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  • D: Oh well...King only really really wants a Seiba Badge anyway...Seiba > All in King's eye...
    King cannot give something that he doesn't own...King's Pure and Innocent belongs to should know this...
    Checku-sama, I want the Pervert badge since I don't like the normal badge D:

    Please give me the Pervert badge...

    But King will not give his Pure and Innocence to you, its already taken by Seiba...

    Hi Checkmate, please edit the title of my post:

    --> [120323][ すたじおちゃお] 水の都の洋菓子店 [Crack]
    this game released at 2012.03.23, not 2012.03.02
    Thank Admin!
    hey checkmate ignis referred me to u , i have couple of questions on the background of the site, the trick is obvious, but i want to ask how to make it look stable and problemless in every screen size, i did some attemps on my own forum , but failed in different screens, so id like to see which css codes did u use, and id like to see if u can help me or not on this, thank u very much

    do u think its possible to do it on mybb?

    It's so hard! I'm even frugal with my money >.<
    Yeah everything should be fine, do what you have to do, i dont want to lose this site, hongfire already crashed and burned, i would hate for this site to go down too.
    Mostly the same for me, however it's hard to save up without a job, which no one is hiring, so you know xD
    I was checking out your computer specs... I don't even know how to respond to your JesusWare computer.
    Much Appreciated :)
    I can make sure that my addition will be unique this forum has never had X3
    Thanks for your time.
    what i guess i am saying is i feel that changing the rule to make them happier is really dumb, and while it might be easier most people don't even know what a magnet URL is (i did not, i had to look it up) Anyways, do what you need to do this is your place, and i appreciate being here, just please do me a favor if at all possible, when you change the rules, please make a forum post on what it is and how to use it, so i can just make a link in my main post to clear up confusion to my followers, and everything should be fine.
    I asked Cocona so i would not bother you with inane questions, i am new to the site and i can only imagine you have your hands full running this place, and the last thing you needed was some opinionated ass hole come out of no where and telling you how to run your forum.

    My only issue is its the Japanese who provide us with the pirated games, and who continually supply us with anime and manga as well, then turn around and bitch and complain that we are pirates, when they do the exact same thing. They don't like foreigners in general, and its not that its being pirated, but that Foreigners are pirating, and thats just racist, because i like them and there culture, a lot of us do.
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