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  • M
    Yush!OwO It's awesome! *^* you should play it:3
    I was playing Stardew valley ono I might watch anime soon
    Hmm let's watch it at 9PM with your timezone:3
    It's okay!:3

    What's your timezone? at 7 PM(with my timezone) I have a test to write ;s
    D:! then we can watch tomorrow? ;w;
    I will try warm water instead ;s

    Whaa get on your pc OWO
    well now my sore thraot is left owo also do you wanna watch animu?+w+
    my fever is gone, I'm back I guess:V
    That's nice to hear ^^ hahaha, so do I. I returned those words to my teacher :XD:

    errrrmmmmmmmmmmmm too shy, maybe I'll have the courage to do that >< *tries to give nee-chan a great impression* :nekopara_scared:

    I won't activate the traps...since you are my partner :deadsad:
    I'm burning up I can't anymore; I will take a break from AS for some unknown time, thank you for everything ♥
    Haha, the same probably goes for my Cantonese :-P

    Google Translate has a pronunciation feature so you can put it in to hear how it sounds like in Mandarin

    Doesn't have that feature for Cantonese though :/
    Gam yaht hai sing-kay lok

    Ok, I had to Google what "Saturday" was in Cantonese

    Hmm, I guess in Mandarin "sing-kay gei" would be something like 星期几 "xīng qí jǐ"
    Yep, he loves languages. It has something to do with Cantonese having 9 tones while Mandarin only has 4 or something along those lines, so reading in Cantonese adds another layer of depth.

    Errrr... I think Gam yaht means yesterday? And hai means "is"... But I have no clue what sing-kay gei is
    I have fever ;w; my fever went up to 39.00+ while I was sleeping, good thing that my body acted on it's own to wake me up
    Meow what's more better than being a gigolo?:3

    *holds the cup of hot cocoa and hide my face in the scarf* I hope so too ;w;

    Meow! <w<
    Regional differences maybe. Gotta learn how to speak Cantonese before learning how to read/write it xD

    Speaking of written Cantonese, my friend studies Chinese literature and according to him, some Chinese poems/texts are a lot more beautiful when read in Cantonese rather than in Mandarin.
    了 as in "already"? I'm not too sure myself but I hear it used often when Cantonese is spoken in the house :-P
    hahahaha XD you could start by now :fulfilled: though speaking Chinese with someone would definitely boost it up :cramming:

    I use typing to chat with nee-chan too, so it's different >< hehehe thank you for that sweet thought of yours, partner~

    It's in my pc. You'll never find it :lmao:
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