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  • because i was born that way? :reallyconfused:

    i'm torn between 2 images for the siggy.

    it's either this one, or this one. the former is probably easier
    Yeah, I don't know about Win 8, but Win 7 is good as it is, just that curiousity took over :3

    That's good. I'll probably keep checking in on here from time to time, I'll do my best atleast >.<;
    Yeah I haven't decided which one to keep. And I'm not keeping both. Maybe I'll keep her pre-order and compare them in person, and keep the one I think looks best.

    Only issue I heard with the Tony figure I ordered is that she is a huge wooden base that takes up lot's of space, especially in a display case, other then that everything has been positive about her. And I like the chest she sits on.

    Yeah GameStop screwed me with that one, so pisseed off. Really wanted the SE since it included all 3 routes in one game, plus the extras. The SE cost $80, and people are already selling their pre-orders for $300 on eBay, and people are buying them :/ The game received some controversy though since the game allows you to marry and have children that grow up and help in battle as well, the problem was the game allows you to marry, and have children with blood releatives as close as your sister, but the game is supposed to take part in a time when that was common but still received controversy and people wanting to ban it outside of Japan, glad it was still released though. The game has 3 routes, you can either side with the Hoshido which is your blood relatives, the Nohr which is your adoptive family that kidnapped you at birth when they invaded, or a 3rd route that I'm not to sure what it is it. The Hoshido side is the side with controversy (the child characters are your offspring depending on who you marry)

    Nice! If. They make a PVC of that pic let me know! I'll pre-order too! Looks good.

    I like this Tony fig as well.

    Think she is worth a pre-order? Thinking about it.

    Also, look at cute little Kazuki aww lol I don't really like Nendroids but I'm tempted to pick her up.
    As I told you before I am only keeping 1 Beelzebub, but now that it's closer to the release date I'm not sure if I wanna get rid of my current one, or keep my current and cancel the pre-order for the blue one :( They both look so good :deadsad:

    Also, had the Special Edition for the new Fire Emblem game pre-ordered at GameStop which came with all the DLC, a art book and 3DS carry case. Apparently GameStop doesn't have enough stock to fulfill all the pre-orders so everyone who pre-ordered after November 18th (which would include me) had their pre-orders canceled :/ super pisseed off.

    Oh, and I went to buy Totori on Mandarake but I waited to long and someone snagged her :( so I went with my very first Tony figure. I think she looks nice. and my last figure for a while, my spree is over for now. My wallet can't take anymore abuse lol.
    That's so sweet~ I would like to hear more:fullblush:

    Yes *^* ! Instead come here and let's have some fun together:fulfilled: ..I want to meet you in real life:deadsad:

    Aww thats sad news:sigh: I hope it will snow around your city too and you can enjoy then have fun ~ >.<

    Wow even it's winter,it must indeed rains a lot then o.o well sadly when weather is rainy like that you get stuck at home..well its not bad while alone though with friends its different xD *lives with2flatmate*

    Would you mind sharing me some photos of snow around there if it happens to snow~?:fulfilled:
    You said h-honey..:fullblush:

    They say it's going to snow here this week,how awesome is that right~?:bigeyes:

    Today was a lil' busy more than ever,it was really great when I managed to come back home :goodtea:

    Y-yea you were gone again:sowwy: Oh awesome!Had fun time~?:fulfilled:
    Yeah too long.. I've been pretty good, nothing really bad has happend so ^_^. I upgraded to Windows 10 when it first came out, and by doing that all my bookmarks were erased.. So I kinda forgot about this forum. But not I reversed to Win 7 because my computer wouldn't start without re-installing Windows, and my bookmarks came back XD.

    How you been man? All good I hope :3
    Yeah, the US Government takes about 40% of your earnings though, then your state government takes some too and that varies drastically depending on what state you live in. Still, will leave you with a good amount.

    Yeah, hopefully to add new stuff, or work on the translations.
    It went up to 1.6 billion USD but just announced 3 people from 3 different states won and will spit the prize :( maybe next time.

    maybe if da capo 3 ever gets translated :sigh:

    i do use it as part of my google chrome theme though, so it's not a complete waste
    is that so :wasclose:

    i'm cleaning some stuff out, so i didn't want that render to be lost, since it was a lot of work XD
    i've decided something brother. a long time ago i was fixing that one image of anzu from da capo. do you remember? well, i haven't worked on it in a year, probably closer to 2 actually :wasclose: so i wanna give it to you to do something with. it just needs some finishing touches really. miles better than how it was to begin with.
    Speaking of lottery I'm gonna try to play the lottery here. It's currently at 1.2 billion USD, not million, but BILLION! Biggest it's ever been. Wish me luck!
    Yeah something, for 17k she is too plain. Only made 10 of her though. And like the Asuka/Rei lifesize fig it's a lottery. Win the lottery and you can buy her.

    I like this regular sized fig of her way better. And she is by Aniplex, so she might have nice extras like my Kaori

    Yeah I love the base for the one I have, but I can't get her foot to attach properly to the chair without feeling I might break her :/ And I live a Kuma (the bear)
    Yeah for $17,000 she should have equipable/removable weapons, best cast off or something :/

    Nice, I remember that figure you showed me looks nice!

    Only issue I have with the latest Muramasa figure is I think her neck looks odd, but maybe that's just me :/

    I like this one, but she is a bit pricey in my book. Plus I have a fig of her already

    This is the one I have of her
    Yeah it's crazy lol. Even I did have the money I wouldn't spend $17,000 on a figure lol. Unless I was Bill Gates rich maybe =/

    Nice! they look good. 1/4 might be pricey though.

    The VN is by the Grisaia creators. Story is a Japanese World War 2 Kamikaze pilot crash lands on a island with dragons/monster girls

    LOL, well, of course I would haha. How else am I supposed to put her in those costumes when they make those sexy/skimpy costumes for EVERY character EXPECT Hitomi!! WTF!! Is she based of the creators daughter or something? :dead:
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