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    I don't think I have time to watch animu OWO but we can watch tomorrow owo tonight I will be out for a walk

    grrr ;< !

    Not a good idea?owo

    Nope ;< just cold nose + neck

    -growls- <W<
    *noms* :3

    I am awesome ;< -shove my face in the scarf-
    Or I will be a gigolo probably ;p haha

    Nope, it doesn't upset me anymore but my health does upset me ;w; I'm sooooo cold

    We shall see that woman <W<
    That reminds me, a few years back I went to Malaysia for a holiday, and when I went to the shopping mall everyone spoke to me in Cantonese. Funny thing was, they spoke to my friend who was beside me in Mandarin :/

    Oh cool, I can draw a Mandarin equivalent to that: 我想吃饭
    What about "I'm eating now"?
    We're generally an English-speaking country so it's usually only the older generation that doesn't have great English :/

    Hmm let's see...
    sek fan (eat rice?)
    yok (meat?)
    tong (soup?)
    oi moi (uh sounds something like that? want/don't want)
    ngor (me)
    lei (you)

    That's about all I got... it's all about food xD
    To be honest, I always feel self-conscious when speaking in Chinese because I'm afraid of the other person judging how bad mine is :ohnoes:

    Well, I don't even know many Cantonese words to begin with :/
    Ah, but I can count to ten :mafiaboss:
    ehhhhhh that was too fast :surprised: I start learning by writing my own name :lol:

    I am too shy/scared to talk I don't have a mic, have to get one XD

    Run for my life :runaway:
    *opens mouth* ah:3

    hahah I can't ;p my throat is cold

    maybe;p idk probably a graphic designer xwx

    thanks +w+

    True, I might be hurting myself like this

    Not really, I'm fine with it ;p

    Let's see then ^.-
    Haha it's the same with my family, except it's Cantonese and Teochew and I can't speak either so my parents use English.

    I don't know, what's a good place to start
    Oh Cantonese! Lei hou mou? :XD:

    The paternal side of my family is Cantonese, but I can't speak it at all :( I'm trying to pick it up as well, but I'm first trying to learn Teochew, which is the dialect the maternal side of my family speaks.

    Teach me sensei
    It depends on you partner :goodtea:

    hahaha yes it is! Typing suits me better :nyanmusu_sparkle: but that won't work if I am in a tense interview :stress:

    noooo partner :crushed:
    I only went to Hokkaido, and that's my only time in Japan. Ahh, I wanna go back ~ :romeo:

    Btw I was wondering, if you're Chinese then do you speak Chinese? I'm trying to find people to practise with in an effort to improve :XD:

    'cause I'm a horrible person ;p


    I agree, the pain was temporary ;w; but yet, I don't want to lose them, I want to keep them close; they are not someone to lose
    Hahaha that will never happen, I'm a picky person ;p I always get people who have no feelings for me
    Really nice, experienced my first winter :runhappy:

    It was a guided tour so I didn't really have to worry about knowing how to get around, but I did find it useful that I knew a bit of Japanese. I'm not sure about other parts of Japan, but where I went to there really wasn't much English to be seen or heard
    LEVEL CLEARED! You can move to to the next level! :bepraised:

    Thank you Vel-chan! I prefer writing than speaking :donefor: I have no one to train with...until now I fear of speaking English in front of people. Those eyes :scared:

    I have bad feeling bout this :shockmenft:
    Yeah I was really lucky to have come across it. It was packaged and displayed really nicely even though it was pre-owned which surprised me, that's not how shops over here display pre-owned game consoles :P
    Yes I know, I'll need the luck, thanks :XD:

    I got it for about 9,500yen iirc. It's the older model, and didn't come with anything but an 8GB memory card. Which suited me just fine, I didn't need anything else. I bought the charging cable separately when I got back for SGD$30.
    but Vel-chan supposed to learn the basics first :reallyconfused:

    It has its disadvantages made me feeling not confident to speak English in front of others :sowwy:

    My win :smug:
    You can learn it anytime :fulfilled:

    I can't write cantonese, they are too complicated(in their own way) :shockmenft:
    Yes mandarin is my mother tongue. I use it everyday since my family and friends use it too :wasclose:

    Don't! If the list is clicked, it will be sent throughout the world. :fag:
    That is good! A good progress :thumbup: I can't just speak correctly in cantonese, sometimes they are out of tune :ohnoes:

    I'll prepare for it partner:innocent:
    Bought myself a second-hand PSV last December when I went to Japan so that's what I'm playing my games on. I want to play games from the Atelier series (at least those out for the PSV) and the Hyperdimention Neptunia series.
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