You Might Be An Otaku If...

Done that.

You might be an otaku if the 1st thing you look for, when you 1st got Internet, was anime sites.
Hmm not sure if i did that XD
You might be an otaku if you buy the manga anime etc
You might be an otaku if even the non-otaku knew what's your favourite anime.
You might be an otaku if the only things in your room that you ever touch are your computer and the bed

my room used to have sooooo many wall scrolls, with 80% of the wall covered in it, this guy is nothing
oh i dont do creepy life-size dolls nty >.>

You are an otaku if you are like me :D
You might be an otaku if you change school coz at your school, the students not wearing uniform.
The uniforms at my old school... failed...
You might be an otaku if you like fantasize about anime
You might be an otaku if you watch anime during classes

just saw some ppl doing that (although it were just some old Dragonball eps)

You might be an Otaku if decide to post sth in this thread (im sure that was mentioned before but there are just too many post to read them all)
You might be an otaku if you watch/read Highschool of the Dead to survive Zombie Apocalypse.

OMG. Are you watching me?!

For my son's birthday this year I got him this.

Coolest gift ever for a 15 year old. <---- clicky

I watched High school of the dead last week. Before the end of episode 1 I texted my son the following:

Dad- I want you to promise me something. Never ever loose the sword I got you. I got it for a reason and it's important.
Son- OK, but what's the reason?
Dad- In case of Zombie Apocalypse of course. Also good for a mad-max scenario. Will ease dads mind knowing you have it.
Son. No problem. I am prepared. Hailey (his GF) says she is looking forward to it and Ty for the swords.
Dad- least I could do. Also be sure to watch "High school of the dead". This is an official Dad approved zombie apocalypse training video.
Son- Will do.

I kid you not. So. you are watching me, right? Where is the camera damnit?!

Oh yea. Almost forgot.

You might be an otaku if you decide to take a break from the computer. While doing so you find a door you don't remember in your house. Upon opening it you burst into flame and fall to the ground screaming "it burns it burns!". Once your eyes adjust you realize you are in fact not on fire. It's just the sun.
wish my dad was as epic as you haha. HAHA epic otaku mention too :D
You might be an Otaku if you learn't how to use the vocaloid program JUST to make your own Miku-windows sound pack.
chewy officially made my day ^^ (although that applies to gamers and IT nerds in general too :rolleyes:)

You might be an otaku if you invest more money in manga and anime than in everything else.
You might be an Otaku of you wish that real girls were more like anime girls :3
You might be an otaku if you invest stock on anime companies.
You might be an otaku if sam has deflected more of your bullets than you (or a pile of super computers) can count.
Soo inability to count is part of being an otaku? XD
You might be an otaku if your walls are covered with anime posters
You might be an otaku if you really want following seasons for an anime :o

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Agent_Smith wrote on Nihonjaki90's profile.
thanks for your uploads
do you by any chance happen to have this?
[こどものこえ] 三姉妹の平凡な日常を淡々と描いてみました (みなみけ)

this is the only game i was never able to find free, online
Deladela2000 wrote on Otokonoko's profile.
Is it possible to re-upload this game?