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  • If you're interested, you might want to check out my latest entry in the Writing contest. A rather different fantasy story about Friendship. :)

    The other entries are interesting, too.

    BTW, separate thread for discussion and comments.
    Last Guardian and Persona 5 is a must.
    I'm not a first person shooter, so a lot of games don't apply to me.
    Which means I only keep an ear out for the obvious.
    That's great! I couldn't decide whether I should get it or not because I heard that the only improvement was the better looking graphics, but everything you listed makes it seem really worthwhile to get, so I'm definitely putting it on my wishlist! :fulfilled:

    Muramasa: The Demon Blade? I haven't played it, but it sure looks interesting so I think I'll put that on my wishlist as well xD

    Thanks for helping me decide, by the way :)

    Oh cool, I'll go check it out ^^
    How do you get the other girls to accept the gifts? I played with Hitomi and she had max satisfaction with Kokoro, Helena and Kasumi. Yet, when I gifted..they returned EVERY SINGLE ONE ._.

    EDIT: Also, hyped for the upcoming Grisaia Novels :runhappy: From some game CG I've seen, it's going to be quite :nosebleed:
    Haven't played any VNs since Neko Para vol.2. I guess I can look into Grisai, although the main reason why I played the first game was because I was exposed to the sad excuse for an anime...
    Like said: I do think also so. - Well, he may be been a terrorist, but not as from the ISIS or whatever...
    Hmm... Really? Well, this isn't the pattern, how the IS usually operating. - Because until now doesn't gave a terror-action, where they the ambulance/hospital/emergency services called had, this would be a stupid idea of them...>_>
    Hmm... I do think so as well, because there would be already some evidences in his character. He was just a mind-fucked medium...>_>
    Hit level 80 yesterday. Man, the Time stop hourglass is SO convenient <3

    Ok so if I get it right: I need to get a Singapore/Taiwan account, buy the PSN card for whichever region, log in on PSN Store and buy the DLC.
    And if I log-on again with my EU account I will have the DLC available for my Fortune game? (Kinda new to stuff like this so sorry for the noob questions D:)
    Oh and I hit my first 310K at the end of my vacation with Nyo and Kasumi :3
    Hmm... Yeah, but you can't be 100% sure at such mind-fucked ones, that they directly or not with this terror-organization involved are. But who knows.
    Ooh, thank goodness. I really thought I was screwed xD

    Just got to 79 as I said..this is going to be a pain.. :dead:
    Yeah, since yesterday: There are (after current info) about 50 died, and about equal so much injured. - But this doesn't surprise me actually, that this sooner or later happen would...>_>
    Yea, that's what I hope too. I'd be a little bit happy if I can buy them at least.

    Eh, I can't find it in there ;-;
    Uh..shit. Since I need a new account.. I think I can safely assume I lost all progress so far when I try it on the new account right? If that's the case, I won't bother. Son't feel like grinding for days again.
    I'm screwed if they decide to release a new character as DLC..
    I won't make, it, that I know already. So I hope for a re-release in the future. *sigh* Why.. Just why.. :ohnoes:

    Wondering what the lotions actually do. They could make it bigger or smaller/softer look/More jiggles. I curious.

    Oh btw I forgot to ask. I don't know how to get Marie's devil swimsuit/costume. I probably threw away the code or whatever it was by now.
    But I assume I can't use any DLC with a EU PSN account right? I mean, I heard you had pichu help you set up a different account for it.
    What. The. Actual. FUCK.

    FFS Team Ninja >_> I'm not even level 80 yet and I have to be 100 for the new ones!? OMFG. Let's not even start about the 3 new items. I'ts gonna take SOO long to get to the 100. I doubt I'll even reach it by the end of the period with my current work/gaming schedule.
    This is ridiculous.. /me flips tables (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
    Very cute too. I can only imagine your brother's two dogs talking at the same time. Makes you wonder what they're saying.

    Star Ocean is only 20 hours! It's amazing that the bar is set pretty high on how long game should be.
    But yes, 20 hours is kind of short unless there's a reason for new game+. Unless the 20 hours is amazing I would wait in buying the game.
    Plus, you have enough to keep you busy until they drop the price. :)

    E3 starts this Tuesday!
    The cats aren't sure about a four-legged thingy who doesn't smell or sound like them but is eye level as them.
    Have you ever heard or about a Shiba scream? He sounds like a coyote.
    However, I've been away since Sunday night but he's growing everyday.
    "The one Kasumi's wearing" She's practically wearing nothing! Not that I'm complaining!. MUST HAVE.
    You can't see it very clearly but I think I like the one Marie is wearing too, kinda cute. And I'm REALLY curious to know what these 3 new items really entail.
    It appears there's one for the boobs, one for the butt and the last one for the whole body? Oh man :ohnoes:
    Why did they remove them, do you know?
    I think western gamers tend to forget the culture differences between the east.
    When it comes to how they view certain aspects of gaming.
    It is well worth paying for, that is for sure!
    I really enjoyed it.
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