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  • Here's a special Jay Cutler wallpaper. Set it as your background for every Bears game this season.

    And this is what will happen to the Bears.

    Nah I'm not. All I know is that she's from a new anime that started airing today. Haven't watched it yet and I'm not sure if I'm gonna watch it. Plot doesn't really seem interesting to me.
    Oh okay, that makes sense. Not yet, will try it as soon as I'm done with Dark Souls 3 :)

    Thank you, these will be really helpful! And that's okay, I hope you had a nice vacation :fulfilled:
    Yea, I saw them. Nothing really special tbh.
    I'm not too excited but I'll be getting them for Kasumi at least. Want her to have at least 1 of each DLC swimsuit :3
    LOL Your brother is funny...but yes, two people who are competitive can be problematic. It's easier for me to either walk away or not get involved.

    I hope you're having or had fun with your family in Puerto Rico. We'll still be here when you return. Enjoy your time!
    Don't have an Asia Region PSN account but was able to download the demo, strangely. Although hey, not complaining here :D Thanks for letting me know, going to give it a try and see how I feel about it before making a decision on whether to buy it on the PS4 or not.

    In that case, I will probably wait until I buy a PS Vita :P

    Do you mind if I ask where you buy your figures from? I don't collect anime figures myself but my brother loves to. I've bought a one from a local store for him, for Christmas, however they don't really have the greatest variety and they only stock the same ones. Not really knowledgeable when it comes to buying them online, so I was wondering if you had any online stores you could recommend? :)
    You're funny. As I've mentioned in the past, I know how I am about competition or maybe I've never had mentioned it~well, I'm a terrible loser. Plus, I'd rather not get caught up into something that I have no control over.

    Ah, the same thing happened to Langesha too? Well, at least it's known problem. So, Langesha is on Steam too? How is she? Would you mind asking if I can contact her via Steam too?

    Awesome tank, and figmas. I love it.
    "was a resurrected Adolf Hitler with super powers ._." Ok. NOT playing that one lmao. I'll look into 5 some time.

    I'm getting a few, if not all of them D: I really like them but Kasumi, Phase 4, Ayane, Nyotengu, Marie are my favorites. Probably getting the whole set :0
    LOL I didn't watch. Was it satisfying?

    I'm glad to hear they are crediting you back your money.

    Will the special edition run out quickly for Persona 5 or not? Decision, decision...
    Can't wait either. You seem to be on top of it, lemme know when it releases so I buy it :3

    Seems like an intricate battle system. I've never played any of the Persona games but it sounds interesting and quite popular too. I've seen quite a few cosplays at the animecon I went too.
    (I took pics but my SD card decided to fuck me over and crash and don't have any pictures left D: )
    England will face group F runner-up. Any team from group F is possible. (Hungary, Iceland, Portugal or Austria).
    Well, Trump's a racist and Hillary's apparently a criminal for using a non-encrypted email server.
    Oooh, in owner mode. I gifted the other girls in girl mode too, no wonder it didn't really work xD

    Yea, Chizuru deserved a route oh boy the Amane/Kazuki Yrui is going to be wonderful :nosebleed:

    Yea I can see where you're coming from. The costume from the one below isn't as exciting. I assume you already re-ordered it? :3
    Okay, okay I'll pre-order soon.

    Oh, ouch! I'm sorry to hear about Cordelia. Did AmiAmi contact you back? Hopefully, something can be about it.
    Sadly I don't have a Vita, but it is on my list for the next console I should get in the future :) Probably not for a long time though, so not sure whether I should just wait until I get a Vita, or spend an extra $20 now to play Odin Sphere.

    I'm glad it's on the Wii, otherwise I'd have to cross it off for future games to get :deadsad:

    The Cordelia figure and Odin Sphere art book both looked incredibly cool and beautiful! :bigeyes:
    hmm...but some rpg franchises out this year rite? like ff 15

    lol...i thought you not really interested in japanese vaXD...i guess some of them do great job like rean and laura va..jusis' sound off tho'=/
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