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  • Yeah, and I make a point of not reading manga, lest I get addicted to that too :XD:

    Don't get started on money for games :deadsad: My PSN Store wishlist is over 50 games long and I estimate I'll need more than $1k to clear it :starving:
    hahahaha I would love that;p

    I wish it was sarcasm ;p

    UMAT? what dat?

    its better to get distracted by pain than getting upset
    There are so many other anime I want more seasons of D:

    But at the same time there are also so many other anime, light novels, games, etc. that I wanna watch

    So little time :baby:

    I wish they could go away ;< people love to see me have negative thoughts about them lol
    Aww why stressed?:3

    you say so? I hope it will;p
    Aww you didn't miss me?:3 brb going back to a break again XD hahaha

    I'm better I guess, just having negative thoughts:3 how about you?
    at least the pain will distract me ;w;
    *hugs* missed me?:3 today I will get tattooed ;w;
    Yeah Taiwanese dramas have a reputation for being unbelievably long here xD

    But they're popular with the older generation
    Good luck on your quest to find brethren xD

    Maybe for starters you can look at my visitor messages...

    Speaking of Chinese dramas, have you watched any? I've tried watching a Taiwanese drama series before, but it was so loooooooooooooong I decided to drop it after the first few episodes as I didn't think I had the stamina to last through the entirety of it.
    Nah I don't think anyone would mind if you asked them. It's just a matter of... artfully slipping the question into the conversation I guess xD
    Haha, thanks *blushes :embjudge:

    Yep, I'm Chinese. There are other Chinese people on the forums, but I'm not sure if I should reveal their names without their permission :/
    My Chinese really isn't that good (^_^;) I know enough to be able to buy things from shops but that's about the extent of my abilities xD Haven't read any texts in Chinese in a long time
    And yet, Chinese is supposed to be my mother tongue D:

    Accepted your friend request, thanks!
    The Japanese title roughly translates into "The nightless country". Background iirc is that because the streets are filled with monsters at night the country doesn't get peaceful nights anymore.

    Yeah, and now that I'm watching Korean drama I feel like picking up Korean too xD Don't think I'll have the time nor discipline to do so though :-P

    Thanks, I'll add you when I get back home later. My ID's pichuonigiri.
    Nights of Azure eh, so that's how they translated it. That's not what the Japanese title means :P

    I'm playing the game in Japanese so I don't really know what the official English translations are

    Btw, mind if I add you on PSN?
    I'm enjoying it so far and the story intrigues me, though to be honest I got the game mainly because I liked how Arnus (not sure how they will translate her name but that's what it sounds like) looked. She's the main character and the girl in my sig. :fullblush:

    I'm afraid I can't really give an informed opinion because I haven't played many JRPGs so I don't know how the game compares to others of the genre.

    If I'm not wrong the English version for the PS4 is already out. The graphics are so much better than on the PSV but I don't have a PS4. That's a real bummer to someone who bought the game because he liked the graphics :sigh:
    Haha thanks, though I just took the pictures off the internet :/
    All I did was resize the pics

    It's the game I'm currently playing on my Vita
    Well the drama's still airing so maybe you might want to wait until all the episodes are out before starting xD
    Sure, no problem! If you stream anime online it looks like there's a kissanime as well

    I'm really enjoying Descendants of the Sun, give it a shot
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