Anything related to space and the universe is pretty nice. Quantum mechanics... I read up a bit out of pure curiosity, and I THINK I got what little I read, but I'd be damned if I had to summarise what I had (or hadn't) understood.
Thanks! Though I'm not that selfless a person :P But yes, what I regretted was being unable to take part in her project. It probably didn't bode well in terms of courtesy either ._.
I don't know―after graduating I feel like much of what was taught in libarts benefits mostly only the learner and few others, tbh. And thanks, just almost 3 years late :P Nah, what you said is quite spot on, though I'll need it in my line of work. Official status and all.
You still need to git gud

I don't think I'd like to associate with PhDs anyway, lol.
O-o-other side?!

You mean that I'm a girl?
Oui. Speaking of which, what games (other than otome) does Vel-chan like?
Thanks :) I try to refrain from doing so normally though, 'cause it just wouldn't be nice to run off at the mouth when not asked.