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  • yeah they do, I think they ran out of ideas for costumes :/

    What they NEED to do is just allow any character to wear any DLC costume. And have other accessories they can wear as well
    I was hoping that their final design base would look good, but it's a simple blue square :deadsad: I love how their hands connect though.

    Yeah I have the same issue, I think they did good with the faces, but the rest is kinda meh :( I have to think about it since I really like both of them.
    Also, found Frau Koujiro for a good price so picked her up as well. As a bonus she comes with a little sofa which I always wanted for my Figmas so win-win lol.

    The anime is okay, but I do like her character. One of those instances where you like a character more then the anime/show if you know what I mean.

    Finished Chisato's route in Koichoco, was kinda meh. Don't think I like it enough to do the other characters.
    I'll let you know how it is, it was by the creators of Steins Gate and I heard that was decent. Haven't watched it though. But I recently bought the VN for the Vita. Recently put Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou on my list as well, I love monster girls so I'm gonna check it out. Though I have a feeling it will be bad :(

    I see. What you mean is that you aren't ready to lose to me yet, right? Lol, just joking. Yeah it's a bit different, seems they are trying to take the franchise in a different direction. It's fun though. AW is decent on the PS4, but no reason to get it since you have BO 3 already. Bloodborne is great if you enjoy a challenge, it's by the Dark Souls creators so you can expect a difficult game, some people are put off by its difficulty though. Witcher 3 is amazing, such a fun game. MGS 5 is a must as well. The 60 FPS in the last of us remastered makes a huge difference. Plus it comes with all the DLC. It's occasionally on sale for $20 so don't buy it for more then that. GTA V is fun as well, the FPS mode they added on PS4 for the game is great. Until Dawn is great as well, though I don't know if it's your type of game.

    I cracked my PS4 controller a few months ago playing Last Round, banged the controller on the ground after losing and put a small crack on the controller. Works perfect still though.
    I think it looks nice, I'm considering it. I downloaded the Robotics;Notes anime to see how I like the character.

    How do you like BO 3? Meet your expectations? What do you think of the PS4 so far? Did you get Last Round for PS4, or any other games?
    for me the face is the most important, that's why I'm skipping that Alice figure even though she has such a amazing base/design/colors. Next is the design quality/detail/color, and third would be the base, which as I mentioned I love those elaborate bases.

    But yeah such a waste, such a good design ruined by that face.

    Any VN Recommendations after Koichoco? Maybe I'll do Nekopara.
    Yeah last time it happened I got 2 free PS3 games, 2 free PSP games, 3 months free of PS PLUS, and a couple avatars. But they were down for a couple months that time. Not days, or weeks, but MONTHS! That's when they had a huge security breach.

    I heard the games were pretty fun though, I might check them out. I love figured with these elaborate bases so I was drawn immediately to that figure lol. It's one of my weaknesses for figures.

    I'm probably getting her as well. Love the base, and her huge weapon. Also very well detailed and nice colors
    yeah 5K is still good, I really love the base for the Totori figure.

    Sometimes PSN gets hacked/attacked and goes down. Kinda sucks when you pay for a membership and can't use it cause PSN is down.

    Yeah the figure looks nice. Was eyeing it for a while but could never find it for under $200. So snagged it at $150, won't find it again at that price. I haven't watched the anime though.

    Still considering her as well
    Once I finish Chisato's route in Koichoco, I think I will drop it. Not too interested in the other girls routes.

    BTW, Don't know if you like Transformers, but I love Generation One Transformers (Don't really care for the new movies) but I want to get this Devastator eventuality.

    Actually Totori is 5000 yen my mistake, but still a decent price imo.

    Has the PSN gone down for you as well? I haven't been able to access it, and sometimes my PS4 just showed a blank blue screen :/ WTF! Trying to download the NHL 16 update (hockey game)

    Yeah game looks fun, I will wait for a price drop on Play Asia though.

    BTW, want this, but cheapest I can find is $200 :dead: I'll go $150 max.

    :EDIT: Found it for $155 with shipping included, so I bought it lol. Will post pics when I receive her. IMO she is worth that price. So detailed.
    of course you're hyped, we get to play a new VN!!! we don't have to wait forever for a translation :fulfilled: and most important, nekomimi :bigeyes:
    i'm thinking they're gonna do 2 nekomimi's every volume, then have a final one with the sister. that's the way it seems anyway
    I also download Neko Para 0. Think it's the steam version so no H-Secenes though.

    The Koichoco VN is getting a bit better, but still seems somewhat average, not great, not bad, somewhere in the middle.

    Yeah, I might stick with Totori. She is about 4000 yen on Mandarake. Can't wait for my Gluttony figure.

    BTW. I might pick up this game. Been wanting to play it for a while. Looks decent. Mostly interested in the characters though.

    Been wanting a figure from the Shining series as well.
    Well, I already claimed her so... HAHAHAHAHHA!!! Just joking lol. Is she in the game you played? Or in the sequels only?

    Finished KS. Was amazing. It's hard to choose the order I like them, but my top 3 is Lilly first, and then Hanako, and Emi but can't really decide who is 2nd or 3rd lol. So they tie I guess. Hope we get a sequel.

    Yeah she is nice, but it's between her and Totori so it's a hard choice :( which do you think? They are roughly the same price.

    The issue people have with the figure I just linked you is that the butterfly doesn't attach to her knee, so it always falls of unless you glue/tape it which I don't want to do.
    I have that game downloaded but haven't played it yet. I did look up the cat girls though.

    Found this for $45 with $5 shipping. Thinking about it
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