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  • 4 are already a lot too :3
    But I guess trying to max even 1 IV stats more is a lot more difficult~
    Are you playing now? What does the stage look like? You are so much ahead of me in that game :deadsad:
    And it wont be faster this time~ :goodtea:
    The way I know the gaming world it will take even longer~
    I see~
    Well good luck with it :)
    I think it will take a while breeding one with max IVs on every stat if u are going to do it ~
    How was your work therapy today? Did you just get back? Funny you mentioned Chinatown, because I used to live next to Chinatown in Chicago, it's a huge Chinese community, and everyone speaks Chinese.

    The U.S. has so many different cultures living here that parts of every major city in the U.S. are divided by ethnicity. In Chicago we have a huge Chinese Community, Polish Community, Russian Community German Community, Jewish Community, Hispanic Community, Japanese Community, Greek Community, Italian Community, Swedish Community, Norwegian Community. So it's almost like we have mini countries here in Chicago, as well as every other major U.S. city like New York, or San Francisco. I can go to the Swedish Community here in Chicago, and get some Swedish food from a restaurant, or bakery, or go to the Japanese community, and visit all their anime shops, and go to Japanese restaurants. No one is really "from" the U.S., everyone migrated to the U.S. from different countries, so it's a country mixed with just about every race you can think of, and because of that so many languages are spoken in the U.S.

    Yeah, I am going to practice my Spanish more, it will help me a lot in fining better jobs. I used to speak some German, but that was when I lived in Germany, and I have spoken it in years, so I forgot most of it :deadsad:
    English is the main language in the U.S., but the U.S. is also surrounded by Spanish speaking countries, (Mexico, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Dominican Republic, and all of South, and Central America) so a lot of people speak Spanish in the U.S. also, and Speaking both English and Spanish really helps you to find better jobs in the U.S. also since so many people speak Spanish here.

    Yeah, I want to learn more Spanish, I'm going to take Spanish college classes at my university, and speak to my mom more in Spanish so I can practice a lot more of it. DavRoc777 is Puerto Rican also, but he is like me and doesn't speak a lot of Spanish.
    Sorry, I'll get back to you in a sec, DavRoc777 wanted me to play a game online with him on the Vita.
    Yeah that is a little strange, I thought everyone from Norway, Sweden, and Finland would be able to understand each other, but I guess Finnish is completely different. Does it at least sound similar to Swedish? That is pretty cool though that you can speak with Genkidan in Swedish, and he can speak in Norwegian and you can still understand each other, it shouldn't be hard for you to become really good in the Norwegian language then.

    Well both of my parents are from Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico is part of the United States, but it is not a state, it's a commonwealth, or U.S. territory. They speak Spanish in Puerto Rico, so my parents spoke it a lot in the house when I was younger, but they are divorced now and I speak to them in English now so I don't practice it as much as I would like.
    Is the Swedish language similar to Norwegian, or Finnish? I speak a little Spanish, but not to much.
    Cool, is it a requirement to learn English in Sweden? I ask because you speak very good English so I was just curious. More people are voting for Star Trek in my Thread :D so far it's Star Wars 11, and Star Trek 8
    LOL, well it's always good to be honest with people. You get along with everyone you work with?
    That's okay, that happens to me sometimes also when I write a VM. Well, I hope everyone had nice things to say about you :D
    LOL, I know I'm just joking with you. Did you see the video Second_Flight posted on my thread? It's pretty funny even though it makes fun of Star Trek LOL
    Thanks! Hope you vote for Star Trek, me and KOS-MOS have a bet going on who will win.
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