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  • Hi Vel!

    And don't worry, it gives always a next time for...xD

    But nevertheless, thanks Vel...^_^!
    Well I guess you could call me a person who is very silent, does not talk more than necessary. So I have been kind of picked on since my school days too. Well I thought maybe this kind of thing would go away after college since I would be meeting new people and all. She was the first one to appear before me as a friend at that time when I was new. (by which I was completely naive at that time to know what her intention was). And well I was kind of a good student that you know? the teachers can set a good example of and got good grades. (In my country its always a big deal about getting grades so yeah) I guess she didn't maybe liked that and didn't want to say it indirectly so usually she berates me in front of the other girls or sometimes I catch a glimpse of her saying something about me when she talks to herself.
    Well if you really want to know...its a very boyish girl in my class and since I don't have friends and all she kinda spread rumors about me which is not true at all, even the teacher believes her *sigh* makes me wish that I shouldn't have made friends with her during my first year of college.
    Oh now i will sound like a creep but your boyfriend is lucky to have you :) i hope you two will be happy forever
    And don't worry about the RPG discussion thread reply when you have the time or when you are in the mood :D
    Oh you don't give your kisses out like that to everyone then? Hmm i kinda like that in a girl i ean i dislike all those easy to get girls where i'm living so now i'm more determined to get your kiss :D
    Yes the fans are sending me death threats for no steamy Laito X Captain Crunch scene xD
    Hmm everyday? oh that sounds great but well i hope you don't have to do it everyday to tell the truth :D
    Hmm. I want a kiss from you (Sorry smexy merman maybe next time :) Oh talking about kisses maybe we should take the love route between Captain Crunch and Laito-kun XD )

    Oh yes i'm beautiful one way or another right? I kinda forgot about it sorry.
    Oh. Its already the time? Haha well its still 26th of April for me XD forgot about the timeline difference there...My bad:P
    Well I had a pretty depressing day actually. What about you?
    Oh my.. i can resist it .. i can't lose more blood
    *2 sec later*,
    :nosebleed: XD
    Well Toma was too zhm clingy from the start he resembled me i'm too protective too but there are two difference:
    1: I'm not a Yandere XD
    2. I'm not hot :(
    Toma... And his famous cage of love... His only luck is that he is really Hot iXD
    Fish??? No no no! Not fish. Kiss :D And not a Kiss with a Fish either :D (well expect if the fish is a hot Merman :nosebleed: )
    Oh but i will kinda need a goodnight kiss from you to be able to sleep in the evening :gakuran_blush:
    Well yes yanderes are sweet at the start and then they do their stuff like uhm stab-stab and things xD
    Well maybe i will be able to sleep better tonight :)
    Haha yes Vishy-chan is kinda scary when she goes into yandere mode :D But otherwise she sweet :D
    Oh so i'm important to you? :megane_blush:
    Hmm I slept for an hour and a bit. It felt kinda good too :D
    And don't worry i'm not the Yandere type. I'm more of a Fluffy and nice type of person :D
    And yes you are important to me :thumbup:
    I will keep that in mind too. But be careful i tend to be a bit clingy towards those who are very important for me :D
    Hmm maybe i try a bit napping for an hour or so. I'm kinda used to being sleepy to tell the truth :D
    And yes just ask me i'm here for you anytime you need some chhering up
    Well i'm sad to hear that Uni makes you stressed (Wants to destroy the uni now XD)
    If you need some cheering up feel free to ask me i can say a lot of goofy things :D

    *Well i'm a bit sleepy i'm not sleeping too well nowadays (I'm just rolling in bed .) Other than that everything is really good (Mostly because i'm having so much fun with you guys :D)
    Underestimate me and you get hugged by me :D
    So What's up with you nowadays? Everything good ?
    (My plann worked out haha :D)
    Time for a hug!!
    Of course i'm happy :D I mean meeting you and Vishy-chan and Ali-chan is the best thing that happened to me in a long time. I can't be grateful enough for it :)
    By all accounts (no, I totally haven't been stalking you), you seem to be a very nice person. Pleased to make it to your friends list; thanks for the request.
    Well yes you are right. IT's a horrible reason. But well humans are tend to be horrible creatures sadly. Well of course there are exceptions like you and ali-chan and Vishy-chan. :D
    It's just usually kind of hard to find them. Well i got lucky this time as i had the chance to meet you three so i feel happy :D
    Hmm well people dislike me probably because i'm not a good looking person. Well it's kinda shallow reason but well it's seems to be the case i think.
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