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  • Admin thân mến! mình đang chờ hồi âm từ bạn, hay xem xét giải quyết cho mình với.... cảm ơn Admin!
    xin chào admin Checkmate !
    thật tuyệt khi có admin là người việt, mình cần bạn giúp đỡ,
    Mình đã trở thành uploader thử nghiệm được một thời gian cũng khá dài rồi, các bài Post New Thread đều phải qua mod kiểm duyệt và phải chờ một thời gian mới được đăng lên.
    Hy vọng admin đồng ý cho mình gia nhập nhóm "uploader". Cảm ơn admin rất nhiều !
    nhưng mình không hiểu:''Fill out a questionnaire'' là như thế nào?làm thế nào để ''Fill out a questionnaire''. @@
    hi Checkmate.i'm a uploader in Nihonomaru and Akiba online.i want share hentai anime in Hentai OVA.please approve me to be posting in Hentai OVA.Thanks you!
    I wanted to thank you for your consideration when I was a newbie here. I was new to a visitor message system and thought it was private. Suppose i was a little behind on the newer functions when i got here. Thanks for fixing what I didn't want public info at the time. You were considerate and helpful even though I was a nobody here then, and you took the trouble to edit it out even though i didn't ask. Thanks for that again. I think I enjoyed the time here more because of what you did. This week I found 2 topics started by Perplexing that prompted me to let it out in the open now hoping it might be of use to someone. Not much point in hiding it anymore now. Perplexing starts some thought provoking topics, true to the name. So anyhow thanks for deleting it for me last time, but this time it's intentional so no more editing needed. The 2 topics are "do you want/have kids' and "Are you afraid of dying". Thanks again for all the time u put in here, but mostly for being a nice guy.
    Hi checkmate,

    Long time , I dont chat with you by mIRC @@. I trying to study E to chat with you . :redface:
    Hi checkmate, can you move this post to H-Game section for me
    I am wrong section
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