How was your work therapy today? Did you just get back? Funny you mentioned Chinatown, because I used to live next to Chinatown in Chicago, it's a huge Chinese community, and everyone speaks Chinese.
The U.S. has so many different cultures living here that parts of every major city in the U.S. are divided by ethnicity. In Chicago we have a huge Chinese Community, Polish Community, Russian Community German Community, Jewish Community, Hispanic Community, Japanese Community, Greek Community, Italian Community, Swedish Community, Norwegian Community. So it's almost like we have mini countries here in Chicago, as well as every other major U.S. city like New York, or San Francisco. I can go to the Swedish Community here in Chicago, and get some Swedish food from a restaurant, or bakery, or go to the Japanese community, and visit all their anime shops, and go to Japanese restaurants. No one is really "from" the U.S., everyone migrated to the U.S. from different countries, so it's a country mixed with just about every race you can think of, and because of that so many languages are spoken in the U.S.
Yeah, I am going to practice my Spanish more, it will help me a lot in fining better jobs. I used to speak some German, but that was when I lived in Germany, and I have spoken it in years, so I forgot most of it