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  • Pokemon Go came out in Japan today, so there was quite a bit of fuss over it. Some of my friends and coworkers were really excited about it (I've never really played pokemon, so much of the draw is lost on me, though it is easy to see why it is a brilliant product).
    That's one thing we can agree on... the Pack goes 0-4 against the Bears & Lions this season! :alice_glitter:
    We actually didn't go. One of the people with us said that the main famous one was so much of a tourist attraction that it wasn't all that interesting to see. We went to an aquarium instead, which was pretty cool. :)

    How have you been doing?
    You get them by leveling up. You get only one per level though =/

    I'll be going to the beach today to see what I can catch there. Need 4k points more to hit level 16. Saving up the pidgeys and rats again to go on a evo spree :3

    Yea, the remastered game looks amazing.. Now I'll have to buy Infinite Warfare to play COD4 =/
    Since you won't hear the phrase "Bears win" during the Lions vs Bears games, here's a little "Bears win" clip you can play during commercials.

    I'd have to think about the Best Buys membership.

    Interesting No Man's Sky looks like Star Wars; however, not my type of game. Let me know how you like it.

    Thank you! The new manager is still trying to get the paperwork through. Internal transition paperwork must take longer to process hiring from the outside, but I'm still looking forward to the job. It's what I've wanted to do, and enjoy doing it too. Yes, I will still be working from home. My new manager is from Los Angeles and works out of HQ. I'm not relocating for this job, so I will still get to work from home.

    Pokomon Go? Nope haven't downloaded. The game seems like fun, and I'm always reading the news on Kotaku. Surprisingly I'm not interested or maybe I'm afraid to be interested lol. Afraid to be interested because I do have an addictive personality, so I'm afraid to get hooked. Also, unless I go running or to the store I don't leave my house during the week. Atm to me doesn't seem worth it, just a another app sitting on my phone that I won't use. Then again I may change my mind once I can start walking Izu around the block or neighborhood.

    I bought a graphic tablet, I plan to get ps4 later on :)
    Yea me too. But hey, at least it's still free. The day they ask money is the day I'm done x3
    Goddammit it. Guess the time for me to make an Asia account has come.
    And yes, I find them kinda pricey too.. =/
    There is apparently a nice aquarium and some neat old castles and temples, so I'll look into seeing those. Primary driving reason to do is a meetup with other people in my program, but honestly that's the part I'm least interested in. ^^;;;
    They are pretty fun ^^ If you come to enjoy Bloodborne, I think you may like the Dark Souls series as well :fulfilled: I haven't played Bloodborne but I heard that the play style is similar; you just have to be more cautious in Dark Souls. Ah, talking about it makes me want to get it to, but a Vita first so I can play Odin Sphere! :swearveng: Got around to playing the demo and it's really good! That $20 difference between the PS4 and Vita version won me over though xD

    That's good to hear ^^
    Hello again dear, I'm spending time with my dad since my mother and brother went to another city for holiday stuff ^^ I'm looking games like Persona, but actually any type is fine. Thanks for sharing the websites you use, it's going to be very useful ^^ I was kind of wondering if I should ask you or not since I don't want to bother you but thanks again for being kind. Oh I mean as sharing, just like a list of the japanese games you own :) While deciding between PS4 and Xbox One was pretty difficult but PS4 is better I guess since everyone says so :3
    Hello dear elos! How are you lately? ^^ I decided to buy a ps4 since you said there're more japanese games. Can you help find them? Or can you share some of your games, thanks <3
    Nah it'll be my first time. It is quite far from me, so it'll cost some money.

    Not really learning much Japanese other than my self-study. I don't get opportunities to practice it all that often, considering it is the national language.
    I'm having a good time. I've only had sake twice, but it is okay. I wouldn't say it is great so far, but I could maybe see it growing on me if I had a few different kinds.

    Going to Osaka on the weekend to meet up with some people. Going to be a pretty big trip. :)
    LOL sounds like coconut is their life. As must as I love coconut I'm sure I'd get tired of it too.

    I normally don't buy my games from Best Buy. Most of the stores don't have the games available, so I just think it's just a waste of time visiting. However, online might be a different story. Thanks it's something to think about.

    Did you pre-order FF XV? I also pre-ordered Last Guardian too.

    Actually, Steam? I'm never busy, I don't remember why the status says "Busy". I'll have to change it.

    Looking forward to the pics. And again welcome back!
    Oh tomorrow? Dang, I won't be able to get the tight/wired one then. Ah well, it'll hopefully re-release in the future.

    Nope never heard of it. And I honestly don't like the idea either. Just having "wardrobe malfunctions" is more than enough. Torn/breaking clothes should stay in DOA.

    And I dunno what game she's from x3
    (or am I too late) Coconut overload lol. I really like coconut but I can't even imagine that everything sweet treat is coconut based. Was it still good?

    Ordered the Persona 5 package with the plushie, school bag etc...can't wait until next year.

    Yes, I was able to get in touch with Langesha. Thank you very much for your help.

    I hope you're able to get back into normal life again!
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