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  • Well said; humans coexist in societies after all. Though, admittedly, I don't really like to rely on people (in real life at least; cyber teamwork is much better imo) when it would be much easier to work alone rather than cope with them, answer their questions, etc.

    Yeah, efforts have to be spent, ne?

    I guess it would. No offence or anything, but I don't like Singlish. ^^; I love the use of proper English, so yeah.
    Err, well, up to you? Like I said, just bombard me with questions if you feel like it o_o Or, I could perhaps teach you some things not to be said in public~?

    lol I see, I also find the word "anime" there to be out of place, instead of "hentai" or something. However, it was how eXy started the blog as. It was just her place of posting animu, OSTs, and a rather small amount of VNs.
    Ohh, what was the last series you played? Ruby-Sapphire-Emerald trilogy? Ever heard of Shoddy Battle or Pokemon Online before?

    ...Adorable, eh? >_> Are you into that kind of stuff? <_<
    Uhm, I don't know how it is for girls, but most guys would eat cats with no second thought :o

    True, those weren't exactly pleasant.
    Be clear with whom I was going? Wait, just in case you mistook me, I wasn't dating any of the quarreling girls in both cases >_>
    I wanted to be neutral actually, though in the end it wasn't possible. I mean, when you see a guy and a girl being close, chatting a lot, and even going to dates sometimes, you can't help to at least think that the guy would side with that girl when she has a fight with someone, right?

    Yeah, and there's a possibility of your target being taken by someone else. Now that wouldn't be fun.
    Indeed, I'm not exactly interested in having a rabid fangirl going crazy over me all the time ~_~
    Nah i can play up to 3am i think...
    If you really want to see the concert i think you should get the one with may'n...
    i think that is the best one from everyone that i know...
    Nah... I dont have the money to go and attend the concert ^^ if there is haruka shimotsuki or someone on her caliber i might go and see :)
    WS= Weiss schwarz a trading card game :3
    and yes I'm attending 2 days straight XD
    Nah... dont... i think i heard they also opened the ticket sale on firday... I'm not certain about the time... you should check the website...
    I'm going there two days at row... since every day have a different event and i want to play WS over there...
    Dang it, I haven't been able to load this site for some reason.

    Amagami SS
    Arakawa Under the Bridge x Bridge
    Fortune Arteria
    Hyakka Ryouran: Samurai Girls
    Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai
    Motto To Love-Ru
    Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai
    Otome Youkai Zakuro
    Shinryaku! Ika Musume
    Sora no Otoshimono ƒorte
    To Aru Majutsu no Index 2

    That's more like everything I'm watching now lol XD

    Maybe my internet is acting up but I seriously have trouble loading this site, it just keeps showing that it's loading >_> I'm actually more busy during the weekend because I'm working from Friday to Sunday. :/
    It seems that the case... although i think... if you want it easier... queue up at Friday... that way probably the line will be shorter....
    by the way... you should check on what date are you planning to come ^^ to save money....
    Why not? O_o I thought even kids have at least two Facebook accounts right now, like, one for socializing and one for playing games xD
    I see, so you do mirroring xD ooh, you have a lil' sister? :3
    Drink some warm tea with honey and you'll be fine in no time :D
    Indeed LOL xD
    Whoah damn, we've got a young dotA star here xDD unfortunately... I don't play dotA :x
    And needless to say I don't understand a thing about your rant lol ^^; but I assume the INT heroes are the ones which fires their magical bolt from the back row, aye? :D
    And I bet he did some sort of "suicide" xDD
    Yup, and they rant like #@$%$^@#$ too! xD
    Lol don't mind that, no one would worship God if one could do things like that LOL xD
    Sorta~ but not gory >.>"

    Either that or the gene in my area just wither from generation ._. but bah, it must because of malnutrition, yeah >.>" feed them right stuff and they'll outgrow you. Scientific fact, yeah >.>"
    But you're pretty tall if you compare yourself to the kids around here :O so don't feel so down ^^;
    Nope, but I have to look down to see her >_<" lol sorry I don't mean any insult to you >.>"
    Don't ask me, I've forgot how LOL xP
    Erm what's a breakeven? :V lol at any rate you still have so much to learn, so just take it easy :P
    ...Because it's part of the school curriculum ._. again, it's against my will 'coz I want to learn Japanese Dx
    True, I guess '_'
    Lol we'll just see xD
    ...So why do you have to ask? O.o

    Yep, unless the teacher is a pedophilia xD LOL
    Yeah, let's '_'
    LOLOLOL xD I would be the one saying it's not complicated if we trade place xD
    Yeah, logic which would mislead Arithmetical Science xDD LOL
    gah....jus saw a few episode of milky holmes..was quite funny. guess my list growing as long as yours now >_> <<< there that website ^^
    you can check that for goods and events that will be in there...
    as for the ticket... i SUGGEST dont buy it on the event place... Last year the queuing time reach 3 hours >.>
    you could get the ticket before hand by going to someplace designated in here
    just for information... i remember the ticket for sunday 14 is already out of stock in some outlet...
    careful so that you dont buy the wrong ticket... there is the concert ticket and the ticket for event ^^
    I recall you for uploading some VN OSTs I think, including the one I repped though I can't remember what.
    If you keep uploading things other people usually don't, like VN OSTs, you'll get reps anyway... hopefully >_>
    I do rep people who upload nice stuff once in a while, although I don't do it often cause I have very high rep power - not to boast, but I just don't want people randomly getting high reps lol.

    Ah, you're right... I must've been seeing things. Oops, I accidentally dropped a link!

    Good girl *pats pats*
    Random changing of topics in conversations? Eh? What do you mean?

    Sorry btw, typed too much >_>
    Haha, thought so. Well, at least you don't use Singlish~
    <_< You're welcome, but you still want to call me sensei, eh, maybe I better teach something of real use to you?

    Well, did you ever visit the old blog before it got taken down?
    >_> I wouldn't want stuff like Magikarp or Feebas even if they were shiny and had Pokerus or whatever lol.
    I don't follow Pokemon animu btw. You play the game? If yes, let's have a battle someday?

    I do so from time to time, unless you expect me to wear something like a dress with frillllllllllls alllll oveeeeeeeeeeer~

    It's possible though - to hide how dangerous he is, he indulges in artistic stuff o_o
    Well, if you say so then... but what's with the cough, hmmmmm~?
    Om nom nom why? Ohhh you wanted some right? Sorry for not leaving you any share ><

    Yep, more than one case. Not really; in one case I was like someone between the two girls quarreling who would get timely rants from both girls. They were aware that I was in good terms with them both, but they weren't aware that I had been listening to both their rants. In another case, I ended up being too close to one girl, the other one noticed this, and became suspicious of me.

    I understand, I don't like rushing myself. Though the fruits of waiting can differ greatly from person to person.

    Hmm, not the latter type, of course. I love freedom, and wouldn't like being spammed by texts and messages 24/7 >_>
    Girls relying on me, I guess yeah, as long as not excessive. And sometimes I have a thing for the reverse, lol.

    Wishing for something we don't have is very normal for us humans, after all.
    well then thats it :)
    btw... i dont think i can stay long for saturday... but I'll try my best :3
    coz I'll be tired this sat because of AFA... and i still have to attend it on sunday... ^^
    I see... well lets just see what will happen this thrusday... i hope some of the people in here have some empty time :3
    Hm... actually its okay if they are not singaporean... as long as they have a good connection we can do it :3
    Okay I'll make sure my place have 3 people~ ^^

    Sorry for edit x.x btw if we have 5 player in AS its better we play with them :3
    Hm... I dont think my friends that play could go up to 5 players... perhaps less :) we're just a small team after all ^^

    but i think we can cover that using some of the random player :3

    the latest i can go is about 2 am X.X coz i have class on Thursday and Friday...for sat and sun i think i can manage until 4 :) but i dont know about my friends...
    most of them can only hangs up till about 3 am... ^^
    Sure... although i dont know i can do it until 6am >.<;;
    but one or two game will not be a problem... ^^
    btw maybe some of my friend probably gonna ask me for a game on that date...
    how about just go on as a team? :)
    Mm sorry a bit late reply, yesterday went to sleep early lol. Was sick :S I do play on for Warcraft though.
    It really depends next year whether I have the time to actually play it or not once it's out, I don't want to spend my money then do not have the time to play ><

    On a side note, I was forced to park at rooftop cuz lol not enough time to look for parking at other floors. I spent half an hour searching for one freaking parking slot and I can't find it at all. Which reminds me, what anime are you following now? o_O
    Look at yourself :/ young people like you shouldn't sleep THAT late Dx
    :/ and how are you doing now?
    Yeah, into a more pissing strata xD
    Ooh, like what? :D
    Support... your carry? o_oa
    Hmm wait what team are we talking about here? Football? Or... DoTA? LOL xD
    Whoah, really? No wonder he killed his comp just for dying xD
    Well, I don't take online games seriously ^^; if I can't stop dying on pros, then I'd just gather some noobs for a massacre to lift my mood back up xD
    And then if I do, will I be able to smash hell into pieces? o_o" LOL xD
    But she still kicks some ass! :D

    Truth to be told, kids around your age--in my country, are on average at above my stomach--which is around 140~ cm tall ._.
    Aaaaaand my girlfriend is 154-164 cm tall. She's 16 ._.

    Oh by the way, do you have a Facebook? :D
    Well yeah O_o
    No, I mean it's normal that you don't understand all of 'em, else it would be scary xD
    Not really interested ._. besides, I have to learn French >.>"
    Well, for one there's nothing similar as "Normal Technical" nor "Normal Academic" program in my country's education system >.>" but there is Acceleration Class, where you can skip a year of your study. Of course this is only intended for smart assess >.>"
    Why not lol? Studying abroad is really fun... at least it's what they said ^^;
    ...Do you really have to ask? xD LMAO

    Good idea, do it! xD
    Indeed O.o but the names is pretty confusing still xD
    Of course you don't, you're the one living there lol xD
    That's called misleading -_-"
    I'm not a fashionable person, that's for sure >_>

    Perhaps he also has other talents like making explosives unbeknownst to others :o
    Troll and sarcasm? Directly to you? I demand more details if you don't mind o_o Perhaps you just have yet to meet the nice members like me
    I now remember you btw, you used to upload some OSTs there and I think I repped you once or twice.

    I..It's not like i like you or anything! LOL <<< this part :o
    Unable to answer? It was you who said that to begin with, not me xD
    Ahh, that's cool. I've had often how thick people can be, to ask silly questions instead of just relying on Google... >_>
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