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  • That just sounds normal to me, if the main character always had a happy and fulfilling past it won't give them their great drive to be heroes to make people happy because they don't want people to experience what they experienced.
    That's Symphogear 6 right? If so yes, if not then I'm probably one week behind. (though that's not my fault, HS only released it up to episode 6)
    Yea had to do it manually....but finally it worked.Have some issues with ASF for some times now but i dont know if its because of my browser settings f.e or if other people experience such too.some minor issues except these gateway and server problems which i think many of us encounter from time to time..
    Sorry i got it....i dont know i took a nap for 3 hours so i gues i was not fully awake.... anyway Thx again.
    Sorry to bother you again...i dont even know what to say.I mean the Icon to insert image is grey...mean can´t click it.Only insert video is possible.I swear im not drunk !! ^_^"
    Thank you so much Nanashi it´s Awesome !! thx you took the time to do it now im in your debt....whatever,ehenever then !...And i hope your´fine so far and things are going well.And besides that i have a noob do i add a Siggy from the Pic you send me....until now i always uploaded from url ?
    edit : i see i have no permission to upload siggy from image..
    Biology hm not so but i was average to good student in World History i wasn't in Greek History i was the best in my year.

    My weakest was those damn Latin (Acient Italians), I was good in Ancient Greek Classes and Good in Greek History Terrible at National History...
    damn maths where my best at school those damn boring other classes but maths physics chemestry i loved them all!
    they don't say nothing exactly... all are in the air... If the staff know why nobody tell us?

    Anyway let's wait a bit more and then we will see what is going to happen...
    Ah sorry didn´t understand that at first...i know what siggy means but i thought well i didn´t knew what i thought....i think i need more social interaction with real people to understand everyday´s communication ... lol ! hmmm well i like my Citrus ava for now....but maybe you can give me 1 day to think about for this too ? And you are a great Person ! ... :bigeyes:
    Thank You so much for doing this !!! can´t wait to see your work....ah and you know you can add the usual ASF member KenShjIN thingy is up to you ! thank you in advance ! :korokke_thanks:
    Good Evening Nanashi ! sorry for let you waiting....well the dilemma is i can´t choose !! lol but i think i´ll go with a yuri themed one...and if it´s not too much more work for you i would let you choose....if that´s ok ? i mean there is just tooo many anime to choose just one ? mission impossible.hope thats ok for you.:gokiko_sweat::nyanmusu_bow:
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