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  • Sorry for the late reply, wasn't available ><

    That's one of the reasons why I didn't like that place too~ <<< Wow, did someone there flirt or go perv on you or anything?
    Um... yeah, because I was lazy. >_> Currently you're the only one I've been having long VMs with, but back then, there were a bunch.
    Yup, went back there. I might have a lot of complaints about them, but leaving without prior notifications isn't something wise either. And I still had some things unsettled.

    You've just never tried eating cats. Who knows? Maybe once you taste one, you'll turn to like them!
    Maybe, though I'd rather not think too high of myself :P
    That's likely. Maybe they wanted a guy's view to avoid biased opinions.
    Mmm~ I guess so, ehehe~ there's this friend of mine who's much more interested in her, lol.
    Try some supplements? :/
    Lol don't worry about that, you still have lots of time to grow your chest xD
    ...Well, literally, people would have to look down to see you, yeah? :x

    ...You are a kid -.-" well, I am, too.

    Sorry for the late reply btw, I've been sick this whole time >_<"
    ...Well, you having a lil' sister is indeed interesting, but I'm not interested in such way as pedophilles do -__-"
    Try drinking some warm tea~ and strepsils suck. I hate mints afterall -.-"
    I wonder how can you compare DotA to Pokemons -_-a
    So you're one of those DotA junkies xD no I don't, it's too complicated :x
    You mean you've typed nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts this whole time? :/
    Lol, that's bold xD
    You do support too?
    LOL, I know how that feels xD
    Lol you can brag about everything xD
    Well yeah~ for I am Neo-Exile, the known Loli God of AS~
    Oh I see :O good addition for my dictionary I suppose :P
    I shall ask thou why then O.o
    I can't simply do that, I mean everyone HAVE to take it regardless of whether they like it or not. If you hate it so much, then cheat. Easy :P
    Just how good do I look like now? -.-"
    Indeed >_>" let's stop this

    Hmm... don't. If you do, someone might suffer from blood loss xD
    You're confident, aren't you? xD
    It would just work the other way >_>"
    Let's say that it's something that would make scientist run out of hair xD
    Gahhh too much working >_> No time to come online to even make replies lol. But if I were to really start liking mahou shoujos, it would be a really really different me. I definitely won't act like who I am now and won't be who I am for sure. lol. So how are you these days? :S
    Body is too tired so sometimes I even sleep for 20 hours lol XD But it rarely happens at all. I tend to overstress myself a lot so yeah, never really cared much about myself. >_>

    Having a lot of trouble with AGTH. Now it's not really working properly with Fortune Arterial =( Repetition part was settled but, the text displayed was affected by the game speed somehow lol. Only part of the sentence appears and not all. Screwed it up somehow >_>

    Oh and books I really prefer books like romance / fantasy type. Weird eh? Being a guy but loves reading about books related with romance / fantasy type. I don't particularly like action related books. Maybe some action / thriller or those detective kind of books where they use their brain like OMG XD But I do enjoy reading one of the series called the Artemis Fowl. I know it's teenage novel but lol, I find it enjoyable reading it.

    I have to work more and get more money :( :( :( If not I can't buy what I want. Also sorry for this tldr post ><
    o_o I see. Just sayin' cause there are seriously quite a bunch in SH who'd flirt and stuff. >_>

    Ah, only if it doesn't impose too much on you~
    I've often skipped replying long VMs just because I felt too lazy to reply.
    Also, why else do you think I asked myself to be put as retired? xD
    It feels strange that you exposed so much about yourself in the other place, lol, even your real name.

    (btw, if you want, you can ignore the previous long VM)
    Hm... for the figurines... i searched the cheapest shops in there and found a cheap one... >.<
    for clothes the price is average but i found what i want anyway XD
    and for accessories... I impulsively buy too much strap >.<;;
    well lets call it a once in a year shopping~ >.<;;
    I spent about 100 for clothes >.<;;
    and the rest is for accessories and LB's sasasegawa sasami's figurines XD
    I find them cute... but the anime is not too good T_T i wish they could improve the story somehow T_T
    Dont ask how much did i spent T_T that brings back my nightmare...
    I spent more than 200... T_T for clothes and some accessories >.<;;
    from milky holmes?
    Hmm... i suppose i could pick hercule barton for my favorite :3
    and yep they are so cute >.<
    did you spent a lot of money on that event?
    I did make a fly comes out from my wallet >.<;;
    Mm my replies are getting later and later. Have been so busy. I just slept a total of nearly 17 hours lol. Or maybe more. I'm using the AGTH translator tool but too many repetition problem. Headache trying to figure out how to make it work with FA lol.

    Now I'm gonna start picking up back my hobby of reading books. Been so long since I've read one :S I wish I'm a bit more free now. And I wish I'm not working now lol.
    Milky holmes? yes i saw them~ i didnt get the signature though X.x
    too much hassle to spend S$30 just to get 1 sign from them... you need at least 120sgd to get all of their signature >.>
    thats a good marketing strategy in more than one way... but I'll not be provoked by that :)
    yeah he is working in the kurocha booth :3
    I... cannot see the WS wgp... its goddamned cramped in there >.>
    I thought that every one in this forum is there... you just dont noticed tham ^^
    my leg is also hurt due to the event T_T i was like walking 6-7 hour straight....
    It was fun.. on the 2nd day i play WS... i dont enter the tourney though... those who join the WGP... those who are entering them are too strong for me :3
    I go everywhere around there and greeted firev1-kun during his part time :3
    If he continues to pursue the skills, why not. He's started to learn CG colouring, too. Guess he's popular among girls xD
    Wah, what? I only asked if you drank too much juice, why did you reply asking if I'm a lolicon? o_o I don't have a particular complexity over lolis, though.

    SH's members aren't THAT many; there are 'only' like 100k. Been to Hongfire or Nihonomaru? They have many more, though admittedly none of the three are free from trolls or other unpleasant people. Hope I'm not one of them to you >_>
    Somewhat I'm a bit lazy to upload nowadays too... -_-
    Yeah, de-repping. Though I rarely use it - if I don't like someone I just won't care and if someone's being a bad guy or violating rules I'll just threaten him with authority *cough*

    lol imo, 19 is young, but not so young though.
    No, I have none, what do you mean? o_o And even if I already had one, it wouldn't hurt to have another one *cough*

    Ohh, okayyyyy. Grow up and maybe I can teach you directly~
    lol, I know some Singaporeans who despise Singlish themselves.
    Ahh... you had intended to ask about it since looooong ago right~?
    Well, juice is... may I request to deny explaining it by the reason of you being too young~?

    Oh lol. I only followed it a little, although I like the movies.
    Yesh, true. It was thanks to the blog that I could join this strange clique I currently am in. :P
    I see. Well, if you enjoyed the series, maybe you should give the newer versions (Diamond-Pearl-Platinum and Black-White) a shot.

    Yup, there are a lot! Like and for online battle simulators; or and for MMORPGs. Feels a bit like virtual pet that way, though. Want to have a match sometime?

    Hey, that actually isn't the first time I heard that >_>
    Well, how about you showing me yourself in a frillllllllly dress first~?
    In many ways. First and foremost, the things to be done are likely different. For an instance, I wouldn't be doing assignments on cyber teamwork =D Also, when someone asks something, I can just tell them to google, or google myself to find an article or Wikipedia page that can explain much better than me. People I meet online are also averagely more intelligent, especially when it concerns tech stuff. Lastly, my friends averagely have bad English, so it'd be hard for them to read English materials related to the matter going to be worked on.

    True that. I'm not exactly a skilled individual; heck I consider myself highly incapable compared to the likes of Checkmate. However, leaving stuff to the likes of whiners would get me nowhere. Not to mention that some people are just so shameless to put you in such a great debt when you ask them for little help.

    That's how things are supposed to be, anyway~
    Muuu~! You just said that cause I didn't give you any, right? D<
    Oh, seems like you mistook me; it wasn't like they were fighting over the right to date me...
    They were quarreling on their own, and for some reason I got dragged into it.
    And well, I did date that girl, though we never really became a couple.

    I've had the reverse, actually. Not what I wanted, but I happened to play the villain role who stole another guy's target >_>
    True, hell hath no fury like a fangirl scorned... -_-
    Ofc it would be Amagami SS and hmm, I'll list them out one by one XD I actually prefer to only watch the last arc and the first arc for Amagami SS. The other girls are kinda meh for me. That's for last season. This season kinda going for MM! and Oreimo.

    For some reason this 2 anime is the one I am watching a lot. The others I have downloaded but I just watched till like around episode 3 or 4 then stop for a bit. Now it's piled up till 30 episodes unwatched. Downloading Fortune Arterial at the moment though. Want to read the VN with AGTH XD My AGTH is just having problems with Fate / Hollow Ataraxia. So hard to figure out the /ks and /kf thing.

    Weekdays I just usually sleep around play some games and watch movies. Sometimes go out to play basketball though :P And the sad part of that is, most of my friends flew to aussie already so I don't have anyone to play with. Not much. I wish I can spend my time doing something more productive :(
    So did you celebrate azunyan's bdae today?11/11 ^^

    anyway off to work 1st~
    Nah, not exactly, I guess. I mean, he's not a professional artist who contributes his works regularly to some sort of media or something.
    Yeah, right... maybe you drank too much sweet, sticky juice?

    Okay, if you say so. I'm just a bit curious cause I heard words about them being full of trolls and people who aren't nice nowadays. Makes me reluctant to come back there - I don't want to work as an enforcer for a corrupt government, lol. And you're right about leechers being ingrate; uploaders have always complained about it.

    Muhaha, it also does good when de-repping :3

    I guess so... maybe I'm getting old and my health is deteriorating.
    You should be held responsible and nurse me back to my health!

    Oh, well, isn't that just because you're too much addicted into juice and juicing~?
    Joking aside, you do know what Check always means by juice, right? >_>
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