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  • when you say that it sounds like I'm old >_> I'm mature but in a cool young way xD
    I can be rebellious too if the role is called for it xD I always have a plan xD
    I'm like those cool headed anime chars xD

    HAha xD it's not my fault that the blood has hit a spike in prices xD
    it's this economy and age that made that happen xD and I don't suck money xD haha only blood xD
    ahhhhh where *tries to flap cape to fly* xD
    is that a threat?? xD what can you do to me if I don't give the yaoi ship hints? >.>

    Haha xD whaat? no no my phone named you cause you were the one that killed him xD with your high tune xD
    he will never charge again xD

    I'm not xD I'm looking after every person since everyone is a weenie at some point xD haha
    floating? xD I'm not xD they do their own emotions xD haha
    *drawns angry eyes* awww look you made him angry haha xD

    well batman can carry a scythe xD everyone keeps mistaking me for the reaper xD
    I didn't have a hoodie xD and floating? xD well I do fly in my bat plane xD
    using my batline xD hahaha
    noooooo I will not xD I don't smell good burnt xD I'm allergic to being burnt xD justice needs to be fresh like freshly baked bread xD hahaha

    I cannot be beaten xD I am like the perfect bond villain that no one can stop and I won't waste time to talk
    I just finish you off xD you see misses bond we are not so different you and I xD hahaha <---cliche line xD

    if they ask for that I throw them off a cliff and tell them thats the ID they are getting xD
    and then I ask the other shop owners if they have any problem with my ID xD I assure you they will never ask for my Id ever again xD
    A legendary?
    xD nooo you are not xD Steve is in charge of reality xD and you don't look like a steve to mee xD
    hmmm maybe a barbara xD haha but no no you are not needed xD you can try if you really believe xD
    Hhaha I think now I know the perfect wish ahahha xD for everyone to have even more breakable hair that way I will have the best xD haha
    now I'm a disney villain xD
    lucky charms are marshmellowy goodness xD with a bit of milk once you eat them I know I can touch the moon or never sleep xD

    ahh? you are slappng mee! xD and yess it's a plan xD
    I need to have a plan for every moment xD if it's a woman driver I pretend to be her son xD
    so I'm the mature type? xD yess that's me xD regular old mature valefors xD hahaha
    well blood is not cheap xD hahaha I need the money so it can be hush money hahaha xD I don't want angry villagers at my door xD
    those are the most best hints ever xD hahah now you can imagine all the ships you want xD I gave you the best ship of all the ship of imagination xD haha

    Haha no they don't xD cause this glitch said your name cause when it did that I fell on my knees and asked him what's wrong he said he warn't going to make it
    as my tears built up around the edges of my eye I told him to name him assassin and he said your name as he took his last digital breath xD hahaha

    That's the most realest place I have working at worked at xD take a look at those cardboard children and I dare you to say something so heartbreaking xD

    I didn't eat them xD it was tension relief xD
    Haha xD no no that's batman xD everyone always confuses the two xD hahaa and yess irish spring just cause
    I am the crusader of beating up people and justice doesn't mean I don't have to smell good xD

    haha xD you really think you can stop me??xD you cannot stop me misses bond xD
    no one can xD for I will take over the world by forging everyone elses signature so I can enjoy a proper vacation hahaha xD
    xD ohh so now you say what happens in real life and what doesn't xD you are in charge of reality? xD
    haha xD I kinda guessed that xD I have seen your evil evil eyes xD what would you wish for? xD
    I bet it's to have hair like mine ahaha xD
    geehh?? xD what did you call me?? and of course they can xD they are part of a balanced breakfast xD they must be eaten to be able
    to function through out the day xD

    Haha xD I'm not young I'm old xD and I doubt I'm a bishie xD though I have been called cute with is not a good word to use
    for a man xD well I will do that but for a small charge xD it's not much just like 1.6 billion dollars xD a man has to eat hahaha xD
    ohhh xD hints? xD I can give you those xD well the first hint is one is a guy and the second hint is the other one is a guy too xD haha

    no no you can't do that xD you didn't put the tm mark on your trick xD so everyone can do it xDD
    xD but it was full charge and the screen glitched out only your singing could have done that xD

    I didn't torture any tree xD I just didn't give them fertilized dirt xD and it's a real phd! xD I'll have you know I have
    treated plenty of boos boos xD I work at weenie hut general xD cmon sit down on the bed of dea- I mean the comfy bed xD of death doh! xD
    force of habit haha xD

    noooo only caramel for me xD and I smell like the fresh summer breeze xD irish spring that's how I smell like xD lassie
    ohh meh lucky chars are smiling in diddly doo xD hahaha
    noooo nooo I would never do that I wanna scare them to death so I cosplay as batman xD

    xD no no I have no such thing xD *covers the entrance* I wouldn't be able to see stuff like that xD
    hey xD it's a very elegant and beautiful signature xD see?? *shows you that it won a prize in penmanship* xD
    xD see?? they did it in a movie xD that means it can be done in real life xD
    next time you see a rainbow don't just go ohhh rainbow xD you should go I'll get you magic stone xD
    and get some lucky charms™ too xD it's a magical part of breakfast xD they are magically delicious™ xD haha so I won't get sued xD

    I'll be a bishie hag then xD with awesomely beautifully cracking hair xD
    see?? just do that with the newest bleach and we are set xD I'll even do voice work xD
    no no xD they would be too much for you xD I don't want to send you to a bat asylum xD

    truth serum? xD well I am quick witted xD I saw what you were gonna use and I used it back
    as a form of irony xD since I'm a fancy man xD mmm yes I am xD and you couldn't have done that xD
    since I would have seen you xD and my cell phone stopped working too while holding it xD another singing dawn incident xD
    what? xD where did you hear that lie xD I madam have a phd in bo boo boo and medicine xD
    I'm more of a doctor than anyone else in the world xD now gimme your arms xD it will be quick xD

    malpractice xD no no the trees knew the risk and voted for me xD hahaha
    xD how can it look good I'm fried to a crips xD haha you like burnt smell? xD
    the darkness within you is growing xD
    xD that will never happen xD my games are special xD no one other than me can touch them xD
    lest they want to meet the reaper before their time xD ah ah ah <---vampire laugh xD
    I have not done such a thing I have no gallery and no yaoi whatsoever xD <-< >->
    xD no it's not xD it's even signed by you xD
    you signed it as yes I'm dawnotaku the real dawn and not fake xD
    You never reached a rainbow? xD you are not trying hard enough xD and you never reachedt he rainbow xD so how do you know what side it has xD
    I have seen both sides of the rainbow one side is different from the other xD
    no no xD it has never cracked and I call those fashion breaks xD they make the hair look even cooler xD like abs for hair haha xD

    xD well you can buy the manga and color them with crayons xD that way they will be in color xD
    nope xD the manga is still going xD the anime finished though xD at the substitute shinigami arc xD
    after that is the invasion xD haha xD I don't have to xD even batman gets to have secrets xD but you can't have secrets from me xD
    or you are fired xD for not trusting me haha xD
    hmmmm xD the lie detector I put inside you when I gave you the shot says you are lying xD
    you sing high all the time xD it says you broke my tv that way xD no wonder I had to throw it away xD
    why be scared? i'll be the kindest doctor xD now lay down into the torture be- I mean the killing cha- I mean the bed xD
    xD mine have to ask or they get sued xD you can run you can hide but joker will find you hahaha xD

    xD well the evidence says you did it xD there is even a message in blood that says dawnotaku did it and I dare you to catch me and here I am daring you xD
    if you put silence the mahou will not be able to hear you xD so when you take it off it killed me xD

    I'm not electric proof! xD I mean I'm still dead xD
    nooo! xD I'll get cramp now xD and there won't be any legroom for me to stretch or but my mini fridge xD
    haha xD when I torture I'm not laughing on the inside I'm crying xD when I go to bed I cry that I had to do that
    then I buy a new thing with the torture money xD like a new game xD
    and how are you going to kill the bacteria? xD *hugs my games suspiciously* xD
    I am ? xD you have to have proof xD that's a rather serious accusation xD
    but it's what you wanted you even wrote it in your will it says and I quote xD
    dawnotaku wants valfors to get all the money and the fame and lots of games xD
    while I get to be remembered xD
    xD haha xD yes they do it's just black so you can't see it xD
    you have to look under the rainbow xD the dark side of the rainbow xD
    xD everyday and every 30 minutes xD my hair is getting treatment xD it's more spoiled than I am xD haha

    ohhh you haven't read it?? xD it's aaweosme! xD reading it it's stylish when it's in black and white xD
    it gives me goosebumps reading bleach in manga form xD they are the cool MIB xD reminds me I have to read the lastest chapters xD
    you haven't seen after the substitute shinigami arc xD the invasion xD
    ohh that is a secret ship xD and they are to remain unknown xD they are my secret special forces xD hahaha
    low tone? xD I don't know about that xD I don't buy it I think you have a very high tone like from a scale of 1 to infinity
    you go beyond infinity xD to infinity and beyond haha xD
    you are not? xD then let me put the next shot you need xD after that you will be afraid xD youuuu willl beeee xD
    *puts hands in freezer so they are cold when i touch you to give you shot* xD hahahaha
    after when the doctor gave me that shot they asked me how I has and I told them they made me had a very bad day xD
    and I turned into the joker right there and then with a poof xD

    Objection! xD I don't believe you right now you have to give me proof you are indeed innocent xD
    ahhhhh!!!! *dies from mahou spell use* the noise is too much!!! xD mom dad forgive me I couldn't avenge you xD

    that wasn't my intention at all *throws plans away to put tv in leg room to be more comfortable * xD
    xD me?? brainwash? xD never!!! I torture them until they forget xD I have to be mean sometimes xD
    and believe me it hurts me more than it hurts them xD
    Noo you will not xD my games are for me alone xD they need their hugs and kisses and attention only I can give them xD

    hahaha xD I'm not addicted to yaoi xD though I don't mind watching them xD
    though I should try and stop you from getting too deep into yaoi xD
    and why not? it will benefit mankind xD people will be talking about this for centuries to come xD haha
    So we both have black hair xD
    the dye I use is made from pure colors from the rainbow so it's healthy xD
    yess just cause I'm a man doesn't mean I need to have bad hair xD I bet I would make you jealous of my hair hahaha xD
    yesss xD so much stresses that I have a massager just to massage my neck and back xD so my stresses are gone haha xD

    xD I read bleach and everything else like that manga style xD
    all the color I want flows from my mind xD I make those action panels come to life in my mind xD buahahaha xD
    well my version of fairy tail is better xD with lots of ships sailing xD and even a bl ships sailing xD
    well if you say mahou it will be like a opera xD I'll probably die too xD deaf and dead xD not a good combination xD
    xD that's what you say to calm me xD but I won't buy it! xD it's like when they take you to the doctor and they say oh you don't have to take shots
    and then bam! you get a shot xD fool me once shame on you xD fool me twice shame on me xD

    seee?? xD trying to kill me already xD
    Whoa whoa xD It's no trick xD >_> it's just to make sure you can survive in space xD it's not like I'm after your delicious leg room xD
    that spaaaace xD *wants to drool*xD hahah and no no xD while they were unconcious I asked if I could take their dna and they said yes
    with a little help from my hand xD

    In my dreams you give your life for me xD so I can continue to protect my games from other people touching them with their dirty hands xD
    it will turn into a reality xD hahaha

    xD worse than yaoi xD I think my mind is cracked a bit when I saw yaoi xD I needed like three days to recover xD
    but I came back stronger a-and crazier xD
    heyyy xD whoa I'm no meanie xD but you must for science xD haha I am like mayuri from bleach xD
    Haha xD no no I have black hair as dark as the night xD but more beautiful than any
    blonde hair xD I mean sorry if you have blonde hair but maybe you can dye it black so you can try and be more like me in the hair department xD
    I don't know xD it's like a sacred place for me to get away from the stresses in life xD like having to decide which game to play first xD those are the toughest decisions xD

    I read the manga xD so I decided to go more recent at the time it was xD I said I would get to the other chapters later but then I went eh xD
    I made up my own story of how they got there and voila xD it was done hahaha xD
    Yes it will xD I can already imagine it as glass breaks and I star to bleed from my ears xD
    They make silencers? xD you only say that so you can do that xD
    and no no xD you think you do but believe me you don't xD and you will get immunity xD I mean look at me I'm immune xD
    you should be looking up to me and learning from me hahaha xD and I didn't xD >_> I borrowed it xD
    xD nooo I wanna live xD I still have lots to do xD I still have games to play haha xD
    you are batgirl you should want to do that to save trees xD I do it myself xD but I know you will sacrifice yourself for me xD
    so that I may live xD
    I did xD and I saw something I cannot unsee xD haha my miiinddd xD
    xD it might be xD I need people so I'm gonna take you so you can test my rides xd if you get hurt
    I know in my heart you would never press charges as that would make me quite sad xD
    Haha xD yes I do xD it's my pride and joy xD I have better hair than he does xD

    xD of course I do nothing but the freshest xD I even grow the coconuts here in my private beach garden xD

    xD I skipped alll of that xD I just started reading the part of the tournament xD
    oh yes it is xD I don't wanna go deaf xD I wanna hear music in my old age hahaha xD
    no no no xD you don't need any of that xD you need to build that immune system yourself xD I built my immuneness to the vacuum of space xD
    so can you xD haha xD I don't know I feel like you can't control it yet and will only crush me xD
    well you need a statue for your valiant sacrifice xD what if I get a cramp? xD my life could be over xD

    xD I try that but I only get like weird pictures that scar my mind even more than it is already hahaha xD
    yessss xD so I can teach you about the moon xD and we can go to the amusement park up there xD
    Yes I am xD I brush it 100 times a day xD to keep it fluffy
    soft and manageable xD and I put on some coconut oil to give it a natural shine xD or sheen if I wanna go pro xD

    xD really? I read it xD I stopped at the dragons things xD where they beat that guy with the shadows xD or however you call him xD
    how do I notice it? xD cause mahou when summoned says mahou over and over really fast xD I have to cover my ears xD
    besides you don't need that in space xD mahou takes up a lot of space you will make me feel uncomfortable xD
    you have to take one for the team xD don't worry your sacrifice will never go in vain xD I'll build a statue that says
    dawnotaku gave her life so I could have leg room that's a true hero xD

    xD the fry one? xD you go fast haha I usually have to look for like 10 minutes to find good pics xD
    I already slept xD so I'm gassed up for the ride xD now we go to the moon xD
    Haha xD wait keep it like that guy? xD but why is hair is way better than that xD
    the one in the pic is so dry and filled with splits ends I can't even lookx xD

    omg I haven't read fairy tail in so long xD I need to read it again to learn about mahou
    so I can take it away from you xD haha

    and no no I was asleep xD mega tired and don't worry
    I never get mad literally xD so if you are worried about me getting mad don't be xD
    I like crazy chats and I know we are always crazy in chats hahaha xD
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