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  • M
    Thank you ♥ marry me xD hahaha ♥
    hahaha you're helpful even if you listen to their problems, people will appreciate it 'cause sometimes they need someone to vent on and that's enough c:

    Hahah she does brighten my day, but not only her, but you too and 2 other people I hold dear ♥
    Hahaha it's okay, don't feel sorry about it:3 I wwill eventually pull through my problems by myself

    well there is someone who brightens my day luckily:3
    Thank you! I'm grateful!

    Hahaha mine was stressful too, but my day started with a sweet message from someone in here:3
    then I will think about it:3

    How was your day?
    I agree! I hope it wouldn't be a problem if I were to talk to you about my problems ;s if you dont mind
    c: what's your opinion about pushing away people?

    You're welcome!
    *hugs* I have beenkinda upset but after I pushed away few people in here and somewhere else I feel way better, how about you?
    I don't watch a lot of drama in the first place, so nope :X

    Was just wondering where I could find (interesting) things that had Cantonese audio to get used to the language :goodtea:
    Welcome back! I missed you:3 -glomps-
    the 'hello' is correct :P while the rest are 'It is my first time meeting you! Would you like to have a talk/chat?'

    Vel-chan might need some earplugs :gokiko_lalala:

    I'm happy to have a stalker XD
    Aww don't worry, it's okay:3 good luck with the test ♥
    你好,初次见面! 方便聊天吗? :menft:

    False tone, though I can't use it for the whole song :nekopara_innocent:

    Partner thank you, very much appreciated. :bigeyes:
    hell knows XD haaha that moment when they are both old

    Idk which NPC I want to marry:3 you can pick which NPC you want to marry, you will probably marry Sebastian:
    I found the Galaxy Sword!:3 atm I'm trying to increase my social friendship with a dwarf ;< if you become good friends with NPC you can enter their bedroom; their bedroom has useful items and etc like Lewis's shorts left in a woman's bedroom >_ > now I gotta become friends with her so I can get his damn shorts back
    I can teach you partner~ if you have anything particular to learn :fulfilled: :chuuni_salute:

    Yes perhaps one day I can sing too :XD: she is good at it! :gokiko_uwoh:

    I'll feel the pain if you get hurt :deadsad:
    You do?!OWO you can fish, craft, mine ores, search for treasures and donate them to the museum and get rewards or furnitures, you can get married and live together with the NPC that you got married with, you can farm, you can do many things *^* I expect more things to be added soon
    Awww:3 *pats* I should go play more Stardew valley!OWO I love this game so muuuch, I wonder what will happen after I reach 3 years in the game, my dead grandpa left a letter on his shrine saying "See you in 3 years"

    I will>:3
    the protagonist was so damn distant and quiet LOL I might start playing persona 4
    hahaha thereis nothing cool about it tbh, not much fun ;s have you played Persona 3?
    I didn't like Summon Night 5, I deleted it after 25 mins ;s
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