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  • M loads when you change channels?

    *pokes nose*
    Well and if they won't fix the problem i will go there and kick them in the backside for you :D

    Hmm so let me say this: If i don't come here anymore or abandon you that's only can happen if:
    1. I can't connect to the internet for some reason.
    2. Something bad happened to me.
    So as long as i have my internet connection and my life i won't abandon you so don't worry.
    oh so that's what happened i see.
    Hmm on one hand i'm glad that it's not because of me you left but on the other hand i'm sad that you have connection problems :(
    Vishy-chan you kinda disappeared suddenly yesterday. Is everything alright? I got so worried. Did i said something that hurt you or something?
    Yeeeeeeesssss I loved it :D and I usually prefer Otome or any game where you can re-name the main character, but that was good enough that I didn't care! I was so sad when I finally finished all the endings, I just wanted it to go on forever T_T
    I see you went offline.
    That being said i kinda planned to get some sleep as i'm really sleepy so that's Good Night! Let's peak again when you have the time (Well on weekends i can't be online that much but i will do my best to reply as soon as possible if you decide to send me a message :)
    well i hope it won't happen but can't say for sure that it won't happen. Well it should not happen as you pay for their service so it's the minimum that it works...
    You don't have to download Discord, you can have it on your browser.
    Is there something wrong with your internet?owo
    -kisses your hand-
    i would be happy if i could say don't worry it won't happen but i can't say it as i can't know if it will happen or not :(
    Ah it's okay then, you don't have to make it now:3 -bite your hand-
    nah it's just 1 or 2 day and then it works mostly flawlessly. a small blackout here and there but nothing too serious
    not really every half a year they make my day hell because they want to maintain the safety and quality of their service so they turn off the electricity in the area for a time usually it's between 4-8 hours but after they finishes it it's still kinda not working properly for one or few days so if suddenly i stop responding today and maybe tomorrow it's because the electricity went away.
    I struggled to finish his route cos I was so bored and fed up with him picking his dumb fans over me and not sticking up for himself and me xD

    I play pretty much every RPG I can get my hands on :D I love the horror genre in general but when it comes to horror games where I'm in control of a character I kinda suck at them and could do with cheats haha. It's weird cos in movies I never get scared by jump scares and stuff, but put me in control of a character in a horror game and every little thing makes me jump xD I think it's cos in a game you have more responsibility, if you don't play well then you die and can't progress. I even used to get scared going into an Oblivion Gate in Elder Scrolls Oblivion xDjust the atmosphere and the traps and the hanging ppl I was like oh dear... ima die in here T_T whereas in a VN it's not scary it's just oddly sexy to me xD
    no no it's just the electricity is still kinda tricky and not wanted to get into a long chat with anyone as i can't know when the electricity goes away. (After maintance it's kinda unstable for one or two days.)
    I wanna go to sleep too, can you take me with you?
    I just woke up, how about yours?:3
    It's okay, you don't have to apologize c:
    good to hear.
    I'm sorry but I will have to avoid this question c:
    I just Googled it haha, yeah that looks like it's for very young children haha.

    Sure, from looks before I played the game I had a totally different order than after playing it and seeing what each guy was like.
    1) Ukyo - My fave of them all, I love his sweet side and his crazy side <3 he goes through so much shit for you that I don't even feel bad if he kills me haha poor guy. And his long hair <3
    2) Toma - cos of his yandere sexiness :3 beofre I knew he was yandere he would've ranked near the bottom
    3) Shin - cos he's passionate and sweet
    4) Kent - he's sweet and awkward which I found adorable, but I prefer more confident characters, <3 his height though!
    5) Ikki - OMG his route was sooooo booooooring T_T I played him first cos he was the hottest looking one to me, but his personality was poo and so was his route, he looks good but he's dull xD

    And thanks for having such a group, I love RPGs, my favourite genre besides Otome :D
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