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  • Mew... so basically the one that can use all the powers~ I still dunno what to do with this disk though
    Hahaha xD are you insinuating I'm crazy? xD I'm not crazy xD or insane hyahahahahaha xD
    xD I like red cars so the blood doesn't show xD hahahah

    xD so the comp is invaded by your bros? xD so on weekends that means we won't be able to talk much?? noooo ><
    well lucky you have your batphone xD refer to them by their specific name xD just add bat to everything xD
    and I'm gonna plant something to spy on your while you are on the helicopter xD hahaha

    aww bye dawn xD
    time is more than gold xD must be like 20 american dollars or more xD
    *now reads your vm*
    You got me so emotional~!!!!
    I was so excited when I learned you were a girl lol its hilarious,I always wanted to find a friend and then become best friends who I can share my joy sadness madness lol anything with honestly and you're that person!!I first met harumi-nee but due to her busy job she couldn't be online*sad* then you appeared like an angel above the skyyyy:harpangel::fluteangel: haha x3 you were and still so adorable and gentle person and your kindess made my heart really warm every time i think of you anywhere! even in real life I miss you and want to talk asap because I really see you as my sister and best friend x3 a family,a really dear person...*feels* I remember being too happy when you told us your funny journey on driving class xD it made me super happy...we love you imouto<3i love you<3
    Hahaha omg I just read yourpm xDD we're like soulmates xD
    Hahaha you were always in my heart right from the start darling<3
    I also love you ∞ much sis! I can't imagine this forum without you anymore,so happy and glad to have you here
    I'll treasure every moment and everything about you makes my heart warmer <3
    You're my wonderful little bird and I'll take care of you more and more each day❤
    Forever and ever!!!❤❤❤
    Forever besties and sisters~!No one can have the power to brake our strong bond apart!Long live sisteeerrrssss:runhappy:
    I love you imouto ❤ until my last breath I'll love you always and always
    Pinky promise~I trust you the most and you're the only person I went really far opening up my yandere feelings lol
    dawwwwwwnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn :deadsad: that was bugging me a lot now I really feel relieved cause we can talk about it :happytears:
    You understood me omg!!!!!I truly feel the same D: XD
    Wait you were happy not to hit anyone? xD what kind of crazy world is that? xD
    I could never visit your place xD they need to be hitting people so it will be more like home xD hahaha

    ohhh so you basically get kidnapped >.> and they take away computer so the tree whisperers can't contact you? xD
    and you can't contact us? xD haha ominous >.> I need to plant something on the helicopter you will take to go there xD
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