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  • What can Laito-kun do so Invy-chan won't hate him this much?
    Or he will join them and make Crunchy life a living hell xD
    Oh maybe Invy-chan just plays the hard to get when it's about Laito-kun xD
    Oh i don't think that Laito-kun's brothers would be happy about that tho :(
    Oh Invy-chan really dislikes him :D
    (But maybe Crunchy will be able to change the ways of Laito-kun and he will become a honest good guy.... Yeah of course that won't happen xD)
    Anytime, Invy-ch―umm, Vel. It's only my pleasure to see you grills and guys enjoy them. :boys2_wink:
    oh be careful hate can become love suddenly :O maybe a love relationship between Invy-chan and Laito-kun will make Gama-chan so jealous that Shadow Fang happens :D
    oh that would be a really heart wrenching situation :O i would really feel sorry for Crunchy :D (Oh but maybe in the end The Three of them could live happily together :O yeah ... one can dream about it right ? xD)
    Oh don't feel pressured you know i don't want you to force yourself replying :D
    He/She needs to be super Strong and super Dangerous (Or maybe Invy-chan getting into a very serious danger could result in Shadow Fang :D (So much idea i'm looking forward which will be the one to happen )
    I plan to keep the Damsel in Distress situation for Crunchy this chapter (It works out well with Laito-kun being here) and plan to get out Shadow Fang when a more ominous enemy appear (If there will be a continue to our story after this mission of course :D )
    will our heroes be able to catch her alive? I think she won't really going to let them just put her in prison :D (Well we will see) Hmm by the way i don't know how will the story proceed after this mission xD
    But but what if she have a really sad background story and everyone will feel like oh poor witch :( *starts crying* :D
    Yes i don't really know what will happen next yet. Maybe the Witch get's defeated before it happens :D
    Well i don't know he is a weak girl right now so maybe he will just be in the way :D
    Don't forget that Laito-kun is there too so it's Crunchy Invy-chan and Laito vs the Witch maybe or not who knows haha :D (Maybe Invy-chan have to fight her alone :O )
    I'm still kinda worried about the witch we can't know what other Tricks she have :( (Oh i not meant it like that. I don't want to force you to do it ot anything haha :) )
    Yes bless the Delete button :D
    Oh yeah the droids i totally forgot about them haha. Maybe they can tie up those bishies or something. (I'm kinda looking forward how things will happen once we contonue our story :D)
    Yes i had to delete my messages a lot of times because of it :D
    oh yeah maybe the gas won't affect Crunchy :D (Hmm but that army of bishies is still troubling we can't fight the witch while running away :(
    Oh don't worry about it i did it a lot too :D
    oh you kinda posted your message on your wall and not here so i only noticed it now :(
    Uhm but if Crunchy becomes a guy again that would mean trouble. as he is a guy too :O
    Sadly Crunhy is not really dependable this time haha!
    (Maybe Laito-kun and Invy-chan will work together as a team... Yeah that's not going to happen haha :D )
    Well yes that would be a great plot twist if she would win :D
    But you have to agree that the situation is kinda bad for our heroes :)
    Our heroes gets murdered by the Witch and her army of Controlled bishies xD
    Or maybe in the end Laito will be a really big jerk and becomes enemies with everyone :D (We can't know what the future will hold for our heroes :) )
    Well We will see how their steamy scene will end up. Maybe they will become a couple xD. But i think Invy-chan and Laito-kun should try and talk out their differences.
    oh that's evil :). Crunchy loves Invy-chan so he would be happy for that. But i think he would be sad if Laito-kun would die too :D
    Haha that was a bit mean from him :D
    But if you punch him right now then you could hurt Gama-chan too he is in the arms of Laito-kunh after all :D
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