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  • Well, I know, that with IRC. animes and other stuff more download can, but I've this option not used... - I was not sure...:goodtea:~>

    Just out of interest: How is the download-speed in that option?
    Well, to be honest; I've never the IRC.-system used, I've before some months the from ASF downloaded, but until now not used...:goodtea:~>

    Notice: I'm no Community-forum friend (Only ASF) - I've account on G+, but I use it only as my image-host.
    maybe the reason your cat was acting like that was maybe there was a ghost or spirit or something in your house? i've heard that cats are very sensitive to supernatural phenomena in particular.. maybe he saw something that most people can't see. i used to have a cat too when i was really young, her name was China, she wasn't all that friendly though. she wasn't mean though, she just didn't really like being picked up or sitting on people's laps. but when she got old (after she had been living with other family members for a while) she was a bit more friendly, she even remembered me after all those years and i got to pet her and everything... she was put to sleep a little while after that, i was a bit sad about that. now my dad has a cat named Tiger Style Switchblades and she's okay but she's not really a lap cat either but she's playful.and yeahh i haven't really been online for the past few days, sometimes i take a break from the internet for a while. yeahh i've always been a cat person my whole life really, even when i tried to like other animals i didn't like them as much as cats, i guess i just see myself in cats a lot.. i don't know if i mentioned this before to you but i had an incident as a child when i broke my arm pretending to be a cat and jumping off a computer chair and i crashed into the wall and my arm was super broken, but somehow it didn't hurt me, but i did need two casts, a first one and a second one, it's a crazy story to tell but i find it pretty funny now
    ^^ It's a normal trend that I end up doing with people that I'm interested in and wanting to talk more with :)
    I usually rotate my images with anything Fate/Zero, Vampire Knight or Attack on Titan related and I have some weird OCD thing going where I have to edit the image to look radiant and have a thin black border o_o! OMG, yes >< I find an excuse in anything, the username, the title, the signature - everything! - to express and represent myself.
    Omg, have you seen Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn? It's a MMORPG with the biggest character customisation! Seriously x) I spent at least one hour trying it out c:
    Thanks for dropping by then!
    I get caught up in the heated moment xD
    I was suppose to type in still single, but it got slipped, lol
    Geh, maybe when I got nothing to do
    I know, I know~ I think everyone's have that in mind
    That's ok. I sometimes got serious, don't why. It's never the pressure, but a pleasure to me <3
    A debate, so it's ok to get serious, no hatred, no worries and no nothing xD
    I guess so.
    i've heard of that happening before, people getting paralyzed when they first wake up. it's an actual medical thing, i believe, or maybe something paranormal was happening.... LOL but maybe your cat knew it was happening and wanted to comfort you so that's why it was sitting there. cats have been known to do that. i don't know why people think they're mean, they're so sweet, and they're just individuals, like people. if anything, dogs are scarier. i'm kinda scared of dogs sometimes because they always wanna bark at me for no reason and scare me or try to bite me for no reason. but it's weird cuz my bf is like a dog a lot, but a nice dog, really loyal and kind. yeahh i'm gonna have to continue studying japanese because sometimes i take a really long break from it, especially when it starts to get really confusing
    I'm sure, seeing he is the Offical Seiba/Saber of ASF :> I will be his beautiful shadow! Ohohohoho ^^
    I do regularly change my avatar and signature, just that I'm hooked on her, as of right now OqO!
    Yeah. Its finished as of now mangawise, the show is no longer being made i believe.

    Also I remember that part :XD: Gotta love that show!
    Oh, haha. :XD: That is from Deadman Wonderland its pretty good lots of action and a pretty messed up (but good) story.
    yeahh i see what you mean, i used to always write really large statements and what not, but then i realized i didn't really feel like writing all that much (or really typing) especially if no ones gonna read it LOL. but yeahh no problem and even if you left for a while and came back i wouldn't mind, i wouldn't mind if you just respond when you can, i know how life can be ^.^ and yeahh yoruichi is one of my only really favorite characters in an anime series, she's really different, whereas a lot of girl characters in anime or manga can be really repetitive... yeahh, i would like to learn japanese myself, so i'm teaching myself some of it, it's a very interesting nice sounding language~
    My avatar is from the -monogatari series. I highly recommend watching it, its the perfect mix of everything.
    Thanks for the ost i liked it so much i downloaded it right after listening to it :D.

    I did reverse track it through Google image search and then to a uncensored version and searched it. Then i found a link that was talking about it. I know no japanese yet either but it seems the game is called "oh i colors"

    Also it looks like you were spot on with your guess. She apparently is the teacher. Sadly I don't think there are any English versions available but ill look into it.
    haha :XD: you don't really have to pay LOL it's just something sarcastic I say because I don't feel like writing a long explanation of myself on my profile and barely anyone reads it anyways, but if you wanna know about me all you gotta do is ask~
    Hmm... i suppose its more mental stuff?~ Places do give feelings though~

    Theres a certain dream im trying to paint but dont consider myself good enough yet ;p
    Hmm i can usually get meaning from them if i try and i usually have an idea where they originated from :goodtea:

    Depends on the dream really~ Some inspire ideas and others are just things i dont bother to remember since theyre fairly irrelevant~
    Hmm.... not all dreams? xD Some i view as important and others not to... Some are just odd... well most are odd really xD
    School year started recently with lots of homework (x_o) so I had little time to use the PC much. And worse of all I was being too lazy on my bed and accidently kicked my laptop off the bed while asleep and the screen broke into permanent white screen of death ~desu~. (*_*) Luckily I cna still extract the data later next year if I can connect the screen to a diff. PC. T_T time to find a new windows 7 -zzzz-

    -Coincidently, I used an acquaintance's mac to type this xd
    -somewhat related, I just do my exercises in the basement; I don't do much running, so I don't have to go out much.
    -Fun stuff: just bought and read Azumanga Daioh two days ago. I am surprised how some mangas can be so short and still make me want more.
    ~*OhpleaseAGuiltyConscience?!Ahahahanotme,-sweatdrop-*~ :spitlaugh:
    Joking aside, explanations as insurance is always good ,no? I'm not sure I can follow the rest of the world on changing the calendar to autumn period when it still feel more like summer to me. I usually do well, except when given tons of work to do. Recently, I've been searching high and low for a Windows7 laptop, but to little results. Also have been playing around with the GodEater2 Trailver. and K-On!HoukagoLive psp games. I have yet to use my Fate/ExtraCCC game for some reason. It's been at least the start of summer since I actualyl last used it.
    The hikkimori season is something I'm always in when not in-work, since I just don;t like going outside . Not unless it's Japan anyway- (>w<)
    Sounds fun, gaming with others~ I go solo in games most the time, And part the time I do multiplayer is when doing it on my own (ex: 2 psps). Watch out for your health during hikkikomori season!~

    My aircon unit is starting to get my feet cold; I think I'll go wear long socks.

    P.S' P.S.
    These replies of mine are starting to develop into letter replies I think...

    P.S.'s P.S.'s P.S
    So many P.S.s @~@
    Yoo Genki sure thing I'll check it out!! hope you're doing fine. I'm updating my Tumblr only, progress on my blog is very slooooowww
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