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  • I think I played all routes. The game load screen changed to where only Otome and Yume were there and I played both of those routes. What I meant with the endings I thought were weak was how you just reappeared. It didn't say if it was because it was spring (and the blossoms were back) or if it was permanent or much of anything. Maybe I should replay it. Having trouble remembering really. I was pretty sleep deprived when I finished those 2 routes.

    Are the other titles besides DC and DC II in English? All I can seem to find are Japanese. Sadly I only understand English. Waaaah!
    designer of the system ... nice (so it was, a wise choice I made withdrawing form an accepted battle)

    I am guessing a person atm who I think might get recruited by pervy Iggy
    but meh things can change can't they^^

    and more and more work up on him sounds fun for you to watch ^^
    "Da Capo II Spring Celebration: After-life of the true ending of right after Da Capo II" really interests me. I thought some of the endings were a bit weak. Our hero magically re-appears without any explanation in some cases. It seemed like they just stopped mid-story and said everyone lives happily ever after.

    I didn't realize there was more to Da Capo II. I'm glad you mentioned it. I really like that one.
    ah I see so you are like the outside advisor or something (refer to KHR)

    lol " I'm punishing him now" that sounded like you are doing a BDSM with Iggy XD

    and if a person is perverted enough he/she can get into the "Alliance"?O.o
    I think I hit all the stops on that tour. I played Da Capo 1 and 2 and watches Da Capo II and IISS. I guess you could say I liked that one since all that happened in less than a week. ha ha. Did I miss anything good related to Da Capo?

    I'm curious. You said "it looks like I'm missing the first season". You lost me there. I don't remember listing the anime and VNs I have done. Is my memory having issues again or are you able to track what I download? I am used to being confused. Don't think too much of it.
    ah I see
    sounds pretty cool,so I see what Iggy has been doing all this time ...
    so you guys had pretty much mapped out this whole site in 2009 and was just gathering resources?
    Dude you sounded like a BAWS saying that you earned my respect for sure
    btw you should add
    "This is where patent is rotten and copyright infringement is being abused and piracy is born"XD
    anyway thanks mate hmm now that I think about it are you an alliance or something (saw iggy using something like that in his sig the other day I think)
    then since that is settled time to pirate and make new better version lol laterz and thanks for the advice bro
    hey check I don't know if this is normal or not but every time I visit some one's profile the current activity is always Viewing Index Anime-Sharing I know that people can would view the index but not everytime rite >.>
    so isn't that like cheating or stealing I mean like getting inspired by another's art and makin something a lil similar to that?
    no battle none at all >.>(after knowing what you have been my heart sank like the titanic v.v)
    GFX I do GFX well mostly sig makin until now but I want to increase I just need some tips on mostly layering and shiny colour choosing
    hey nvm about the battle coz I think that you might pwn me but >.>
    I want your uhm *whispers*tips can you give sum to meh?
    Answering to your post in LPW : If by Bio student you're implying that it's my main subject, than no, but if you meant like i study Bio then yes. And about the question. As i said it depends of the one that you're talking about. XD You'll have to specify more. xD \o/ But if you're talking about the one that i'm thinking right now, than i think you should feed her that, since it will make her grow. xD
    You are lucky to have a father like that. Not all parents will sacrifice for their children. Your current setup looks pretty impressive! Dwarfs my crappy computers. Most of mine are trade-ins and spare parts. I would take a picture of my setup and post it for you, but I can't. I moved in here five months ago and I have been using my laptop since. I have a pile of computers I have been trying to ignore. Still not sure why though. odd.
    ha! Your computer knowledge makes me sound like a newbie. I have been building and administrating small home networks as a side business for decades but I never really did anything professional. I am purely self taught because when I got into computers nobody knew how to fix them. Some of my first store bought computers were the apple 2 and the commodore 64. Oh and that Texas Instruments gizmo that hooked up to a TV for a screen and used a cassette recorder for a hard drive. Don't remember what it was called. Anyhow the school thing is to get me up to speed on business computing since all I ever did was home stuff.

    And omg! "16TB just won't cut it for my huge collection of eroge" I mean holy crap! I thought I was bad but I have nothing on you do I? lol!
    Wow. Sorry it took so long to answer. I started 2 hours ago. I followed that mikeou link and got... distracted. I like his work.

    Sorry to hear that you don't have time for your hobby (obsession?) at the moment, but it sounds like you have life moving forward nicely. I am happy for you. I am sure when the free time comes it will be that much sweeter because of your effort. I have all the free time in the world it seems. I actually envy you. I don't work since the _________ so I am bored out of my skull. I went back to school to try to relieve the boredom.I am a year into a bachelors for computer network systems security. That is only 3 days a week though so I spend a lot of time downloading.

    The "Corrupter" eh? Ha ha. Well they don't have to worry about me. I think I was corrupted well before I showed up here. From what I can tell our tastes are pretty similar. I don't mind the pics at all.
    Yea I read all about the mess with EF. Its the reason I found this place originally. If I remember right there was mention of it on AnimeNewsNetwork and I followed the info trail here. I feel I should buy a copy when it comes out just to support the cause so to speak. I am a little interested to see if anything changes. I noticed several plot differences between the game and anime. Some of what they omitted was pretty critical to the story. I remember thinking that but I am hard pressed to come up with an example at the moment.

    Oh well. Lets call the memory issues proof of my age. I really am 40 believe it or not. lol. I was born in October of 1970, so unless my math is off... yea I'm old. I never really outgrew cartoons. Is it really so surprising that I would end up here? I mean Speed Racer reruns only go so far.

    By the way, what is that pic you put in the last message from? You keep slipping in those imouto or loli type images on me. Are you trying to influence me perhaps? lol
    Ah cool. Thanks for the tutorial. I haven't been on much. Sorry for the slow reply. I was all wrapped up in EF. My only complaint is that after that the rest may seem to suck. EF was... epic. I look forward to buying it when MangaGamer releases it.
    Welcome back. Glad you had a safe trip.

    BTW, never seen this visitor message system b 4. I'm supposed to respond here or on my page. All new to me.
    Overwork and pressure? Aww... Me too. :[ Sleepless nights lately. :|

    Oh and before I forget, I thought you wouldn't have a gf within a span of time? But you now have one. :]] You broke your words. :p
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