[Mod Discussion] (Illusion) Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト)

I've been screwing around modding all day and have another question if I can even explain it. Well basically adding my rigged character models, I'm forced to add them to the "top" clothing slot because that has the option to add the edited visible cf_body mesh and it seems in all pants clothing the character still using the full body because there is no clipping issues as with the breast. Is it possible to add a edited cf_body state to pants or other clothing items. I have two pictures below because I know that was probably really hard to understand.

Tops is the only category that use its own body meshes. If you add bodies to any other type of clothing you will get a conflict because the game will also use the body from the top if you are using one or use the full body mesh if you completely remove the top. So if you want your pants to be used in the bottom's slot with any top the only options is to edit the mesh so there wouldn't be any clipping.
Thanks belgar. Has anyone experienced this kind of problem before. There is two parts of the mesh, top and bottom wing slightly apart but not intersecting. I've tried removing bottom part of wing and just having the texture on each side of top and get same problem. Tried recalculating normals in blender and removing spec and bumb maps too.
Any help much appreciated thanks
Thanks belgar. Has anyone experienced this kind of problem before. There is two parts of the mesh, top and bottom wing slightly apart but not intersecting. I've tried removing bottom part of wing and just having the texture on each side of top and get same problem. Tried recalculating normals in blender and removing spec and bumb maps too.
Any help much appreciated thanks
Sorry but I don't understand your problem. The fact that the wings are double side is common. Most shaders used in HS are one side, so the mesh is visible from one side and completely invisible from the other, in something like the wings which will be visible on both sides you need 2 meshes facing away from each other.

If your issude are the dark areas in the wings the most probably cause is problems with the UV Map. If the UV Map have spots in which vertexes overlaps, multiple vertixes are on top of each other or the faces are folder over the game displays black areas on those spots.
ah....so I installed a bunch of mods and found myself with a bit of a problem....

apparently all of the underwear now looks like that....I was wondering which mod causes this....or which files do I need to revert back to normal to fix it.....I have a backup of all the original files from the game so it's just a matter of knowing which one is messing everything up, any ideas?
ah....so I installed a bunch of mods and found myself with a bit of a problem....
View attachment 14096

apparently all of the underwear now looks like that....I was wondering which mod causes this....or which files do I need to revert back to normal to fix it.....I have a backup of all the original files from the game so it's just a matter of knowing which one is messing everything up, any ideas?

It something has to do with the sorting order in SBX uncensor. Download updated version of SBX uncensor and let me know.
It something has to do with the sorting order in SBX uncensor. Download updated version of SBX uncensor and let me know.

aaaaah thats it!......I installed the latest sbx uncensor update and it got fixed.......Thanks
How can I know that the skin weight I copy from one mesh to one another mesh is successful in Maya? Let's say I have a non-skinned mesh and I used a existing model to copied.

I am using this script to do the copy weight.
Transferring the weights back

Below is a MEL script that will transfer the weights from one mesh and apply them to other meshes.
To run this script:
-Select all of the code below and paste it in to the script editor
-Select all the meshes you'd like to paste weights to
-Shift-Select the mesh that has proper weighting
-Select all the code in the Script Editor
-Hit 'Enter'
//Select meshes to transfer weight to, then shift-select the mesh with weights, then run this script

string $userSel[] = `ls -sl`;

if(`size($userSel)` > 1)

  select $userSel[((`size($userSel)`) - 1)];
  string $cageMesh[] = `ls -sl`;

  select $userSel;
  select -tgl $cageMesh;
  string $pieces[] = `ls -sl`;

  //get inputs of weights in skin
  string $theJoints[] = `skinCluster -q -wi $cageMesh`;

  if(`size($theJoints)` > 0 && $cageMesh[0] != "")
    int $counter;
    int $sizer = size($pieces);

    for ($counter = 0; $counter < $sizer; $counter++)

      //Determine if skinCluster exists on piece
      string $skins[] ;
      clear $skins ;

	  string $hist[] = `listHistory -pdo 1 -il 2 $pieces[$counter]` ;
	  string $h ;
	  for ($h in $hist)
	      if (nodeType($h) == "skinCluster")
	          $skins[size($skins)] = $h ;
	      }//end of if skinCluster type exists
	  }//end of for loop through history

      //If skinCluster Doesn't exist, add skinCluster
      if(`size($skins)` == 0)
    	  select $pieces[$counter] $theJoints;
    	  newSkinCluster "-tsb -mi 10 -dr 10" ;
      }//end of apply skinCluster if none found

      //Add all influences from cageMesh
      int $counterInf;
      int $sizerInf = size($theJoints);
      string $pieceJoints[] = `skinCluster -q -wi $pieces[$counter]`;

      for ($counterInf = 0; $counterInf < $sizerInf; $counterInf++)
    	  int $found = stringArrayContains($theJoints[$counterInf], $pieceJoints);
    	  if($found == 0){skinCluster -e -ai $theJoints[$counterInf] $skins[0];}
      }//end of for loop through adding all cageJoints

      //Remove extra joints that don't match those in cageMesh skinCluster
      string $theJoints[] = `skinCluster -q -wi $cageMesh`;
      string $pieceJoints[] = `skinCluster -q -wi $pieces[$counter]`;
      string $diffJoints[] = stringArrayRemove($theJoints, $pieceJoints);

      int $counterInf;
      int $sizerInf = size($diffJoints);

      if(`size($diffJoints)` > 0)
    	  for ($counterInf = 0; $counterInf < $sizerInf; $counterInf++)
    	      skinCluster -e -ri $diffJoints[$counterInf] $skins[0];
    	  }//end of for loop through removing extra joints
      }//end of if any joints are different

      //Transfer the Weights
      select $cageMesh $pieces[$counter];
      copySkinWeights  -noMirror -surfaceAssociation closestPoint -influenceAssociation closestJoint -influenceAssociation oneToOne -influenceAssociation name -normalize;

      print ("\nSkin Applied/Weights Transfered: " + ($counter + 1) + "/" + $sizer);

    }//end of loop through pieces
    select $userSel;
  }//end of if there is a skinCluster to copy from

}//end of if user has selected enough items

Link: http://www.3dfiggins.com/writeups/paintingWeights/
Before using custom scripts I would recommend to try Maya's build-in functions:

Say you have a skinned mesh A and a second mesh B which is unskinned. And the latter should get a skin like mesh A.

  1. Select mesh B and the skeleton root bone together.
  2. Make sure the Rigging selection is active.
  3. Skin -> Bind Skin [] opens this dialog:
  4. Click "Bind Skin" or "Apply"
The options control how the weights are generated. But I never found options good enough for a human body. So dont invest much time here.

  1. Select mesh A
  2. Add mesh B to the selection
  3. Skin -> Copy Skin Weights [] opens this dialog:
  4. Click "Copy" or "Apply"
This is where the music plays or better starts to play. You will have to correct weights manually still in certain areas.
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I imagine you guys have noticed by now that using big maps in the Studio glitches self-shadows on the models. The Skydomes by Amamiya have the same effect, but they are easily fixed by removing cast/receive from the mesh. However, this would kill the usefulness of map/items. Have any of you looked into this problem? We were discussing it here for a bit. I think it has to do with an internal game setting, but I'm unsure, since it's completely out of my very limited modding skillset.
Request Hair Import Tutorial for Honey Select .Nif -> HS [Mesh + Texture Provided]

I want to get into modding this game but I just cant figure out SBUGS / SBUtility. I tried looking up and following SBUtility tutorials that I found scattered through this site, but most are not for this game. The file and texture is from Skyrim. Hopefully someone can make a simple easy to follow tutorial so I can began importing a bunch of hair bc of the lack of hair mods and default hair styles provided.


Are there any other animations/toys available that isn't in the main game? So far the positions are rather limited and I wondered if there were any others? - Thanks
Re: Request Hair Import Tutorial for Honey Select .Nif -> HS [Mesh + Texture Provided]

I want to get into modding this game but I just cant figure out SBUGS / SBUtility. I tried looking up and following SBUtility tutorials that I found scattered through this site, but most are not for this game. The file and texture is from Skyrim. Hopefully someone can make a simple easy to follow tutorial so I can began importing a bunch of hair bc of the lack of hair mods and default hair styles provided.



Have you tried to begin small?

If you make a conversion in one go, a failure is more likely than when you make small steps.
You can use "Reply With Quote" on every post which contains a link to see the syntax. Or scroll down to the bottom of this page and read the BB code page.

Thanks a lot for the video tut; I will link it in the Glossary. Sad to hear that you want to retire. I wish you all the best!

The reason for the missing update of the material is that you would have to double click the material in the file's Material tab to make it available in the Animator.

Optimal order of replacement: Textures, Materials, Frames, Meshes.
When Materials are replaced and Sb3UGS can find Texture2D assets with the same name then the texture slot of the material is filled automatically. Same for Meshes and their used Materials. Same for Frames and Meshes.

TextAssets and textual MonoBehaviours can be edited in Sb3UGS directly. Just double click those assets. When you use an external editor, you still can use copy (Ctrl-C) and paste (Ctrl-V) between the external editor and the selected asset.
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Are those projects displayed publicly? I am no expert in Blender but it might be interesting still.
Nothing worth Sharing just learning more how to use the software and it's capabilities. The more I learn also the better mods I can produce. Mesh model clothes sculpting, creating texture maps, weight painting and some animation, I will still stay close with this community and share any new modding experiences
Always awesome to see your new creations LovelySurrealDream!! That uncensor mod alone with all the different cock accessories alone is worth a million likes!!!
I am having trouble locating a default item called "Bulb Light". It has an emitting light rays and it's useful for creating table lamp with lights. Anyone has idea where I can find. Thanks
I am having trouble locating a default item called "Bulb Light". It has an emitting light rays and it's useful for creating table lamp with lights. Anyone has idea where I can find. Thanks

studio item p_item_ 103
it doesn't really emit light, just particle system keeping the texture camera facing.

there is a point light, that's actually is map lighting, which illusion didn't enable by default.
studio item p_item_ 103
it doesn't really emit light, just particle system keeping the texture camera facing.

there is a point light, that's actually is map lighting, which illusion didn't enable by default.

Oh. Thanks and where can I find the point light?
There is no Light editor in Sb3UGS yet, but if an Animator contains Lights they are copied along with it. So you could create a hierarchy in Unity editor, attach a Light - use Unity editor for editing this Light -, then build the project and use Copy & Paste in Sb3UGS to get this Animator into your target map file.

Three points if you want to do this:
  1. The Flare attribute is not supported in Sb3UGS.
  2. Begin your map with this pasted Animator and add everything else later. The Light cant be moved into another Animator. But all other meshes of your map can be added into this Animator. So, Light first.
  3. If you know how to create AssetBundle files in Unity editor this point can be skipped. From a normal game file you cant get the Type definition of the Light for your AssetBundle file. If your file doesn't contain such a definition you need to bring it into the file by pasting an Animator with a Light in another AssetBundle file into your file. So it is easier if you learn to build AssetBunde files in Unity editor.
When importing a map there is some spots where ground meshes lay on top of each other and it gets this effect in studio. Anyone else encounter this problem before? Best option may be to just remove conflicting meshes

Nevermind i fixed it by just lower the conflicting meshes to not intersect, sacrificed a little bit of detail, but looks way better
Guess i can leave comment here if anyone ever has similar problems.
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