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  • Oh you already started to like Laito-kun there xD
    Oh maybe all the vampires will fall in love with Crunchy and he will become the king/queen of them (Plot twist he will be the major villain xD)
    Well but it was kinda cute too how he is so concerned about Invy-chan and Laito-kun :gakuran_cute:
    Aww, you cheater. If you were hiding behind a person I could hack them down, but you know I wouldn't hurt a thing of nature :akazukin_tsk:

    It can't be helped... I can be the yan part, and that'll make you just dere :boys2_wink:

    You're welcome, and thanks for the compliment!
    Yeah, I actually forgot that simple part. Of all the people I've seen call you that, it didn't look like anyone participated (;・∀・)
    Then again, you've seen my style before, so I guess it was easy to guess, too.
    Hmm so it was something like:
    Hmm can a Vampire truly fall in love tho? :)
    Yes Crunchy can say so much sad things :(
    Oh well for now it seems like he just playing around tho xD
    Oh that being said Crunchy was kinda awesome when he stopped Invy-chan and Laito-kun from arguing. Then again he become kinda depressed after it :(
    Well yes all the guys become messed up because of some bad things :(
    Oh Invy-chan will accept him one day? Maybe when he and Crunchy get's married? xD
    let's talk about it later dearie...I'm logging out
    But but it's for you! A yandere without bloodstains is like coffee without sugar, right?
    I mean, yeah, I know they go just well without each other, but what the heck, I have a sweet tooth.

    Come here; this'll be your playground, and then we can drag more unsuspecting senpai for you to have fun with...
    Well it's a pretty straightforward game so it's not hard to finish the routes.
    So okay let me say this:
    Come over here, grill. It's okay, I don't bite! Only chew.

    Look, I'll even make this place all clean and squeaky for you! :lapi_clean:
    This mop will also come in handy when some blood splatters around...
    Uhm should i rain on your parade about playing shu first? Well that's something you can't do as far as i know you need to play the Laito Ayato Kanato brothers first.
    And uhm without going into too much spoiler it's kinda not their fault they ended up like this. you kinda feel sorry for them after you learn everything. (At least i did)
    and if i'm correct i'm missing out on 4 Dia Lovers game because i don't have a vita :( *makes me cry*
    It's kinda spoiler territory so i'm not gonna go into details but there is a scene where one of the guy chains the girl to a dartboard and throw darts at her barelly missing and some of them even hurt her a bit and stuff like that :O well i don't know how are the guys in the later games as i don't have a PSVITA :(
    Haha! Yeah, of course! I-I wasn't trying to hurt you or anything...
    I mean, Vel is really kind and cordial and friendly and regarded by people around her as a "hero"... how could I even doubt her? Right?

    ...Mom, that scary girl is still there...
    He is still better than his brothers.
    There is a scene about one of his brother wanting to eat pancakes (Maybe i kinda not understood everything due to machine translation being not that good xD)
    So the girl makes pancakes it takes about 30 minutes maybe.. Then ther guy goes nuts because it took too long ruins the pancakes and stabs the girl with a fork or something like that xD
    He is just used to being too powerful to normal peoples so he always got what he wanted (Maybe :D ) so it's not entirely his fault :D
    Oh Laito-kun in a maid costume :D (But i don't think he would enjoy it xD)
    But he looks so stylish :)
    Hmm he kinda said a few not so nice thing in the last post again so i'm kinda looking forward how Invy-chan will react to it xD
    And yes let's beat her up :)
    And don't worry about it. I think he enjoys being OOC too :D
    Danger detected!

    Everyone evacuate! We've got a wild yandere on the loose! [img]
    oh but if it could fly you could become friends with Laito-kun Doesn't it sounds good? :D

    Hmm but still it's not nice of her to try and keep all the bishies for herself so let's beat her up and teach her that she should not been stingy with bishies :)
    Oh talking of OOC i think Laito-kun got OOC a few times :D but that's not a problem it's fan-fiction after all :D
    but those wings are cute :D
    Oh the Witch is bad but we don't know how bad is the Devil Principal of Nightmare School. I mean he or she hates bishies so must be very bad! :D
    Oh yes. As innocent and pure as the driven snow.
    Which actually means I'm lying in wait until others step and tread on as well as sully me. Will you be the first?

    Wait, we've got it backwards! The senpai isn't supposed to be the one doing the stalking!
    "Again"? :lapi_shock:

    Non! Je suis innocent! Everyone was just calling you that this time and the last time around when I went to your profile to VM you for the first time.

    Thoooough, if you'd rather be stalked, it's not like I wouldn't oblige.
    then it's already about time :
    Or maybe Invy-chan and Crunchy could use their beauty and cuteness to tame all those wild vampires :gakuran_blush: (In the end maybe they become a fluffy piece of cuteness)
    (That being said maybe at one point Laito-kun's Brothers could appear too. And of course feel free to include anything you want to include in our story anytime :D )

    Oh that reminds me i reread our story and i realized we will need to go back to the School of Nightmares one day :(
    Poor Laito-kun fated to be hated by Invy-chan for ever :( (Or maybe he will show a side of himself that Invy-chan can accept :D)
    Oh but Invy-chan would be in serious danger then. They are really dangerous (Crunchy would not want Invy-chan to be in a dangerous situation like that :D)
    And uhm maybe In the end Invy-chan and Laito-kun bad relationship will be the reason the Witch wins :O (Oh the worrying fans will die soon :O )
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