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  • Good going Hino :3 Hmm..are you going for 5IV's for every poke you breed or just the ones you really like? :3
    I keep some of my breeds as well. They can make good parents for the same egg group ^^ And you can trade them for other well bred pokes in the serebii wifi chat :3
    Yesterday I traded a 5IV scyther, Marill, Heracross and Shellder. Saves me a lot of breeding time <3
    I won't write more >.<
    Well I don't have the time anyways~ (right now)

    My team is kinda bad for fire types xD
    fire types have almost like 0-5% to win against my team~

    it looks different on my background.....
    it should look like this:

    No the item alone increase it only for 30%~
    Galvantula has the ability to increase it too so it has a chance of 130% of getting it hit~

    Not toxic orb >.<
    It's a berry that increase ur stats but poisons the owner~

    u can get those attacks if u breed with other pokemons and get their moves~
    synthesis, leech seed, Ingrain, toxic~ If used by a venusaur.....it's overpowered~
    But u need a high defense and sp. defense~ After using ingrain and leech seed u heal up fast and can heal urself up with synthesis to full health~
    and with toxic u can poison the pokemons and even if he switches u can still poison the next pokemon and still heal urself to full health~
    the biggest problem would be steel type pokemons~

    I need to go to school at least at 7:15 am~
    If even 1 minute later and I would be late >.<
    That's going pretty fast indeed :3 If you have any spare good IV Mawile's, can I have one? :bigeyes:
    That's right, I remember the characters do come with a stage, so I guess it's not to bad.

    I tried adding you on steam, but 150 people have the name Komachi, so I couldn't tell who you were. It might be better if you add me, my name is dano1123, just select the option that says you forgot your password, and they will help you recover it.
    u want me to write more? D:
    u know I don't like writing much >.<

    Well Darkrai is only one of the pokemons I could use~
    Every pokemon in my team can 1 HKO mega blaziken~
    That's why mega blaziken won't be used too often in PvP since people use pokemons that are already fast since the beginning and can deal much dmg/KO it ~

    Background? :reallyconfused:

    The item is used to increase ur chance of getting ur attack hit~ u can use it as long as u want~ and with the ability of Galvantula I have a chance of 130% of getting Thunder hit~ :fulfilled:
    There is a item that poisons it's owner and increase the attack/sp.attack of the owner~ And with the ability of Breloom u heal urself, u are immune to status aliments and ur attacks are stronger~
    Well I only have to use attacks that have a high crit chance and a item that increase ur crit chance~ u will crit almost everytime like this~ :goodtea:
    I rely a little on luck but there is a high chance of it getting a crit so only if Im really unlucky I would fail to crit in 2 rounds~
    hmm a defensive team~ Venusaur would be good~ With the right moves u can regain ur health so fast :o

    I don't think u would lose~
    Im sure right now u would beat me with ease >.<

    Well I need to wake up at 6:30 am~ If not I would be too late ;_;
    Do you remember what your Steam ID is so I can add you? To bad I didn't mention steam earlier, RE6 and Revelations were both on sale during Halloween on Steam. But they are having their big "Winter Sale" next month, so I would wait on buying any Steam games until then, just about every game in the Steam Store will be on sale then. I got a lot of games during their "Summer Sale" for 75% off.

    I might get the D2 DLC also, but I think $2.99 for each character is kinda expensive, $1.99 is a better price I think. What game is Lilliel in? Going to work therapy today?
    By the way, the PSN store (U.S.) updated today, and they have new D2 DLC. Adell, Lilliel, and Rozalin are all $.2.99
    That's ok :3

    The Togepi is fine :3 Btw, can you check if I gave you the right Mawile? There was another one so went for the one I thought was the correct one xD
    I'll pass on the steelix. I'd feel bad on taking another one of your pokes D:

    Oh, did you want the Dratini? I stopped the trade >_>
    The reason I mentioned it was in HD was because that was their big selling point, they wanted you to now Revelations was now in HD LOL. And PC is far from dead! I have a steam account for my PC games, you can check it on the link I provided, I even selected the Swedish version for you. http://store.steampowered.com/?l=swedish
    Blaziken isn't that fast~
    Blaziken max speed is 259 (IVs included, nature not included)
    Darkrai max speed is 349 (IVs included, nature not inlcuded)
    Darkrai has 90 speed more than blaziken and it's enough to be faster than blaziken~
    and Darkrai pretty much 1HKO all pokemons~

    One of my pokemons are Galvantula~ It's fast and with the EVs it deals lots of dmg~
    and with its abilty and a item it always hit's with thunder :3
    Another one is Breloom~ since it's not that fast I trained it with EVs to get it a speed of 278~
    With it's ability and the right item I can heal myself every round 1/8 of my full health~
    The attack of Breloom is already high but with the item that poison it's owner and let the attacks get stronger it also pretty much 1 HKO all pokemons~
    One of my favourite is Kingdra~ It's ability to make 300% dmg if u get a crit~
    and with a item u can raise ur crit rate~
    Kingdra has good overall stats~ It's like a allrounder for my team and if it crits then it also pretty much 1 HKO all pokemons~

    ......I better stop writing for now....:goodtea:

    it starts at 8 am :(
    So I need to wake up at 6:30 am ;_;
    You can check YouTube for videos on RE6, I'm sure they have a lot. They also have Revelations on the PS3, it was originally a 3DS game, but they remade the game with HD graphics on the PS3, both games are also on the PC.
    You can download the Resident Evil 6 demo on the PS3 and try it, it has a few missions you can do. Revelations doesn't require a 2nd circle pad, but it does give you the option to use one. I might start up EO 4 again soon also.
    What's up man? How was work therapy? Have a good time? Play any D2 today? I wanted to but I have been so busy today, I just got home a few minutes ago :dead: Remember to check the US PSN store on Tuesday so you can see what new sales they have, and what new demos are available. I heard Resident Evil 6 was really good, but I never played it, I was thinking of getting it. I really like Resident Evil Revelations on my 3DS, you should download the Demo and try it.
    If you want, we can trade now ^^
    But really, you can give me anyhting. I don't mind. It wasn't a big deal at all (and even if it was, I don't mind either) :3
    ......reading so much O_o
    I dont need to worry since the slowest pokemon from my team has a speed of 278~
    And my pokemons can hit everything 1 HKO since I trained them only for this purpose~
    And if I need to I just add deoxys in the team but darkrai alone is enough to deal with blaziken :goodtea:

    The school end 3 pm on monday and today~
    On the other days it ends 5 pm :(
    or u are faster and 1 hit the blaziken~ :3
    (I know it's fast but there are still faster pokemons and blaziken can't take the hits well~ )

    Well~ I come home and eat dinner~
    Then I take my bath and stuff~
    Then I do my homework and go sleeps >.<
    Monday and today are one of the days I have a bit more free time, since school ends earlier~
    I played some D2 earlier, mostly just leveling of Flonne, she has some pretty decent attacks. Finally got enough mana to summon the 2 DLC characters, they both start at level 1 though, so I have to level them up some.

    PS3 doesn't play PS1 games, and only some PS3 models play PS2 disc, all the other PS3 models only play PS2 games that you download on the PSN store. Dead Space is really fun, It's kinda like Resident Evil, but you are in Space, and the enemies aren't zombies, but these weird monster things instead. Dead Space is on sale until Tuesday for $7 if you want to get it before the sale ends.

    Are you going to work therapy tomorrow? Is your stomach feeling better?
    I don't plan to fight with mega evolutions....or maybe I will.....I want a mega evolution for my Milotic ;_;

    When I get home Im too lazy to do homeworks >.<
    That's why I always do them at night~ But I still don't have much free time since I come home late :sigh:
    Im too lazy to train them~
    That's why I won't EV train them~
    I already have EV trained pokemons from all types (fairy not included) so I think it's enough for PvP~ :fulfilled:

    School is one of the things that eats my free time away~ >.<
    Yep, it's perfect timing for the game to come out! I will let you know how I like it, and how it compares to a Link to the Past. I really just wish they didn't have that stupid walking into walls thing, looks so retarded!!

    I bought Fatal Frame 2, it's a PS2 game, but they have some PS2 games that you can buy on the PSN store. Dead Space was on sale for $7, and Fatal Frame 2 was on sale for $3, so I got both off them for only $10, which is a very good deal. The U.S. PSN store gets updated every Tuesday, so every Tuesday check for new sales, and games. But it gets updated Tuesday evenings over here, so it will probably be Tuesday very late at night where you are at, so you might as well check it on Wednesday instead. I don't know when the EU PSN store updates.

    Your Peppermint is level 54? :shocked: That one character will totally destroy all of my characters!! I need to level up my characters more.
    A Link to the Past was one of my all time favorite Zelda games, so I am excited for this new game. The game comes out 1 day before my birthday, so I will probably ask for it as a birthday present. I don't really like how you walk into walls either, it looks kinda stupid doing that.

    I will need to remember that map when I get there, so I can level up my characters faster using the copying trick. What level is your Peppermint? Do you like Flonne and Etna in this game?

    I told you about the sale, because I remember we were talking about the Fatal Frame game I was getting on the sale, but I didn't know they would have it in Europe, I thought it was only if you had a U.S. PSN account.
    I don't plan on playing with Aegislash~ He might be good but Im too lazy to EV train a pokemon again~
    I already have 11 EV trained pokemons only for PvP~
    I have to find a Ponyta first~ :goodtea:
    Haven't had much free time in the last days~
    Im too lazy to fill the Pokedex xD
    I see~ Well unown is able to get all pokemons as well xD
    Im too lazy to catch everything and I only want to have those I like and not those I don't like >.<
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