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  • Haha I know how that feels! Thank god I'm out of school already XD Yeah, language can be pretty hard xp (no matter wich one >.<). This reminded me, last week I had a test on my japanese course and was so nervous that I ended up forgetting some pretty simple stuff :korokke_uuuh:

    For the love of me I couldn't remember how to write 事, I suck at writing kanji :korokke_nowai:
    Hi and welcome to my circle, and thank you very much for your trust in me, I hope for an good cooperation in the future...xD
    Hello. Thank you for telling and making me known about you. "Universe"! Oh, what a splendid name/title. btw, you say that you like all the kinds of anime, manga, and games. As I look at your area of posts, it seems that you have interesting in otome games and related matters. Do you like ero-ge (Ero games, they are mainly for guys), anime and manga for male people? Otome game is relatively minor genre in the universe of PC and PS's and other console Games. There are 100 times number of Ero-ge, than Otome game. In manga genre, shoujo-manga (manga for girls and female) is pretty large genre, but still manga for boys and male is bigger genre than shoujo-manga. Anime genre as well. There are really numerous games, manga and anime. 1,000,000 works or more, or near.... I don't know. There are also manga, anime, games for both male and female. Numerous number, I think. I recently knew that Mari-mite ("Maria-sama ga miteru" - [Lady Maria is watching], originally stories, novels for young people, that is, Light-novel, -- Yuri, girls' school life stories) is loved by both girls and boys, female and male. Do you know this story (there are many parodies of this novels, manga, anime, games etc.) In game genre, there is "Toho Project" series. and.... Ahh, numerous stories, works and so and so. ......
    Deviant-art -- in my memory, this is original image posting forum/site. There may be many artist, illustrators and their works. Are you an illustrator? (Regretfully, I cannot draw pictures. But I enjoy to see various pictures).
    Sorry for long message. Regards. mrd.
    Hello, Vishwa. How do you do. I am Mildis fon Liliengarten (a joke). the nickname Mildis comes from (mainly) "mild" in English (and "Myrte", "myrtus"). Where does your name come, I wonder. You seem to be pretty active here. What kind of manga, anime, game, etc., do you like? How do you feel or think about this forum. Sorry for many questions. Anyway. Welcome. Regards, mrd.
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