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  • I visited my mom today and look *-*

    I love how the trees look with snow on them..everything looks complicated since my photograph skills are bad *///*
    I need you..come back dear :deadsad:
    Downloaded my PS4 games on my nephews PS4 so he can have them also. He was playing DOA 5 Last Round with Marie Rose and my sister in law (his mom) walked in while Marie Roes' clothes got ripped off leaving her almost naked. She got pretty mad and asked me to delete the game so he can't play it :(

    But he is only 10 so I can understand. Shouldn't have downloaded the DLC costumes from my account :( especially not the exploding Senran Kagura costumes.
    Yeah that Miku figure looks good, but I think I'm getting the racing Miku instead. Such a cute face, and nice colors/design.

    Went to some famous Texas burger place called in and out. Got a quadruple burger (burger with 4 patties) I regret it now. Think I'm gonna die :(

    Apparently before they had no limit, but someone ordered a 100 patty burger so the limit is 4 now lol.
    What do you think of this Miku figure? I think she looks nice.

    I packed this Miku a while ago at Amazon. She looks nice in person.

    BTW. Hope you know I'm just joking saying I'll make you cry in BO3 and all that. I know you can take it so that's why I joke with you. Some people I know can't take jokes though and get upset with me sometimes cause they think I'm serious. So just wanted you to know I'm joking.
    Unoooooooo deeeeeeaaarrr~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    I miss you so much~~~>.<

    Well we dont celebrate xmas since its a generally muslim country but my aunt is christian so I visited her and ate some cakes and cookies and delish stuff x3 Though both is not my religion,I still love them and their tradational celebrations~ I hope you had the wonderful time then~~

    And oh~?Call me and lets go work out together xD lol that would be fun>.<

    I see ~ well what kinda of movie genre you like then :0?

    Ahahaha so true~! This year it feels like we got stuck in autmn instead of winter xD last year it was like snowing already from november:wasclose:

    Awwww~~~>////< okies I will send you pictures ~~ *hugs you close*
    The entire route from Illinois to Texas, all 20 hours caught in some shitty ass storm :/ still 10 more hours to go :(

    Only issue I have is that I bought this other Miku figure before by the same company. I didn't like it. Didn't look as nice in person as it did in the pictures so I sold it.

    Still. Most likely getting this Miku figure.

    On Shizunes route now. Think I'm on the way to her bad end. Fucked Misha behind her back.
    Hey, hope you enjoyed Christmas :>
    And thanks! Glad to be back.

    Understandable. I know that feel all too well as I'm not a native English speaker myself. In any case, I hope my tips helped.
    Yep too bad her food is the way it is, cause she looks great otherwise IMO. I don't want look like some weirdo displaying that though lol. And I think it's kinda in bad taste.

    I don't like Miku either, but I like this figure. Considering it. What do you think?

    Misha looks so much better with long straight black hair though. You see you in a pic in Lili's route before she changed her hair.
    Any other VN's similar to this that you know of? I love it.
    Just finished Emi's route. I love her! She is so cute, and stubborn, and fierce. I just want to hold her lol. Got her bad end first, then I got her good end.

    Doing Shizune's next.

    Merry Xmas!!!

    Wishing you and all of your family&friends to have the best new year~!

    Thanks dear~ *hugs you*

    Wow,well same thing is happening me nowadays..:wasclose:

    You don't like star wars :O?

    Yes it's pretty cold especially when it's night :sigh:,but there's no snow yet x3

    lol I don't know xD

    well,now I gotta send everyone a merry xmas message sooooo see you later:runhappy:
    I got Hanako's bad end first, she flipped out and kicked me out her room :deadsad: then I got her neutral route where we played chess in her room, then the good end where I told her I loved her. Was a sweet ending, she was such a sweet girl who just needed a friend. I really like Lily also. What about Shizune's route? Is it good? Kinda wish Misha had a route.

    I love Hanako too! Just finished her route. Doing Emi's route now. Really enjoying the VN so far. Think I will skip Rins route not to interested in her.

    Asked my cousin who is in the military and stationed overseas in Germany to send me some kinder eggs. The post office on the base asked what was in the box, she said chocolates so they made her open it knowing kinder eggs can't be shipped to the US. They made her remove the kinder eggs but left everything else in the box :(
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