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  • I give up. Can't find the picture i want. Do you have any cool avatars to spare there, so i can use it until i find mine? xD
    i'l wait for it then~
    sorry if it is not to your taste~
    i can't find anything else much more preferable >_>
    i'm starting to feel sleepy~
    happy valentine's day~ it's not much but i think you'll like it since she's wearing only an apron~ though she's not hte usual imouto figure~ X3
    Hey, Check :) Mind if i ask u sth, a few days ago i want to post new threads for some H-game and OST. But when i click the button it tell me that i can't post new thread (although i've posted a few game before :()
    Could u please to me how to solve this problem :)
    but hard life eh mate its wonderous that you are coping up with all of those things

    I too will soon become independent(like 2 years later:D)

    and yeah I get that feelin too,I hate to get some stuff to eat from restuarunts (mainly coz I will be alone and thats boring)

    and Ive been wanting to ask this so where are you from I mean your origin if you want to keep it private well I will understand X)
    oh my
    I thought that life for you was a breeze according to what you said on the LPW
    (going to school 2 coming home and relaxing)
    which one is right >.<
    LPW or the VM lol
    What? I'm not a Bio student. =O I told you that. >_> I just said that i study biology in highschool. xP
    gah~ i almost forgot about that one. i guess that's the reason why only a few dropped by the LPW thread.
    Cyekk -.- strip what data? @[ASL][110128][Key]Mizutani Runa - Philosophyz (PC Game Rewrite OP&ED) [FLAC] [W_scan] (199.3MB)

    file size, anything else?
    Ah yea. Sorry about that. I have a horrible memory.Usually I re-read what I can to make sure that doesn't happen but sometimes I get lazy.
    ah I see well then good luck with it lol you sound a lot like me (I din't study for my exams until 5 hours before the exam but thanks to my super awesome determination of world domination I need to study from 2 months ^^) anyway good night and good luck again ;)
    110% free HQ scans hmm >.> that is nice real nice

    100TB month no less O.O that is so awesome in a way and bad in a way

    and yeah even I know how you feel I want a relaxing life too but these damned exams won't stop its like I am zombie slayer and when I kill one I get more and more gah makes me go crazy sometimes
    but yeah I have learnt to live with it still buggs me sometimes when will it all be over>.>
    oh btw do you believe that the world will end in 2012 coz that would really suck for me specially lol
    that year will be my graduating year
    whew nice list you got there bro

    but what is it some website you are making for a client or something
    and server jump I am assuming that you are going to transfer all the files of the site from the current server to another rite(correct me if I am wrong)

    but you life seems to be very challenging and fun nice...
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