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  • I've played Red, Silver. Sapphire, Diamond, Soul Silver, White~ And now Y~
    So I have almost all pokemons from all gens~ That's why I am able to create a good team for PvP :3
    Oh yeah, I remember you told me you killed all those copies LOL. What map was that again? I don't really breed Pokémon, and since I beat it already, I want to move onto D2. Gonna try to play that tomorrow.

    Cool, I wasn't sure if they would have that sale in Europe since Halloween isn't so big over there. I got Dead Space, and Fatal Frame 2. Well, I might get Dead Island on that sale so me and you can play together sometime.

    Yeah the 3DS region blocking is stupid, all I can say is "because Nintendo" LOL, they don't make the best decisions sometimes. They are making a actual new Zelda game, but they are making it in the style of the Super Nintendo Zelda games, so it's a new Zelda, but with the style of the older Zelda games. It's not a remake.
    I think the most I have is with Flonne, and that's about 100 mana :deadsad: I really need to play that game a lot more. I have just so busy with school, but now that I am kind of bored with Pokémon X, I am probably going to start playing D2 a lot more. Is Dead Island your game, or your friends game? What games do you have for the PS3? You should play with me and unown sometime. I think you told me before that all you had was Disgaea 4, and D2, but I can't remember for sure. I want to get Rune Factory 4, but I will wait till after I beat D2. I also want to get the new Zelda 3DS game coming out this month, it looks really cool.
    Yeah I need to get more mana so I can summon the 2 DLC characters I bought, I think they cost 300 mana each to summon. I hope they will bring other DLC characters soon also. I might play more tomorrow.

    I never played Dead Island before, but I have played Left 4 Dead, and I think they are basically the same thing, both zombie games.

    They just announced the are bringing the Etrian Odyssey remake to Europe next year, so you can probably expect a demo sometime soon.
    Yeah, everyone has their own strategy, and their own way to play. Did you have fun playing Dead Island?
    Hino! *tackles*

    I managed to get a Mawile with max IV in Defense and Attack (That's the one you wanted right? o.o)
    And I just won my first battle :3
    Yeah, it's a upgraded version of swapnote basically, so I don't understand why they took out swapnote. Like I said before, just Nintendo being Nintendo. I have 3 mages, so I can totally own a map with different elemental weaknesses. How about you trade me your Peppermint :runhappy:
    Oh.....only 1 in ur entire life :o
    I played on White, but not all of my pokemons were from White~ Some were from older gens~
    They are supposed to add something called "miiverse" that lets you talk to people and share pictures, but it's supposed to be coming soon. I played a few stages, and leveled up my fighter character quite a bit, but having some trouble leveling up my 3 mages (fire, ice, and wind)
    Cool, glad you had a good time, they gave me a massage, so it feels a little better now. Yeah, that is a really stupid reason for shutting it down. Nintendo just being Nintendo. I played some D2 yesterday.
    I see, did you have a good time at your friends? I just got back from the doctor, checked up my leg that I pulled a muscle in.
    Where you been all day? BTW, you will no longer be notified about new VM's, quotes, or mentions for the time being, so for now you have to check for them manually on your profile.
    Annoying is if I try to get it but after 100 eggs I still have nothing......
    Thats the annoying in this case~
    LOL, how long did it take to kill the copy 200 times? Yeah I have a lazy cat haha. Also, what a pain it is now to log in to this new updated forum.
    Be back in a few, gonna play PS3 online with unown, so you will probably sees on online if you are still on your PS3.
    They speak English if they can tell you are not Swedish, but usually they have heavy accents. They speak Swedish to each other though.

    My cat only listens when he wants to, he usually comes when I call him when I'm laying down so he can sleep on my legs.
    LOL, I will try telling him, though I doubt he will listen to me. He will just walk away and pretend he doesn't hear me.

    The Swedish Community in Chicago isn't as big as the Chinese Community (China Town) but they still have a few shops, restaurants, and a bakery. If you ever visit Chicago, you should go there to check it out.

    Still leveling up your characters? Now my cat jumped on my laptop while I'm trying to type :sigh:
    I see~
    But even those with less steps are annoying to breed~
    That's why I don't breed often and don't have to get myself annoyed with it :3
    LOL, I don't think he will care if I eat his food, he likes my food better! It's feeling a little better now. I have a ton of homework to finish still :deadsad: need to finish it all by Friday. Next time I go to the Swedish Community in Chicago, I will buy a snack at one of their bakeries and see if you recognize it :D
    I hope you feel better man, getting sick again? I pulled a muscle in my leg last night, I was chasing my cat because he stole a piece of my steak, and I must have moved wrong and I pulled a muscle, now I can barely walk :dead:

    I might play more D2 today
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