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  • R
    Hello there dearie! : 3 That's cool!. I will definitely participate in the next one and gift people my wares.
    I haven't seen you for a bit, thought you were busy though?

    I was having difficulties in real life, sort of half arsed sorted through them though. : )
    How have you been?
    Hi. I was thinking of joining next months gift a siggy contest?
    What do I have to do to enter or gift?
    I DID IT!

    I could love them just long enough to bring them your way!

    I'm still driving―oh, I know! Vel-chan wants to hack me with Hatchy-chan, and I'd lose control and crash the car, possibly killing us both. That'd be double suicide, wouldn't it?! :kurochan_kyaa:

    No worries! Those toys come with a free pass to the Clinic for the Treatment of Little Yandere Grills whose doctor is yours truly. It's a completely legitimate clinic, of course.

    B-but I know Vel-chan and want her to know me too! NOTICE ME, KOUHAI!

    I know, right? Get me these, Vel-chan!

    Of course! Don't you think red would be a nice addition?
    Anything related to space and the universe is pretty nice. Quantum mechanics... I read up a bit out of pure curiosity, and I THINK I got what little I read, but I'd be damned if I had to summarise what I had (or hadn't) understood.

    Thanks! Though I'm not that selfless a person :P But yes, what I regretted was being unable to take part in her project. It probably didn't bode well in terms of courtesy either ._.

    I don't know―after graduating I feel like much of what was taught in libarts benefits mostly only the learner and few others, tbh. And thanks, just almost 3 years late :P Nah, what you said is quite spot on, though I'll need it in my line of work. Official status and all.

    You still need to git gud :nekopara_patpat: I don't think I'd like to associate with PhDs anyway, lol.

    O-o-other side?! :puniko_shocked: You mean that I'm a girl? :gokiko_blush:

    Oui. Speaking of which, what games (other than otome) does Vel-chan like?

    Thanks :) I try to refrain from doing so normally though, 'cause it just wouldn't be nice to run off at the mouth when not asked.
    "If you're reading this now out of total boredom - hey there sweet pea. You're beautiful c:"

    Why thank you, fair ladyman! Made me a bit happier for some reason c:
    VEL-CHAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNNNN! You're back!!! :runhappy:

    *huggles mode on T^T*
    (Part 2)

    Some of it is closely linked to philosophy, like all those quantum thingamajigs, so...

    Yeah, I saw that thread, but silly me couldn't reply to Rena in time ( ;∀;) I've actually thought of getting into medicine myself, but it's almost impossible since in high school―where I had to pick a focus between sciences or social sciences by the second year―I got into social sciences and then liberal arts in college. I'd have to catch up so much just to cope up with the basics in medicine. Psychology's great too, and now I see why your comments and behaviour are highly positive: inspiring and motivating others seems to be your passion :) And don't mind about it~

    Graduated already. Parents encourage me to pursue further (master's degree), but I can't say I'm really inclined to. Yes, with a PhD in bullshittery... if that's what you're referring to by that onion smilie :korokke_hum:

    Actually, that sounds good. If I remain the sweetest of all, then all those kouhai will flock on to me, right? Right?

    Oh, it wasn't books; some series of games or something. But I also treat plots in games seriously. It was long ago, I don't remember his name ._. I'd recognise his works right away, though.

    Exactly. That was also my consideration. I wanted to avoid making it all flowery praises while making sure I touched on what I thought should be pointed out. I tried to be careful with my language not to be lecturing or bashing, as well as emphasising that it was all just my opinions, which is why I wrote things like "what I consider its strengths/weaknesses" instead of just "strengths/weaknesses". Wasn't easy to accomplish, but I hope I did okay :)
    (Part 1)

    Wrote too much 2-3 times too, but managed to shorten them \o/ ...This time it somehow inflated to 2700+ characters though orz

    Why does everyone hate bugs? Roaches want to be friends with humans too :gokiko_shobon:

    Asking for help? No, that won't do. Instead―* Ignis hands Vel-chan a hatchet. You know what to do!

    Those toys could act as a countermeasure against those who'd really scar the grills! Think of the children!

    :puniko_shocked: C-c-c-hainsaw? Oh, I got it! Vel-chan's so bold that she skipped whips or candles and went straight for the chainsaw!
    Is this an indirect admission that she'll also tend to my wounds or even accompany me to the grave? :akazukin_blush:

    Yes! A GIRL! And oh my, SHOPPING! * Ignis takes out a catalogue of frilly dresses, garter belts and other legwear. What are we getting first?

    But mopping is work (つД`) I know! How about a change in colours instead? I'll dye your tiles bright red―they're sure to charm your esteemed guests!
    I'll make sure to tell KK that Vel-chan gave me her okay to send her the bugs (=´▽`=)

    But without bugs we wouldn't have nice things like (some) cute stickers :gokiko_uguu:

    * Ignis ties Vel-chan up, puts her in his car, and drives to a slaughterhouse. The sooner we begin your yandere training, the better!

    B-but why? Those toys would make for great gifts for young grills :korokke_cry:

    Vel-chan? A cop?! Oh, I know. This gotta be some sort of roleplaying―right?
    * Ignis sits down and holds his cuffs up. So, what kind of punishment are you going to mete out on me? :alice_blush:

    Yes. All of them. No exceptions. As for me― * Ignis dons a frilly dress. ―I'm not one of them!

    It takes one to know one! Did Vel-chan stalk me to confirm my being a stalker?

    * Ignis looks at his bloody footprints.
    Oh, my. I hope all those people whose houses I 'passed through' to get all this 'trash' wouldn't mind me dirtying their floor!

    I liked math; I even found certain subjects of physics interesting; but chemistry... ;_;
    Speaking of which, what are you studying?

    If I'm already sweet without the help of a sweetening agent, then I myself am a sweetening agent!
    * Ignis extends his arms at Vel-chan. C'mere, Vel-chan! I'll make you sweeter, too!

    Yeah, it'd be quite annoying to have a story end badly after having a significant part of it dedicated to depicting pains endured by the characters. I had something like that once, and I swore off all works from the author from then on :( Thanks again for your kind words (*´ω`*) And your feedback was significant; you even spent time pondering on the intricacies. Better than mine, as sometimes I'm afraid I might be criticising a work too much like I did in the first WOW (;・∀・)
    People often say "it's the thought that counts". It may be bugs, but if it's a heartfelt gift, she should like it!
    ...Which means that Vel-chan should, too! :gokiko_aha:

    Of course! * Ignis catches Vel-chan, now out of hiding, while she's admiring the catchphrase.

    Aww, can't be helped. * Ignis packs all the hatchets he'd prepared for Vel-chan and sells them as toys to further the yandere cause.

    ...Vel-tan, then? * Ignis glomps Vel-tan. Wait. Wait! A loli asking for a hug? You're an FBI agent, aren't you?!

    Don't throw it away! We never know when others may ask that question. All men are beasts, after all.

    Well, y'all seem to have common interests as well, such as otome games (I originally thought Mon was a grill) and graphics. The latter made me wonder if you came together from DeviantArt or something. But in such an academy I may not be able to feign innoce―cough, ne-nevermind.

    Sure! Just a moment. I just need to, umm, clean up some things.

    Oh noes. You've exposed my weakness to chemistry; I had to look that word up ( ;∀;)
    Fine! I'm sweeter! * Ignis licks his own arm. ...Want some? :boys2_wink:

    Yeah. There are other plot devices that could be good in jerking tears, too, but are often cruel. Like the pretty common theme of an athlete or musician who suffered a physical injury and now can no longer play/perform. Or someone who suffers an incurable illness but stays strong and inspires those around them... (´;ω;`) Thanks, and I'm glad you liked the Misha x Veronica love story―I've never really had someone comment extensively on my work before (〃∇〃)
    Ehhh? But I don't like them either... * Ignis boxes the bugs and ships them to KK instead.
    KK is so kind; I'm sure she'll treat those roaches better than I could!

    But you see, Vel-chan, violence is necessary to stop others also bent on violence. * Ignis strikes a cool pose.
    We all know the esteemed Invy-chan wouldn't misuse her powers! Join us on the yan side! :boys2_hippie:
    I did! Or maybe you'd rather be called Vel-sama instead? Or maybe Vel-tan?! (゚∀゚)

    Good to know. No, it's not like I was going to ask your three sizes or something. I'm too much of a gentleman for that. :menft:
    I see; I was just curious since it looked like you all were already close to each other. Or maybe I was just late and should've started stalking earlier?

    A kuudere... that's fine too. I could go on my yandere rampage while you'd be looking at all the chaos, toying with your hair and not disturbed in the slightest. Sounds like a plan!

    Oh, no. I won't let you win. * Ignis tears open a sack of sugar and dumps the contents on Vel-chan.
    Now you're sweeter! :gokiko_blink:

    ;_; I'm actually not a fan of killing your own characters in a story you write yourself―I've seen it done often as a cheap plot device to jerk some tears―but I think that part was needed to give Misha the final push. And yes, whenever I make a plot involving two or more grills, it's almost always going to have that. It's but the purest form of love, after all. ( ・`ω・´)

    Yeah, using separators is a nice idea! I'm also prone to having multiple topics covered in one single conversation, so (;´∀`)
    Haaa, I reached my PM limit :boys2_facepalm: I have almost 2 years since I am here but that's a first xDD :boys2_shy:
    Yes, bugs. :korokke_aha: Does Vel-chan like them? Should I bring her some?

    Oh, oh, Vel-chan has started to develop a penchant for violence!
    Yuo'ev fianlyl opende up to teh chamr of yandersdkfsfdkjh * Ignis falls with a smile amidst the blood that gushes from his head wound.

    Indeed. That part, I'm proud of. The active community here isn't very sizeable and rather small compared to the overall visitors of the site, but the members generally exhibit a pleasant attitude and are good to engage with in light-hearted chats. Speaking of communities, though, did you and some others come from another site before becoming active here? I have a feeling some members like you, KK, and Monmon already knew each other (or came from another community) before coming to AS. If it's personal, though, then don't mind the question :>

    Yes! You should, too! Between being cool like a kuudere, silent like a dandere, irritable like a tsundere and murderous like a yandere, I know which one I'd choose!
    And you know, it's almost always the case that someone who keeps telling others how nice they are is actually the nicest herself [img]
    Likewise, when commenting, it feels like I only see positive things engraved in your letters :)

    Also, cry? I'd be really touched if something I wrote could drive others to tears :akazukin_puppyeyes:
    And of course Misha and Veronica were in love with each other; I just decided not to explore that part much ( ・`ω・´)

    Always looking at the bright side as usual! I shall try to keep my replies from being too wordy to fit in one single message though ._.
    Me? :alice_confused:
    I'm harmless! I wouldn't harm even bugs! I even love roaches so much that if I could afford a nuclear missile just for them I totally would ♥
    If you hide behind me? I'll just take you home right away :gokiko_hue:

    Thanks! I agree; I think taking part in such events also makes you feel competitive. All that's left is to foster that competitive spirit and avoid diluting it by an overzealous pursuit of pride/recognition/showing off. In this regard, I'd say the people around you play a significant role. And I agree about the tutorials. Sure, people could just go to DeviantArt and look for them, but as someone with real-life experience in teaching, I'll say that having the study materials presented in your face can really make a difference to would-be learners who otherwise might not even know where to start. I'm happy and honoured to hear what you say about AS (and myself); I sure hope nice people like you will stick around :)

    I'm not a yandere! Or, to be precise, I'm not dere! I'm just yan. I-it's not like I have a loving nature deep beneath my sadistic facade or something. Don't get me wrong, you hear?! Hmph!

    Aww, but you're so kind. You're most welcome, of course ( ´ω`)

    Thanks! It'd been a while since I'd written a story prior to the one I wrote for the last round of WOW. Initially, I wasn't sure how long I should go. I didn't exactly want to make it a love story between Misha and Veronica, either. And I agree, everyone's story had their own unique touches to it that made each so characteristic in its own. Likewise, whether or not I end up participating, I'll make sure to read all the entries. And yes, KK agreed with the word limit increase too.

    That's okay, Vel. I'm sure I'll also blabber as well, probably even longer. In the past, it was common for me to have visitor messages that eventually became 2 messages long with each reply, then 3... so yeah.
    Hmm well it's kinda exciting coming up with the story :D so i greatly enjoy it (Hope you feel the same)
    Well sounds cool but i'm not sure how and when things will happen. Oh that reminds me about the Witch gas uhm when the Witch is Defeated will the effects of the gas immedietly reverse?
    I was kinda thinking that i will take the Inner Demon Sealed inside route with Shadow Fang but not sure what will be the trigger for him to start awaking yet. Well as the story progress i will decide it :D
    But i'm kinda looking forward how Invy-chan and or Laito-kun will react to the sudden please kill me remark of Crunchy :D
    I think I would, if that means getting to where you are :gokiko_uwoh: Oh, oh, I have an idea!
    Vel, get away from that tree and hide behind people. One after another. Don't you think that sounds like a good way to tackle the planet's overpopulation problem? :rr_evil:

    I hope so. I lacked confidence when I was just starting out, too, but participating in such events helped foster my will to learn more a great deal. We've got more than a fair amount of nice people around here, not least of all the hailed Invy-chan, which I'd say makes for a conducive learning environment as attempts are praised, encouraged and constructively commented on, rather than ridiculed or bashed or given one-liners such as "that sucks". You're welcome for the extra exposure; the more the merrier, after all.

    Hmm, I guess I'm not cut out to be a stalker after all, as I gave myself away so easily :P You're welcome for the sig. Actually, thanks for using it and nanashi's as well. I'd be okay if you just used nanashi's, but I'd really feel bad if you just used mine and not his.

    For WOW, I may, but I haven't really thought about an idea. I participated in the second round just to bait others into joining as well, actually (there were no entries yet by the middle of the month, so). I got absorbed into it once I started, though. The change of word limit from 1000 to 1500 was actually my unilateral decision because I couldn't make my entry shorter than it was already.

    Oh, look, our conversation is finally starting to get sane! Also, sorry for blabbering. orz
    Hmm about Shadow Fang i think while He won't really appear i think i will introduce him a little bit not far from now :D
    And i don't think Crunchy will just die so don't worry. (I bet Laito would laugh his Ass off seeing Invy-chan worried and stuff xD)
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