-conscious. She rubbed the back of her neck and yawned. "You sure do find them. I doubt I could be so daring."

"Don't worry, Sue. I'll never ask about your affairs. I know you're a private person. I'm just glad that you'll hear my stories. You're the only person I'm comfortable telling."

"I don't have affairs." Mom defended.

Janice frowned, as if she was sad for Mom. She asked, "Eddie, does your mother tell my stories to your father?"

"Janice!" Mom blurted.

"Oh, Sue, I was teasing." Janice retreated in her chair. "But maybe you should - you know, to spice things up?" Mom's friend slowly leaned forward again. "I see how you listen, Sue. Ralph doesn't play with you like my special friends play with me. Maybe I shouldn't tease you any more." Janice did very much want to tease Mom more. That was a big reason Janice kept coming back. I'm not sure Mom knew how wrapped up she was in her imagination of Janice's affairs.

"Please, Mom. I like Janice's stories. I'll tell dad about them." I wanted to help.

"No, Eddie!" Mom was clearly disturbed by my offer. "I'm sorry I ever let things get this far. You're too young to be listening to adult stories."

"No I'm not." I almost pouted, a little angry. Was Mom going to cut me off from hearing all the strange things that Janice did with men who weren't her husband?

Unexpectedly, Janice intervened. "May I?" She asked Mom.

Mom looked at her then me. "Let him down gently. He's as stubborn as they get when he wants something he shouldn't have."

I glared unhappily.

"I'm not going to let him down, Sue." Janice schooled. "I'm going to tell him how he can handle himself more maturely."

"Huh?" I abruptly looked astonished. Janice's grin returned.

"What you need to do, Eddie, is to be less shy about asking questions. Your mother wants you to learn adult things in a safe and supportive atmosphere. That's why she lets you hear my stories. Aren't you asking her all the questions you have after I visit?"

My shock faded, and I shook my head.

"If you give her opportunities to explain, she'll feel better about letting you listen with her."

"Mom?" I sought her reaction.

She seemed a little confused herself. "Janice, that's not exactly-"

"What's fucking, Mom? What does that mean?" I rushed to do what Janice suggested.

"Aaa!" Mom gasped, and she gave a brief, mean look at her friend.

"I'll just leave you two." Janice's smile was filled with amusement. "See you next week." She floated out of our house.

A couple years prior to Janice's stories, Mom and Dad had sat down with me. They told me about the birds and the bees. I knew what sexual reproduction was, but they had coached it in such dry terms, I never suspected that Janice's exciting stories were even remotely related.

Mom was blushing from ear to ear. "That word, Eddie. It's like that word for penis, not acceptable to say in public. But the word you're asking about just means sexual intercourse."

"Oh." I was tragically disappointed. Maybe Janice's stories weren't that exciting after all. When Mom and Dad had described it, sex was the last thing I wanted to do. I had to make sure. "So, fucking is just sex, cum is just sperm, and cock is just penis?"

Mom's blush faded, and she looked very happy with my reaction. "Yes, Eddie, that's all those words mean."

"Why don't people want to hear some words and not others, if they mean the same thing?"

Mom hesitated at my question.

I guessed, "Is it so sex won't sound as boring?"

Mom paused, possibly surprised by my question. I decided that she liked my guess, because a little pink returned to her cheeks. "If you don't have any more questions, Eddie, then we should clean up here and get the place ready for your father." I bottled up the dozens of questions I'd accumulated from weeks of Janice's tales.

That night I caught part of a conversation in their bedroom when Dad blurted, "...like a sinful slut. I hope Eddie didn't overhear a story like that. I should tell Dan."

"It's just coffee talk, Ralph." Mom raised her voice. "She's a little imaginative that way. I was hoping maybe we could use our imaginations a little -- next time."

"I can't believe you would suggest something so disgusting! It may be weeks before I can clear my head of that story." Dad sounded so unhappy, I crept back into my room.

In the middle of the night, I had to pee. I got out of bed and ambled down the hall. The house was cool, but my flannel PJs were plenty toasty. The bathroom door was shut, and light leaked out from under it. From inside, I heard Mom grunting softly.

My first thought was, Dad must be using the toilet in their bedroom. We have a three bedroom house. My parents bought it, expecting to have another child or two, but I was the only one, and I liked it that way.

"Chaz, don't force me again." Mom muttered in a low, raspy voice. She groaned a little. "Not my nipples, Stephan. Ow!"

I remembered what Janice had said about Mom being a private person. I walked to my room, a little sad that Mom didn't have her own stories, hoping my bladder would wait until morning.

As I climbed into bed, I felt my penis pushing out the front of my bottoms. It got hard when Janice told her stories but also often at random times. It felt extra hard that night. Before sleeping, I masturbated. I'd been doing it for a couple years already. As much as I enjoyed the orgasm, I felt it was an uninteresting act otherwise, except for the cum, which accidentally sprayed on the bed instead of the tissue I'd readied. I jumped out of bed and rushed down the hall, running smack into Mom!

"Eddie!" She caught me. "Careful, it's dark!" She wore a thick, ankle length terry cloth robe.

"I'm sorry, Mommy!" I felt like a guilty little boy. "I tried not to get any on the bed!" I hid my wet hand behind my back, but I could feel the wetness in the front of my bottoms. I hoped she didn't notice.

"Get what on the bed?" She sounded a little drunk.

Suddenly, I had to pee for real, real bad. Without answering I raced into the bathroom and locked the door. I didn't notice the sweaty, slightly musky odor in the room until after I washed my hands. I used toilet paper to wipe up the white goo on my pants.

"Are you okay?" Mom knocked lightly after I shut off the sink faucet.

"It's okay, Mom." I looked at the cum dampened toilet paper, wondering if Mom would blush if I showed it to her.

"Um, okay. Good night."

I put my ear to the door and waited for the sound of her door closing, before exiting the bathroom. I lay in bed for a long time, thinking about being able to make babies. My happiness for being a single child waned that night. I kept thinking about Mom and the occasional comments she had made over the years about having a sister or brother for me. She always sounded a little sad.

...to be continued...
Looks like this story has gotten over 150 clicks. I'd be grateful for your feedback about the beginning. I'll post more soon, but please, let me know what you think of it.
Chapter 2

After that night, I understood more about Janice's naughty stories, and I began to figure out what Mom's reactions meant.

Janice had us spellbound. "You won't believe what Arnie did. He sneaked into my house one night. He knew that Dan was visiting his mother for a few days. Arnie tied me to the bed, while I was sleeping. Then he woke me up and raped me!" Janice coughed guiltily. "I had given him a key to the house."

Mom gasped. "Arnie? What happened to Stephan?"

"Stephan got boring, like a good movie you watch too many times. He was a one episode actor." Janice puffed. "Arnie is much more creative and twice as passionate!"

"Gosh, Janice, I guess because he raped you, you didn't cheat on Dan." I still had a lot to figure out about her sex life."

"Hush." Mom admonished me.

The kitchen fell quiet for long seconds. Janice squawked, holding back a laugh. She cleared her throat and mentioned that Dan's mango tree had a single fruit starting to grow on it.

I wandered away from the boring part of Janice's visit, but I ran up to her when she was leaving. I hugged her. "I'm sorry you got raped."

Mom uttered abrupt exasperation. Janice winked at her. "Be sure to protect your Mom, Eddie. You need to be strong with a mother to protect her."

"She means, 'strong for me.'" Mom clarified.

Janice didn't comment, and I guessed that Mom was wrong.


Over the next few weeks, Janice began stretching out her stories with details about her lovers and how they treated her. At first, Mom would interrupt after several minutes, worried about my glazed expression and the obvious tent in my pants.

"Arnie and Roger pinned me down with their knees on my arms and legs. The bed groaned and squeaked as they mauled my titties and slapped my face and ass and thighs and tummy. They loved to make me suck my pussy juice from their cocks.

"In procession, one would fuck me a little and then stuff their messy prick into my mouth, while the other one would soak his cock in my cunt. Over and over, they must have made me drink a pint of my own fluids. You can't believe how many orgasms they denied me before they let me cum. They called me a slut for my own pussy when they finally came on my tits and face."

Janice noticed Mom's eyes. Mom was staring at my covered erection. When Janice stopped talking, Mom jerked her red face from me. "How's Dan's garden?" She changed the subject.

"No, Mom!" I whined. "How many times did you cum, Janice?" I asked, but what I really wanted to know was, "Why do you like it when men refuse to let you cum?"

"I'm sorry, Eddie. It's your Mom's job to answer your questions. I wish I had a son you could play with instead of listening to my silly tales."


"It's late, Eddie. Janice has to get home." Mom ended the conversation. I pouted. How could I ask her about things that only her friend would know?

After dinner with Mom and Dad, I found myself in the bathroom. As I peed, I went over Janice's story in my mind. It wasn't unusual by then, for me to masturbate after peeing. After my penis spurted thick globs of semen in the bathroom, cleaning up was easier.

I went to bed quite content that night. Before I fell asleep, I heard Dad shout at Mom behind the wall that separated my room from theirs. "What do you mean, you're tired of making love to me? I haven't touched you in weeks!" Dad defended himself.

The air in my room warmed as I breathed heavily, knowing what was about to happen. Mom would wait until Dad and I were sleeping, before creeping out of their room and locking herself in the hall bath. There she would whisper Janice's stories.

I had quickly figured out that Mom was masturbating. Janice often told us that she would "frig her clit" when she couldn't be with one or more of her lovers.

That night was the second time that I dared to sneak out of my bedroom and listen at the door. This time I dared to fondle my erection, knowing what Mom was doing. Her favorite story was about Stephan, who would tie up Janice and then spank her until he came (always on her belly). Then he would untie, hug, and hold her while she frigged her clit.

"Not my nipples!" Mom hissed softly and groaned.

Listening, I had pulled my hard penis out through the slit in my flannel bottoms and was jerking on it slowly. Mom's moans grew louder. A part of me felt sad for her, because Dad wouldn't fulfill her fantasies. The rest of me remembered what Janice had told me. I decided that night to be strong with Mom.

With one hand jerking my hardon, my other rapped a light knock upon the bathroom door.

"HHH!!!" Mom huffed in surprise. "Who-"

"Don't cum tonight, Mom." I interrupted with my most assertive voice. Mom fell silent. I imagined her gulping. I was strong then, waiting for her reply.

"o k." She whispered so softly I barely heard her. I had sorta told her as a joke. Was she joking back, or would she actually deny herself an orgasm at my command? It was question that lurked in my brain for months afterwards. When I finally asked her, she explained that she had been shouldering incredible guilt about masturbating while thinking about someone other than her husband. When her son unexpectedly confronted her in the dark, she felt two things, overwhelming shame that made her stop, and incredible pride that her son was acting like a man, if a demanding one. Of course, I felt Mom was simply submitting to my will, like Janice did to her lovers' wills.

Immediately, my penis pulsed and spat a string of pearls that seemed to glow in the dark. They splattered against the door, the frame, and fell soaking into the carpet. I groaned and fled to my room. I even propped a chair against the knob. I curled up in my bed, ready to meet my doom.

Mom and I were super quiet the next morning. Dad didn't seem to notice, his eyes glued to his tablet computer next to his plate of cheese quesadillas with mild salsa. Mom and I traded surreptitious glances, worried that he would suddenly suspect the evil we had done. Upon waking, I had checked the hall bathroom door when I went to pee. The mess I had made was cleaned up.

After Dad left for work, Mom busied herself with the dishes. I remained at the table, astonished by what I had gotten away with. I wanted to flaunt what I had told her not to do. Instead I asked meekly. "Were you - 'o k,' last night?"

She turned off the faucet because she didn't have the gumption to talk over it. "Yes."

It was Friday when I had to be strong with Mom again. That was their usual night when she and Dad made love. I think Dad initiated it that night, possibly surprising her. What didn't surprise her was his lackluster performance. Ever since Janice had told her stories, I had become more attuned to the noises from my parents' bedroom. I honestly hoped that Dad had satisfied her.

Something woke me up, perhaps it was just a habit I had picked up from regularly listening to Mom in the hall bathroom at night. I heard light footsteps. I crept to my door and opened it silently to peek through a crack. Mom was standing in front of their bedroom door, hand on the knob. She sniffed once - twice-

"Mom." I whispered. She must have already played with herself.

"Huh?" She turned her head. In the dim glow of the hall's nightlight I saw her cheeks glisten.

"Tell me, next time you use the bathroom." I was sad that I missed a chance to tell her not to cum, but I hoped that she had. Dad didn't deserve her.

"You need to sleep, Eddie."

"I'll go to bed earlier. Wake me up."

She sniffed again. "o k." I couldn't see her expression, but she wiped her eyes with a sleeve and went into her room. I returned to my bed and jerked off to a great cum.

Sunday near midnight, Mom knocked softly on my door. "Eddie?"

I nearly slept through her brief attempt to wake me. By the time I got to the door, she was entering the bathroom.

"Mom?" I rubbed my eyes.

She looked back. "I'm sorry, but I changed my mind."

"You can't cum." I tried.

She bit her lip, turned around and shuffled quickly past me, back to her room. I heard her lock that knob.

...to be continued...
Chapter 3

"Dan surprised me yesterday with a hot fuck in the bathroom." Janice actually sounded surprised. "I do love him, but it was a drop in the bucket for my needs. Still it was a nice topping off after going at it for five hours with Roger on Sunday while Dan golfed. -- And wearing Arnie's collar most of Friday afternoon. -- And picking up a guy at the bus station the Thursday before."

"Sue, I didn't realize how hot a filthy, old bum could be when he takes liberties with you." Janice laughed. "You must think I'm crazy!"

Mom had been sitting, listening, quivering, eyeing me whenever our friend looked elsewhere. She seemed about to explode from nervousness. When Mom didn't respond. Janice looked at me, slightly suspicious."

"Is wearing Arnie's collar like wearing a charity bracelet?" I asked Mom, trying to ignore Janice's inquisitive eyes.

Mom grasped at my diversion. "They're similar, Eddie. You wear a charity bracelet to show that you supported a good cause. When Janice wears Arnie's collar, she is showing that Arnie is in charge of her like your Uncle Bruce is in charge of his German Shepard, Gulliver." Mom surprised me by answering calmly and fully, instead giving the simplest, safest answer. Uncle Bruce was Dad's only brother.

Janice's suspicion increased. "Am I a third wheel here?"

"I want to hear about the guy from the bus station." I looked at Mom.

Mom disappointed me. "Has the mango on Dan's tree ripened yet?"

I sighed and plodded to my room. I studied geometry which was more interesting than fruit trees.

The front door opened and closed a little while later. I got up from my little desk and went to the kitchen. Mom was staring at her empty coffee mug. It said, "World's Greatest Mom." I had given it for her birthday when I was ten.

"Mom, why don't you go to the hall bathroom." I wasn't asking a question.

"o k." Mom didn't look at me, but her face, which had blushed during Janice's story, turned red again. She rose from her chair and walked steadily past me. I followed without further comment.

She shut the door between us, but I didn't hear the little click of the lock button. Mom no longer recited one of Janice's stories aloud. Her mind was filled with erotic imagery. I wondered if she suspected that I was opening my pants and pulling out my hard peter. I wanked myself quickly, pretending that I was masturbating in front of Mom and Janice who were wearing collars that I had fastened around their necks. I came quickly, not caring what I soiled with my wasted seed. While I recovered from my intense orgasm, I heard Mom's low steady moans.

"Mom." I called loudly. "Don't cum today."

She moaned for another few seconds before I heard her running the sink faucet. She emerged soon thereafter. "Your father will be home soon." She saw the mess around the door and fetched soap and a wet washcloth. After she cleaned my cum, she went grocery shopping. I studied, but all I could think of was how sexy Mom looked while she was wiping up my cum.

Dad arrived with big news. He had helped with an important project at work, and his company had rewarded him with a one percent raise. I thought it was a big deal and asked how we were celebrating. He took us to a family diner, where I ordered a full rack of ribs. Mom had fish. Dad ordered a sloppy joe. I took half of my dinner home.

I think my parents made love after I went to bed. I was too full of ribs to deny myself sleep. A hand on my shoulder woke me.

Mom stood over, wearing her full length, dark crimson robe. "It's the next day." She whispered. I pawed my cheap phone. 12:07 am. "Okay, go ahead." I said and turned my back to her, but I had trouble sleeping while Mom pleasured herself just down the hall.

I dreamed of swimming in a warm sea. Fish around me flashed in dappled sunlight. A school of barracuda writhed before me like a curtain. I swam through it, unharmed, to see a great clamshell on the seafloor, slowly open, revealing a mermaid who spotted me. With a whip of her flukes she darted into the distant murk before I could recognize her. I woke up Wednesday morning with a mess in my pajama bottoms.

"Is my cock little, Mom?" I asked spinning on my chair in the kitchen. Dad had left for work while nibbling a slice of toast. I had been trying to remember Janice's first tale of infidelity. I opened my pants, and my hard penis stood up.

"Why are you showing your penis?" Mom tried not to look at it, but her eyes darted to and fro. "You know that's not polite."

"I know, Mom, but it's just us at home. That's why I called it a cock. You're okay with cock, right?" I assumed so because Janice said that word five times a minute.

"I don't need to see it." She countered, not saying she didn't want to see it. Her eyes kept glancing my way.

"I want to know if you think mine is little." Janice had said her first lover wasn't little at all. It seemed important.

"You still have a lot of growing to do, Eddie." It was a fair point. I was pretty sure that Janice's lovers were all much older than I. Mom walked out of the room, blushing as she passed. She mentioned, "It's a good size."

I zipped up my pants and prepared to go to school.

On Friday, I returned from school with a mind to see what else I could get away with. I tried to cop a feel of Mom's breasts. She isn't overly blessed, but Janice's were smaller.

"Take your hand off of me, Eddie!" Mom demanded. She had been sitting on the couch, and I had crept up from behind. I had only brushed the side of one boob. The only thing I got from the attempt was a sense of her bra's sturdiness. I had hoped my slight transgression wouldn't bring much trouble if Mom got upset. I pulled my hand away and retreated to my room. Mom didn't pursue the matter, nor did she mention it later. I felt I had dodged a bullet.


"The bum wasn't at the bus station the next time I checked." Janice was telling us on Tuesday. "I considered 'accidentally' splashing spoiled milk on Arnie, to simulate the bum's smell when he forced me to suck his cock and then take it up the ass. That bum loved my ass! Maybe he was gay. He kept complimenting how muscular mine is, while he cornholed it." Janice liked to keep fit, and I think Arnie had been helping her, by ordering her to eat half meals and throw the rest away in front of Dan. "Sue, I don't know if Ralph is giving it to you where the sun isn't supposed to shine, but if not, don't jump into it without plenty of lube! The bum's hands were so greasy they slicked me and his cock up lickety-split!"

Janice went on to describe how Arnie was dog training her, to eat from a bowl on the floor and piss in her backyard on her hands and knees."

"What did Roger do last week?" Mom surprised me with her question. She'd never egged our friend on to tell us more nasty deeds.

"Pissed me off, is what he did. He brought a woman and told me to suck her pussy." Janice's smile soured. "I told him to suck it himself - somewhere not on my premises. I told the woman it wasn't personal."

Janice spent nearly an hour telling us about her wondrous infidelities. We both walked to the front door with her and bid her good day. "Have a fun afternoon, you naughty mom and son." She was teasing. We both knew it.

Mom turned back to the kitchen. I was so horny, I spoke before thinking. "Watch me, Mom." Hearing myself blurt that, I froze, worried about her reaction.

Mom stopped and looked down. "Watch what?"

My bold talk didn't ease up. "I didn't say you could ask questions." I reached down and unbuttoned the top of my shorts.

Mom hesitated, almost as if she was expecting to hear my zipper slide down. I met her expectations and fished out my hard dick. "Do I have to tell you again?"

"No, Eddie." Mom stepped in a half circle, biting her lower lip when she faced me. She tried to meet my hot stare with calm resolve, but her eyes fixed on my jutting cock. I was learning, from her reactions to Janice's tales, what Mom's private feelings were. She was also horny, but she didn't want to act it out in front of me. Right now, I could probably get away with touching her boobs, but it felt wiser to keep my distance.

I touched myself, cupping the soft head gently. "I'm glad you think my cock has a good size, Mom." My hand began stroking the firm shaft. "I need you to watch me now, so you can tell me if I cum well enough."

"You should do that in the bathroom, Eddie." Mom shivered at the sight of my blatant masturbation. "I'll bring you a measuring cup."

"That's not what I said, Mom. You have to watch." I closed my eyes because she couldn't, and concentrated on the good feelings spreading from my hard penis. I imagined Mom drooling, wanting to touch me but too shy to do it. My hand increased its speed, up and down my throbbing dick. My eyes flew open but didn't catch Mom doing anything but watching. She was less red-faced as the novelty of seeing her son jerking off wore off, but she trembled, her resolve slowly shrinking from the heat growing in her loins. She licked her lips absentmindedly.

The living room was eerily quiet except for my heavy breathing, light smacking, and Mom's tiny grunts from the back of her throat. The afternoon sun blazed across the wall farthest from us. Its reflected light gave no shadows to hide what I was doing. I moaned and nodded at her. "I like how you watch me."

Mom's trembling faltered for a heartbeat. Warm red returned to her face.

The rush of orgasm mounted quickly as I watched fire kindle in her eyes. Mom must have really liked my upright cock. She swallowed when my hips twitched from the onset of ejaculation. I blurted, "Hold out your hands, Mom!" My body convulsed as I strived to hold back.

My words shocked her, and she acted to 'take care' of me. There was no time for her to decide what to do. Mom reached both hands out flat, a few inches from the cockhead disappearing and reappearing beneath my flashing fist. "Catch it all, Mom!" I groaned. Fireworks lit up the inside of my head, fueled to extra heights from her quick obedience. Cum gushed out of my prick!

I aimed as best as I could to help her catch it, but I kept demanding, through a storm of pleasure, "Don't miss a drop, Mom! Don't spill ANY!" My seminal bulb spat a dozen times, shooting thick, bright white globs into her hands and up her wrists. We twisted and shifted in a cooperative game to catch all of my boiling sperm. I don't remember any spilling into the carpet, but from my wild throes we must have missed a few drops.

I gasped and sighed. "That was really good!" I let her interpret my meaning.

Mom's face made an abrupt transition from unhappy fascination to cringing regret staring at her slimed hands. "What have you done?"

"I made you watch me and then catch my cum in your hands." I said, trying to catch my breath. The light in the room slowly brightened as my eyes relaxed from pinpoints of peak ecstasy.

"Go to the hall bathroom, now." I tried to sound reasonable instead of my previous demand. "But you can't cum today." I told her.

Mom very much wanted to have an orgasm. If she had even tried to masturbate, before or after washing her hands, she probably would have cum, and it would have been as intense for her as it had been for me, the proof soiling her hands. Mom rapidly retreated to the bathroom.

I heard the faucet run immediately. Expecting her to emerge after washing her hands, she remained within. Was she going to disobey? I didn't know what to do if she masturbated. I assumed she wanted to be ordered around as much as I enjoyed commanding her. I reexamined my assumptions as I waited with great curiosity and concern.

When I placed my ear against the door, I didn't hear her moaning. She was crying, nearly sobbing. I almost went in to apologize, but Janice had told me to be strong. I waited, confidence melting.

When my mom did exit the hall bathroom, her face had lost its deep red, but her cheekbones were puffy and pink. She must have wiped away her tears before leaving and going into the kitchen. "You should study, Eddie."

"Why were you crying, Mom?" I had to confront her.

Mom halted but didn't look back. "I needed to cry. After so many years -- wanting more from-" She resumed her dash to the kitchen, leaving me to deduce who.

Dad. Now, my father and I got along pretty well when he wasn't working or bowling or volunteering at a food bank. I had helped him many times at the charity, but the work didn't allow much time together. I suddenly saw Dad from a fresh perspective. I told myself, on that amazing Tuesday afternoon, that Dad was cheating on Mom. Not with another woman but cheating with a set of behaviors which would never fulfill his wife. It might have been the most adult thought I'd had in my fourteen years of life.

That night I greeted Dad with a false hug. I asked him about his day and carried his briefcase to the spare room that doubled as an office and a guest room. I thought I was angry with him, but that wasn't it. I felt sorry for him. I didn't want to trouble him, but I swore to protect Mom from the troubles he caused by denying her passions.

Mom woke me after midnight. I took her hand sleepily and kissed it. "No, Mom. You can't cum today neither."

"o k." She left in darkness but I sensed her body buzzing with the exciting frustration of complying with her young son's decision.

I had to masturbate before I could sleep again. Imagining the energy trapped in Mom's soul compelled me to jerk off twice.

It was a new, bright day when I entered the kitchen. "Mom, there are some tissues by my bed that you should clean up."

Dad reacted faster. "Eddie, don't talk to your Mom like that. She's your devoted mother and my wonderful wife, not a slave. If you made the mess, then you clean it up."

"It's all right, Dear." Mom interceded. "I've been meaning to give his room a full cleaning. He'll do his share of the work."

Mom hadn't lied. After Dad left, she made me clean most of it. However, before letting me in my own room, she picked up every soiled tissue beside my bed, with her bare hands. She cupped them carefully and blushed as she carried them past me to the kitchen waste bin.

I wanted to jerk off, then and there, and make her carry more of my dying cum through the house.

Remembering how it stung to be rejected for trying to grope her boobs. I was extra cautious not to overreach that week. Neither did I want to deny Mom's gratification for too long. On Thursday morning, as she was preparing breakfast, I whispered in her ear, "There are more tissues for you, Mom. When you're ready, take them to the hall bathroom. You can cum once, today."

Mom nearly dropped a plate of hash browns. I quickly steadied her hand, holding it gently, expecting her to do my bidding after breakfast. Dad was oblivious, reading the news on his tablet. She announced, "Don't let the eggs burn, Eddie." She released the fried potato shreds to my care and scurried out of the kitchen.

The eggs were only slightly overcooked when she returned. She ate hers happily, while Dad forked the solid yellow blob oozing with green sulfur and shook his head. "I'll stop and get some donuts for the office today." He left early.

As I was preparing to go to school, Mom appeared meek and worried. "We should set some rules-"

"No rules, Mom." I interrupted. "I'll try not to be stupid." Was all the assurance I gave.

...to be continued...
Chapter 4

Janice wasn't happy the next Tuesday. "That jerk, Arnie, got mad about me refusing to suck Roger's girlfriend. I thought he just wanted an excuse to paddle me, but he ranted for half an hour about how I should be a better slut and slave to them."

"After threatening to call the police, I escorted him to the door. And nothing would make me crawl back to him." Janice. "I was so annoyed, I had sex with Dan three times last week. It was good to get a break from weird stuff." Her smile almost returned. "How are you, Sue?"

The conversation quickly degraded into shopping and television shows. Math and history called me into my room.

Janice ducked her head into my room before leaving. "Sorry to have been boring, Eddie." She winked at me. "Have a better week with your mom than I did with Arnie." Again, she was clearly teasing, but when I imagined otherwise, that she knew something was happening between Mom and I, I got a big hardon. Fortunately, she left too quickly to see it.

I pushed the chair away from my small desk and opened my britches. With a handful of tissues in one hand, the other beat steadily up and down the root of my arousal. My eyes were closed, and my head tipped back as I imagined Janice stumbling in on Mom and I, Mom wearing my collar, naked and sporting red marks from my black tipped crop.

You probably think that I had learned those things from the internet, but Dad had installed powerful porn filters on every computer in the house. They were so effective, they slowed our computers down to the speed of a turtle crawling over a puddle of glue. Occasionally, I caught a few randy bits from my friends' computers, but Dad must have warned their parents about watching out for me. No, most of the naughty information in my head had come from Janice's stories. There was a chance that one of the reasons Mom let me listen to her, was to give Dad a big, middle finger.

What I didn't imagine was Mom at my door, peeping through the crack that Janice had left.

I cried out as I came and soaked the tissues. It wasn't a great orgasm, but it did the job. I recovered quickly then heard the door creak slightly. Instantly guilty, my head spun to see who was there.

Mom must have brushed against my door as she fondled herself, hand under her skirt and deep inside her panties. She was staring at the wet tissues as they slowly yellowed in my hand. It took me long seconds to understand what was happening.

"Come in here, Mom."

"Hh!" Her eyes flew open! "I'm sorry, Eddie. I didn't mean-"

"You were peeking at me, Mom."

She shut up.

"Come in here." I repeated. I felt I had her over a barrel of unknown size. She was blushing to her navel. If I hadn't just cum, I might have done something stupid. I had just enough sense to reach for the clouds, if I couldn't shoot for the moon.

Mom shuffled through the door, leaving it open behind her.

"You were peeping and masturbating." I accused darkly.

She bowed her head.

"You can't cum for a week, Mom." I decided. Mom shuddered. That was going to be hard, but I wasn't finished. I held out the filthy tissues. "Take these, before my hand gets dirtier. Then get fresh tissues." She looked upwards, shame flushing her cheeks as she took the cum soaked wads from me. I leaned back and pushed out my hips, fully exposing my softening but still erect penis. "You have to clean my hand and my cock." I told her. "There's more inside that you'll have to squeeze out."

"That's not right, Eddie. We're already doing too much, but I've been weak."

"I know, Mom, but you were peeping AND frigging your clit like a naughty slut."

Mom might have had an orgasm then. If so, it was so weak it hardly made her flinch. She agreed. "I-I'll clean you up."

My penis sprang back to life when Mom rubbed a tissue up and down its "good size." Prior to touching my turgid rod, Mom carefully wiped the fingers and palms of both my hands. But instead of squeezing my hard cock, she simply held a tissue to the tip and rubbed another tissue up the underside to extract the cum from my urethra.

I hardly felt jipped. I had made my mom touch my cum coated cock. Sure, with tissues protecting her fingers, but I was ecstatic! More bold words rolled out of my incredulous expression. "Next time, Mom, I'll make you show me your tits."

Her hand halted as a little tremor ran through her body. "It'll never happen again, Eddie." She promised.

I suddenly wanted her to watch me jerk off again, but I felt I had pushed Mom to her limit. I told her to take the big wad of tissues soaking with my disappointed sperm to the hall bathroom and reminded her not to cum until the following Tuesday.


"I crawled back to Arnie." Janice announced without shame. "He promised to negotiate about my limits. Instead of sucking Roger's girlfriend, I agreed to sucking Roger's ass, but he had to wash it first. Arnie took great pleasure in humiliating me while Roger wagged his hairy butt across my face, as I licked and sucked his dirty hole. (even cleaned, asses were dirty - she believed)" She gave Mom a wink. "Then Arnie spanked my tits and tummy while Roger, um, rogered my ass with his hard prick." Janice cooed as she related her latest, nasty adventures.

That was just the beginning of her story on that special Tuesday afternoon. I had sat at the table next to Mom and across from Janice. I ceased to stand shyly beside Mom during her visits. Halfway through our friend's porno week, my dick got so hard, I worried it might drill through my pants. I slumped down a little in my chair, to make sure Janice couldn't see it.

When she regaled us with the many blowjobs she had been forced to give, one to a stranger at a park, I couldn't take it any more. I slowly unbuttoned and unzipped my pants to let my boner stick up into the open through the vent in my boxers. Only I wasn't sly enough. Suddenly Mom lightly slapped my elbow that was under the table. She could see the head of my dick from her angle and signaled me to put it away.

"My jaws were sore for two days, but I came six times before they locked up." Janice paused. Her eyes must have caught something off in Mom's eyes. "Am I boring you?" She smiled.

Mom was ready for her, having built up resistance to her friend's stories over three months. "It's just hard to keep track of it all, Janice. When do you have time to do the laundry?" Mom slapped my elbow again, secretly anxious about my exposed member.

She laughed. "I don't! I told Dan that I would give him a blow job every time he washes our clothes. He's getting pretty good with the iron too."

"Which iron are you talking about?" Mom's joke surprised Janice and me.

I suddenly got clever too and started rubbing the part of my cock that Mom could see. "You must get plenty of vitamins, Janice, when you take care of that many irons." I elbowed Mom's hand to get her attention.

She gasped at what she saw me doing under the table, but she managed to hide her shock and embarrassment. "Silly." She locked her eyes on her friend's. "Little pitchers are supposed to be seen, not heard."

"Honestly, Sue." Janice's cheer darkened. "I wish Dan wouldn't use condoms when we have sex. I agreed, when I married him, not to have kids, but he doesn't trust the pill's effectiveness."

Mom instantly sympathized. "Ralph and I have been trying for ten years, but we can't afford to find out what's not working."

Still caught in my increasing arousal, I imagined telling Janice to stop taking the pill while I impregnated Mom in front of her. I nearly came, right then, but realization of their actual discussion kicked me in the head and my arousal leveled off.

"If Dan did get me pregnant, I would want to keep it." Janice admitted. "I'm not absolutely sure what I would do if someone else accidentally bred me, but I'm not afraid to abort."

"Ralph hates that word." Mom admitted. The erotic electricity in the kitchen weakened. She tapped my wriggling elbow again.

"Real life." Janice sighed. "No matter how much we enjoy our fantasies, women have to take the lead when reality tosses us into its maze." Our favorite guest got up from her chair.

Mom bounded up, to distract from my absent gaze and what I was still doing, albeit slower, under the table.

"You're a good friend, Sue." Janice hugged Mom.

Mom told her, "If you weren't so busy with your boyfriends, you'd be welcome to visit more often than once a week."

"I appreciate that more than you might think." Janice admitted as they walked to the front door. "Goodbye, Eddie." She called into the kitchen.

"I love your stories, Janice!" I replied, letting go of my erection. It wasn't as hard as it had been, and the thrill of doing it unnoticed disappeared.

Mom rushed back after the front door had shut out her friend. "What were you thinking?" She scolded me.

There was a good chance that Janice's spell over Mom had elapsed from their moment of truth, but I tried anyway. "I was thinking what would Janice think if I jerked off in front of her."

"Don't be ridiculous." Mom seemed to consider my question, however.

I pressed. "I think she might have jerked me off, Mom. You said my cock is a good size." I scooted my chair from under the table, taking precaution to keep my rod from jamming into the support plank. I felt fresh blood seeping back into my now mild erection as Mom got a good look. Her irises narrowed.

"Maybe she would even suck it, Mom."

"Don't let your imagination run away from you." Mom gulped. Her previous erotic state was returning.

"Get down on your knees and touch my cock, Mom." I told her softly, firmly.

"That's going too far, Eddie. I warned you."

"I'll let you cum today, if you rub my penis with your hands."

Mom had refrained from orgasming for a week. She wasn't nearly as randy as her fourteen year old son, but I couldn't imagine how she had lasted that long. I could hardly go a day without masturbating.

She almost turned away so she could weep in her bedroom. She knew how wrong it would be to jack her son's erect penis, even if she didn't make me cum. I hadn't told her to make me cum, but she guessed I probably would. "May I, uh, cum as often as I want, this week?" Her attempt at negotiating surprised and empowered me.

"That's not what I told you." I put my foot down - a little. "But if you do it good enough, I'll think about it. I know you had a rough week." I reached out to her, wanting to touch one of her blushing cheeks. "You've been very good. I just want a little more from you."

"You're asking too much." She fretted. "What if I-"

"Stop it, Mom." I cut off her next offer. I looked at her and then at my, once again, fully hard prick. "Now get on your knees or don't. You can put oven mitts on the floor." The tiles were hard and cold. Mom shivered, wishing she could give up the control that I offered her, the control that made her cum better than with my father." Her eyes glistened from natural saline seeping across them. She went to a counter and grabbed mitts and thick pot holders. As she kneeled beside my chair, she placed them randomly.

I dared to stroke her burning cheek with my fingers. "You already touched it last week." I reminded her gently. "This won't be so different."

She brushed her fingers up one narrow strip of my staff. It was happening! I wanted to shout with joy that my submissive mom was going to stroke me to an orgasm. I only worried about cumming the instant her soft hand wrapped round my engorged dick.

Her fingers were soft and very warm. Mom looked away when she took hard penis into her hands. I wasn't so big as to need both hands, but I had told her to use both. "You can cum at least twice this week." I sweetened the pot.

Mom's hands moved on me, and I barely managed to keep from exploding all over them. I thought of the math problems waiting in my homework. Her hands felt great! But they would have felt better if she had kneeled closer to me. If so, she might have bust my nut in the first few seconds.

She kept her eyes away from me and stroked awkwardly. It was not the power play I had imagined, using her for the first time to get me off. My arousal waned from over analyzing the difficulty she was having. She was too caught in her own arousal to notice my disappointment.

After a few more strokes, I told her. "This isn't working."

"No?" Mom instantly worried that she had lost my approval to cum twice that week.

"Not like this, Mom. It'll feel better if I stand up." I reassured, "It's not your fault."

She relaxed and retreated on her knees to make room. I stood up and reassessed the situation. Seeing Mom on her knees, below me, her head at the same level as my jutting prick reawakened my libido. She reached up with one hand, but it faltered before gripping me. "I-I can't, Eddie. This isn't right. I've let you shame me for weeks now, and I enjoyed it." Mom wept. "That alone is reason enough to stop this-"

Something like anger boiled up inside of me, my horny thoughts calculating well ahead of her announcement to forego my demand. Mine was a righteous anger. I watched her mouth dare to defy me, and when she said, "to", her lips formed a perfect O. My hand flashed out and grabbed her brown, shoulder length hair from behind. I thrust my hips forward, spearing my throbbing cock into her word "this-"! "Now you have to suck it, Mom." I clenched my finger in her hair, evoking a sharp cry from the back of her stuffed throat.

My cock didn't reach quite as far as her gullet, but it was enough to silence her. I began humping her head which I held in a tight grip. "Suck me, Mom. That's all your mouth is good for, now." I slapped her cheek with my free hand. "How dare you tease me! You can't decide to suddenly quit what you started!"

Although my deepest thrusts barely reached her uvula, Mom gagged and choked and slobbered all over my dick. Spittle spray out from around the soft head pounding her tongue. It leaked down her chin and wet my balls. My pubes collected little beads of my mother's forcibly drawn saliva.

Mom began beating my hips with her fists. She tried to shake my dick out of her mouth, but every shake pulled the hair in my tight fingers. Her scalp burned with fire trying to escape my assault on her mouth. She tried to stand up, but I slapped her face harder. I railed. "The only way this is going to end is with a full load of my cum down your throat. Now be a good bitch like Janice and suck it!"

Her airway was out of reach from my deep spearing, but she had trouble breathing through her nose while I demanded a good sucking. Mom couldn't understand why I was doing this to her. How could her loving son suddenly assault her mouth with angry fuck strokes? What kind of horror had Janice's stories unleashed in me? She would have begged me to let her jack me off, if she could have uttered more than coughs, hacks, and grunts.

Mom continued to fight, and I continued to deform her tongue, with hard cock. I slapped her fists. They were starting to hurt! She was as strong as me, but she was down on her knees. I had the advantage, one hand clutching her hair. Pain punished her scalp. The final outcome was already decided.

First she began sobbing on my stabbing dick. Tears streamed out of her panicking eyes. Mom's fists slowed, and convulsions of despair at her defeat, wracked her kneeling frame. I eased my grip in her hair, and I thrust less wildly, to signal my approval. Her tears weakened and her sobs ended. I found myself fucking my mother's face without resistance.

Her nostrils rasped long pulls of air as her sobs faded to prevent asphyxiation. She wept, her head shuddering on me, but it wasn't the sensation I craved. I didn't know what being sucked felt like. As good as humping my mother's face felt, I was sure that sucking would be ten times better. "Go on, now, Mom." I urged. "I won't let you go until you do what I said." I gave her hair a little tug. She grunted, and her eyes squinted into teary, sorrowful slits.

Even if she didn't suck me, I was willing to call it a victory and cum as hard as I could into her head. (but I couldn't tell her that) My consciousness nearly floated out of my body, reveling at her defeat. There was a part of me that was sad. I had broken the instinctual pact between parent and child to care for each other, simply because I was horny as hell. That part would soon haunt me, but not before I experienced the full effect of my transgression.

Mom's cheeks and tongue and lips pulled me back into my head. Mom had begun to suck her son's hard, mouth raping cock. It was my turn to gasp! From the lofty heights of imagined power, my attention snapped into the reality of the best sensation in my young world - Mom's mouth softly pulling against my pumping cock. I almost mocked her initial resistance, but she made me feel too good to form a sentence. My hips stilled from the surprising pleasure. I almost let go of her hair. For a couple seconds, Mom's mouth held suction on half of my hard penis as if we were stuck together by her inward cheeks and lips protruding up my flesh.

She looked up. My hot eyes met her teary ones. Was this okay? They asked.

Abruptly my body convulsed from a head to toe wrenching orgasm. I didn't mean to shove my prick fully into her face, smashing her lips against her teeth. My body's reflexes did the erotic deed for me. Suddenly I was holding her face to my crotch and spurting gobs of thick cum into her gullet. My free hand joined the one controlling the back of my mother's head.

Mom tried to escape the volume of hot goo flooding her throat, but my hands held her head firm. My seminal bulb spat and refilled as muscles worked in milliseconds to unleash a torrent from my burning balls. "Swallow all of it, Mom." I told her. Her hands, pushing desperately against the front of my pelvis, unexpectedly grabbed the meat of them, and I felt her tongue and throat begin to work, gulping down as much of her son's sex milk as she could. White beads oozed out the corners of her mouth. This new, incredible sensation caused my reproductive system to double their production. It was too much! Mom choked, and cum spat out from her lips.

I abruptly let go of her head, afraid I had filled her lungs with cum. She coughed her head off of the rigid flesh I had stabbed into it. "Mom?" I started, but I had no right to ask if she was okay.

Hacking against the volume of cum I had unleashed down her gullet, Mom fled the kitchen like a beaten dog. Guilt flooded me far deeper than I had flooded her with cum.

It was the end. Mom would never talk to me again. She might have Dad send me to a boarding school, or worse, disown me. Whatever she told him, I wouldn't refute. I had raped my mother. The realization dazed me, knifing the joy jangling my nerves.

My tears mingled with hers on the cold, kitchen tiles. A door slammed shut down the hall. Steeped in guilt, I almost missed the clue. Surely she had raced to her bedroom and locked herself in until Dad returned and dealt with my atrocious sin.

Only, the door which closed was to the hall bathroom. You can tell the difference by the echo in its tiled walls. What was she doing? I tried to follow, but my legs were weak. I'd never fought so much nor orgasmed so intensely. I would have sore arms, hips, and thighs for the next couple days. Guilt, sorrow, endorphins, and exhaustion sent my butt crashing into the chair behind me.

Minutes later, the bathroom door opened, but it was quickly followed by Mom closing her bedroom door. I hadn't even turned around to look at the hall entrance. Wracked with guilt and the undeniable satisfaction of an incredible orgasm, I couldn't face anything.

At some point, I realized Dad was on his way home from work. I wiped up myself and the tile floor. Then, without questioning my actions, I prepared dinner. While not much of a cook, I could make spaghetti (when there were cans of marinara in the cupboard.) I added some frozen broccoli and frozen mushrooms to the beef sauce that I simmered next to the boiling noodles.

...to be continued...
Chapter 5

Dad returned home and went to their room to change. I held my breath until I couldn't any longer. When the door reopened, I cringed, expecting at the very least a tirade about forcing Mom into a horrible act. He strode into the kitchen and declared, "That smells good, Ed." He sat where Janice had been, placed his tablet on the table, and began to read.

Mom stood at the hall entrance, staring at me like a lost fawn. I almost forgot to turn off the gas jets under the finished food. I frowned and looked at the floor. Mom entered the kitchen, each step hesitating before committing. Her wide open eyes never left me as she seated herself next to Dad and placed a hand on his lap.

"That's nice, Dear." He looked up from his tablet and gave her a smile.

"I-I love you, Ralph." Mom spoke as haltingly as she had walked.

"You're embarrassing the boy, Sue." Dad gave me a shrug.

My only conscious thought, other than the thousands assaulting my self-worth, was, she lied.

We ate. Dad read. Mom stared at her plate of diminishing spaghetti, and I stared at mine. When we had finished eating, I pulled a carton of ice cream out of the freezer, and I fetched two bowls and two spoons. "I'm going to study."

I escaped Mom's dazed aura, but I couldn't concentrate on homework. I ended up playing a game on the computer and going to bed. I had extra crust in my eyes when I woke the next morning. I stayed in bed and read my history book. The chapter contained a blurb about the original Pyrrhic victory.

"Ed, are you coming to breakfast?" Dad shouted.

"I'm still full from last night. I'll have a mango before I leave for school."

When I did leave, I packed quickly and walked swiftly to the front door.

"I put a mango in your lunch sack." Mom shuffled up to me, holding out a paper bag. She still looked a little scared.

"I-I'm so so-" I began to break down.

"You're going to be late." Mom's voice hardened. She turned away.

Six hours of sanctuary wasn't enough to ease my guilt at the end of school, but I felt able to talk to her. Returning home quietly and carefully putting my things away, I changed into sturdy jeans and a full sleeve shirt. "Mom?" I exited my room.

"I'm in the living room."

Duh. I'd sneaked past her, to the safety of my lair. I walked to the end of the hall and peered into the big room. I watched Mom scoot on the couch, away from me. Or was she making room? "I won't blame Janice, Mom." I began.

"No." She agreed. "Yesterday was my fault."

"Mom-" I disparaged. "What I did-"

She cut me off. "Was very wrong. Yes." Mom's face had a dark expression I'd never seen before. "Are you going to do it again?" Her eyes were burning.

"I dunno. I don't want to, but Janice-"

"I thought you weren't going to blame her."

Mom's constant interruptions were confusing me and making me a little mad.

"I'm not!" I blustered. "I was gonna say, 'She's lucky that she likes things like that.'"

Mom added, "And that's why what happened was my fault." I obviously didn't understand, so she clarified. "You were having a critical moment, between your heightened urges and your good sense. I - I worried too much about being your mother instead of, um, doing what was best." Now she sounded confused.

All I could fathom was, Mom wasn't very mad at me. My guilt calmed a little, but tension in the room remained. Despite the stress, I felt my dick twitch in my thick pants. Before it could embarrass me, I headed to my room. "Thanks, Mom."

"I promise, Eddie, I won't react that way again." Both of us had used great restraint from saying that I had raped her face.

Sleep eluded me that night. Although I was feeling less guilty, while I jerked off, I barely achieved an orgasm. I remembered her distress, while my prick rutted her outcries into anxious gurgles. It wasn't slightly arousing. Sometime before one in the morning I got up to pee. There was light from under the door, and soft mewling sounded behind it. I listened, ear against wood.

"Chaz made me suck him before I knew his name." Mom was getting off in there.

"Good for you." I whispered too low for her to hear, and I crept back to my bed and slept okay. I almost felt normal the next day, Thursday. When I returned from school, Mom knocked and entered. I had finished changing into shorts and a t-shirt.

"What am I supposed to do about those?" She pointed at the tissues I had soaked with cum the night before. The tip of Mom's tongue parted her lips slightly. I figured she was trying to tell me that our games had come to an end. It only made sense, but I had the strangest feeling that she was testing me. Did I dare provoke her?

"You have to eat them, Mom." It was such a bizarre answer. I could claim I was joking, however cruelly considering what I'd done.

Mom made a strange sound in her throat, and a scowl appeared on her face. Her cheeks reddened. She pushed me aside and bent down reaching for the mess I'd made. Picking up the yellowed, rank smelling, tissues, she straightened and held them out like evidence at a murder scene. "Do you mean these?" Her scowl turned to disgust.

I chuckled, hoping she would get the joke. "Um, yeah." I grinned, self-loathing churning in my gut.

"You don't even care what I think." Disgust unexpectedly turned piteous. Sorrow and disappointment made her eyes big.

Joke over, I took the slightly gooey tissues from my mother's hand. Her hand went to her throat, and she gulped, eyes glued to the mess now in my hand.

Call me slow, but finally I realized that Mom had been staring at the tissues from the moment she came into the room. I had thought the red in her face was anger, but it had darkened as she stood transfixed by the cum soaked tissues.

Barely two feet separated us. My free hand raised up along her right arm. It reached around her right ear and cupped the back of her head. I tangled my fingers into her dark brown, soft hair. My right hand moved the nasty clump to her lips and pressed it to them.

Mom quivered at my firm actions. She shook her head. Her eyes burned at the gross wad. She could smell how foul it had grown after fifteen hours of lying on the carpet. "Don't-"

The slight parting of her lips let me stuff the wad past them. Her teeth were clamped shut, so I packed the tissues into her gums and clenched her hair. "Eat my cum, Mom." I held my then empty hand to her mouth to keep her from spitting them out. "You liked my cum so much on Tuesday, you ran to the bathroom and gave yourself one of the two orgasms I allowed for this week." A dim bulb had finally lit up my head with comprehension.

"It's gross." She continued to resist, speaking through her teeth with a tiny voice.

"I might give you fresh cum after you eat these, to take the taste away." I offered. "If you stop stalling."

A shudder passed through her. A sharp whine issued from her throat. Had she cum? "I-I'm not ready for-" Her eyes squinted with shame. That and the tissues stuffing her gums formed a deep frown. Mom relaxed her jaw and bit into the foul mess between her lips. Her face twitched from the awful taste.

"Don't forget to chew ten times before swallowing." I lectured.

Mom obeyed, cringing with every bite of the horrid flavor of my spoiled cum. Watching her squirm in my grip made my cock fully hard in my pants, but my attention was glued to Mom's chewing and grimaces. If I had cum in my pants, I would have made her lick them and my junk clean.

"One. Two. Three. Four- wait, that wasn't a full chew. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine -- aaand ten!" I counted. "You can swallow now." I taunted, "Unless you started like the taste."

Mom gulped down soggy, old cum flavored shards of tissue paper. "D-don't think I'll go along with every stupid thing." Shame and anger surfaced.

"Sure, Mom." I released her hair and pulled my hand from her mouth. A couple bits of yellowed-white speckled them.

She eased around me, headed for the door. "Don't you try anything more." She didn't say for how long, I interpreted. Mom went out of the room and quickly entered the hall bath.

I followed, identifying sounds through its door. The rush of water at the sink likely meant that she was washing out the taste in her mouth. Clothing rustled, then the toilet seat creaked.

"You can't cum today, Mom." I called from the hall.

Dad arrived on time and changed on time. He sat in his lounge chair and watched a video feed on his tablet while waiting for supper.

I sneaked into the kitchen where Mom was simmering custard for dessert. She had sampled everything while cooking that evening, still trying to rid the taste of her son's rancid cum from her mouth. She was leaning over, smelling the custard's hot aroma. When she straightened, I reached around from behind and smacked a steaming wad of tissues against her lips. "I told you, I'd give you something fresh." I whispered. It would have been dangerous to grab her so close to the stove. I relied on her obedience.

"Your father's right around the corner!" She squeaked.

"Then you better eat quickly, Mom." I painted cum across her lips. "But you still have to chew ten times."

"Please let me cum, Eddie. This afternoon, I almost lost control." Her voice wheezed with arousal.

"Don't stall, Mom, or I won't even consider it."

She opened her mouth and accepted the fresh, warm clump into her mouth. Her teeth worked quickly to shred the gooey mass and cover it in saliva. If I hadn't just wanked a big load into the wad, my dick would have ballooned with blood, ready to dump another load for Mom's consumption.

After she'd swallowed the mass, without looking behind at me, she sniffed, and I heard her groan with frustration. She must have been especially horny.

"Not tonight, Mom. Tomorrow." I decreed.

I set a soft alarm on my phone for midnight that night. When it's pleasant music finally woke me, I stumbled down the hall. She was already inside the bathroom. "You don't know what it's like, Janice, to have your son feed you day old cum." She moaned.

I gave a light knock. "Mom. I want to see."

Mom didn't sound surprised at my interruption. She understood that I would eventually intrude on her privacy. Her voice shuddered. "You can't, Eddie. The door is locked, and I'm, um-" She was sitting too far to reach the knob.

"I'll be right back" I had a solution. "You have to wait." I ran to the kitchen and grabbed a tiny screwdriver from our junk drawer. Returning to the hall bathroom door, I unlocked the knob from the outside. I gave another knock. "I'm going to peek." I slowly turned the knob and opened the door just far enough to see my mother, her nightgown raised to her torso, legs spread and her hand waiting for me to watch what she had been doing. I pulled my hard penis out of my pajama bottoms and slowly stroked it.

That was the first time I had seen something of my mother's sex. Her hand covered most of it, but her thick bush peeked out from every direction. As her hand moved its fingers in and out of her pussy and rubbed her clit, I saw flashes of more exciting bits.

I came first.

She came louder.

Yikes! Upon Mom's eruption, with only her bedroom door to mute it, I raced to my room, hopefully not stepping in the puddle I had made. My heart drummed as if after a battle.

I leaned against the inside of my closed door, waiting to hear Mom pass by. When she didn't I opened it and peeked into the hall. Light from the bathroom shined on her. The hem of her gown at her ankles, she was kneeling, face down, licking at the carpet and the door frame, licking up my hot blobs of thick cum.

I shut my door quietly and told my deflating prick, "Good job."

...to be continued...
Chapter 6

You might imagine I had free rein to feed wadded cum clods down Mother's throat thereafter. Yet the next morning, after Dad had left, when I presented her with a cold, second breakfast (having cum before breakfast). She swiped the soggy clumps out of my hand and dumped them in the trash. She washed her hands, shaking her head. "I told you there were limits."

What those limits were, I had yet to fathom. It was the first time I realized there really were limits. I did remember that she had rejected my directives a few weeks earlier. I had assumed that Janice's influence over her had run out. Was that still the case?

I ruined my sleep for the next four nights, waking at the stroke of midnight to catch Mom masturbating and tell her not to cum. She failed to appear. That Friday night, I heard her and Dad making love, and I was jealous of Dad for the first time.

By the time Tuesday afternoon rolled around, I had ants in my pants. I sat next to Mom while Janice went on about her latest infidelities. I watched Mom closely, to see if I could recognize the moment she became submissive to her desires, but she acted the part of 'embarrassed woman listening to friend's naughty deeds,' well. I found myself thinking Mom's blush was the most beautiful thing about her.

"Truth be told, licking and sucking a man's ass does nothing for me. Even being told to do it turns me off a little. But anal sex, lordy! Sue, it's like having a second cunt that doesn't trouble you for days out of every month. Arnie and Roger prefer using it when I'm bleeding. With the right lube and extra-anal stimulation, I can cum just as hard as I can from a top notch, cunt fuck."

"Extra anal?" I asked puzzled. "More than one ass?"

"She means being stimulated outside of her anus, Eddie." Mom answered appropriately.

"Roger has been giving me the best massages before sex. It's heavenly. I seriously think he's trying to get me to like him more than Arnie. Maybe Roger thinks I'll obey him more, but if he keeps lavishing me with delicious treats like that, he might end up wound around my little finger." Janice meowed. "That might be a good thing, to have a hot man I can fully control, instead of the lukewarm one I already control."

Because of my extra attention on Mom, I didn't miss Mom's eyes darting at me. Was she thinking that she might like to control me? I instantly disapproved of that! To tease her, I took my time opening my pants under the table again. Her right hand was resting calmly on my thigh. So it was easy to take it and wrap her fingers around my turgid prick. Mom's flinch ran up her arm and shook her frame, but I managed to keep her hand on my hidden erection. I even jacked it up and down once, to show her what to do.

"Sue?" Janice had noticed Mom's tremor. "Are you- ?" She grinned and raised suggestive eyebrows at me. "Is your Mommy playing with herself under the table?"

My face turned bright red! Mom blushed too. My grip on Mom's hand evaporated, but she held on to my suddenly downward trending turgidity.

"Little pitchers are too delicate for blows like that, Janice." Mom rebuked her friend.

"Oh, I'm such a silly joker!" Janice laughed. "Is it time for me to go?" It wasn't. She hadn't been here thirty minutes. She made excuses and tottered away, saying she could let herself out. I think she was trying to hide her blush. Did she suspect what I had made Mom do?

After the front door shut in the next room, I gaped at Mom for answers.

"Shhh, Sweetheart." Her hand jacked swiftly on my revived boner. I was putty in her hands. I wasn't sure who was taking control of whom. Before I came, Mom grabbed a couple napkins from the table and aimed my considerable spend into them. I could get used to that, I thought at the time.

Before I remembered to tell her to eat my cum, she had risen and trashed the napkins. She left the house then, to shop for groceries.

My heart and face were glowing when I went to my room and studied. She returned about the same time as Dad, and she went to the kitchen while he changed. The evening progressed slowly, predictably, and bored me.

During dinner, Dad talked about ordering computer services for his employers. Mom discussed the price of groceries. I answered each of their questions about school, with the same words. "It's okay."

To make up for waking in the middle of the last four nights, I had slept in for the last four mornings. Yet I was committed to exerting control over Mom, preventing her pleasure until I decided she could orgasm. I woke up just after midnight, Wednesday, and waited. I spent fifteen minutes trying not to fall back to sleep, I got up and crept up the hall.

Mom and Dad never locked their door unless they were making love. That happened on Fridays but few other nights. I twisted the handle, worried it would squeak, but I pressed on, slowly opening the door and sneaking inside. Moonlight through their window's thin curtains put a spotlight on Mom. She lay turned away from Dad, He had most of their blanket, but she seemed at peace. The flannel sheet covering her, rose and fell from silent breaths.

I tiptoed around the bed and gently petted her hair. Mom's eyes fluttered open and I put a finger to my lips. "Shhh." I used the same finger to point at Dad who was snoring at the other end of their king sized bed.

"Eddie?" She whispered and blinked.

As if to answer, my fingers on her hair, sank in and clenched. "You have to suck me." I whispered and pulled her head to the edge of the bed.

She jerked from surprise, jostling the bed. I checked Dad. His snores sputtered but didn't stop.

"Eddie!" She hissed. "Let me go!"

I whispered, "Suck out my cum, Mom, and you can go back to sleep." My hard penis pointed at her face.

She gave Dad a nervous glance before declaring, "I told you there are limits."

"You can't use that as an excuse, Mom. We both know Dad sleeps like a log. I'm betting that after sex, a tornado couldn't wake him."

If she had disagreed or insisted on her limits, I might have backed down. Taking sexual control of your mother while your father slept three feet away, was a daunting endeavor. She pursed her lips, looking conflicted. How did I know they had made love, especially after finding their door unlocked?

"You're sleeping by yourself." I answered her unspoken question. Mom is a cuddler.

She flinched as if I had struck a nerve. I pressed my advantage. "Dad came inside you, but you didn't cum at all. He doesn't last long enough for you." I had learned that much from listening at their door for the last few months of Fridays. "Nod if I'm right, Mom."

She bit her lip and nodded.

"You don't like his cum, do you?"

Mom slowly shook her head.

"You like my cum, Right?" I brushed my penis against her lips. "Tell me, Mom."

"I like your cum, Eddie."

"You like it because I let you cum." It wasn't because of the taste.

Her body tensed up, defeated.

"Go on and drink my cum, Mom." I told her, pressing my pee hole to her pearly gates.

Her head moved, pulling my hand in her hair, closer. She opened up and engulfed three quarters of my hard prick. Her mouth began sucking immediately.

I groaned from the sensation and my victory over her. My hand relaxed in her hair. I humped her face gently while she sucked me in and out of her hot maw. Her tit mounds pressed hard nipples through her flannel nightgown. I touched and rubbed them. "Ohh, your mouth feels wonderful!" It was difficult to keep my voice quiet while my brain buzzed with excitement.

The sheet beneath her head rumpled and straightened as my motion bobbed her head across it. She moaned when I started to toy with her nipples. They felt like big pencil erasers. "I'll help you cum, if you take a big drink from my balls." I reached further into the sheet covering her.

She shook her head. I think she worried about getting too excited and jostling the bed. I was so enraptured by her sucking mouth, I cared less and less about waking Dad. My hand petted her tummy and scratched the top of her pubic thatch through her gown.

To reach all the way to her crotch, I had to stop humping and step sideways. Her lips and tongue halted for a second, as if she worried that I might fall on the bed.

I pinched her upper nipple. "Don't stop, Mom, or I'll spank you." It was an idle threat, but I think it spurred her to suck harder and faster. My hand petted her thatch, wishing I could rip through her gown and touch her deprived sex.

Mother surprised me by pulling up her gown with her upper hand. The hem slipped past my fingertips and suddenly they were sinking into thick curls. Her hips jerked, but the bed moved only slightly. She groaned from the heat of my invading fingers. My cock lurched in her mouth, and I had to exert all of my self-control to keep from ejaculating.

"You need to cum, don't you, Mom."

"Hmm-mmmm." She nodded which added to my pleasure.

I fingered the top of her vulva, intentionally missing the hard, eager bud of her sex. She quivered. I repeated, "I do want you to cum, but I said you have to drink deep, first. She nodded again, redoubling her efforts to unleash the pressure in my seminal bulb.

I groaned! "Ohhh, Mommy." I wrenched away my hand holding her head and covered my mouth.

Dad grunted and stopped snoring. His head angled towards his chest.

Lightning coursed through my nerves and fireworks lit up my head. Cum blasted from my dick into my mother's sucking jaws. She gulped and gulped, possibly unaware of Dad's sleep state, possibly motivated to suck me faster because I had groaned loudly.

Lost in the joy of cumming thick juice down Mom's throat, I hesitated, waiting for the last of my sperm to drool out of my pee hole and wash over her tongue. She gulped one last time as I pulled out and ducked down behind Mom's side of the bed.

"Susan?" Dad asked groggily.

Mom scrambled to draw their bedclothes over her heaving breasts. "Ralph?"

"Can't sleep?"

"Um, just a little too awake." Mom told the truth. She was eager to get off after sucking my cum, right next to her husband.

"I wish I could help." Dad's voice slowed. He curled up a little smaller clutching his pillow like a life preserver.

"You did your best earlier." Mom complimented him.

"I hope you sleep soon." He drifted back to sleep, and light snoring returned to their bedroom.

"I owe you, Mom."

"Please, Honey." Mom squeaked. "You promised."

"But - Dad."

Mom reached out from under the blanket. "Give me your hand."

She took it to her nest and used my fingers to slowly masturbate. "You promised."

I had a fleeting notion of cheating her and declaring that she would have to wait. I could have made up some bullshit, blaming her for Father's lucid moment. The truth was, I wanted Mom to cum, not because she had just swallowed mine. Because I loved her, and she had obeyed my edict denying her from orgasiming.

"Let go of my hand." I took charge and began to pierce her outer lips. My fingers slipped through her slightly wet groove.

"Mmm." Mom hummed.

"I can feel your juices." My fingers dove slowly into her inner lips. It found the pucker of her vagina's entrance and toyed with it. I brushed my thumb across her turgid clit. It felt like all her pent up passion had inflated it to the size of the largest cherry.

"Oh, Eddie..." She gasped!

My hand stilled, and I checked Dad.

He snored without skipping a beat. I pushed two fingers into Mom's cunt and began to fuck her with them and firm strokes of my thumb against her clit.

Mom clapped a hand over her mouth and groaned. She grabbed her pillow from under her head and smothered her face. My strokes in her sensitive, deprived hole extracted heavy grunts and moans. She bit down on the pillow when the first of several orgasms struck like deep earthquakes.

I kept fingering her twat and clit until she reached down and grabbed my wrist.

"Honey?" Dad's voice surprised me. Although he sounded as if he was talking in his sleep. "Whacha doin'?"

"I - um, I'm masturbating, Ralph." Mom turned her head, so she could be heard from under the pillow."

"That's nice..." His voice faded, and snores resumed immediately.

I should have felt terrified, but I felt incredible, ducked down beside Mom, with my hand buried in her sex. I grinned for my own amusement and firmly pushed my fingers in and out, ignoring the resistance of Mom's hand. I didn't say anything. By touch alone, I communicated that her cunt was mine. She groaned, louder and louder, uncaring if my dad heard, as my hand worked to build an even stronger orgasm from her trembling body.

"OOOHhhh!! SWEETIEEE!" Mom convulsed on the bed, lurching it.

"Susan!" Dad lifted his head and cranked it around. "What happened?" I ducked down but refused to withdraw my groping hand while Mom quaked and shivered under the covers.

"What didn't happen?" Mom sighed, finally satisfied.

...to be continued...
Chapter 7

On Sunday, Dad invited some friends and neighbors for a pot-luck barbecue. It was a small party, less than twenty people. I always found it interesting that the women would gather in the house to chat and prepare food in the kitchen, while the men would stand around the grill and talk about cars and sports. I liked a couple soccer teams at that time in my life, Argentina and another I don't remember. And I could enjoy watching women's basketball, but most sports and cars didn't do much for me.

I saw my father walk to the shed. Janice's husband, Dan, went with him. I headed over but halted when I overheard Dad ask, "Do you ever get the feeling that Janice is cheating on you?" I immediately dived behind the shed. Fortunately, Dad had leaned towards Dan, drawing focus to him. Neither noticed me. I put my ear to the thin, metal wall. They entered with a clatter. Dan answered my dad.

"My wife is the most trustworthy woman on the planet. She sits at home and reads sexy stories on her laptop. She tries to get me to read them, but whoa, they're too spicy for my taste."

"Yeah," My father agreed. "Once a week is plenty. Sue tried to overdo it once, but she only confused things. She's happier now that we returned to our Friday routine."

"A friend of mine, Dennis, you've met him - handles customer calls. He actually didn't believe me about Janice. He asked my permission to hire a private detective. After a week of surveillance, all he got was boring photos of her reading on her laptop. The spiciest bit in the PI's report was catching her masturbating while reading. Thankfully he didn't take a picture of that!

"Or did he?" My dad laughed.

"I don't want to know." Dan countered. "Why do you ask, Ralph? Things okay at your place?"

"Okay enough, I guess." Dad scratched his neck. Susan is acting a little different, like I'm not doing enough for her. She won't say it. Hell, I pay for everything around here. But I caught her masturbating last night. Sex, once or twice a week is pretty good for folks our age. Don't you think?

"Twice or three times, maybe." Dan sounded a little tired. "We're in our thirties, Ralph. Our time for sowing oats is behind us. Occasional cheating, to get away from the humdrum of marriage, may not be kosher, but sometimes you have to break a moral code or go nuts.

"Really? You?" Dad was surprised by Dan's hint of infidelity.

"Not really. I just go to a special massage place every five or seven months. They give an honest massage, but you can buy special service when you need a break from the wife." Dan hedged. "I mean handjobs or blowjobs. Not sure if they do more, but I never asked."

"That's not my thing, Dan, but it sounds like you're playing it pretty safe. Nah, I should probably just man up and accept that Susan needs a little extra loving. I wouldn't hate her for cheating, if it was rare, like you do, but I'm sure she isn't. Susan wouldn't want to deal with the secrecy required. She's a timid thing regarding sex. I'd know in an instant if she really was cheating.

I crept away, heart cringing. In my head, my mind was exploding. Janice's stories were just shit she read on the internet! I felt cheated, even though, without her stories, I might never have gotten into Mom's sexual graces. ...which would now be more difficult to take advantage of if Dad started paying her more attention in bed!

The afternoon crawled from one hour to the next. I couldn't hide in my room to avoid Janice, because I had to entertain the other kids. I considered some of the girls present, but only one was older than thirteen, Tamela. She kept to her parents, real shy for her age. I noticed they gave her a lot of hugs and kisses.

I played some phone games with a couple guys older than me, but they were just being polite. I was just a kid to them. Funny how a year or two separates teenagers like sharp knives.

At one point, Janice walked past. She winked at me, but that was all. I got a little angry, even though I knew that it was dumb to be angry. She was like Mom, trying to enjoy sex that she couldn't get from her husband. My realization seeded a daring plan in my mind.

The party ended at nightfall. Mom, Dad, and I started cleaning up. I cornered Mom in the kitchen when she went to wrap up left-over salad. Dad was outside scraping black gunk off of the grill. My hand immediately went up her skirt. She looked around the room, nervous and blushing, but she didn't stop me. I played inside her panties. "Are you hungry?"

"Careful, your father could come in."

"Maybe, but you didn't answer my question." Her clit was full and wanton. I pinched it.

She squealed. "Aaaa!" But not loudly. She was getting better at stifling when I accosted her, and Dad was nearby. "I'm not very hungry." She looked at the tent in my pants.

"That salad will wilt in the fridge. You better eat it." I tore off the plastic wrap she had just applied to the ceramic bowl.

"The salad?" I'd surprised her.

"Yeah, Mom, but you have to work to squirt dressing over it." I unzipped my pants and let my hard prick flop into the kitchen atmosphere. Planning to avenge Janice's lies had made me as horny as a rhino. "Crouch down, hold the bowl, and wank me until I cum on your salad."

"But Eddie, you don't come as quickly as you used to." She meant from handjobs. When I made her blow me, I could cum in under a minute. Her eyes kept darting to the window. Just out of sight, Dad was scraping the cooling grill with a wire brush.

"Don't make excuses when I've got your clit in a vice." I growled but pulled my hand out of her skirt.

"Sorry." Grimacing, she crouched low and held the salad bowl in front of my cock's head. Her other hand gripped my straining length and began rubbing.

"Yeah, Mom. Like that." I felt wonderful. Watching my mother beneath me, pulling on my dick because I told her, filled me with confidence and daring. I reached over her trembling form and jerking arm, to open the kitchen window.

"Eddie! Your father might hear!" Mom froze.

"Maybe I don't care. You better hurry, or he'll find us for sure." I goaded her. "If you stop, I'll tell him you were molesting me." I would never do that, but when Mom was in her submissive state, she believed anything was possible.

"Okay!" She hissed, and her arm resumed masturbating at double speed. I groaned. "Yeah, Mo-om. Feels good! Don't stop again. I need to talk with Dad."

"Oh, no." She dreaded what I would say.

"HEY, Dad. How long are you gonna be out there?"

"What? Eddie?" Dad's voice made Mom flinch. Her jerking hand squeezed for a moment.

"You've been scraping that thing forever!"

"Yeah," He grunted. "It didn't get cleaned last time. I wonder who was slacking after our last barbecue?"

"Sorry. Maybe I should take over." I whispered downward. "Keep it up, Mom. I'm gonna cum soon."

What's your mother doing?"

"No!" Mom's face scrunched inward, but she shifted the bowl closer to the ruddy tip peeking out of her flashing hand, hoping I would cum in the next few seconds.

"She's going to eat the last of the salad. I'm helping her make a special dressing."

"Huh? We got tons of dressings! The refrigerator door is packed with them."

"Nothing like this, Dad. It's something I really want to get rid of."

"As long as your mother is okay with it."

I grinned at the woman who bore me, now almost on her knees before me, wanking my prick like crazy. "Tell Dad h-how you really feel about jerking o-off your son - to splash your s-salad with fresh cum." Oh gods! Betraying my spunk slave mother was the best drug! I didn't care how it rattled my speech.

Mom's face got red with anger, but she didn't have a choice. She surprised me by taking her anger out on Dad. "I'd be MORE okay with it, if YOU had picked out a salad dressing! Now it's too late, and I have to make our son happy!"

Sweet habaneros! Mom's admission was so close to the truth, I cringed a little. I also could feel my approaching orgasm. "Uhhhh!" I grunted. "Momma."

She hissed at me. "Are you going to cum, Eddie?"

"Yeah, Mom. Gods, this is fucked up. I'm gonna soak that fricken salad!"

"And you're going to make me eat it, right?"

"I'm going to stuff it down your throat! Nnnggghhh!" I groaned.

"You're the worst, Eddie, making your mother jerk you off and forcing me to eat your cum!" She knew how to play me.

"FUUUCK!!! DAAAADDD!!!" My torso wrenched forward. My cock pushed free of my mother's pounding hand. The tip opened wide, and a gusher of boiling cum burst forth!

Mom's jaw dropped, hearing my outburst. The arm holding her salad shook like crazy. My piss hole shot hot bolts of fresh cum. Their heat semi-wilted the leaves. Despite me calling out for my father, she forced herself to catch every drop!

"What's the matter?!" Dad called to us. I barely heard him drop the brush onto the grill as he bolted for the back door.

"Don't stop, Mom. I've been backed up all day - after hearing about Janice." The salad bowl slipped in her hands, but she was resigned to obeying me.

The doorknob rattled. I had locked it before making Mom do my bidding. "What's happening in there?" Dad cried.

My ejaculation was happening. Thick, gooey bolts of cum, were followed by a stream of creamy semen. "Aaahhhhh!" I groaned. "Just a second, Dad. Mom almost dropped the bowl, but she caught every bit of the salad and dressing!"

"Nobody's hurt?"

"Just Mom's pride." I shook the last drops of cum from my dick and zipped up. "I'll let you in."

"No, Eddie. NO!" She hissed up at me, cowering in front of a cupboard door below the formica countertop.

I grinned. "You need to eat it, Mom. Now, while it's fresh. Too bad you don't have a fork." She stood up shaking as I headed to the door and unlocked it.

"Hey, Dad. Sorry we worried you." I opened it without getting in his way.

"It's all right." He shook his head and scanned the kitchen. "Susan! What are you doing?"

Mom stood like a statue, holding the salad bowl with her left hand. Her right hand plucked out gooey leaves and inserted them into her guilt ridden expression. She chewed the cum covered bits with a minimum of jawing. "Th-this dressing i-is delicious!" She gulped.

Dad noticed the sticky mess on her hands. "For goodness sake, woman. Get a fork."

"I'll finish brushing the grill, Dad. Make sure Mom eats every drop. I know how you hate to waste food."


Dad went to bed early, exhausted from hosting the party. I made Mom, ignoring her exhaustion, come into my room. I explained how Janice had been deceiving to us for months.

Mom pulled her face off of my new erection. "That lying bitch! -- I wouldn't be in this situation if she hadn't-"

"Hush, Mom. Get back to sucking me." I ordered.

She was torn between the humiliation of me commanding her to service her son's sexual desires, and the very real pleasure she took from serving, when I allowed her to cum.

I pulled her head back over my longer lasting prick. "Don't interrupt me, Cocksucker." I then revealed my crazy plan, step by daring step. "We're gonna turn the bitch's lies into truth..."


Later that night, I listened at my parent's door but heard nothing. I was hoping that Mom would jump his bones. For eating my cum in front of him, and for sucking me to a second, great climax, I allowed her to get off however she wanted. I listened for a while, wondering if I'd missed something. Their doorknob was locked. I crept back to my bed and mentally reviewed my plan for Janice.

I asked Mom about them the next morning. She blushed but frowned. "What your father and I do is our private business."

"You don't look happy about it."

Mom sighed. "He tried..."


Everything was ready by Tuesday. Janice arrived soon after I returned from high school. I met her at the door. "Mom's a little behind, getting the coffee ready. Come on in!" I escorted her to the dining table and sat next to her. The aroma of brewing coffee made the house more pleasant.

"I don't see Susan." She cocked her head a little.

"Hmm." I mumbled. "Maybe she's out in the shed." I pulled something from my pocket, but kept it in a fist. "I like your stories a lot, Janice. I want to hear more."

She blushed, "I'm surprised your Mom lets you listen."

"She likes that I ask questions. She doesn't want me to get answers from my friends at school."

"That's sensible."

"Can you answer one?" I asked in full earnest.

"Don't you want to wait for your Mom?"

"I could, but I got a girlfriend recently-"

"That's wonderful!" Janice bounced.

"Yeah, and I really like her, but I think she's into some of the kinky stuff you like."

"Oh? And how would you know that so soon?" It was a fair question. I had to improvise. "I used her computer and found some naughty links."

"Ah, I guess there really is no privacy anymore."

"Anyway, I want her to like me, so I read some stuff but I need your help."

"Um," She was immediately uncomfortable with how the conversation was proceeding. "Maybe we should wait for you mom."

"Nah, I don't want to embarrass her." I held out a length of rope that I had tied very carefully according to a web page's instructions. It had two loops which could be cinched tight. "This is a safety knot for naughty games." I told her. "You probably know more about it than me."

"Um, I don't know all that much." She shifted in her chair, slightly away from my offering.

"Here, let me try it on you, and you can tell me if I got it right."

"I don't know-" She gulped. "If you made a mistake- I don't want to get hurt."

"It's just rope. I'll cut it off if you want. Hold out your arms, and I'll loop your wrists loosely."

"I-I shouldn't. Your mother might get the wrong idea."

"Nah, she knows that I was going to ask. You're the expert about ropes and knots. That's why she's waiting." I pretended to confess. "After you help me, we'll go get her."

Still she hesitated.

"What's the matter? Arnie and Roger tie you up all the time. That's what you said."

"Sure, but-"

"Janice, you weren't lying about them, were you?"

"Of course not!" She blurted. "Sure. Here." She held out her wrists. "Let's get this over with. I want to tell Susan all about what happened last week!"

"Cool. Let me know if I do something wrong." I quickly looped the rope handcuffs around her wrists and pulled hard on the loose ends, digging the rough hemp into her skin!"

"Eddie!" She shouted. "That's too tight!"

"Oh no!" I dithered with the rope, not doing anything. "How do you loosen it?"

"I don't know, Eddie. Get a knife and cut it!"

"Right! Get up and come with me. Let's use the branch cutter in the shed. That'll be safer than a knife."

She followed my gentle prods to stand and proceed to the back door. Outside was a warm day with big, bright clouds in the westward sky. We hurried to the shed. I opened it and pushed her. She tripped and tumbled down on an old mattress I had placed there. "SUSAN!" She yelled as she fell.

At the end of the mattress, Mom sat in a lawn chair, hands and feet tied to it. She struggled with her bonds and shouted nonsense words into the gag she had agreed to wear.

I took advantage of Janice's shock to grab her legs and loop another pair of rope handcuffs around her ankles. Cinching them until she yelped, I accused, "You lied to us, Janice."

She squirmed on the mattress. "Let me go! Let me go! Gods, what have you done to your mother!"

"Whatever I want, Liar." I glared at her and looked at mom. "It's her fault, Mommy. It was her stories that made me want to use you." I pointed at Janice. "I thought she was loving the things I started doing to you - that you would love them too. But she was making it up, Mommy, and now I know that I was wrong." I whipped up some fake tears. "Only, I can't stop. I need to keep doing naughty things, but maybe I won't have to do them to you anymore."

Mom hung her head for effect.

Janice's frantic thrashing subsided, as if my words pierced her. "Please, Eddie, let me explain. I didn't know you would do something like this! She grimaced pathetically at Mom. "Susan, I'm sorry! I didn't know-"

I'd been waiting for that. "You knew, Janice. Last week you left early because of what I was doing under the table to Mommy. If you didn't know, then you suspected." I told my mother. "We can't forgive her, Mommy."

"Susan! This is all wrong! I never meant to harm anyone."

"You have to take the blame. Don't try to talk your way out of it."

"Please, Eddie! How could you do this? They were just stories!"

"Not to me. You talked all fancy about getting raped and tortured, and how you were cheating on your husband as if that's what housewives were suppose to do!" I pointed at Mom. "She started believing it too - after a while." I grinned and unbuckled my belt.

"You have to let me go, Eddie!" Janice tried. "What you're doing is criminal! Untie your mother and I, now, or you'll go to prison! I-I won't tell anyone about this afternoon if you let us go."

"I can't trust you, Liar." I growled. "Mom is already keeping our secret. There's only reason you're here today."

"Why?" Her eyes bulged with angst.

"To see what your lies have done to me and my poor Mommy." I unzipped and dropped my shorts. Naked beneath them, my hard cock sprang out, adding to the digits pointing at her.

This is where my plan diverged from what I told Mom. That morning she had agreed to let me tie her up, to shame Janice into confessing her falsehoods. I told her, for realism, that she couldn't wear a bra or panties. She'd turned red at the thought but accepted my suspicious requirement.

The chair I had chosen to tie her too was special. It had an old, wicker seat glued to a sturdy wooden frame. With my jutting dick grabbing their attention, I grabbed a handsaw and garden snips.

Mom's eyes matched her friend's when I approached with my wicked tools. "I'm gonna show her, Mommy." Setting the saw and snips on a shelf behind her. I looked over Mom's shoulder. "You need to help her, you lying bitch." I commanded. I grasped the upper sides of the chair back and began to tip Mom towards Janice's prone body. Hands tied behind the back and ankles tied to the chair's front feet, Mom tipped forward, suddenly shouting into her gag. "NOO NOOO!!"

"If you don't catch mom's shoulders, Bitch, she's gonna splat on her face."

"Susan, he's a monster!" Janice had to spread her knees for support, due to her bound ankles. She raised her roped hands to catch Mom's upper chest. Mom begged, "Sdppp, DD! Sdpp id!!" I kept pushing until she was halfway between upright and horizontal.

"Hold on to Mommy, Janice. Don't move, or I'll make it worse for you two. I pulled my belt out my pants on the floor and shook it at them. Both women were crying by then.

"I didn't know." Janice sobbed. "You must hate me!" She donated strenght to keep her best friend from falling on her face. Mom shook her head. "dss rssn slpoze do habben!" (This wasn't supposed to happen!)

I let them blubber. I had to work quickly or possibly spoil the mood. First I sawed off the chair's hind legs. Then I cut away the wicker seat from the frame. It took a couple minutes, and Janice was getting tired.

"What's he doing?" She tried to look around Mom's plump figure. Her arms strained to keep Mom at forty five degrees.

I had trouble with Mom's dress. The garden snips weren't sharp enough, but like most enterprising young men, I fished out my pocket knife and cut the mangled material away from my mother's naked sex. I told her. "This is the perfect time. You knew it was going to happen and sooner than later." I fisted my cock and knelt down behind the open seat that Mom was bound to.

"No, Eddie. You wouldn't do that!" Janice's arms trembled. "I can't hold her any longer!" I think she was exaggerating, but I countered. "Then you better get on your hands and knees and support her with your back." I wriggled the head of my prick through the back of Mom's thighs, until they touched the base of her vulva. She was just as I hoped, wet from the shame of what I was about to do in front of her best friend. My dickhead rubbed the slick juices seeping from her gash.

Janice got that I wasn't joking. To protect her friend, she had to use her back to catch Mom from face-planting on the mattress! She had to time the switch, just right, to let Mom down as gently as possible - until Mom's breasts flattened across Janice's supporting back. "I'm so sorry, Susan!" She wailed.

Mom shrieked into her gag. I think she was trying to warn me, but I was feeling too cocky to find out. I sank my hulking cock into Mommy's wet puss and started fucking her. "OOOHH, MOMMMYYY!" Her slick cunt felt incredible! I instantly worried that I would cum right away!

The bonds kept Mom's thighs joined, mostly. She could waggle her knees, but shame had locked them together, making her pubic region as tight as her and Janice's ropes. I was in fucking heaven! "This is what you make me do, you lying bitch. I've turned my sweet Mommy into my personal fuck slave and cum toilet. Your tales made her learn to suck out my juice or eat the tissues that I dirty. Her tight cunt- UNNGGH!" I groaned! "Has to milk my huge cock whenever I want. I even rape Mommy in the middle of the night while Daddy sleeps!" I fibbed. My cum load was seriously about to explode.

Mom had stopped crying and begging me to stop. She climaxed on my rutting cock and screamed something which I didn't understand. Her pussy's faucet opened up until her lubricating juices dripped down my balls as I heaved my hips against the coarse bottom of the chair.

"I'm SORRY!! I'M SORRYY!!" Janice wailed.

I grabbed the chair and rocked it, pulling Mom's bottom against my fervent thrusts! I was seconds away from the mightest orgasm I'd ever known.

Unfortunately, I didn't really know how to tie sex ropes, and they were far too tight, with one exception. It's really hard to tie a gag behind someone's head with a few basic knots. The shape of the skull can fool you. Suddenly, Mom's gag slipped out, and she panted, sapped by a strong orgasm. "Don't cum in me, Eddie. I've been keeping track! I knew this would happen, but now is not the time! I could get pregnant!" She warned!

My hips convulsed at the thought of impregnating my mother. The muscles around my seminal bulb spasmed like a mother fucker of a mother fucker! Sperm boiled out of my deep diving prick and pressure sprayed my mother's susceptible cervix. "OH, MOMMY! I'M GONNA BREED YOU LIKE THE MOMMY BITCH THAT JANICE AND I MADE!" Cum gushed into her oozing cunt, flooding her well of conception. I poured so much sperm into Mom it leaked out of my pumping prick and goobered the bottom of the chair.

I kept hammering my mom's bound ass, pounding in and out of her breeding hole, cum spraying within and without. "I LOVE YOU, MOMMMMYYYYY!!!" I roared with ecstasy!

Mom and Janice cried and cried.

At the end of my mad, first ever fuck, I plunged my steel dick as deep as I could and stuck Mom like raped duck. I reached around and hugged her as best I could with her chest resting on Janice's trembling back. I even patted our fooled neighbor's shoulder. "You did good, you naughty, lying bitch."

"Eddie, it's not funny. I'll have to get a morning-after pill. The side effects are supposed to be awful!"

"I'll make you love it, Mommy." Nothing could dampen my joy. I had just fucked my mother for the first time and right in front of her best friend. Janice kept whimpering. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry."

I grinned and growled, "I don't think you are, Liar."

"What do you mean? You're right I was lying. I'm so bored with my life, I had to make my fantasies as true as I dared. That's why I told you all those stories! Tuesdays were the one day that lifted me out of my misery.

My heart actually hurt, hearing Janice's confession, but I believed I wasn't wrong about her. "I think you liked today better than all the other Tuesdays, Janice."

"I hated it, Eddie. You tricked me and tied me up an made me an accessory to rape! Why would you say that?"

"Because." It was a little kid's reason, but I gave my evidence. "You could have pulled out Mom's gag. She could have helped you to talk me out of it - maybe." I kept grinning. "Why didn't you?

She gasped. I-I don't know- Everything happened so fast-"

I kept up the pressure, "You could have untied her. Your hands were free enough. Together you could have made me stop." I proposed.

"I was too afraid!" She whined like a little girl.

"You wanted mom to get fucked, didn't you. This was the most exciting day of your life, and I'm going to prove it!" I picked up my knife from the floor and cut Mom's arms free. "Hold her tight, Mom."

"Eddie?" She hesitated. Not only had I take my first fuck from her in front of Janice, I had cum inside her body at a time when she could conceive. She had every reason to protest and ignore me!

"Quick, Mom! Or she might get away!"

"I'm sorry, Janice." Mom's voice firmed. "I'm doing this for your own good." She grabbed Janice around her friend's torso and held her with all her strength. "Make a good slut out of the lying bitch, Master."

The way Mom unexpectedly turned into a dominating woman entirely subservient to me, put a rod of steel back in my dick. It sprang to life as I lept on Janice from behind and tugged at her pants and panties.

"What are you doing!" Janice squealed. "This is rape! STOP IT!"

I managed to get her pants over her slim hips, denuding her pert ass in a few seconds. But instead of plunging my renewed boner into her lying cunt, I stuffed two fingers between her vulva and began to rub. "You're wet, Janice." It was the proof I needed.

Our naughty neighbor continued to complain and beg while I fingered her pouting lips and her erect clit. Only after Janice came on my probing digits, screaming in pleasure, did she fall silent, weeping as if the world had ended...

...to be continued...
Chapter 8

...and as if a new world had begun.

"Let her go, Eddie." Mom had untied herself from the chair. She gave me a severe glare. Then she did something that actually shocked me. "Give me some room." She meant on the mattress. There, she lay on her back and lifted her legs up and over her body, letting my seed soak into her ready womb and her tubes of conception. "I'm going to risk it, Eddie. You've realized fantasies that I never knew. Bearing your incest rape child is going to be my number one fantasy that will make me cum as hard as you did today, whenever I want.

We had to let Janice go eventually. She watched everything, silent as a scared rabbit. We'd spent nearly two hours in the shed. Dad would be home soon, and so would Janice's husband. Mom and I had originally planned to pretend that her stories had turned us into sex maniacs. Maybe that would make Janice clam up and mend her wicked lies. Mom didn't know that I was planning to betray and fuck her. I ended up proving that Janice actually had turned me, for one, into a sex fiend.

"Janice." I spoke firmly. She lay on her side curled up into a fetal ball.


I cut away the rope that was turning her feet blue. "You better be here next Tuesday."

"You just raped me!"

"You did, Eddie." Mom affirmed with a nod at my wet fingers.

"Then you should call the police when you get home." I was making an awful gamble. I next cut her wrists free. She rubbed the superficial welts that the rope had scraped.


"Hush, Janice." Mom declared. "You have every right. I'll back up your story and swear that Eddie went crazy and raped both of us. They'll take him away, and lock him up in a mental ward, and you will have done society a great justice." Mom rocked on her back, as if to soothe any fertilized egg that might be working its way into her womb. "But after brief fame and legal hassles, you and I will return to lives as they were - before you first sat in my living room, on a Tuesday afternoon and excited us with hot stories about rape and bondage and torture."

Without further word, Mom got up, her cum leaking cameltoe visible through the rough circle I had cut from her skirt. She took my hand and led me out of the shed. I knew better than to open my stupid trap.


The doorbell rang. I was still changing out of my school clothes. Mom called out, several seconds later. "It's your girlfriend!" A month had passed since that terribly gamble in our backyard shed. No I wasn't arrested, and yes, Janice returned the following Tuesday, when we indoctrinated her into a real world made from her fantasies. She accepted although she said we must re-earn her trust.

Mom drove my new girlfriend and I to a downtown theater that showed restored movies from the last century. Few people attended the late afternoon showing. I sat in the back row with my girl, so we could neck and do other things. Mom sat down from us, several seats away to give us privacy.

I kissed the red, leather collar around my new girl's slim neck. The stainless steel nameplate that cooled my lips was engraved with, "Lilith." Mom had helped me to pick out my girl's pet name. She said at the time, "It means-"

"I know what it means, Mom." I liked reading mythology. "Don't get cocky with me, or I'll tie you up and whip your butt."

"Careful," Mom cautioned, a blush on her cheeks. "You'll make Lilith jealous."

"Sometimes you're too smart for your own good, Mommy." I made her bend over and grab her ankles. She'd been exercising and stretching, losing ten pounds and nearly gaining the ability to suck herself. I flipped the hem of her skirt over her now always naked butt and withdrew my belt. I even called Janice on my phone and let her watch me punish Mom, via video.

I had bought a wide and soft belt to spread the impact. Mom started crying after the eighteenth blow. She begged me to soothe her, but that just made me add ten strokes to the original twenty. Mom knew better than to beg. She wanted me to hurt her more.

"You're such a pain slut, Mom." I accused. She knew better than to either deny or agree. Ten extra swats was probably more than she really wanted. I wacked her with my belt swiftly but with strength. She howled and cried. My dick had gotten rock hard by the eight original swat.

When I finally let her stand straight, I held up her skirt before the phone camera, confident that Janice was masturbating while watching. I made Mom jerk me off and I splashed hot cum over her burning ass.

Mom smoothed my thick gunk over her purple cheeks. She wasn't allowed to finger her clit or hairy cunt. I told Janice to tattle if Mom tried to get herself off. I left the room to order the stainless steel collar online and to have it engraved. I returned to the living room to find Mom revealing my new girlfriend's slave name. Janice squealed with delight. "Lilith? That's so hot!"

I strolled up behind my mother and took out my fresh erection. "Let's see which hole I plug into first." I snickered and lunged my hips forward. I was kidding. I didn't want to waste time and arousal, to lube her ass properly. My cock plunged into Mom's cunt. It was so wet I swear I was waterskiing inside of her.

Janice commented rudely. "You deserved getting raped in your shed, Susan! You're such a stupid slut! Clearly you need your son to keep you spanked and fucked.

Mom groaned from my heaving spike. She countered, "I should have made him fuck you with his insatiable cock instead of his finger. You lost your chance to turn us over to the cops when you called the following Saturday. You're as much of a slut as I am but way stupider. Now both of us have to submit to my son's desires, however cruel and wicked."

I reminded our tele-voyeur. "Remember, this is all your fault, you lying bitch." I pounded my dick faster into Mom's dripping pussy. Mom grunted and groaned, finally allowed to orgasm. She was nearly there.

"I know, Eddie. I promised I would make it up to you. I hope what I offered will satisfy for years to come."

Mom sang out, "EDDIE!! I'm cumming!"

"Go for it, Mom. I might not let you cum for a month, after this. I'm going to have a girlfriend." I pulled on her hair as I fucked from behind.

She screamed when her orgasm multiplied! "Rip it all out of my head - it hurts so good!"

I would have come too, if I hadn't done so twenty minutes prior. "Gods, I adore fucking you, Mom! I'm going to cheat on my girlfriend a lot!"

"You have every right too, Eddie." Janice assured. "It's too bad that your mother gets off easily after whipping her. You can't cum without her cumming too."

"Speak for yourself, you pain slut in training." Mom puffed. Her lungs heaved as I worked myself up to a second climax. Her body jolted heavily from my greedy thrusts.

Seconds later, I had fucked another load of my spunk into my mother's pregnant belly. "I love you, Mom." With my sperm dripping down her inner thighs, I led her into my bedroom. There we hugged and kissed for an hour.

Janice texted that evening while I was eating. She promised to be a better slave when I used her again. That wouldn't happen for a long time. I was getting a girlfriend.

Our lying, slutty neighbor had kept to herself after I had raped her with my fingers, and Mom had dared her to call the police. Janice called Mom that following Saturday and invited me to help her with her garden. I had always been the first person she would hire for yard work.

I did end up working her front and back yards, the former with my fingers and the latter with my belt. As the tall, slim blonde came convulsively on my hand, and I was cumming in her mouth, Mom trespassed into Janice's home and caught us, exactly how Mom and I had planned.

Janice fell to her knees and confessed that she couldn't go back to regular life with her husband. Reading stories and masturbating was no substitute for the shocking events that we had lured her into.

Mom told me to take pictures of Janice sucking me off, to ensure that my new bitch wouldn't change her tune. Janice accepted the blackmail, performing as instructed to allow the most damning shots.

Walking home with Mom, my hand was down the front of her pants, finger teasing her. She took my phone and erased the photos. "It's the least I can do for my best friend." She wasn't being sarcastic. Mom loved how Janice's tales had opened up her life to the thrills of incest and domination. She couldn't get off from physical punishment, but it intensified her sense of being controlled and used. She loved that Janice was might turn out to be just like her. They would surely be best friends forever.

When I told Mom about my girlfriend, she surprised me with chaste but wholehearted hugs and kisses. I sensed her jealousy, but she never let it interfere with my personal life.

Mom gave birth to a healthy boy, Ralph Jr. She didn't let the midwife take a DNA sample, explaining that it conflicted with our religious beliefs. Dad tilted his head, perplexed by his atheist wife's odd statement. He wrote it off as a side-effect of pregnancy and/or birthing.

He and Mom were averaging about 1.8 fucks per week. I was drilling one of her holes at least twice a day when Dad was sure to be gone. We did, once, fuck next to him in their bed. I was the one who chickened out against repeating that crazy but orgasmic night.

Janice turned up pregnant soon after Ralph Jr. arrived. My girlfriend, Lilith, was thrilled!

To spare Mom during her last two weeks of pregnancy, I convinced our neighbor to take a vacation. She told Dan that she needed something like a walkabout, to get fresh perspectives about life and fulfillment.

Our fuck-about started ten miles down the road. We stopped the car every time my dick got hard, I would slap her face or belt her butt, which really turned her (and me) on, unlike my mother. Then I would bind her and rape one of her gaping holes, gaping due to the devices I planted in each orifice. We barely made it to the county line before collapsing in a motel, sometime after midnight. We were too fucked out to fuck.

She woke me, mid-morning, mouth praying to my cock. I tied her up and whipped her for deciding things without my permission. She begged me to belt her harder, and she came harder than I had ever witnessed.

We stayed a second night in that hotel, allowing her butt to heal. I had pushed her to the edge of permanent damage, something that my online studies of BDSM had prepared me for. Instead of pain, I made her suffer great shame. I tossed her keys from the second floor of the motel and told her to fetch them while holding only a hand towel to cover her naked, bruised flesh. We fled that night, as our fear of cops arresting us preyed on our minds. We drove until sunrise and skinny-dipped in a cold, stream fed pool. We made love while drying off in the cold, morning breeze. Fucking while every part of your body is shivvering, is worth a once in a life-time orgasm. But never again!

I did force Janice out in the cold, naked at night, until she risked frostbite. We fucked while I twisted clamps on her often abused nipples. Then we cuddled for hours afterwards to warm up.

It was the best vacation of my young life. She dropped me off two blocks from my house before returning bruised, humiliated, and glowing in the presence of her husband. She never let him touch her again, and they divorced not long after Mom gave birth. Janice confided right away when an over-the-counter pregnancy test turned positive. When her secret couldn't be kept any longer, she swore to Dan that the child wasn't his. He didn't doubt it, and they never talked again.


In the flickering glow of Casablanca, I was holding my girlfriend's head as she sucked me to my first orgasm, forcing my cock down her throat. I had stuffed a vibrator into her ass and a dildo up her cunt during the movie, both coated with a mild irritant. She shuddered from the pain in her privates but didn't fail to get me off with her mouth. I had been assured by reliable, BDSM societies that the irritant wouldn't harm the five month fetus growing within her.

"Mommy, It's your turn." I looked five seats across the back row. She was naked, sitting perfectly still as instructed. I had taken a viagra before my date. I didn't like doing it, but without its help, I wouldn't have been able to fuck my girlfriend and Mom all that afternoon, evening, and night. "Clean me up."

Mom skittered over, keeping low, her fat breasts dangling. Without my permission, she had gotten a boob job. They weren't extremely huge, but she knew I had a mild fetish for big tits. That was reason enough for her. She suffered multiple punishments after returning from the surgery. Those whippings alone were worth changing her body without my permission.

Mom first sucked me clean, then she went down on Lilith.

"Thank you, Mommy." My girlfriend said politely after Mom had licked her clean. I allowed Mom one orgasm while serving us.

Mom kept wiping her lips. The irritant in my girlfriend's holes had transfered to her tongue. I chuckled.

One of the few, other patrons in the theater caught a clear view of Mom's nudity. He quickly swiveled his head back to the screen.

"I think this is the beginning of a beautiful relationship."

After the movie, we walked the streets. Mom was only allowed to wear a cliche trenchcoat and thin sandals. I kept pointing out ugly, old, and/or fat men that we passed. "I bet he'd pay thirty dollars to fuck you, Mom."

Lilith said something inappropriate, and I took her into the first dark alley and whipped her ass. Then I fucked her ass and applied fresh irritant to the vibrator before shoving it back where it belonged.

Creeping out of the shadows, afraid that we'd been seen despite Mom guarding the entrance, we discovered that a young man had pushed Mom up against the wall. He was groping her huge tits, his hands inside her trench coat. I recognized him from school, but I didn't know his name.

"Fuck, Lady. Do you come here often to lure men into an ally? I'm glad I guessed you're that kind of slut. He reached for Mom's cunt and fingered her labia, missing her clit entirely.

I grabbed Lilith by the hair and pulled her head down to my enlarged groin. She sucked me as I watched a partial stranger fondle my mother.

I came when I heard Mom's soft moans. She had trained me that way, without intending to. I think she was faking it. I didn't care. The young man lost his nerve after mother's fake orgasm. He told her to meet him somewhere and then scurried away.

I hissed from the shadows, "It's your turn, Mom." My mother strode quickly into the ally and cleaned me up without mentioning her assailant. I told her that my girlfriend didn't deserve having her asshole licked clean.

It was a magical night.

In the morning, the local news sources were aghast with huge print. "INCEST TRIO ARRESTED - VICTIM SAVED!"

One of Tamala's cousins had caught the fifteen year-old girl's parents whipping every part of her body and fucking dildos in and out of her three holes. The parents would then fuck until both had intense orgasms and finally send poor, sore, still technically virginal, Tamala to bed. The cousin's video had been confiscated, and charges were even brought against the young boy who had dared to record Tamala's abuse. He claimed that he had left something in the house after visiting and found the girl and her parents engaged in their terrible act. After recording them, he went immediately to the police.

Public opinion see-sawed over the issue of the boy's innocence, but because he was a minor, he was cleared of wrongdoing.

Two months later, Janice appeared at our doorstep, baby bulge daring to pop. "I have a present for you, Eddie." She stepped to one side of the doorway. My jaw hit the floor when Tamela crept in, blushing like a mail-order bride.

...to be continued...
Chapter 9

Janice explained, "None of her extended family wanted her. They, as well as her parents, are part of a charismatic, religious cult. She's fifteen and damaged goods. In their disgusted minds, she's not worth caring for. I was the only person who stepped forward to foster her. I think she will be a good sister to my baby girl. So I asked her to let me take care of her until she decides to declare independence. I told her everything, Eddie, but without giving names. She agreed, and the final paperwork was signed by the county today. I just picked her up from the women's sanctuary. I thought it was a good time to introduce you."

It was Tuesday, and I had recently returned from school. "Hey, Tamela." I waved as if I'd known her for years instead of the few classes we'd shared.

She was average height for fifteen, with better than modest curves for her five feet, but she tried to hide them by curling her chest inward. "Hi, Eddie." She didn't wave, but her blush deepened.

"Well, invite her in, already!" Mom gushed at the sight of the dispossessed neighbor. We sat around the dining table. Mom offered coffee, but Tamela shook her head. Mom asked, "What would you like?

She whispered, "Apple juice?"

Mom thought for a bit. "I think Ralph has a couple in the den." She went to fetch one. I studied the shy girl until Mom returned from the kitchen with a large glass full of ice. She opened the can and hovered it's mouth over the glass.

"Cold would be nice, Ma-am." Tamela spoke carefully. She was struggling to cope with all the attention.

"Call her Mommy, Tamela." Janice instructed and abruptly winced when her baby kicked unexpectedly.

"I thought you were going to be my mommy?" The girl's eyes verged on tears.

"No, Dear. I will love you like a mommy, but you will call me Mistress."

"Yes, Mistress." Tamela's voice firmed up, as if that honorific was something she could relate to. She dared let her eyes glance at me. "Who-"

Mom cut her off. "He will decide that, Tamela Daughter."

"Shh, Mom." I stood up and apologized. "It's not her place to interrupt you, Tamela."

I stepped over to Mom and indicated with a lift of fingers for her to stand. Mom shuddered, accepting her mistake. She owned it by standing and leaning over the table until palms on the surface supported her top-heavy torso.

I flipped up Mom's skirt and pulled out my belt. Her naked ass was still healing from a minor infraction the day before. "Count for our guest, Mommy."

"Yes, Master."

At thirty strokes of my well worn belt, I decided to give her another twenty. But to give Mom a break I explained, "Tamela is a special guest today. We are strangers, but we share something that will hopefully connect us and grow mutual trust. She's not like you, Mommy, or you, Bitch. Tamela needs someone to protect her. See how shy she is, unlike you two sluts.

Mom and Janice nodded, lips clenched in submission.

"Hi, Tamela." I gave her an amused smile.

She cringed further but answered. "Hi..." Wondering what to call me.

"I'm your brother," I held out my hand. "If you will have me."

"Will you protect me?"

I scratched the back of my neck, a habit of my father's. "Well, I'm younger than you. I can promise to do my best, but if someone finds out about what we do together, I don't have a lot of authority, except here with these two sluts."

Tamela's sad eyes gave a little sparkle. "I-I think I would like you to be my brother, but could you be my big brother?" She spoke quickly. "I know I'm older but-"

"I'll be your big brother, Tamela." I took charge. "But you will have to call me Edward."

"Oh, thank you Edd-ward." She suddenly started panting, as if a terrible demon had been hiding in her and I had banished it.

"It's okay, Daughter." Mom dared. "We'll have plenty of time to get to know each other." She patted Tamela's hand.

"I'll bring her by every day." Janice promised.

"Tamela, take a sip of your juice, but don't swallow it." I commanded. "Breath through your nose if you have to."

The teen nodded spasmodically. Her hand trembled picking up the glass, and she sucked in a large mouthful, as if to comply as well as possible.

"Tilt back your head." I told her.

She complied, closing her eyes as if she knew what would happen.

"Let me taste it." I bent over her pretty face and kissed her lips. She amazed me with her mouth control, spewing apple juice and saliva into my mouth at the perfect rate for me to drink naturally. I gulped and swallowed until she had no more juice to give. I wanted to spread her across the table and take her virginity right then and there. My boner threatened to rip through my underwear and shorts.

"Thank you, Little Sister." I licked my lips. "I'm so glad you're gonna join my family."

"Me too, Big Brother." She blushed. Unlike my mother's submissive blush and Janice's naughty one, her cheeks, when flushed, glowed as purely as I ever saw." She was a rare bird who needed careful handling, but I suspected she had incredible capacity for punishment. I had no desire to provide any, even if she deliberately provoked me. I ignored that she had called me Big Brother, instead of Edward, but I could correct her about that another day. I kinda liked how she'd said it.

I returned to my mother and administered her final, twenty swats with my belt. She fell to the table, sobbing, halfway through them, but she kept counting. Tamela had never seen such suffering, even though she had met with far worse.

I asked Janice to help me with Mom's aftercare. We gently spread aloe vera on her inflamed ass, and we talked softly and told Mom what a good slut she was being. At one point, I let her open my pants and taste my dick.

Tamela took a sharp breath when my hardon popped out. I never learned the aspect which surprised her, but her eyes didn't let go, even while Mommy sucked her big brother's cock. She hardly blinked until I packed up my wet, satisfied prick.

After letting her ass cool, I commanded Mom to stand in a corner and lift up the back of her skirt, to illustrate for her new daughter on behaving properly in our new family. I stood beside Mom but faced the table. My hand reached around, behind her skirt and I teased her clit and vulva until she trembled from arousal. I pulled my hand away before she could climax.

"Mommy isn't allowed to cum after she's been bad."

Tamela nodded and reached for her juice. She drank to soothe the dryness in her throat.

"May we go, Master?" Janice asked. She had brought Tamela directly to me, not even stopping to put away her things or let her explore their house.

I smiled as Tamela and her legal guardian walked back to their car. Their house was only a couple doors down the street, but Janice had literally brought the girl to me ASAP.

My girlfriend arrived a few hours later. Father was home, and we just finished supper.

Father didn't know what to make of Lilith, but Mom had been coaching him for a couple weeks, not to say anything nor get involved. I don't know what kind of leverage she used to make him accept my sweetheart, but I suspect it had something to do with a massage receipt or bill on their credit card. Dad was a smart guy, just not street smart.

"You're late." I told Lilith at the door. My dad coughed in his lounge chair but didn't say anything.

"I know. I'm sorry, Eddie." She'd had many obligations and responsibilities that day. I knew that, but as her special boyfriend I needed her to keep me at the top of her priorities."

"Should I deal with your disregard of my time now, which will make us late for the show, or will I have to remind you in the morning?"

"I accept whatever you choose." It was the right answer.

We weren't late for the outdoor concert. I was able to grab what I needed and meet her in her car. As she drove, I applied liberal amounts of irritant to three metal, paper clamps. She cried out, but kept the car steady as I applied the clamps. Frowning with disappointment as each bit its gooey surface into her nipples and clitoris. "Who am I to demand your absolute attention?"

"You're my boyfriend, Eddie. I don't want to lose you. I want our baby to be loved by both of us."

"I'm too young for that to happen right away, Lilith. You know that. Our child will know me as his or her brother until I come of age."

"I'm sorry for letting stuff overwhelm me today." The pain in her tits and clit must have been horrible! She could hardly speak a word before gasping for another breath.

Reaching the outdoor venue, tears streaming down her face, I made her bend over the hood of her car, and I stuffed an irritant smothered dildo up her ass. Her body lurched from the stiff, hard plastic pole that abruptly reinforced ten inches of her colon.

We watched the show from the middle of the audience. The band played from the park's gazebo. Lilith sat erect on a bench while I sampled the treats that she had purchased. Occasionally I would kiss the chewed remains of a chocolate or shrimp or cheese into her mouth. She swallowed and thanked me while licking her lips. The band was a great, smooth jazz quartet. I made Lilith dance half a dozen times. Each time she cried on my shoulder.

At one point a woman tapped my girlfriend's back. "Are you okay, Deary? Is this young man a trouble?"

"No, Ma-am!" Lilith defended me, sobbing. "I love him!"

The concerned woman gave me a bewildered look, as if she had learned never to butt into someone's business. I didn't fault her. If a woman was crying while dancing with a suspicious teenager, I would want to offer help. I helped Lilith after the concert. I took her to a dark corner away from the dispersing crowd and removed the clamps from her tits and clit. We kissed madly while she jerked my stiff pecker. I stopped her before I came.

"Lilith, I really enjoyed tonight with you."

"I did too, Eddie. I tried my best to be a pain slut."

"You're still in training, but yes, hurting you keep me aroused all night. You did good. I especially liked how you suffered when we were dancing."

"I'm sorry that nosey lady spoiled it."

I kissed her lips. "Shhh, I was still talking." I led her to a couple trees which offered shelter from public eyes.

She bent over, proping herself against the widest trunk, with one hand. Her other hand lifted the back of her skirt, presenting her naked ass. "I'm sorry, Eddie."

I pulled my wide belt and struck her hard, ten times. She wimpered from every stroke, but she didn't cry.

"That doesn't begin to pay for arriving late for our date. But maybe it will keep you thinking about how to continue pleasing me."

My girlfriend wept then. "Yes, Eddie."

"I was going to fuck you, but I think you need to be humbled more. Kneel."

Her belly was so pregnant, she wobbled and nearly tipped over as she sank her knees to the ground. I told her to open my trousers, and she performed adequately, until my rigid cock glared at her face. She opened her mouth expecting to suck me.

SMACK! I slapped her face.

"Ow." My girlfriend grimaced but didn't ask for my reason. I had said I would humble her. That was all she needed to know.


Her tears returned when I had stung her cheeks enough to darken the red in them. I grabbed her hair and thrust my prick past her sorrowful lips. She acted quickly enough to prevent scraping my flesh with her teeth. I fucked Lilith's face with for quick strokes. I then pulled out and slapped each of her cheeks four more times.

She whimpered and whined, accepting all abuse. I couldn't have been more horny. Finally, I lifted her up, helping her to stand. "You've come a long way, Cunt." I spun her around and pushed her up against a tree. I didn't care if anyone was watching. I spanked her thighs until she stepped wide enough. I think she had a small orgasm, from pain and anticipation.

My cock entered her pregnant form, like a hunter's spear. She was so wet, my prick sliced into her as if being sucked inside. I bottomed out at half the depth I usually did. She was that large with child. We groaned together, and I began humping up her dripping hole like a man possessed. "Hurting and fucking you is the best!" I hissed.

"Thank you for teaching me, Eddie. I'd do anything."

I kissed her into silence again, but not to punish her. We fucked like animals in the wild, hoping that predators wouldn't find us. I swear that the tree began to sway from my fervent plowing. She bit into the heel of her hand, when she came, once, twice, three times during our mad rut. I bit her ear and tugged her nipples. They were still incredibly sore from the clamps and irritant. She cried her pain into the flesh between her jaws while I tore at her nipples and fucked. She also orgasmed twice more. I was still amazed at her ability to convert physical abuse into joy.

I often had to remind myself that she was relying on me to punish her safely. It was difficult not to get carried away, and she wore at least two scars from mistakes I had made.

I bit softly into her neck when my seminal bulb exploded and my skull lit up with fireworks! Cum rushed out of my dick and sprayed fiercely up her sopping cunt. I groaned but refrained from howling in that park. She bled cum for long minutes after I had spent my nut against her occupied baby maker.

We rested, sitting against the tree. My cell phone had a message waiting for me. Mother had texted. She would met us behind the bandstand.

It was half an hour after the agreed time to go home. Lilith held onto me while we shuffled back to the bandstand. She was glowing like a red faerie. I couldn't help myself from slapping and pinching her sore parts, arousing myself again and thinking I might make Mom drive us home while I fucked my girlfriend in her car.

We found Mom examining a door in back of the bandstand, at the base of it. Someone had left the stairwell entrance unlocked. At my insistance we sneaked inside. Beneath the stage floor were steps upwards and a large space used to store band stuff and maybe for changing clothes. I told both women to strip and lay their dresses and sweaters on the floor.

First I had Mom clean up the cum and cunt juice drying on my dick. Then I made her slurp on Lilith's pussy, but I told her to stop before my girlfriend came. I think Lilith complained louder about being denied an orgasm, than from the evening's physical abuse. Clearly it was time to teach my girlfriend what she should be more afraid of.

I always carried lengths of soft, cotton cord. Mother watched me tie my naked girlfriend upon the rising stairs. Her back suffered their sharp metal edges. I belted her from eyebrows to toes. Her screams echoed loudly within the metal and concrete structure. I didn't give a damn about how she sounded from the outside. My cock raging to fuck again, I took Mom's hand and led her up the stairs, stepping randomly on Lilith's suffering limbs and hair. She screeched most delightfully. Mother was wise enough not to assume she could do the same. Lilith was my woman to do with however I pleased.

I took Mom up to the stage, and on the hard, cold floor, where anyone sitting on the arc of benches beyond, could enjoy our performance. I fucked her randily. Her ass was terribly sore from the afternoon's whipping, and she whined as I bucked her ass against cement. I came deep into her wanting recess.

"Are you going to get pregnant?" I meant the question two ways. She answered both.

"Maybe, but I won't be in my prime fertile time for a few more days." She bit her lip. "It's up to you, Master, if I should have a child."

"I don't know. The one baby is already taking most of your time."

"You have Lilith." She suddenly frowned, "And now Tamela."

"Don't you worry about Tamela, Mom. She has a long way to go before she could provide half of the joy that you give. She will never replace or displace you." I swore.

"But that's okay." She reached up to my face and touched my cheek flush with the afterglow of wonderful sex. "You need to make a life and a family for yourself, someday."

"But I have Lilith."

"Shhh, my love. You know in your heart that your child within her is the only bond that will remain strong between you. Everything else is just pleasure."

I had learned many things since Janice had first told her ribald tales to Mom. Listening and speaking only to ask question, like a well-behaved boy, had taught me well. I couldn't accept the truth of my mother's pronouncement. "Lilith," I called down the stairs. "Are you going to be late for our next date?"

"No, my love." Her voice was weakened by the agony shooting through her nervous system. She was in so much pain, she failed to notice the signs of her impending birthing.

A hectic hour later, including almost forgetting to remove Lilith's collar, Mom and I paced the maternity ward's lounge, waiting. Mom wouldn't hear of Dad joining us. I managed to elicit a few gasps from her when I thought that the other new dads weren't looking. There were only a couple of them. One was absorbed with his first child who alternated between screeching and sleeping.

A nurse came in. "Are you Susan?"

Mom was the only adult woman in the sparsely populated lounge. "Yes."

"Your friend had a healthy delivery after four hours of labor. Her new daughter is doing just fine, six pounds and two ounces."

"Oh, thank you, Ma-am." Mom breathed a sigh of relief. I jumped for joy and shouted, "YEAH!!"

A minute later, Mom was griping. "I had to suffer your nine pounds for fourteen hours."

I stuck my tongue out at her. "I can break that suffering record if you want."

She giggled, but I think she wished that she could enjoy pain the way that Janice/Lilith did. The two men in the room stared at us as if we were baby eating aliens.

Mom took me home and told Dad that she was sleeping with me that night. She'd never told him that before.

"Why?" Dad had no clue nor suspicion.

"I'd like one night of holding someone who isn't snoring."

Dad blinked as if something didn't add up. Then he shrugged. "Don't let your girlfriend know." He tried to joke.

It wasn't a bad joke. "I'll tell her anything I want, Dad. Good night."

Dad shuffled back to their room without returning my pleasantry. Mom curled up on my bed with me. I tried to decide what to do if I made her pregnant again, but my hard dick distracted me. I made love to her twice that night. In the morning I told her not to cum for a whole week. She sucked me off after breakfast. Then I went to school. Janice took her baby daughter home that afternoon. Tamela instantly fell in love with her new sister.

...to be continued...
Chapter 10

Tamela proved to be a wonderful sister/slave and babysitter. Mom and I would often visit, bringing Ralph Jr. with us. After Mom fed both babies, for some reason Janice's milk never came in, Janice, Tamela, and I would drain her huge juggs.

During each visit, I required my little sister to tell me a story of her youth. The tales of how her parents used her for their own gratification, blew away all of Janice's stories! Tamela was a high priestess of suffering compared to my two pain/sluts. Usually before the end of her story, I was double fucking Mom and Janice to blow the first of several loads into their potentially impregnated bodies.

Tamela never gave me cause to punish her, except when she called me Big Brother instead of Edward. This was how she let me know that she needed a prime whipping.

Most times during our visits, I would slap her around and belt her up and down her torso, inflaming her tits, arms, armpits, belly and pubis. She writhed with joy, anticipating the fat lengths of irritant coated rubber that we would stuff into her. She hated the taste of the goo, but she swore the pain in her mouth and across her tongue was worth it. Tamera was an orgasm machine. Once aroused, we could keep her climaxing for hours.

Mom, Janice and I reaped the benefits of our new slut. Her obvious joy was the greatest aphrodisiac. I stopped using the occasional viagra when I discovered how Tamela's writhings and mewlings would get me hard, minutes after shooting a full load of cum into one of my other sluts.

I wouldn't fuck Tamera, not in any of her holes. I wanted to, but there was another desire that compelled me to wait. I think she had the same compulsion.


It was Tuesday, and Mom had to stay with Ralph Jr. who was sick. My daughter, Jill, was acting up so Janice suggested that Tamela and I go outside. I suspected a plot, but you couldn't fake my son's slight fever.

"Let's go, Edward." Tamela seemed eager to get out of the house. At school, all the boys and girls avoided her. Even the teachers kept their distance, to protect themselves from the taint of a pedophilia victim. No one trusted her. I was often told to beware of a girl who must be a psychological mess. She kept herself indoors or in the backyard.

Tamela did see a court appointed psychologist. She never told me what happened in their sessions, except. "It's just bullshit." I believed her. I never asked about them.

We found ourselves walking to a small park in the neighborhood. "When I turned fourteen, my parents finally took my virginity." She meant they had broken her hymen. They never let a live cock near her holes, any of them. He father would often threaten to breed her, because that was one of of her mother's fetishes. He loved to arouse his wife with those threats to their daughter.

"Mom and Dad loved me." She had said it many times, "But they let their imaginations control them. They trained me to love pain and being penetrated. I can't tell you when they first masturbated me. Daily spankings and weekly whippings were my normal life. They never got angry with me. They only pretended to be upset as part of their game to play out their fantasies."

"I can't promise that I'll never get angry."

"They weren't that perfect. However, they angered so rarely, I never felt unloved. They meted out pain but the pleasure was always greater. I knew I would alway be cared for no matter how much they hurt me."

"I want to put a baby in you."

"I want that too. For years, I dreamed of being bred by my father. I would love for my big brother to make me big with a fetus."

I changed the subject. "Thank you for giving me a reason to whip you. I worry though that I will lose control. I swear I have without knowing it."

"You've never scratched the surface of the whippings I used to get. Mom and Dad were specialists at causing the most pain with the least amount of damage. The doctors, after I was 'rescued' by the police, said that I was perfectly healthy. But don't take my bias to love my mom and dad, as truth. They were broken people, and what they did to me was wrong. I know that, but I also know what I am, and I cried tears of joy when Mistress told me about the life I could live in the new family she and later you invited me to join. No matter how long I live or how quickly you discard me, I will never again find anything as wonderful as Mistress, my big brother, and Mommy."

I chuckled. "I didn't invite you, Slut Sister. I took you."

"Take me, Big Brother." She stopped on the grass and we made out, not caring who watched. I groped her breasts, and she whispered, begging to fondle my erection that throbbed against her belly button. Heads turned away when our snogging got carried away. Not that we showed anything naughty. Our hands went everywhere. I whispered, "You must learn to call me Edward, Slut."

"I'm sorry." She wasn't sorry. She knew, upon returning to her home, I would tan her hide until I tired of beating her. Then we would cuddle, and she would cry in my arms, and cum would spontaneously erupt from my dick. The first time that happened, I fell in love with her.


"I will keep loving you." Lilith promised on the day I dumped her.

"That's your business. It's not mine anymore."

"Yes, my former boyfriend. But please, let me keep my collar." The scratched up band's engraving was fading. "I want to treasure my time with you."

"Do what you want with it." I had no use for the old thing. I felt like crying, but I stupidly put on brave and cold airs. I would never see my first, sexual girlfriend ever again.

I ended our relationship during a minor shopping trip. She wanted to buy sexy underwear for herself to arouse me. I refused her offer. Then I explained that I couldn't be her boyfriend anymore. She wept and stuffed a hundred dollars into my hands. "This'll get you home." She ran to her car and drove away.

I told her to meet me again the next day, and she obeyed. She had no illusions that I would return to her. I simply wanted to talk everything out. Couples who end their romance with large, loose ends are destined to bring ugly baggage to their next relationship.

We ended things as cleanly as possible, and kept in touch while we processed our disappointments and some anger. She never expressed hers, but it must have dwarfed mine. I felt a little relief as well as sadness, and I worried more about the former.

Mom consoled me. Even Dad took a shot at cheering me up. He had never approved of Lilith, but Mom had told him to keep his opinions to himself. I thanked him. He was a klutz of a husband in bed, but in everything else important Dad could be counted on. My parents' sex life had dwindled again, Mom finally confessing that she knew he most often pretended to enjoy sex. The times they did make love, Mom gave her whole heart to him. On all the other days, she bowed before me and did my bidding until I allowed her to cum.

I'm rambling. Remembering when I had to face my true feelings and let them run their course, is never easy. I struggle with emotional honesty to this day.

Tamela became my true love and lasting joy. She took care of my babies when I was compelled to take charge of Mommy and Janice's sexual needs. My sister would gaze into my eyes, clamped in a zone of pain that always promised greater rewards, as I belted and used many other tools to prolong her suffering until I couldn't bear hurting her further. Then we would fall together kissing, hugging, me slathering soothing gel over the dark marks suffusing her skin. She would experience prolonged and back to back orgasms as we loved each other. I would cum at her touch, often multiple times, sometimes without being touched at all. She took care of me in a way that only a partner could.

Mom knew before I did, that I would dump Lilith. She tried to warn her, but Lilith wouldn't hear it, until she heard me tell her. We spent weeks allowing ourselves to express our feelings. I moved out of the house and into a rented room for a couple months. That alone time was the best choice I ever made as a teenager, except for taking Tamela into my family. Mom was pregnant again. I waited too long to decide its fate. She had to get a first trimester abortion. I apologized, and she chided me. Dad never knew she was pregnant.

I told Janice to get an IUD. She never caught again. I couldn't bear to spill my seed into Mommy without any chance of getting her pregnant. She used a cervical cap without spermicide. It was about as effective as pulling out, fairly effective but not greatly effective.

Tamela remained innocent in all three of her holes. She surprised me one day, accusing me of putting her on a pedestal. "I'm the only girl at school who hasn't lost one of her virginities. What are you waiting for, a note from a mullah?"

I knew what I was doing, however it pained me. "I'm trolling you, Little Sister. Not losing your virginity is the one thing that bugs you beyond your control. I love how you make mistakes after you confront me, and I stand my ground. I get to punish you for a real reason, instead of giving your daily spankings and slaps. I love it when you lose control."

"Be careful of your hubris, Eddie. I may make the mistake of losing one of my unfucked holes to someone else!" She warned. I knew that she would never give them to anyone but me, but there are assholes and rapists who might have a go at her.

We talked about lesbian assaults on her person, and decided that only if a determined woman plumbed some part of her flesh, deep into the targeted hole Tamela would lose that bit of innocence. We were teenagers not philosophers. Her Mistress and Mommy had tasted and excited every part of her body, but they weren't doing it solely to get themselves off. We gave them a pass.

Tamela's warning hit home. She would let me control her whenever I was in her presence, but her personal life was largely outside of our agreement. She kept my wishes in mind, just as I tried to keep her needs ahead of my selfish lust. We didn't always succeed. I was risking something that I valued immensely, however trivial the concept of virginity actually is.

Near the end of my senior year, I thought of a compromise.

"A chastity belt?" She mocked me. "Why not plug my mouth with a lock as well?"

"Are you going to wear it?" I couldn't back down no matter how on the mark her satirical jab jabbed.

She fell silent, breathing loudly, almost hissing.

When I had asked for Mom's take, she told me I was being silly. "Those are fetish items, no longer intended to be used for their original purpose."

I swore that there were manufacturers who made viable harnesses. I had read the reviews.

Janice offered to buy it, but I felt I should earn the money. That way two of her chastities would remain securely mine.

"Yes." Tamela submitted. I hugged and kissed her, but she wasn't as thrilled as I was. I just knew that she would eventually warm to my twenty four hour control of her vagina and anus.

She attended college while I finished high school. We had less time together, but our sessions were more intense. Officially eighteen and mistress of her destiny, Tamela remained in Janice's home. She wanted to save money, hers and Mistress's. That was the excuse. In truth she intended to miss as few of our family escapades as possible. Ralph Jr. turned two years old. Jill was ten months behind him. Both took occasional nourishment from their Mommy's and Auntie's breasts respectively. Janice's milk had come in during her second pregnancy. We kept the well full, by draining her tits regularly.

Few of Tamela's college classmates knew of her incest branded past. Most of the people who heard the rumors didn't believe them or didn't care. Tamela started making other friends, introverts like her. None of them could be trusted with the mildest of her sexual proclivities. Still, her heart grew to accept others.

In my first year at the state university in our city, Tamela appeared in my dorm room. She was crying. That never happened unless she was orgasming. "He put it right - in front of me, a-and I wanted it. I took it. I tried to pull away before he came, but he grabbed my head and forced his cum down my throat. I didn't object. I never told him, 'No.'"

She had been at a party, drinking lightly, but she was a lightweight. Before she knew it, a guy she didn't know was talking her up. "Just kiss it." He urged her after a long build up of actually funny jokes and sly complements.

"I loved it, Edward! And now I hate myself!"

The news left me numb. I couldn't find one spark of anger, except for the raging bonfire of self-loathing that ignited within. "Get out, Tamela. I promised never to strike you in anger." Was my excuse.

I actually wanted to jump out the window. From the third floor of my dormitory, I would have only broken my legs. She left but made me promise that, once I dealt with the news, I would prove my love for her."

Instead of breaking my legs, I chickened out. I went home and gave Mom the most difficult order ever. "Whip me, Mommy. I'm broken, and my heart is dying. It's all my fault." I told her why, and she managed to resist laughing.

Mom knew my heart better than I did. "I'm going to tell your father that Ralph Jr. is your child."

Her declaration was a bolt of lightning. My sensibilities flared out from their self-obsessed gang bang. "What?!"

"You heard me, Eddie. If a stupid blowjob is enough to send you into a tailspin, I'm going to come clean with my infidelity. I'll show you what true immorality looks and sounds like. Ralph will probably throw me out of the house, and he'll hire lawyers to contend that I seduced you. I'll have to live with Janice, if she'll let me. You may get to see your son, but I never will. I'll still be your slut, even if I'm living on the street after my prison sentence, but yours probably won't be the only cock I'll submit too.

"Mom, that's crazy!" I woke up from my dream of holding innocent Tamela in my arms forever.

"Not half as crazy as losing your shit over a cock cumming in a mouth."

"But she wanted it!"

"Of course she wanted it. I would drop to my knees for most men - if I allowed myself to do everything I wanted." Mom shook with righteousness. "Tamela, Janice, and I pursue abnormal means of sexual fulfillment. Similar to how her parents trained her, you trained us to lust for domination."

She paused, to let me process her monologue however slim my ability. I felt my pain, deep and poisonous. Giving into it would only spread the poison. Mom had the antidote. She held it out before me, but I had trouble seeing it.

"We're imperfect sluts, Master. The greater you test us, the more likely we'll fail. Now pick yourself up, look in the mirror, and ask yourself, who is really suffering?"

I didn't need to look in the mirror. I ran to Janice's. Using my key I burst in and scoured the place. Baby Jill giggled at my antics. I found Janice vacuuming Tamela's room. Her smell struck me like a bullwhip. "Where is she?"

"She hasn't been home since she left for school."

I drove my parents' car at unsafe speeds. Tires and brakes squealing, I parked and jumped out. She was in my dorm room, holding my pillow and sobbing.

"That's mine, you useless, clumsy, and TRAITOROUS BITCH!" I screamed at her.


I locked the door and jumped on her, wrestling her into a submission lock.

"What are you doing?"

"What I'm supposed to be doing." I found rope. I always had rope nearby for when 'family' visited. I tied her spread eagle on the floor and I ripped her clothes away from her beautiful, thin body. I unlocked a special chest hidden under a box of food cans in my closet. I didn't need anything special. I pulled out a cat-o-nine and swung it through the air.

"Edward, please. We need to talk!"

"Later, after I'm done with you." I began lashing her, using all of my skill to send pain shooting through her body with minimal damage. I'd never whipped her with such intense focus. Every 'tail' struck with a SNAP!, snaps crawling over her body, never leaving a gap, not repeating until the front of her body was completely red!

She screamed and thrashed against the ropes holding her fast. I stuck an old shoe in her traitorous gob, so she could scream as much as she needed.

I whipped her rapidly and continuously for nearly five minutes. I'd never lasted that long. When my arm gave out, I threw away the cat and drew my pocket knife. She was sobbing as I cut the ropes from her arms. I dragged her up to my bed and held her.

Neither of us came. Anger never results in pleasure. Exhausted, my love for her boiled up through my guilt over expressing my anger in the wrong way. "Tamela." I cried.

"What are we going to do?" She clung to me, her naked skin burning without relief. I sensed that she wanted to burn. Her self-loathing soared above my own.

"I'm going to set you free."


We planned to marry soon after I had established my career. Tamela lived with Mistress while looking for work, working as a franchise manager, and while I finished my degree in rudimentary biology. I was hired out of college by a research facility in the city. I decided to live with Tamela and my daughter and Lying Bitch and endure a forty five minute commute.

On the outside, during those next three years, our lives changed little. Mom brought over Ralph Jr. as often as she could. I kept my sluts in thrall of me, with regular domination and sadism. I was working out with weights and getting stronger. Work kept me too busy to manage the amount of play that I could afford as a student. The three women expressed their pride at submitting to me, in different ways.

Janice became my slut maid. She relished being the low woman on the totem pole, taking orders and physical abuse from everyone in the 'family.' Emotionally, we all praised and loved her. Janice would be cleaning the drapes with a vacuum. I would complain about her laziness and incompetence. I would take her over my knee and lash her backside with a traditional, wooden switch. Then I would rape her ass and call the other two sluts to poke and prod our lazy cunt. They would often command her to suck their cunts, unless I had told one or both that they weren't allowed to cum. When we had reduced Janice to a crying puddle, we worked together to build her up again, soothing and loving her.

Mom took her role as Mommy to a new level. She organized the 'family,' our budget, our long term, financial and personal goals, our social events. She often overreached and had to be corrected. I punished her the least, because after a certain amount, extra pain worked against her enjoyment of being dominated. I took her out to lonely spots in the city, where there was just enough of a chance of getting caught in public to inflame her passion, but with a minimal chance of getting arrested. I started making her give handjobs to strangers, homeless men and women even. I worried about letting her suck strange dicks. That wasn't safe, but I know she longed to be humiliated that way or take it up the ass while incognito.

We found a plethora of glory holes, but the guys had to accept the condoms that she rolled down their shafts with her mouth. I allowed her to take protected cocks only up her ass, because I refused to let anyone but Dad and myself fuck her. I knew if I told her to cuckold Dad, she would tell me to fuck off. Truthfully, I didn't want to cut off Dad from my first slut.

She got pregnant twice during that period of our lives. I was quick to decide each time. We aborted the first one, but when Ralph Jr. stopped being a baby, Mom felt she could give the love that a baby required, to another of my children. She bore the second of my sons shortly after I married Tamela. She was nearly forty when she brought little Samuel into the world.

Tamela was of course the big change in my life. Even before we married, we negotiated a frightful arrangement between us. I gave her the keys to her chastity belt after that cruel whipping in my dorm room. She continued to wear it for several months.

I remembered how I had begged Mom to whip me. That notion of paying for the crime of denying my true love's pleasure, unlocked something entirely alien to my history of being dominant. In order to investigate its potential, I invited her to play a dangerous game. I swore I would never use her actions against her.

We would go to a bar, and Tamela would pick up a stranger, usually one who was good looking and fast talking. She gave them blowjobs in the bathroom. Sometimes I would listen or even peek at her act of infidelity. As soon as she caught a mouthful of sperm, we would race home. I would tell her what a slut she was while I masturbated and drove. Before reaching climax, I would pull over to the curb and cum on her traitorous face! At home again, I would thrash her and continue to accuse her of sucking strange cock because I refused to let her suck mine. She would get off during those painful moments and again when we cuddled afterwards. I would cum at least twice from the intensity of our essential conflict.

On the day I received my offer of employment, we celebrated first with our family, and then I took Tamela and a quart of lube to an adult store in the seediest part of the city. I had been saving that location for her, after discovering it with Mom. Only Tamela refused to put condoms on the cocks that were offered through the glory hole. My true love's first ass fuck was from some random black dude who had simply entered the booth to jerk off.

A two inch cock would have sent Tamela into orbit after the first few seconds of anal intercourse. Her first ass cock was six inches and fairly meaty. It wouldn't pass muster by any porno scout's requirements, but it was driven with great lust, deep into my love's ass, and he didn't cum until after three minutes of hard fucking. Tamela reached the stars, rocketed into continuous orgasms by a stranger's bare fuck tool. I stood in the booth with her, masturbating like crazy. I came on her face three times while the black dick reamed her white ass.

She took two more ass fucks that night before begging me to drive her home. I was balls dry, so I had no reason to deny her except to deny her, but I knew I would only be denying myself. At home, I called the other sluts to examine my love's dirty ass. Cum from three strangers stained her pucker. Janice hinted that she should be forced to suck Tamela's hole clean. Mom made her friend suck her cunt while she stared at me, bewildered by my choice to let strangers fuck Tamela's pure ass. Janice brought Mom to two orgasms, and then Mom fucked our 'maid's' ass with a big black strap-on.

I watched the fake dick plowing Janice, and my cock returned to working hardness. Tamela begged me to whip her as brutally as I dared. She had wanted to give herself to me, but I had stolen her second, first-time and had given it to a random cock in a dirty adult store.

"I've never felt so filthy!" She cried. I tied her up and fucked Mom and Janice in the ass, not caring if I shot blanks into them, right in front of my true love.

Then I whipped Tamela to her heart's content, and we all fell into a naked pile of bodies and fluids.

...to be concluded...

The end of my story and the beginning of my full life began on the first night of our honeymoon. Mom, Dad, and Janice sat in our hotel suite, sharing a last toast to the groom and bride.

Dad was particularly antsy. He no doubt wanted to leave, so Tamela and I could consummate our vows. But there was another reason. Mom had been denying him sex for the last month. She told him that it was a test to see if he could keep his promise not to pay whores ever again. In reality, his great infidelity had been a handjob in a massage parlor, but that was enough to tie him around Mom's little finger. She never let him forget that mistake, but only on the most important occasions did she wield its leverage against him. Dad hadn't gotten laid for over a month. He had even promised Mom that he wouldn't masturbate. Mom and I knew him well enough to believe he would keep his promise. In return, Mom promised Dad the night of his life.

Janice went to the wedding suite's bathroom to fix her make-up. She returned looking a little shorter, having pulled down the black veil from her large hat. Mom called a taxi to take them home. The three of them didn't waste time saying goodbye. I waited for ten minutes and then we followed them in another taxi, but stopped at Janice's house. From there we walked together to my parents' home.

Mom met us at the front door. "Shhh. They're in the master bedroom. We crept down the hall and listened at the door until we heard Dad's mystery girl begging him to fuck her harder!

Hurt me, Daddy! Spank me! Use me like your little bitch!

Easing the door open, we saw Dad in missionary position, pounding away at the woman on the bed. Mom's gift to Dad, for being true to her, was a whore that she told him she had hired. She told him, the next time he wanted strange pussy, she would arrange it, so long as he didn't neglect her. As a special treat tonight, he could fuck without a condom. Mom swore that the lady was clean.

She had made him wear an eye mask. Mom didn't want him to see the bitch that she had hired, claiming it would make her jealous if she thought that he thought the whore was prettier than her.

"Oh, Daddy! I'm cumming! I want you to come too!"

"Stars and hells, Lady, I'm doing the best I can!" Dad's pillow talk needed serious work.

After a month of abstinence, even Dad's fate was inevitable. The whore claimed to cum twice more before dear old pa-pa unleashed his pent up seed into her hot flesh.

The whore wrapped her legs around Dad's ass and locked his spitting wand inside of her. "That's it, Daddy. I love the feel of your cum. I want you to make a baby in me!"

"Lady, I'm utterly tapped out, and all I can see are stars!"

"Noo, Daddy. I need you to fuck me again and again."

The whore took charge after Dad collapsed on top of her. She wriggled out from under him and rolled him on his back. She sucked quickly on his wet penis. My father's reconstitution time broke a new record that night. The whore blew his wilted peter into an erect tool in under five minutes.

As we watched, the sluts at my feet alternated sucking my cock and each other's pussies. I blew one load right before my father's first orgasm.

His second erection needed immediate attention. "Daddy, I need your cum in my pussy!" The whore straddled my father's revived staff and impaled herself. She rode him like a pro!

Dad grunted and begged. "You don't have to do this, Lady. I'm not sure I have another come in me."

"That's not the spirit, Daddy. I'm your little girl, and I need you to make a baby in me!"

Her role playing spurred a change in Dad's voice.

"That does feel really good!" He admitted. "Maybe..." He let his hips finish his sentence. They began countering the whore's humps from above with thrusts from below.

"YES, Daddy, you're fucking me again!"

"I am, Lady. I think I might even cum again." That was the first time I heard my father say a dirty word - other than the occasional, traditional epithets.

I blew another load into one of my sluts. I didn't see which one, because my eyes were glued to what would have been a boring porno, but it starred my father. That made it utterly compelling and at the same time, quite uncomfortable. My blatant disregard for my guilt stimulated my third erection.

Dad got more than Mom's supposed money's worth. The mysterious whore managed to get three full orgasms from him, directly into her "baby starved pussy!" He even revived enough to fuck her from behind for the last gush of his forty year-old seed.

Tamela and I rushed back to our honeymoon suite. I told her in the taxi that she had made my dream come true. She gushed that I had done the same for her!

We leaped onto our rented bed and tore off our clothes, entangling our bodies in wild, sometimes painful ways. I went down on her and began sucking my father's sperm out of my new wife's pussy. I prayed that he had gotten her pregnant!

The End

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