finding out everyone's gender to keep the peace is understandable.
As for NTR, All it is is people cheating. significantly less of an issue the world over then Lolis, which is much much worse (I am also a loli lover, so high five). I dont understand why its treated so harshly.
I appreciate your openness and willingness for a free forum and enterprise here. This has been a great place, and we are treated really well. Me and the NTR crowd that showed up, might be odd, or concerned taboo, but are a lot of really nice people.
Very few of us are public about it, and we get harassed a lot, and we don't understand why its hated so much, we are harming no one at all. We all have our reason for liking it, i got cheated on by all my ex's, and i left them all right there. I would never enjoy NTR in real life, but somehow it manifested into a niche interest due to the trauma from those relationships. We all like what we like, and i like it when the bad guy wins, go figure.
And Yes i understand how to appropriately run things, not get into fights etc, i feel the same way. For instance, already on my NTR torrent, a guy had to make sure i knew he does not like NTR, but o i like your picture... sigh... i ignored it.