[Mod Discussion] (Illusion) Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト)

Clothes are not the easiest meshes to make. You need to know the difference between skinned and unskinned meshes. Metasequoia is an additional hurdle for skinned meshes, because MQO files cant transport the skin. Sb3UGS needs a very close skinned mesh as template for replacing. If your vertices are not close enough then your new clothes deform very badly. If you keep all positions very close to the mesh you will replace then you can continue to use Metasequoia.

If you would want to make an apron which is longer, wider, whatever - using space not used by the original - then you will feel the additional problem with MQO files. This can still be solved by double replacing meshes. First replacement with a skinned long dress, second replacement of the dress with your edited long apron.

Each Submesh / Mesh Object has one material in the games. You dont need to split meshes if you will continue to use the same material for all parts. Using a different Tag value would be an exception to this and you would have to split the mesh into the colourable part and the fixed part.
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Thanks DillDoe ... it worked :D ... I think I just re-named the meshes a bit too much >.>

And thank you enimaroah :)

Ok, I have my sperated mesh now working awesomely thanks to the brilliance of SB3U :D
and I have made a new material and assigned it to the [apron] sub-mesh :D

However, as the whole mesh is tagged with 4E2D then the apron still get colored along with the main dress part :(

Is there a setting in the material panel that allows a material to be set as being colorable, so I can set the dress part to being colorable, and have a different material setting to leave the apron as non-colorable?

On a slightly other note ... I realise Metasequoia is 'limited' ... however it is relatively simple to learn and use ... for the basic edits I understand :) I have tried using Blender way back on some Oblivion stuff, but I recall getting quite confused with all the import/export options etc. I understand Maya is the 'recommended' but I also realise it's very expensive :(
So ... looking to the future, as I would love to create proper long dresses etc, although perhaps these games don't have a below-knee dress bone, as it would deform too much during animations etc.
Is Blender the 'cheap' way to go as far as learning etc, or is Maya the absolute must-have?

Many many thanks again for all your help :D
The Tag in a mesh Transform switches the whole rendering of the mesh. May be a different shader is used, I dont know for sure.

So, you have to copy your whole mesh in the Animator into a second Transform. In the colourable mesh you delete the apron submesh. In the non-colourable mesh you delete the dress submesh. For the copying of the mesh use a FBX export and replace with "Create Mesh Transform" option in the same parent.

Yes, Metasequoia is the easiest 3d editor I know. But the free version is limited and misses support for armature and FBX. Both are available in Blender and their builds 2.76b and later allow to exchange skinned meshes via FBX. So Maya is not required.
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Sorry enimaroah, I have looked at what you said, and cannot figure out how to do this :(

I also thought I had the problem solved about splitting the mesh and importing it, but upon further checking that doesn't seem to be working and I'm at a loss what I have done wrong.

I have the mesh working before it's split.
I import it into Meta and split it, into 2 parts, labeled [0] and [1].
Back in SB3U I drop the new separated mesh into the Workspace and then copy it into the Object Tree panel, and 'Merge'.
This appears to overwrite the o_maid_bot_d mesh.
Then I Correct Normals as the imported mesh is a bit weird, but it then looks fine ... in SB3U.
The mesh is now separated ok, with shaders and materials attached etc.
However, when I then try it in-game, the Apron sub-mesh part doesn't show ... :(

See screens below.

I've attached the relavent files if anyone can help with this, or point me in the right direction please :)

As to the process you mentioned enimaroah, is there any chance you could please describe in detail the steps involved:
i.e. Animator - Select the animator you wish to 'copy'
Assets - 'Mark for Copying' then 'Paste All Marked' to get 'Copy' of animator
Select relevant mesh in Mesh panel - export in FBX format (which FBX format, there appears to be 3 different ones?)
I presumably need Blender to open and edit the 2 versions? (One without Apron, and one without skirt part)
Is it then in Object Tree under N_bot_d that I 'Create' a 'Child' and re-name it? and attach bones? Apologies but this is really confusing and I am quite lost after this :(

Many thanks if you can help at all :)

EDIT: ok thanks for updating that reply enimaroah, I will take a closer look and try to figure it out :D

Screenshot (17).pngScreenshot (18).png

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Hello everyone.
I'm still vary new to SB3Utility and i have just reciently ventured into making skin tattos.
I have succeed in inserting a textures into the game and it works.
I also learned I cant juse remove the texture either as doing so leaves the girl all white and broken.
I've come to call this glitch going china doll.
I have isolated that to the texture being missing or its place on the list being blank.
It can be overridden.

So to my question. I asked this on another board...

How exactly do I create my own stand alone Texture.unity files and my own stand alone List.unity file.
This way I'm not injecting anything directly into the games .unity files.
I've noticed that both Zeaska and DrBloodmoney have created mods that have stand alone .untiy texture and list files.
It assures that if I mess up I don't mess the hole game and will make it much easier to make it into a mod file.
I'm sure to you all this is easy and common place but like I said.
I'm new.
The apron vanishes because you killed the skin during replacement. For MQO use the defaults of the replacement dialog, especially "Merge" at the top and "Copy Nearest" for bones. Remember MQO has no bone information so "Replace" for Bones brings the missing bone weights into your target mesh.

As said in the other thread, make a copy of cf_t_lip_00.unity3d and choose any name you like. To avoid collisions some modders even create their own subfolders. But lets assume you leave it in abdata\chara and name it cf_t_the_oz_tattoos.unity3d.

Open your file in Sb3UGS. The content is shown on the left with its own menu. From that file's menu choose File / CABinet and change one or two hex digits. Keep the same length and the same pattern. So from CAB-8153fa7c40a667194b7f7172e7d4725d make it CAB-8153fa7c40a167194b7f717ae7d4725d (just an example free invented and without any thought). The meaning here is to make it unique across the whole game. So if there would be another file with this CAB-String then either file wont work anymore. To search for duplicates I use a tool which lets me search binarily though all files in folders (TotalCommander).

Repeat this with abdata\list\characustom\00.unity3d. New name, new CAB-string.

In both of your files, delete what you dont need (original textures, all TextAssets except the one for the type of tattoos you are going to make).

Insert your textures into cf_t_the_oz_tattoos.unity3d. Edit the remaining TextAsset: study that content! Remove all lines except the last one, choose an unused ID in the first column, name in the third column, adapt the filename, and name of the texture. At the end of the line are coordinates for the position. Someone (Belgar17, DillDoe or Roy12) made a post with a description. Sorry, I haven't taken care where, but I think it was in the modding discussion on HF.
Thanks for your reply enimaroah.

As far as I was aware I am using the 'defaults', and have v1.2.20.

There only appears to be 4 categories to choose options on the import:
Method - Replace or Merge
Normals - Replace - Copy Nearest - Copy in Order
Bones - Replace - Copy Nearest - Copy in Order
Nearest - Submesh - Mesh

I have tried Merge at the top, and Copy Nearest for Bones as you suggested, but I still cant get the apron sub-mesh to show up in game :(

Sorry to bother you, obviously I don't have the knowledge or jargon to work these things out, and sadly can't seem to find any 'tutorials' on such matters.

Sorry to waste your time, but thank you for trying :)

Screenshot (19).png

EDIT: I am sure you are right, and think I have worked out the 'Copying' and 'child' thing you spoke of ... however the apron still isn't showing up, and I'm wondering if it's the meta file, that for some reason splitting the mesh in Meta is messing things up :/
I will install Blender tomorrow and try again, splitting the mesh in Blender and see if that works :)
Thanks again for your time and patience trying to help :)
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No need for Blender. You can fix it by exporting the mesh, creating a new mesh transform, and as I explained at the beginning with a double replacement.

Step 1 - export your mesh with the two separated submeshes. Then import the file.
As you can see from the selected bone in the renderer, the mesh has weights for this bone - the coloured area of the apron. This is the end result.
But my shot shows more. Note the workspace. I changed which submesh will be replaced with the checkmark. And I changed the target which it replaces. More on that later. Use the right mouse button on the submeshes in the workspace to set these options.

Step 2 - bringing the skinned submesh into a new mesh transform.
The first submesh with the 747 vertices is the skirt. And I checked like in the shot above that the skirt has bone weights. So I knew that it was correct, and the apron was wrong because there were no bone weights.
Therefore, let the first submesh be checked but uncheck the second as we dont need it. Then drag the imported mesh o_maid_bot_d precisely on N_bot_d in the Object Tree. (Not in the blue area!) Why N_bot_d ? Because - read the dialog - we need the parent Transform into which we will create the new mesh transform.
Of course, because o_maid_bot_d already exists as a child of N_bot_d we get a warning. So I renamed it as can be seen in the first shot.
Great we have a skinned mesh as a template in a new mesh transform. Check it in the renderer, and select a bone to verify its skin.

Step 3 - replacing the skinned mesh template with an unskinned mesh (the apron)
In the workspace uncheck the first submesh and check the second. Also, change the "Target Position" to 0. 0 because our target - the just created copy of the skirt - has only one submesh. Indexes begin with 0 (C style).
We have a skinned mesh in the workspace which we are going to replace, but the selected submesh is unskinned. This constallation isn't foreseen by Sb3UGS. So you have to set the options for bones manually. If we had an MQO or OBJ here and the mesh would be unskinned then the options would automatically be set as in the shot.

The rest is to set the Tag and Layer, and mesh attributes correctly (There is no Receive Shadows = 2).
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~Well I did Everything you said to do to create a stand alone Unity file.
Starting with cf_t_lip_00.unity3d.
I went into file>CABnet and changed a number and a letter in the CAB string.
I then renamed the file cf_t_oz_tex.Unity3d.
I removed the lip files and injected my own tattoo texture.
Then I saved...Although you didn't mention that part I figured it was a given as exiting out remind you to save.
Then i repeated the process with the 00.unity3d file for the list.

The files name didn't change at all...My first clue this didn't work.
When I reopened the file it was right back to what it was before I had opened it.
three lip textures with the old CAB string and name.

What did I do wrong?~

Scratch all that....It did work...Kinda!
Except it is in the lip layer...
Why are my freckles in the Lip menu!!! WTF :D LOL
Ok I thank i might be able to figure things out from here.
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enimaroah ! :D

Thank you, thank you, thank you, + a million more :D

I have become increasingly aware over the last few days, at how brilliant SB3U is, and the amazing functionality of what it can do! It is quite astonishing just how much you have built into it, which is obviously a reflection of your understanding of how these things work and your intellect and foresight :D

I cannot thank you enough :D

All credit to you sir :D
Hi I was wondering if there was a way to get around the 'blocky-ness' of some textures:

Screenshot (20).png
I have looked at the textures and normal maps etc and 'smoothed' them out, and there isn't a specular map.
I noticed under Material Properties that the Shader uses the Keyword DETAIL_MULX2, which I haven't encountered before, and if I try to set it to one of the other options it just goes back to DETAIL_MULX2.
I don't know whether the 'Keyword' plays an important part to the Shader's performance, or how to import another Shader to use?
Screenshot (21).png
Thanks in advance if you can help :D
Hi I was wondering if there was a way to get around the 'blocky-ness' of some textures:

I have looked at the textures and normal maps etc and 'smoothed' them out, and there isn't a specular map.
I noticed under Material Properties that the Shader uses the Keyword DETAIL_MULX2, which I haven't encountered before, and if I try to set it to one of the other options it just goes back to DETAIL_MULX2.
I don't know whether the 'Keyword' plays an important part to the Shader's performance, or how to import another Shader to use?
Thanks in advance if you can help :D

you have to save the textures as dxt5 or uncompressed 8.8.8 (or for alpha). dxt1 will cause huge blocks.
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Thanks for the tip DillDoe :)
Alas the files are DXT5, and I've even increased their size to 1024.
Is there any mod thats Hide UI while playing?

some time i just want to see the game cleary with out UI
That's why I recommend to start with a copy of unity file which contains the contents you are going to create. Such a file - in your case - should include a piece of clothes with a Material which produces the look you want to have.

But you can fix this afterwards. Search for clothes in the game with your desired look, locate the file, find out which material it is - this part is a bit harder in HS because of the external materials used - copy the material to your file or use the original material via reference as external material. The latter part requires some experience. But if you have found the material, the easier way would be to "Mark for Copying" / "Paste All Marked" or the workspace. You can drag a Material from a source Object Tree into a workspace, and drag it back into your destination Object Tree. The latter is the most convenient I think.

Yes I understand that now.
I didn't then.
What turned it all around was when I did what you said to both the textures file and the list file simultaneously.
Disheartened when my tattoos didn't show up so I wrote my big spew...
I went back and it occurred to me that I'm working from a base that was lip makeup. That got it in my head...HAY!
So indeed there they where, Freckles in the lipstick list.
So I immediately came back and recanted my statement.
What you told me to do worked fine, just I forgot to go and change the name of the file path!
As clear as crystal on the list menu.
ct_t_lip_00 staring at me.
I renamed it ct_t_tattoo_b_00, there after it worked FINE!
Yes I understand that now.
I didn't then.
What turned it all around was when I did what you said to both the textures file and the list file simultaneously.
Disheartened when my tattoos didn't show up so I wrote my big spew...
I went back and it occurred to me that I'm working from a base that was lip makeup. That got it in my head...HAY!
So indeed there they where, Freckles in the lipstick list.
So I immediately came back and recanted my statement.
What you told me to do worked fine, just I forgot to go and change the name of the file path!
As clear as crystal on the list menu.
ct_t_lip_00 staring at me.
I renamed it ct_t_tattoo_b_00, there after it worked FINE!
Have you tried changing your numbering prefix to 259 and changing the name to cf_t_mole_00? That way it should add it into the moles with the original freckle set.
Have you tried changing your numbering prefix to 259 and changing the name to cf_t_mole_00? That way it should add it into the moles with the original freckle set.

The freckles in question where body freckles I origionaly set to make as tattoo layers.
I have succeeded in doing that and have sense posted my freckles Tattoo mod on HF.

I have however ran into another problem all together.
I just started on my latest skin texture tattoo mod and I repeated the process told to me by enimaroah.
Except this time instead of using ct_t_lip_00 as a base I used my old texture file and list file as a base for the new ones.
I repeated the process like I did the first time except now My girl in the character editor has gone all china doll!
This happened when I tried to delete my prototype tatto texture in the core game ct_t_tattoo_b.unity3d.

So now my question is, how do you delete textures from the game?
And NOT get this glitch.
The freckles in question where body freckles I origionaly set to make as tattoo layers.
I have succeeded in doing that and have sense posted my freckles Tattoo mod on HF.

I have however ran into another problem all together.
I just started on my latest skin texture tattoo mod and I repeated the process told to me by enimaroah.
Except this time instead of using ct_t_lip_00 as a base I used my old texture file and list file as a base for the new ones.
I repeated the process like I did the first time except now My girl in the character editor has gone all china doll!
This happened when I tried to delete my prototype tatto texture in the core game ct_t_tattoo_b.unity3d.

So now my question is, how do you delete textures from the game?
And NOT get this glitch.
View attachment 13131

last time i've got this bug was because i had resized the body skin for a size bigger than the allowed by the game, that's why alexae adapted skintexmod for HS, this game is very strict with default texture sizes, unless you're fine doing 1024 mods, you should try make them for skintexmod. i was the first one and the last one that tried to make tattoos inside the game files, i've posted a pic showing why, here:

Thing is I only get this glitch when I remove textures from a file.
I worked around this thus far by repeating what I did the last time.
That being working from the Lip texture file. I thank my problem was caused by not redirecting my List.

I got things working kinda, I don't have a china doll now, but now My texture isn't showing up, but I'm gonna trouble shoot some more before I come back here asking for advice.
Seeing as I brought it up maybe somebody who knows more can answer why the model goes all white once you delete textures.


I got the second package working thoe im not sure what i did wrong in the first two attempts but the third proved successful

you should try make them for skintexmod. i was the first one and the last one that tried to make tattoos inside the game files, i've posted a pic showing why, here:

As sad as it may sound, I'm not sure Ill ever make skins for Skin tex Mod as it doesn't work for me. It works kinda...For the male parts and for direct skins, but overlays textures do nothing.
With tattoos I can create skin patterns and such as tattoos so one can modify the color and intensity to there liking.

Im sure your not the last to modify the skin tex layers within the core game, because I did just that.
Im stuck with my prototype skin in the menu until I get off my butt and install the game into a sudo directory to copy and overide the ct_t_tattoo_b.unity3d file. Mine works granted I don't delete my prototype tattoo. As for the file size, i had to work with much smaller in the past. I would love to work higher rex but this is alright.
I work with a template twice the size.
When I'm done I size down the tattoo layer onto the in game skin template. It is easier to compress textures data then it is to blow it up. So when I take a high rex image and shrink it down it still retains a bit of its initial sharpness.
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Hello :)

I have before as with SB the FX datein again to create, but unfortunately are not an ogg file but fsb.
I've made myself times this format is also used for WOT.

Has anyone an idea how to unpack the * .fsb file and get no * .dat out?
Dont delete any asset in any original file. I may have been too short when I said "use the lip texture file". Of course, it means to copy that file first, then rename it to whatever you like. And in this copy you can delete or replace the textures. The same with the 00 file.

If you already did this then please attach your workfiles.

Found in the release post on HF in the History spoiler...
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Thing is I only get this glitch when I remove textures from a file.
I worked around this thus far by repeating what I did the last time.
That being working from the Lip texture file. I thank my problem was caused by not redirecting my List.

I got things working kinda, I don't have a china doll now, but now My texture isn't showing up, but I'm gonna trouble shoot some more before I come back here asking for advice.
Seeing as I brought it up maybe somebody who knows more can answer why the model goes all white once you delete textures.


I got the second package working thoe im not sure what i did wrong in the first two attempts but the third proved successful

As sad as it may sound, I'm not sure Ill ever make skins for Skin tex Mod as it doesn't work for me. It works kinda...For the male parts and for direct skins, but overlays textures do nothing.
With tattoos I can create skin patterns and such as tattoos so one can modify the color and intensity to there liking.

Im sure your not the last to modify the skin tex layers within the core game, because I did just that.
Im stuck with my prototype skin in the menu until I get off my butt and install the game into a sudo directory to copy and overide the ct_t_tattoo_b.unity3d file. Mine works granted I don't delete my prototype tattoo. As for the file size, i had to work with much smaller in the past. I would love to work higher rex but this is alright.
I work with a template twice the size.
When I'm done I size down the tattoo layer onto the in game skin template. It is easier to compress textures data then it is to blow it up. So when I take a high rex image and shrink it down it still retains a bit of its initial sharpness.

If you manage to keep some quality while making it at a low res then it's going to be really interesting. my photoshop skills are very limited, so i don't know. i've made some adapttions from sbpr to my hs, i'm actually using the body sweat mod from sbpr into my hs, but directly, if someone knows how to port body shaders to skintexmod it'd be a nice improve
well you an look at one of teh uncensor mod to see which file contains it
look at enimaroah external material tutorial in his glossary to search for it.

Sorry for the late response, yes what i found my problem was is using materials from strange not colorable items impossible to adjust to get the right colors. I simple used a material from a item already colorable in game and way easier to adjust. THank you for the help.
Dont delete any asset in any original file. I may have been too short when I said "use the lip texture file". Of course, it means to copy that file first, then rename it to whatever you like. And in this copy you can delete or replace the textures. The same with the 00 file.
If you already did this then please attach your workfiles.

Well I didn't delete any original assets except my prototype tattoo, which is still there.
So pretty much once you import a texture into 00.unity3d there is no getting rid of it.
Well shucks. Luckly I backed up my 00.unity before adding any more tattoo's.
Ill just have to get a copy of a clean 00.unity3d list file in that case...No big deal.

If you manage to keep some quality while making it at a low res then it's going to be really interesting. my photoshop skills are very limited, so i don't know. i've made some adapttions from sbpr to my hs, i'm actually using the body sweat mod from sbpr into my hs, but directly, if someone knows how to port body shaders to skintexmod it'd be a nice improve

Well it is quite challenging but like I said before I had to work with far worse.
I would love to have a good 4k workspace but 1k isnt all that bad.
Im sure to thoe who have super HD screens you can see the pixles.

This is what I got so far.
View attachment 13137

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