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  • Oh now i'm imagined Invy-chan punching Laito to the moon :D (But well i don't think she will need to do that. In our story Laito-kun not seems that bad guy :D
    Oh but i think Laito-kun would really like to get his hands on you too Invy-chan :D
    Oh what a dilemma poor Captain Crunch have now. On one side he really likes Invy-chan so he don't want other guys around her. But on the other side he seems to kinda enjoy the attention he get's from Laito-kun so maybe he would be jealous if he would have fun with Invy-chan too :D
    but then Laito would try his stuff with me again. Hmm i think he just mad because you ruined his fun but maybe in the end you both will grow to like each other :D
    Well such is life I suppose....
    By the way are you online now?:D Your invisibility mode is very hard to find out you are online Invisible hero Invy-chan.
    Oh but Gama-chan is still in a girl body so he can't run too fast and well in the VM section Laito-kun is nowhere to be found so i don't know how i can run away from the fans haha
    Oh it's sounds good i think it's better to get used to hearing nice things than getting used to hearing how worthless i am xD
    Oh i hope these fans can't use some kind of detecting magic or anything :chuuni_scared:
    Oh i'm still not used to hear(or in this case read haha) others saying nice things about me but well it feels really good :D
    Thank you!
    Well you have it easy to be honest you just need to turn invisible and hide from the fans but poor Gama-chan is too big to hide haha.
    Well if i could not talk it over with you that time i don't know what i would done. i was kinda desperate there if you remember. (It was a bit pathetic right?)
    Well to tell you the truth not everybody here knows what anime is right? (I'd be lucky if I did find one)
    They are more exposed to the kids cartoon stuff like (no offence here) Dora the explorer, Chota Bheem (google it if you want to), Roll No 21 and all. So, they think everything related to animation is all for children and prefer to watch serials instead which is more adult to them. (The kind of ones you see with family problems and stuff like this one:
    (Its just an example though it aired several years ago so the quality of the video is bad) (This is the op for it:
    (Its in my native language "kannada" hope you don't mind it?)
    Yeah so no matter how much I get through to them that anime is not childish, its just useless to tell you the truth, because they won't budge from that thought.
    Oh but Gama-chan or should i say Captain Crunch is not really able to protect anyone at the moment :D
    And there is no need to apologize for going to sleep it's natural to go to sleep after all :) . Well i rolled around in bed for a long time then gave up for a while but in the end i fallen asleep. but only thank to you
    I think i should go and try to sleep but i don't think i will be able to sleep i'm still kinda worried to tell the truth.oh and if for some reason you not got my PM then i say it yes he is the same bishie :D
    Oh. Thanks for telling me and I will take your advice for future reference in case I want to make friends:D
    Well you can't really find anime, manga and gaming (girls especially hate games in my college) fans here in my college as they all think anime/ animation in their term is considered childish and immature.
    And well to tell you the truth I know this may sound strange but I really don't indulge myself in my country's stuff like songs etc more than anime and other countries stuff (I was always more curiuos about them.)
    Haha well it was easy to make friends here because we kinda relate you know? XD
    Thank you, Invisible hero! You have saved my day once again with your humble and sweet words!:D
    Haha i think the fans would be angry for that xD i bet they are really excited to see the famous Laito x Crunchy scene or something :D
    oh this slowly becomes my catch phrase:
    Don't worry about it when you have the time reply don't strain yourself for it :D
    Well as soon as the story progress a bit i was planning to explain stuffs (Laito will explain it ) xD
    Your advice really helps so thank you Invisible hero!
    Well actually I have told my parents before during my school days as well so it is pretty much a bad idea actually. We only have a system of considering 9th to 10th to be high school and 11th and 12th to be PUC (Pre-University Course). I am in 12th grade though so this is my last year of college and next is Uni so I guess I have to bear her only this year.
    (I am from India though I think I didn't say this to you yet)

    There are no such things as clubs or volunteering involved in my country's schools or colleges unfortunately:( (College)We only have classes such as Physics, Chemistry, Maths, once a week to go outside of the college to play on the grounds, Computer Science (the major I have already taken during my 10th which I am continuing right now), 1st language, 2nd language (both are necessary to take).
    If school then same subjects as I have mentioned above but including Biology and a third language at that (thank god I have finished those and came to college)

    In my country only academics are always the top priority and not studying is not considered an option. (I don't mean to offend you) You are kinda talking to a person who have no idea about clubs and volunteering, I kinda picked up the knowledge about other country's education system by reading some articles and you know? manga and anime so by that I came to know you guys have things like after school clubs and all, so I am kinda feeling bad that there are no such facilities or nobody who tried to make such facilities in my country.
    Hmm oh yes losing to bishies is not sounds that bad if the "punishment" is some steamy stuff :gakuran_blush:

    ah so that's how you do it. But then i kinda realized that the pic i wanted to show was too big so maybe i send it in PM instead :D
    Hmm i like this kind of death to tell the truth. Death by too hot bishies xD
    I can't compete against your hot bishies
    This will be a lame question but how do you put images into spoiler tag ? xD
    ngh.... The bishie power of these are OVER 9000! *Gama-chan went to the heaven* :dead:
    They are really hot i mean dangerously hot xD Nice job finding them Invy-chan :thumbup:
    I think i will survive luckily it's a tame picture so they are clothed more or less but if they would take down their shirt fully then i uhm *NOOOO! now i imagined them without their shirts :nosebleed::nosebleed:*
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