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  • Were you always active before? Because I only met you this year,don't know about the past so :goodtea:

    But well,life indeed gets busy sometimes :)

    I hope you're all okay both family & friends and of course yourself~

    I know right? she's soooooooooooooo..:fullblush: (probably after bishounens I only fangirl to her xD)

    I still couldn't go:deadsad: but I want to see!! maybe this weekend :fulfilled:

    awwwww yum! *noms the first piece then melts the others and serves both of us a hot choco* :goodtea:

    and did something happened yesterday?,I'm thinking you know?:reallyconfused:
    Playing Oriemo VN on my laptop now, didn't like playing it on my phone, so restarting it again on my computer this time.

    Started Katawa Shoujo as well, enjoying it so far. Grabbed my attention early. So far I like Lily (the blind girl) best so far

    Tried Koi to Senkyo to Chocolate, but putting that one aside for now. I'm the type of person that has to be drawn into a movie/show/anime/VN very quickly or I will lose interested and drop it. Koi to Senkyo to Chocolate didn't really grab my attention, so I will get back to it later. Who knows, maybe it ends up being an amazing VN if I stick with it.
    Hey unown, so sorry for the late reply. I'm good now, thanks.

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    Nice. Funny because I saw that same figure on NekoMagic, was gonna tell you about it but I forgot lol. I might pre-order it.
    I like this one! Where is she from?

    Yeah, most Miku figures look pretty good. Not a big fan of her though.

    Just finished Idol Magical Girl Chiru Chiru Michiru 1&2, worth a read imo. Pretty funny, had me laughing. The whole thing is just ridiculous lol

    Think she is worth $100?

    P.S. downloaded The Fruit of Grisaia 2 Japanese version, gonna use it to try to practice with my Japanese study guides, and compare it to the translated version when it releases. Anyway, Yuuji, and Kazuji have a incest sex scene in the game which was a bit unexpected for me.
    Yeah it's worth a play thru, and they are pretty short as well. Only a few hours each. You will get a few laughs out of it at least, just don't expect a serious story lol.
    Been Playing Idol Magical Girl Chiru Chiru Michiru it's pretty crazy/hilarious lol.

    Short summary so:

    Michiru is a wannabe idol that sings at Asako's (Yuuji's masters) bar called 9029. She only has one fan that sees her shows though. Sachi also works at Asako's bar helping with the cleaning and all. One day kittymeow turns Michiru into a magical girl to seal monsters what were set loose from the magic world. If she succeeds she gets a wish, but Kazuki is also a magical girl, she also wants to get a wish to save Yuuji (Yuuji is a 10 year old boy, sick in the hospital in the VN. He got a deadly illness from eating too much bread lol. Nothing really makes sense in this VN )

    Yumiko is another idol working under the same idol talent company as Michiru, which is run by the tryant Makina lol. Makina makes fans throws ice cream at Yumiko for extra money, pretty funny seeing it lol. JB runs the idol company that Kazuki is attached to.

    Chizuru is a news reporter always trying to uncover the magical girls identity. And Amane helps mantain a spa, but just asked Asako to work at her bar as well.

    I thought the characters would still be the same, but this Vn just turns every character upside down lol, it's pretty funny seeing everyone act out of character. Oh, and I can definitely see how Yuuji takes after Asako lol.
    The thought of you thinking that kind of makes me really happy,don't worry from now on..:goodtea: seems like I'm gonna miss you a lot as well :sowwy:

    I totally understand,me as well dear ~

    Well,I sent you that message around 12pm so I guess :goodtea:

    yes..I watched all seasons lol,

    I like Asia too,but Akeno is my mother..:romeo:,,,ummm xD so yes what were we talking about,right ps4!

    I don't have one but really want to get,plus star wars released a new game and I'm literally dying to play:deadsad:

    I guess I'll take care after my sims on pc until then:sowwy:

    Oh well:goodtea: see you again too dear~:nekopara_hug:
    Character wise it's Amane, Yumiko, Sachi, Makina, Michiru

    BTW, looks like the 2nd Grisaia game is a sequel, while the 3rd is a prequel.
    For me it's Amane, Sachi, Yumiko, Makina, Michiru. That's not the the way rate the girls. Just the routes.

    Would rate Makina higher the Yumiko, but I didn't like her ending.

    Is Lillium X Triangle the one with the demon girl and 2 sisters she lives with? I played it, it's cute.
    Aww I always wanted to call you 'dear':fulfilled:

    Good evening dear~

    Sorry for the late reply,I just opened the forum..sadly not going to be active like usual but after next week hopefully it will pass^^

    Haha,the time I sent you the message was around early afternoon for me:goodtea:

    By the way,I LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE your entry on SOTM!! I love high school of dxd(u tell no one xD)

    Going to miss you!And missing you~

    *shows a thumps up for getting a ps4 though xD*
    So far I think Yumiko's route is the most slow/boring of them all. Such a shame cause I really love her character, and I think she is the most beautiful from all the girls.

    :EDIT: But made up for it with one of the best endings. Really loved her ending.

    And with that I am officially finished with the VN! It was amazing. Thanks for the recommendation.
    BTW, which face you think looks better for Kaori? I think the first one personally

    *pokes you*

    Are you awake~? :fulfilled:

    If so good happyyyy morning,if it isn't so then have happy sweet dreams :nekopara_hug::nekopara_cheer:
    Sachi's ending was very good, glad she finally learned how much her parents loved her. I still like Amane's ending the best though so far. Finally, I'm doing Yumi's route now.

    That being said though, Sachi's route was probably the most emotional so far, didn't make me cry, but I felt fer her.
    Yeah, they are mostly all done by Alter, which is top of the line, but you pay for that quality with higher prices.

    You should try The Last of Us remastered on PS4. Awesome game if you like those survival type games.
    That's cool. Whenever you have time.

    Also, emailed the kickstarter team doing the Gurizaia no Kajits translations. They confirmed they are doing the all age steam versions AND the unrated version, and they said they are already finished translating most of the routes. Just doing editing and all that
    With with how good she looks, and the extras I'm satisfied that I chose this Kaori figure over the other one. Though the one by GSC looks great too.

    We can play BO 3 this weekend if you want.
    Sorry, should you mentioned that to you earlier :( But I didn't know you were getting a PS4 :deadsad:

    Yeah, the figure is nice, but I wouldn't get it either.

    What do you think of my Kaori figure? I think she looks great, and love her little extras. Definitely worth $85 that I paid for imo.
    BTW. If you haven't used the $20 PSN credit yet you can use that to purchase PSN Plus on the PSN Store
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